Verajohn casino - good
Vera und John Casino Test - in Österreich
Vera und John Casino Test - in Österreich
Es hat vielleicht nicht den aufregendsten Namen in der Welt der Online-Casinos in Österreich, aber Vera John ist eine Website, die in den letzten Jahren im Vereinigten Königreich sehr beliebt geworden ist. Es positioniert sich selbst als "ein Online-Casino, das mehr Spaß macht" - wir werden sehen, wie wahr das ist in unserem Vera&John Casino Test. Es rühmt sich eines Pools von Zehntausenden von Spielern, sowie einige der größten Jackpots der Welt. Die Spieler finden eine große Auswahl an Spielen, von spannenden Video-Slots bis hin zu attraktiven Tischspielen. Dieses Online-Casino könnte perfekt für Sie sein.
Software und Angebot an Spielen
Dieser Bericht über Vera&John Casino beginnt mit der Auswahl an Spielen. Dies ist natürlich eine große Priorität für Spieler auf jeder Online-Casino-Website. Wie bei vielen anderen Websites kommen auch hier die Liebhaber von Spielautomaten voll auf ihre Kosten. Dieses Casino bietet auch mehrere neue Arten von Spielen. Wenn Sie schon einmal von Slingo gehört haben, könnte es Sie interessieren, mehr zu lesen
Liebhaber von Videospielautomaten werden Vera&John lieben, da in diesem Casino mehr als Titel verfügbar sind. Diese Spielautomaten stammen von verschiedenen Anbietern wie Microgaming, NetEnt und IGT. Einige der beliebtesten Slots sind Aliens, Jurassic Park und Gonzo's Quest. Darüber hinaus werden in diesem Casino ständig neue Spielautomaten aufgestellt. Sie werden auch eine große Auswahl an klassischen Spielautomaten finden, die diejenigen ansprechen, die etwas Einfacheres suchen.
Progressive Spielautomaten
Wie alle guten Casinos hat Vera&John eine anständige Auswahl an progressiven Jackpot-Slots. Mega Moolah, Mega Fortune, Hall of Gods sind alles große Namen hier. Außerdem finden Sie eine fantastische Sammlung von progressiven Mega-Jackpots von IGT, darunter Wolf Run und Cleopatra. Es gibt insgesamt 23 progressive Spielautomaten, das ist mehr als bei den meisten anderen Online-Casinos.
Tischspiele und Live-Dealer-Spiele
Wenn Sie auf die Registerkarte "Tischspiele" klicken, sehen Sie eine große Anzahl von Spielen auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Es gibt insgesamt 48 Online-Tischspiele, darunter viele Versionen von Roulette und Blackjack. Darüber hinaus gibt es mehrere Baccarat-Spiele sowie Punto Banco und Casino Hold'em. Die Tischspiele können kostenlos gespielt werden, so dass Sie Ihre Taktiken üben können, bevor Sie Ihr hart verdientes Geld riskieren.
Die meisten der Live-Casino-Spiele stammen von Evolution Gaming. Spiele von einem so renommierten Softwareentwickler sollten Live-Dealer-Fans sofort ansprechen. Allerdings gibt es nicht viele Titel, Sie werden nur 13 sehen, wenn Sie ein Live-Casino besuchen. Roulette und Blackjack stehen zur Verfügung, ebenso wie Poker mit drei Karten, Dream Catcher und Football Studio. Es ist nicht das umfangreichste Live-Casino, aber es sollte für viele Spieler ausreichend sein.
Andere Spiele
Bei Vera&John gibt es mehrere verschiedene Slingo-Spiele. Diese Art von Spiel wird bei Online-Spielern immer beliebter. Es ist eine Mischung aus Bingo und Spielautomaten, die den Spielspaß noch erhöht! Sie können auch einige große Preise gewinnen. Wenn Sie Vera&John abonnieren, können Sie Slingo ausprobieren. Das wird nicht auf allzu vielen anderen Websites angeboten.
Das einzige andere Spiel, das erwähnenswert ist, ist Video-Poker, obwohl es insgesamt nur drei gibt. Sie finden sie in der Kategorie Tischspiele. Video-Poker-Fans werden sicherlich nicht so bald zu Vera&John strömen, es sei denn, das Casino verbessert seine Auswahl.
Boni und Beförderungen
Boni und Promotionen sind sehr wichtig für diejenigen, die sich einem neuen Casino anschließen möchten. Dies ist das nächste Thema unseres Vera&John Online Casino Testberichts. Anstatt sich auf den großen Willkommensbonus zu konzentrieren, bietet das Casino eine Reihe verschiedener Promotionen an, darunter auch Turniere.
Um ehrlich zu sein, ist der Willkommensbonus bei Vera&John ein wenig enttäuschend. Es ist ein unglaublich einfacher Bonus. Es erhöht einfach Ihre erste Einzahlung um %, bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von 50 £. Das war's - keine Freispiele oder irgendetwas anderes, das Sie erwarten würden. Dieser Bonus ist jedoch nicht verfügbar, wenn Sie eine Einzahlung über Skrill oder Neteller vornehmen. Es ist am besten, diese Einzahlungsoptionen zu vermeiden, wenn Sie im Jahr bei Vera&John Casino einsteigen.
Es gibt noch weitere Bedingungen zu beachten, die den Reiz des Willkommensbonus nicht wesentlich erhöhen. Die Wettanforderung ist 45x, was etwas höher ist als bei den meisten anderen Casinos. Außerdem wird dieser Bonus nicht automatisch angewendet. Sie müssen sich an der Kasse registrieren lassen - wenn Sie das nicht tun, erhalten Sie kein Bonusgeld. Zumindest gibt es keine Begrenzung für den Betrag, den Sie mit Ihrem Bonusgeld gewinnen können.
Treueprämien und Werbeaktionen
Informationen über das Treueprogramm von Vera&John sind nicht leicht zu finden, und das ist schade, denn das Programm ist nicht schlecht. Sie erhalten Münzen, wenn Sie verschiedene Spiele spielen oder bestimmte Aktionen durchführen. Einige Beispiele sind die Registrierung eines Kontos oder die erste Einzahlung. Sie können Münzen verdienen, wenn Sie Spiele bewerten, was eine weitere gute Möglichkeit ist, Ihr Münzguthaben zu erhöhen. Sie können Ihre Münzen für verschiedene Freispiele und andere Sonderaktionen ausgeben.
Bei Vera&John gibt es kein VIP-Programm, so dass die Spieler mit den höchsten Ausgaben sich an das Standard-Treueprogramm halten müssen. Derzeit ist das Fehlen eines VIP-Programms für ein Casino ungewöhnlich. Durch dieses Versäumnis könnte Vera&John eine ganze Reihe von High Roller verlieren.
Garantierte Gewinne
Die Guaranteed Win-Promotion gibt es bei Vera&John bereits seit Erstens wird ein täglicher Garantiebetrag festgelegt. Wenn Sie dann den größten Preis des Tages gewinnen, aber feststellen, dass dieser unter dem täglichen Garantiebetrag liegt, behalten Sie Ihren Gewinn trotzdem. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie einen Anteil am täglichen Garantiepreis. Für die monatlichen Gewinner gibt es eine andere Version. Auf diese Weise wird sichergestellt, dass die größten Gewinner von Vera&John immer das Geld bekommen, das sie verdienen.
Eines der spannendsten Elemente von Vera&John sind die Turniere. Alle zwei oder drei Tage beginnt ein neues Turnier, und Sie werden ermutigt, so viele Partien wie möglich zu spielen. Die 50 Erstplatzierten der Rangliste erhalten einen Anteil am Preisgeld. Die angebotenen Turniere sind besonders für Fans von Online-Slots geeignet.
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, Geld bei Vera&John einzuzahlen. Nämlich Kredit-/Debitkarte, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, paysafecard und EcoPayz. Einzahlungen sind völlig kostenlos und in der Regel sofort möglich. Der Mindestbetrag, den Sie pro Transaktion einzahlen können, beträgt 10 £, was absolut fair ist.
Abhebungen sind denkbar einfach und können im Kassenbereich der Website vorgenommen werden. Es ist kein Mindestbetrag festgelegt, aber der Höchstbetrag, der auf einmal abgehoben werden kann, beträgt £. Sie sollten wissen, dass die meisten Abhebungen etwa 48 Stunden dauern, aber Abhebungen per E-Wallet können schneller sein.
Sicherheit und Fairplay
Die Spieler werden sich freuen zu hören, dass Vera&John von der UK Gambling Commission reguliert wird. Es gibt jedoch keine Regelung durch eine andere nationale oder globale Einrichtung. Die UKGC-Lizenznummer lautet , falls Sie sich vergewissern möchten, dass dieses Casino ordnungsgemäß reguliert ist.
Leider gibt es kein Zertifikat, das bestätigt, dass die Spiele bei Vera&John von eCOGRA geprüft wurden. Auch wenn es höchst unwahrscheinlich ist, dass die Spiele unehrlich sind, wäre es besser, eine Bestätigung von einer externen Stelle einzuholen. Jede finanzielle Transaktion auf der Website ist durch die SSL-Verschlüsselungstechnologie geschützt. Das bedeutet, dass Ihre Bankdaten immer absolut sicher sind.
Um Vera&John Casino zu kontaktieren, klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche "Live Chat" in der unteren rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. Dadurch erhalten Sie Zugang zum Live-Chat, dem schnellsten und einfachsten Weg, eine Antwort vom Support zu erhalten. Sie können auch unter der Nummer anrufen, aber seien Sie dabei vorsichtig. Laut der Website von Vera&John können Sie bis zu einer Stunde warten, bis Ihr Anruf entgegengenommen wird! E-Mail ist eine weitere Möglichkeit der Kontaktaufnahme. Senden Sie Ihre Anfrage an Die Website-Links am unteren Rand der Homepage enthalten eine ganze Reihe von Informationen, die Sie sich ansehen sollten, bevor Sie das Team kontaktieren.
Vera-John Bewertung & Infos
Vera-John auf einen Blick
Vera-John überzeugt nicht nur durch sein vergleichsweise frisches und fröhliches Design, mit welchem er sich von anderen onlinebasierten Spielotheken entsprechend abzugrenzen versucht. Weitere Vorteile, die Spieler aus aller Welt für Vera&John begeistern können, sind zum Beispiel auch:
- die große Auswahl an fast verschiedenen Games
- die strenge und EU-weit gültige Glücksspiellizenz der MGA aus Malta, die dieser Spielothek erteilt wurde
- der kompetente und auch deutschsprachige Kundenservice
- schnelle Auszahlungen von realisierten Gewinnen innerhalb von nur 24 Stunden durch den Betreiber an die Spieler
- Ein- und Auszahlungen gebührenfrei
- täglich gibt es bei Vera & John interessante neue Aktionen für die Spieler
- die Internetpräsenz ist nicht nur modern, sondern auch gut strukturiert und aufgeräumt, was die Orientierung besonders der neuen und unerfahrenen Spieler ungemein erleichtert
Bereits seit besteht Vera&John und zählt inzwischen zu den echten Geheimtipps unter den Online Spielotheken. So sorgen tolle Bonus- und Aktionsangebote und ein attraktives Treueprogramm für jede Menge positives Kundenfeedback. Darüber hinaus hat Vera&John die letzten Jahre genutzt, um sein Spielangebot auf mehr als Spiele zu erweitern. Dabei sind natürlich alle wichtigen Anbieter wie NetEnt, Playn Go, Yggdrasil & Co. mit ihren Spielen vertreten.
Prozent Bonus und 20 Freispiele auf die erste Einzahlung
Wenn dich die bunten Farben und das ungewohnte Design nicht überzeugen, der Willkommensbonus tut es bestimmt. Denn die erste Einzahlung bringt einen Bonus von Prozent bis zu Euro. Zusätzlich auf Deine erste Einzahlung bekommst Du noch 20 Freispiele für Book of Dead, der Book of Ra Alternative schlechthin. Die Höhe der Einzahlung spielt für die Freispiel keine Rolle.
Boni und Aktionen sind aber nicht nur neuen Spielern vorbehalten, dank des Treueprogramms kannst du dir VIP-Punkte erspielen, die du bei Vera-John Shop gegen Freispiele, Super Spins und sogar Einzahlungsboni eintauschen kannst. VIP-Punkte gibt es dabei nicht nur fürs Spielen, sondern auch für Einzahlungen, das Werben eines Freundes und sogar den regelmäßigen Login. In den täglichen Turnieren kannst du dich außerdem mit den anderen Spielern messen und tolle Preise gewinnen.
Vera-John garantiert sogar den ersten Gewinn durch einen sogenannten „Thrill Spin“, ein Slot-Dreh, der solange selbst weiterläuft, bis er entweder seinen Wert von 2,50 Euro erreicht oder überschreitet.
Spieleangebot bei Vera-John
Mit seinen über Spielen muss sich Vera&John sicher nicht vor seinen größeren Mitbewerbern verstecken. Dabei arbeitet die Spielothek mit praktisch allen wichtigen Providern und Spieleentwicklern zusammen. Dazu zählen unter anderem Branchengrößen wie Playn Go, BetSoft, NetEnt, Microgaming, Yggdrasil und Leander Games. Dank einer umfangreichen Filterfunktion lässt sich das gesamte Angebot sogar gezielt nach Entwicklern durchsuchen. Perfekt für alle, welche die Spiele bestimmter Provider bevorzugen.
Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Spielekategorien, die ebenfalls eine gute Übersicht bieten. In der Kategorie Beliebte Spiele findest du zum Beispiel die typischen Verdächtigen wie etwa die Spielautomaten Book of Dead von Playn Go und Starburst von NetEnt.
Mobil bei Vera-John spielen
Nicht nur am heimischen Computer kannst du dich bei Vera-John austoben, auch auf mobilen Endgeräten wie Smartphones und Tablets kannst du dich ganz normal anmelden und mit deinem Guthaben an über Spielen weiterspielen. Da die Spiele Flash-basiert sind, ist das auch ganz einfach über den Browser deines Geräts möglich, ohne eine App herunterladen zu müssen. Zwar wirbt Vera-John mit einer App für iOS-Geräte, allerdings stellt diese auch nur die mobile Seite der Online-Spielothek dar und bietet im Vergleich zur Browser-Version keinen Mehrwert.
Die App zusammengefasst:
- Mehr als mobile Spiele
- Verfügbar sind Starburst, Cleopatra und Jack Hammer
- Sicher und schnell Ein- und Auszahlungen erledigen
- Direkt erreichbarer Kundenservice.
- Spannende Wettbewerbe, Turniere und Geschenke
Zahlungsmethoden bei Vera&John
Alle verfügbaren Ein- und Auszahlungsmethoden listet Vera&John übersichtlich auf seinen Seiten auf. Einzahlungen können etwa per Sofortüberweisung, Giropay und auch über Prepaidkarten wie Paysafecard erfolgen. Hinzu kommen Ein- und Auszahlungen per Kreditkarte und diverse bekannte E-Wallets und Zahlungsdienstleister wie etwa Trustly, Skrill, Neteller und ecoPayz. Bei den meisten Einzahlungsmethoden erfolgt die Gutschrift auf dein Kundenkonto unmittelbar nach erfolgter Transaktion. Positiv anzumerken ist, dass Vera&John grundsätzlich für keine der angebotenen Zahlungsmethoden Gebühren erhebt.
Kundensupport bei Vera&John
Zahlreiche Pluspunkte sammelt Vera&John auch mit seinem kompetenten Kundensupport. Diesen erreichst du als Kunde der Spielothek wahlweise per Live-Chat, Telefon oder per E-Mail über ein Kontaktformular. Der deutschsprachige Live-Chat und der Telefonsupport sind montags bis sonntags in der Zeit von Uhr bis Uhr (CET) erreichbar. Vera&John verspricht für seinen Live-Chat eine Reaktionszeit von knapp 30 Sekunden. Der E-Mail Support ist unterdessen 24 Stunden erreichbar, wobei die durchschnittliche Antwortzeit ungefähr 30 bis 60 Minuten beträgt.
Sicherheit und Regulierung
Die strenge Lizenz durch die EU-konforme Regulierungsbehörde aus Malta steht bei Vera & John für die Einhaltung sämtlicher Auflagen, auch in Punkto Datenschutz und Datensicherheit sowie für ein insgesamt hoch professionelles und auch seriöses Auftreten dieses Anbieters. Auch wird seitens des Betreibers eine offensive Aufklärungsarbeit in Bezug auf den Suchtfaktor und die entsprechenden Risiken geleistet, mit denen nun einmal auch das onlinebasierte Glücksspiel stets verbunden bleibt.
Die Seriosität des Anbieters
Die Tatsache, dass der Betreiber von Vera & John auf Malta ansässig ist, weckt bei vielen potenziellen Spielern und Besuchern der Online-Präsenz bereits Misstrauen. Doch erweist sich diese Skepsis bei genauerer Betrachtung und Prüfung des Anbieters durchaus als unbegründet. Die Sitznahme auf Malta erfolgte nämlich nicht in betrügerischer Absicht, sondern vermutlich rein aus steuerlichen Gründen heraus, was in dieser Branche durchaus üblich ist. Ebenso steht die Glücksspiellizenz von Malta als Gütesiegel und als Garant für eine entsprechende Seriosität.
Auch die Tatsache, dass bei Vera & John insgesamt fast einzelne Glücksspiele für die Besucher der Spielothek verfügbar gehalten werden und der Betreiber zudem laufend interessante Bonusaktionen fährt, deuten insgesamt auf einen hohen Grad an Professionalität und auch Seriosität dieses Spielothekenbetreibers und nicht auf kurzfristige betrügerische Absichten.
Vera&John kann mit seinem Angebot in praktisch allen wichtigen Punkten überzeugen. Zum einen bietet dir die Spielothek, dank Malta-Lizenz und der Zusammenarbeit mit bekannten Providern, eine sichere Spielumgebung. Zum anderen kannst dich als Kunde über zahlreiche Aktionen wie Turniere und attraktive Bonusangebote freuen. Wer regelmäßig bei Vera&John spielt, nimmt außerdem automatisch am Treueprogramm teil und sammelt fleißig Münzen. Diese kannst du im V&J Shop ausgeben, um etwa Bonusgutschriften, Gratiscredits oder Freispiele für bestimmte Slots zu kaufen.
Welchen Bonus hat Vera&John im Moment?
Vera&John bietet Dir einen % Bonus bis Euro. Bitte beachte die Bonusbedingungen.
Wie sind die Umsatzbedingungen?
Das Bonusguthaben muss 40x umgesetzt werden.
Welche Spiele gibt es bei Vera&John?
Vera-John hat über Spiele im Portfolio. Darunter die besten Slots von NetEnt, Microgaming und Play’n’Go.
Wie kann ich bei Vera-John bezahlen?
Im Vera-John Casino stehen alle gängigen Zahlungsmethoden zur Verfügung wie Kreditkarten (Mastercard, Visa), Sofortüberweisung, Paysafecard und gängige E-Wallets. Lediglich Paypal fehlt.
Wie ist der Support erreichbar?
Den Kundendienst bei Vera&John erreichst du per E-Mail, Live Chat und Telefon.
VeraJohn Casino
Vera&John Casino Review
Official Website: | |
Owner: | Dumarca Gaming Ltd |
Established: | |
License: | Dumarca Gaming Limited |
Social media profile: |
Vera&John Casino offers to take advantage of great bonuses and amazing games. This is a rising star among Net Entertainment gambling brands and is managed by Dumarca Gaming Ltd.
The website surprises with its colorful design. It seems that this is a casino with an atmosphere of fun and pleasure for all players.
High-quality games, as well as many exciting promotions, make this casino different from many others. Vera&John website is available on Swedish, Finnish, and Norwegian. German and English. Later they also added Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. The design of the website is cozy and bright. The available navigation mechanism makes the whole process simpler. At the main page you can find the whole list of the games and jackpots. Besides, there is a useful button “find games you’ll love” which allows you to search for any type of games and game providers just by the hashtag. If you are looking for customer support or decide to check the casino license you can find all that at the bottom of the main page.
Vera&John Casino Software and Games
Vera&John casino games are provided by BetSoft, Leander Gaming, Evolution Gaming, IGT, Play N Go, Bally Interactive, Quickspin, Three Pigeons, Microgaming, Yggdrasil, HOGaming, Evolution, NYX Gaming, Thunderkick, and NextGen Gaming.
Vera&John will impress you by more than 1, games such as blackjack and roulette, slot machines, and video slots.
The navigation of the website is quite easy because all the categories are sorted by their respective logos.
Vera&John casino presents very bright and incredibly exciting video slots. Among them are Mega Moolah, Cleopatra, Mega Fortunes, Wolf Runs, and Hall of God. The casino has 13 types of video poker – Caribbean, Jewel box, Wowpot, etc. Scratch cards, entertaining games with progressive jackpots: baccarat games, punto banco stand out against others.
Moreover, most land-based casinos cannot offer as many choices of table games as Vera&John casino does. For example, Blackjack lovers have an opportunity to play European Blackjack, Side Bet Blackjack, Blackjack Classic, etc.
If you are a fan of Roulette, then you will like more than 12 of its varieties in Vera&John Casino, some of them are Red Tiger’s Blackjack, European, Single Deck, and Deal or No Deal.
Vera&John Casino Features and Bonuses
Vera&John Casino offers a great opportunity to the customers who visited them for the first time. This is the welcome bonus for every customer on the first deposit. The offer is to get up to % + £ This is a great start for every player. The minimum in Vera&John £10 is the standard deposit for each bonus. If you make a deposit using e-wallets such as Skrill and Neteller, you are not entitled to this bonus. The maximum bet you can make is £ for slot machines and $25 for table games.
Welcome Bonus Bet Requirements at Vera&John
Before the withdrawal, all free spins winning shall be wagered 40 times. To do that, you have no more than 48 hours. There are other bonuses at Vera&John: bonuses for repeated deposits, bonuses for selected customers, and many others. After the initial shot of free spins is used up, the casino will offer a wide choice of other promotions.
Another promotion in Vera&John casino is Guaranteed winnings. Every day in Vera&John one of the selected customers of Vera&John casino receives 5, euros, and once a month someone wins 50, euros.
The player is not chosen randomly. The mechanism of the above promotion works the way that the client who receives the largest win per spin will get an additional boost of up to 5, euros. If the client, for example, wins 1, euros for one spin and no one could win during the day the same amount, the Vera&John casino administration gives him another 3, euros. The same principle works with a player whose monthly winnings were the highest, but in this case he will get not more than 50, euros. For example, if a client wins 35, euros per month, then the casino will pay an additional 15,
Vera&John do not have any VIP club, but they have a very good loyalty program. Every player automatically becomes a member. You can get rewards for almost every action that you do in this casino, including registration and deposit. It is simple the more coins you collect, the higher you go up the VIP club ladder.
Besides, Vera&John casino also has the so-called referral system, i.e. if the client invites his friend, he will be awarded points under the loyalty program.
Furthermore, the client can get registered to take part in any of the current tournaments organized by Vera&John casino. After, you only need to play some designated video slots. Who at the end of the tournament gets the largest amount will be the winner.
To find out the rules of a tournament, go to the Term and Conditions section.
Vera&John Casino – Welcome Bonus
Good Reputation /10
Bonus | % Up To € |
Bonus type | First Deposit Bonus |
Min. deposit | €10 |
Bonus code | No code required |
Bonus game | - |
Wagering | 40x |
This offer is available for players who have not yet made their first deposit to Vera&John. This offer entitles players to a % bonus on their first ever deposit. The maximum bonus amount is € for the first deposit bonuses. Bonus funds will be paid automatically immediately following a deposit of €10 or more. Deposit bonuses may only be used after the initial deposit has been consumed. Deposit bonuses carry a standard 40x wagering requirement playable on any game. Withdrawing cash or associated cash winnings before wagering requirements are complete will automatically forfeit any remaining bonus amount. Deposits made with eWallets such as Neteller or Skrill will not activate any deposit bonuses or promotions for players residing in Sweden or Finland. Wagering requirements must be completed within 30 days or bonus funds and related winnings will be confiscated.
VeraJohn Online Casino Review in Denmark
Pros and Cons of VeraJohn Casino
- Countless global participants
- Supports Neteller, Skrill, Cards, and more
- Many fascinating games
- Addictive casino features
- Authenticity is certified
- Instant & secure money transfer
- No disturbing real-time ads
- Rewards for almost everything
- High-quality reviews
- Unavailable online in some countries
- Doesn’t have the PayPal option
- A few provocative games
- Addictive casino features
How to Play Casino
It’s easy. Create an account first. After that, you should add payment methods. Then you can start playing. Pick a game that you find interesting and click on it. Most options have a ‘spin’ box, which will start the game for you. You will see the ‘bet’ option beside the spin box. There you can choose how much money you want to bet. Some options will even have a ‘bet on’ feature to give you the option of selecting a target to bet on. The ‘max bet’ box selects the highest bet of a spin.
There are some exciting tournaments and events always going on in Vera&John. While the table games are the most realistic, quick betting ones are reviewed to be more popular for their competitive and enjoyable gameplay. Vera&John even has a loyalty program to ensure that you win money. More than 30 gaming servers, including Evolution and NetEnt, are linked to the website. Playing for fun doesn’t require login. Subsequently, the live casino feature is the most played one recently, according to the stats of Vera&John casino review
Bonus Codes
Vera&John online casino bonus codes include the welcome bonus of up to € and other in-game bonuses. You can also use deposit bonuses, bonus cups, free spins, win spins, and super spins, etc. which allows you to earn more money faster. There are also some websites that give you promo codes for Vera&John bonuses. Some bonus codes only apply after the user is signed up. Vera&John supports a list of bonuses and promotions, including Vera & John casino no deposit casino bonus , which can be found on other affiliate review sites.
Download Mobile App
Vera & John mobile casino stands apart from most online casinos with its own mobile app feature, which is connected to your Apple iPhone. Vera&John mobile casino is really an extensively reviewed platform for gambling. Otherwise, if you are an Android user, you can easily add a shortcut for the website to your home screen by either selecting ‘Add to home screen’ option or by holding the icon to add it manually. Scamming apps will be developed, so make sure you are at the real Vera&John casino for money withdrawal.
Live Casino
The Live Casino is just as interesting as it sounds. Vera&John has this feature where you can participate in online casino games. Vera&John casino reviews give you more info about this feature. The list of these options includes:
- Live Sic Bo
- Live Squeeze Baccarat
- Sic Bo SB1
- Live Rapid Roulette
- Live Roulette Pro
- Live Auto Roulette etc.
Keep in mind that some of these games have a location-based function, which denies permission to play for certain countries. However, it is available for most European and American countries.
Vera&John has a long list of available games. Some of the top games are namely Empire Fortune (jackpots), Durian Dynamites (tournaments), Blackjack (table), Slingo Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Slingo), Book of Dead, and Starburst. Most of them have unique features and are exciting. The max bet on table games is €25 while you can win much more with a 40x wager.
Deposit, Withdrawal options & Payment methods
Vera&John supports both deposit and withdrawal options with services including e-wallet, cards, and online banking. With Skrill and Neteller options for payments, Vera&John has a strong policy focused on payment methods. In case of the withdrawal reviewing, this online casino offers instant cash-out and secure, reliable service. While cash withdrawal is free, there is a % fee on using cards. The minimum deposit varies from €10 to €10, on e-wallets and €1, on cards. So seemingly, using e-wallet is the best option, if you want to benefit from Vera&John casino real money cash.
Serviceable Countries
Vera&John is not supported in all the countries. With some countries not yet lined up for use, Vera&John is looking forward to updating that option real soon for better reviews. Now available in:
- Sweden
- Norway
- Finland
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Ireland
- Netherlands
- Japan
- Brazil
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- Denmark
- Peru
Support & Contact
Vera&John has a developed support center with FAQ, Live chat, and Contact links on their footer. You can also read through the privacy policy and the terms & conditions. The site also has a respective page to make you aware of gambling addiction as well. The live chat option is unavailable on weekends but they try to answer within 12hours during the week. Though in-game bugs are very few to be yet reported, most problems are fixed upon contacting support. Vera & John mobile casino is often praised for their good customer service and report review.
Keep connected through our site for updates on Vera&John DK casino review.
ALL Vera&John Casino Bonuses
Vera&John Casino Payment and Withdrawal Methods
Vera&John casino does not charge any additional commission for depositing and withdrawing funds. Withdrawals take from 24 hours to days, as it depends on which method you choose.
The currencies offered at Vera&John casino are Hong Kong Dollar, Brazilian Real, Danish Krone, Euro, British Pound, Thai Baht, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krona, and US Dollar.
As a rule, funds are credited almost instantly and you will not have to wait long.
Payment Methods | Withdrawal Limits | Withdrawal Time | Deposit Limits | Deposit Time | Fees |
EcoPayz | N/A | N/A | MIN €10 / MAX €10, | Instant | Free |
Neteller | N/A | N/A | MIN €10 / MAX €10, | Instant | Free |
MasterCard, VISA | N/A | N/A | MIN €10 / MAX €1, | Instant | %, max €5 |
Skrill | N/A | N/A | MIN €10 / MAX €1, | Instant | Free |
Trustly | N/A | N/A | MIN €10 / MAX €2, | Instant | Free |
Also, please bear in mind that when replenishing your account using bank cards, you will need to indicate the card number, holder name, card expiration date, and CVV2 code. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use your own card for deposits as required by the rules of Vera&John casino.
Before withdrawing funds from Vera&John Casino, it is necessary to make a preliminary request. When using payment systems or electronic wallets, a cashout can be a matter of minutes, after the withdrawal is approved by the casino financial staff. The minimum withdrawal is 10 EUR. The maximum amount of withdrawal at Vera&John is 10, EUR with Neteller, EcoPayz, and Trustly. However, for the VISA and MasterCard the withdrawal is 1, EUR.
Vera and John Casino Customer Support
For all questions in Vera&John regarding the games or difficulties associated with depositing funds, or withdrawing funds, as well as other issues, players can contact customer support from Monday to Sunday from to BST.
There are several ways to contact the casino professional staff. You can get advice by writing an email to Telephone support of Vera&John is available during business hours at +44 60 80 They respond fast and do their best to answer all emails within 12 hours.
You can also get help in real-time by using the online chat.
Vera & John Live Casino
The Vera&John live casino section is fairly well-known for its wide range of games. Among the incredible variety, you will find board games like roulette, baccarat, blackjack, and poker. Live casino providers are Evolution Gaming, Microgaming (Quickfire), and NetEnt.
The above games are put in a separate category unlike slot machines hosted on the casino official website.
In turn, all games with live dealers in Vera&John casino are divided into several categories. Everyone has access to the main section, Live Casino Paris, where live games are provided by the developer Evolution Gaming.
The Vera&John casino Live Roulette category includes more than six roulette varieties, including VIP roulette, auto roulette, and others. The minimum bet is only €
Blackjack is a larger section. Here you will find about 30 varieties of blackjack with minimum bets ranging from € to €
Live Baccarat in Vera&John here you will find about five varieties of Baccarat with minimum bets from €1 to €5. By visiting this section, you can play Speed Baccarat, Baccarat Control Squeeze, baccarat Squeeze, Baccarat A, and Baccarat B.
Vera&John Mobile Casino
Vera&John casino can be launched on mobile devices and tablets and runs smoothly as well.
Vera&John casino allows customers to play without undue delays on a website or using the relevant proprietary app on their smartphone running Android or iOS. There is also a real-time game with casinos where they can join real-time promotions with live dealers.
Vera&John Casino Security
All information the customers share with Vera&John casino is encrypted using bit SSL technology protecting the players personal info and credit card details.
The casino fair play is based on a random results generation system. Vera&John casino is licensed by the most stringent authorities in the EU – Malta Gaming Authority. Therefore, you can be sure that the casino practices are legal and verified by the relevant third parties and that your data and money are safe here.
Casino Restrictions
Vera&John does not accept players from the following countries: Australia, China, Netherlands, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, U.S. Miscellaneous Pacific Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, the United Kingdom, the United States. You must be 18 years old to play in this casino.
Vera&John Casino began to welcome players back in , so I have seen information about it on gambling forums and sites numerous times. I was attracted by its high rating, but since I am a supporter of everything modern, I did not like the idea of playing slots on such an old platform. To make a final decision about registering at this casino, I analyzed information and realized that, in addition to the obvious advantages, Vera & John has some weaknesses.
- A profitable loyalty program;
- the support team works through 3 channels;
- the collection of games includes more than 1, names;
- a variable bonus system.
- There is no way to get a VIP status;
- only a few payment systems for withdrawing funds;
- the site is banned in 8 countrie
VeraJohn Casino FAQ
- 1
Who owns Vera&John Casino?
Vera&John Online Casino belongs to Dumarca Gaming Limited a company registered under the laws of Malta.
- 2
Is Vera&John Casino legit?
Vera&John Casino has a license issued by the UK Gambling Commission. In addition, it is also licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. All these facts can show you the authority and safety environment that you deserve at Vera&John Casino.
- 3
Is Vera&John Casino fake?
Vera&John is a part of the InterCasino Group, which is one of the longest established in the business. Because of this, they have already earned a positive reputation and are licensed by two major licensing organizations, one of them being the United Kingdom Gambling Commission.
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VeraJohn Casino Review
Please note: This online casino currently doesnt accept players from UK. Please choose an alternative from our list of best online casinos.
This casino will likely win the prize for the most unique name, verajohn casino, but that should not keep you from playing it. In fact, it is a part of the InterCasino Group, verajohn casino is one of the longest established in the business. Because of this, they have already earned a positive reputation and are licensed by two major licensing organizations, one of them being the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. This is the most highly regarded agency in terms of licensing online casinos. Vera&John is also regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority.
🥇 Vera & John | Vera & John |
Rating | / |
🎲 Total number of games | + |
💻 Software provider | NetEnt, Microgaming |
🎁 Welcome bonus | |
⚖️Regulation | UK Gambling Commission |
🏆 Vera & John | Play Here! |
The casino has a design unlike any other. It is quite creative and may take some players time to get used to where everything is. We also want to let our readers know whether or not this casino is a scam, because it is important to be able to trust the site that you ultimately choose to place some bets on. That is our aim in writing this Vera&John casino review.
Overview of Our Experiences
Our experiences at this casino have been largely positive. The bright and cheery nature of the homepage makes us want to play. Once we got used to the layout, we found it is easy to browse through and select the games that we wanted to play. This is as essential element for an online casino to have, verajohn casino, and it is one that is well appreciated.
In terms of variety, this casino has a bit of everything aside from a sportsbook. Some players might be disappointed by the lack of a poker room, but there is video poker to keep some people happy. There are table games and plenty of slots that will attract a majority of the players at Vera&John.
Company: | Dumarca Gaming Ltd | |
Address: | The Emporium, Level verajohn casino, St Louis Street, Msida MSDverajohn casino, Verajohn casino number: | |
Regulation/license: | UKGC, MGA | |
Phone: | ||
eMail: | | |
Live chat: | Yes, 8 AM 11 PM |
As we mentioned, verajohn casino, the design of the homepage is a bit unique, verajohn casino. You will find a colourful banner that highlights various promotions and casino news. The menu is actually above the banner, and it is a bit small. We think that this can be fixed, but once you know where the items are, it become easy enough to locate them. The rest of the homepage contains featured slots, so you can always select one of those and begin playing right away.
While there might be over slots available for play at this casino, the banking options are few and far between. While these are easy enough to access, we would like to have seen a few more options available for individuals to take advantage of. We will go over the specific payment channels here in a bit.
Customer service is a bright spot at verajohn casino casino, verajohn casino. They have clearly posted operating hours, and there are several different ways to reach somebody. We had no issues in getting a response to any of our Wild Sultan Casino : Best Bonus Review 2022 Check: Scam or Not?
We have checked out every aspect of this operation and can say that is not a Vera&John scam. To begin with, it has a license issued by the UK Gambling Commission. Any online casino that receives such a license does so with the knowledge that its entire operation will be watched Robin Hood Outlaw Slot Machine Review and governed. Verajohn casino addition, Vera&John is also licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. This is a good license to note because this agency is known for being proactive for player rights and complaints.
One thing that this casino has done well is figuring out how to get accepted in many countries around the world. Players from most of the European continent appear to be welcome here, verajohn casino. Residents of United States, verajohn casino, China, and Australia are the major locations that are not 7 Sins The Nitty-Gritty. If want to make sure that you can play here, you will simply need to go to the homepage and register for an account. You will find out at that point if you happen to be in a restricted area.
We always appreciate a casino that openly promote player responsibility. This site uses GamCare, which is an agency that provides resources to players who are having a problem and might be suffering from a gambling addiction. The site itself has a lot of information related to encouraging individuals to play responsibly and to stop playing when the games are no longer fun.
While we appreciate that the process to deposit and withdraw money is very easy here, verajohn casino, we would like to see some more options. As the casino begins to market to players in more and more countries, surely this will change. Many individuals are not able to use verajohn casino credit or debit card at an online casino, so the options here are limited at best.
Overview verajohn casino the Offers from Vera&John
This casino is part of an established group and it has grown in terms of the number of games that it offers. There are actually several different software platforms represented here, including NetEnt, verajohn casino, Microgaming, Play’n Go, and Leander Games. This allows the site to easily have over slots. In addition, you will find some table games and a live casino to keep you occupied as well.
The Website of Vera&John | |
Online Casino
There are verajohn casino over slots at Vera&John. We think that this is just enough to provide most players with more than ample choices as verajohn casino play, verajohn casino. That is nearly a new slot every day of the year, so what more could you really ask for? Some of the featured slots on the homepage include Wolf Gold, Great Rhino, Halloween Jack, and Bonanza Megaways.
A bright spot of this casino is number of table games available to choose from. This can provide a refreshing change from slots. There are more than 50 selections at the current time, with a wide variety of blackjack and roulette options ruling the section. Browse through here and you are sure to find a game or two that you would like to play.
In addition to the table games, you will find a few offerings in the live casino. This is a great place to visit when you want the interaction of a live dealer and other players all sitting around the same table. This casino also has slingo, which is a cool combination of slots and bingo.
Vera&John Bonus: Check Out the Offer
Just about every casino today has offers welcome bonuses of one variety or another. Vera&John is no exception to this rule, verajohn casino, although their variety might not be as appealing as many players would like to see. New players can verajohn casino a bonus of percent on their first deposit up to a total of £
While this might not seem like a great deal, you have to remember that it is essentially free money. You just have to make a minimum deposit of £ You will then receive that same amount as a bonus, up to £ That means if your first deposit is £25, then the casino will match it with another £25 to provide you with a total of £50 in your account right from the beginning. You can then use this money to begin playing games in the casino right away.
Deposit bonus: | % up to £50 |
Bonus condition: | 40x Wagering Requirement |
Validity: | 30 days |
Other promotions: | N/A |
You will want to be aware of some of the conditions that are attached to the Vera&John bonus. To begin with, there is a 40x wagering requirement that needs to be met before you can cash out any winnings from the bonus. This amount is taken to be the deposit that you made plus the bonus, so keep that in mind as you begin playing. Once verajohn casino have met the wagering requirement, which must be satisfied within 30 days by the way, you are free to do a cash out.
You will also want to note that residents of the UK who make a deposit via either Neteller or Skrill are not eligible to receive verajohn casino bonus. Not all games carry the same weight either. For example, blackjack and games played in the live casino only count as 10% when it comes to meeting the wagering requirement. Complete conditions can be found on the homepage.
Deposit and Payout at the Casino
There are not many banking options at Vera&John, so you will need to choose carefully. You will find that Visa and Mastercard are accepted, both debit and credit cards. However, many players have reported that they are not permitted to use their bank cards to make deposits at an online casino. If that is the case for you, this casino also offers ecoPayz, Neteller, and Skrill as alternatives. Each are secure and work in many locations around the globe.
You will also want to keep in mind that you must deposit a minimum of £10 with each deposit, no matter which type of payment method you end up using. You are more than welcome to use more than one payment channel, but each deposit will still need to be for at least the minimum. All payments are made using a secure channel, so you can be confident in that.
verajohn casino Options at Vera&John | |
Deposit options: | Visa, Maestro, Visa Debit, Mastercard |
Minimum deposit : | £10 |
Fees: | None |
Accepted currency: | EUR, GBP |
Payout options: | Visa, Maestro, Visa Debit, Mastercard |
When you are ready to withdraw your money from the casino, verajohn casino, you will find an easy to follow process that other online casinos should use as a model. Not only will the withdrawals be completed in an average 24 hours, but they will made back to the same payment method you used to deposit the money in the first place. This is yet another great feature of the casino and is a further reason to verajohn casino that it is not a scam.
Security and Regulation
We want to again point out that this casino is highly regulated, verajohn casino. To begin with, it is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. This is an agency that does not just grant a license to any casino operation that comes along. A license from them actually means something. You will also want to note that Vera&John is regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, further instilling confidence on the part of its players.
When it comes to trusting the payment channels at this casino, you will want to know Dragon Reign Slots Machine it makes use of a bit SSL encryption software that virtually guarantees the integrity of any financial or personal information that passes through it. This is a positive sign for the casino, and it means that individuals can place their deposits with confidence.
Finally, we also like the fact that Vera&John openly promotes the resources of GamCare. This is an agency committed to helping individuals overcome gambling addiction. This casino makes available a range of online resources to help individuals play responsibly. This is most definitely a step in the right direction.
Customer Support
It is always helpful to be able to get a hold of a member of customer support when you have a question. These questions will inevitably come when playing at an online casino, and this one provides its players with several options to reach a member of the support team.
You can always contact someone via the live chat feature on the homepage. You can reach someone via this method every day of the year from 8 AM to 11 PM. This is an effective way to get a quick answer to most of your questions, even when you are in the midst of playing a game.
You can also call the support desk during those same hours. Alternatively, Wheel of Light Slots Machine is an option. If you do not mind waiting a few hours for a response, just send off your query to the casinos email, verajohn casino. This is a great way to spell out what you need and then wait for an informed and detailed response in reply.
Usability of the Online Casino
Slots are the foundation of verajohn casino online casino. If that is what you are looking for, then you will find plenty to choose from here. The homepage is well laid out, and the slots are divided out by section to make it easy to find them.
Once you log into this site, you will notice it is very easy to use. You will be able to access table games, slots, and much more right from the homepage. The site is functional and well verajohn casino. This is why so many individuals have begun playing at this casino in recent years.
Vera&John App: Many Different Slots
Just visiting this site verajohn casino a pleasant experience. You will notice that there is a clear pattern to where the games are located, and the filtering system makes it easy to find what you are looking for. Pages load quickly, and there is minimal fuss to get your money on deposit and ready to play.
You will also find that there is a mobile casino that is fully functional and ready to go, verajohn casino. The Vera&John app is a great way to experience the fun of gaming. Most of the features will still be visible on a smartphone or tablet, meaning that you can play your favourite games from just about anywhere in the world.
Conclusion: Interesting Online Casino with a Nice Interface
This is an online casino that has a unique design and quite a few games to offer its players. In our Vera&John casino review, we found the site verajohn casino be simple to navigate, and that many of the major software providers are represented here. This is a place where you can enjoy your gaming experience and know that you are being looked after.
Vera&John Casino Review
We've thoroughly reviewed Vera&John Casino and gave it a very good reputation rating, which means it's a great casino to play at, verajohn casino. In our review, we've considered the casino's player complaints, estimated revenues, license, games genuineness, customer support quality, fairness of terms and conditions, verajohn casino and win limits, and other factors, verajohn casino. Because Vera&John Casino is related to other online casinos listed below, its rating is also influenced by them. So, if you were ever wondering whether this casino is safe and legit or a scam, read the full review below to learn more.
According to our research and estimates, Vera&John Casino is a big online casino with a large revenue and number of players. The revenue of a casino is an important factor, as bigger casinos shouldn't have any issues paying out big wins, while smaller casinos could potentially struggle if you manage to win really big.
We currently have 1 complaints directly about this casino in our database, verajohn casino, as well as 7 complaints about other casinos related to it, verajohn casino. Because of these complaints, we've given this casino black points in total, out of which 7 come from related casinos. Verajohn casino can find more information verajohn casino all of the complaints and black points below.
Warning: Vera&John Casino has certain sections of Bonus Terms and Conditions that we consider to be unfair to the verajohn casino players. These might cause you issues verajohn casino you decide to take advantage of the casino's bonuses or promotions. Because of this, we advise you to look for a casino with fair rules or at least pay special attention to this casino's Terms and Conditions if you decide to play at it.
Warning: Vera&John Casino has a win limit of €1, per spin (game round). If you win more, you will not get the money exceeding verajohn casino limit. We consider any win limit to be extremely unfair to players, which is why we penalize any casino that has implemented it, unless the win limit is enforced by third-party factors, such as local verajohn casino on all of the information mentioned in this review, verajohn casino, we can conclusively say that Vera&John Casino is a very good online casino. You can expect to be treated well and have an enjoyable experience if you choose to play at it.
Read Ariana Spielautomat Bewertung Read less
Источник: []i have recently won or buy a good bit…
i have recently won or buy a good bit of free spins. non of the games where i have earn free spins will load up until they go to unavailablei lost about free spins already. today another going to trash as games will not load have video recorded as proof. any other game will load in 2seconds, verajohn casino, but not the one verajohn casino have won free spins
Customer service is amazing
Customer service is amazing! response to my queries almost immediate. Document verification completed in timely manner quicker than any other casino I have been on. Withdrawal was amazingly quick. Received winnings the very next day ant that was through a bank transfer, all other casinos I have played seem to drag the process out. I totally recommend Vera&John Casino as a honest and trustworthy organisation. Other casinos take note, keep up the good work guys.
IT has to perceived
This are the most funny and well done website for a casino I have been in to. The chatthosts are very friendly and helpfully and they have a range of games also
The company running this casino
The company running this casino, is poor at best we have had verajohn for some time in Denmark, but without warning they are closing down the casino for our country.
They dident feel like it was importen enough to inform us about it at all one day you log on and all your coins/points that you might have had in your account is just gone, shop option gone, and the only reason i know they Non-stop party Scratch Slots Machine closing down is because i sendt a mail to them asking where my points where and what happend to the shop, just got a reply saying they are closing and that was pretty much it.
The verajohn website is still up for Danes and you can still play untill tomorrow 5/ when they plan to close it, and there has still not been any emails or any info in news about it on the website.
Its such a poor way to run a company so let this be a warning to others who are thinking about trying this casino, verajohn casino, they truely dont give a F about verajohn casino costumers.
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Vera&John Casino Review
Official Website: | |
Owner: | Dumarca Gaming Ltd |
Established: | |
License: | Dumarca Gaming Limited |
Social media profile: |
Vera&John Casino offers to take advantage of great bonuses and amazing games. This is a rising star among Net Entertainment gambling brands and is managed by Dumarca Gaming Ltd.
The website surprises with its colorful design. It seems that this is a casino with an atmosphere of fun and pleasure for all players.
High-quality games, as well as many exciting promotions, make this casino different from many others. Vera&John website is available on Swedish, verajohn casino, Finnish, and Norwegian. German and English, verajohn casino. Later they also added Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. The design of the website is cozy and bright, verajohn casino. The available navigation mechanism makes the whole process simpler. At the main page you can find the whole list of the games and jackpots. Besides, there is a useful button “find games you’ll love” which allows you to search for any type of games and game providers just by the hashtag. If you are verajohn casino for customer support or decide to check the casino license you can find all that at the verajohn casino of the main page.
Vera&John Casino Software and Games
Vera&John casino games are provided by BetSoft, verajohn casino, Leander Gaming, Evolution Gaming, IGT, Play N Go, Bally Interactive, Quickspin, Three Pigeons, Microgaming, Yggdrasil, HOGaming, Evolution, NYX Gaming, Thunderkick, and NextGen Gaming.
Vera&John will impress you by more than verajohn casino, games such as blackjack and roulette, slot machines, and video slots.
The navigation of the website is quite easy because all the categories are sorted by their respective logos.
Vera&John casino presents very bright and incredibly exciting video slots. Among them are Mega Moolah, Cleopatra, verajohn casino, Mega Fortunes, Wolf Runs, and Hall of God. The casino has 13 types of video poker – Caribbean, Jewel box, Wowpot, etc. Scratch cards, entertaining games with progressive jackpots: baccarat games, punto banco stand out against others.
Moreover, most land-based casinos cannot offer as many choices of table games as Vera&John casino does. For example, Blackjack lovers verajohn casino an opportunity to play European Blackjack, Side Bet Blackjack, verajohn casino, Blackjack Classic, etc.
If you are a fan of Roulette, then you will like more than 12 of its varieties in Vera&John Casino, some of them are Red Tiger’s Blackjack, European, Single Deck, verajohn casino, and Deal or No Deal.
Vera&John Casino Features and Bonuses
Vera&John Casino offers a great opportunity to the customers who visited them for the first time. This is the welcome bonus for every customer on the first deposit. The offer is to get up to % + £ This is a great start for every player. The minimum in Vera&John £10 is the standard deposit for each bonus. If you make a deposit using e-wallets such as Skrill and Neteller, verajohn casino are not entitled to this bonus. The maximum bet you can make is £ for slot machines and $25 for table games.
Welcome Bonus Bet Requirements at Vera&John
Before the withdrawal, all free spins winning shall be wagered 40 times. To do that, you have no more than 48 hours. There are other bonuses at Vera&John: bonuses for repeated deposits, bonuses for selected customers, and many others. After the initial shot of free spins is used up, the casino will offer a wide choice of other promotions.
Another promotion in Vera&John casino is Guaranteed winnings. Every day in Vera&John one of the selected customers of Vera&John casino receives 5, euros, and once a month someone wins 50, euros.
The player is not chosen randomly. The mechanism of the above promotion works the way that the client who receives the largest win per spin will get verajohn casino additional boost of up to 5, euros. If the client, for example, wins 1, euros for one spin and no one could win during the day the same amount, the Vera&John casino administration gives him another 3, euros. The same principle works with a player whose monthly winnings were the highest, but in verajohn casino case he will get not more than 50, euros. For example, verajohn casino, if a client wins 35, euros per month, then the casino will pay an additional 15,
Vera&John do not have any VIP club, but they have a very good loyalty program. Every player automatically becomes a member. You can get rewards for almost every action that you do in this casino, including registration and deposit. It is simple the more coins you collect, the higher you go up the VIP club ladder.
Besides, verajohn casino, Vera&John casino also has the so-called referral system, i.e. if the client invites his friend, he will be awarded points under the loyalty program.
Furthermore, the client can get registered to take part in any of the current tournaments organized by Vera&John casino. After, you only need to play some designated video slots. Who at the end of the tournament gets the largest amount will be the winner.
To find out the rules of a tournament, go to the Term and Conditions section.
Vera&John Casino – Welcome Bonus
Good Reputation /10
Bonus | % Up To € |
Bonus type | First Deposit Bonus |
Min, verajohn casino. deposit | €10 |
Bonus code | No code required |
Bonus game | - |
Wagering | 40x |
This offer is available for players who have not yet made their first deposit to Vera&John. This offer entitles players to a % bonus on their first ever deposit. The maximum bonus amount is € for the first deposit bonuses. Bonus funds will be paid automatically immediately following a deposit of €10 or more. Deposit bonuses may only be used after the initial deposit has been consumed. Deposit bonuses carry a standard 40x wagering requirement Black Lotus Casino No Deposit Bonus Codes on any game. Withdrawing cash or associated cash winnings before wagering requirements are complete will automatically forfeit any remaining bonus amount, verajohn casino. Deposits made with eWallets such as Neteller or Skrill will not verajohn casino any deposit bonuses or promotions for players residing in Sweden or Finland. Wagering requirements must be completed within 30 days or bonus funds and related winnings will be confiscated.
VeraJohn is a widely popular online casino that offers mobile gaming options and by downloading the mobile app, you will gain access to a great number of table games and verajohn casino. Basically, verajohn casino, you can find everything you need for a profitable and entertaining mobile gaming session by visiting casinos website via your smartphone.
All games, verajohn casino in VeraJohn mobile casino are compatible with Android and iOS devices. They are powered by leading software providers including Betsoft Safari Spirit Slots Machine Microgaming. You are verajohn casino required to download an app in order to gain access to the game collection, though. Verajohn casino you create an account, you will have access to the games round the clock. You might experience some setbacks unless your browser is updated to the latest version.
In case you have an existing account, you dont have to create a new one in order to access the mobile casino games. All games can be accessed via the website as registration is not mandatory, verajohn casino. You just have to go to and enter your username and Dice & Roll Slots VeraJohn Casino App
It is important to note that the application is not available for most countries, so you have to check if your country is among the verajohn casino ones.
If you install the application, you will have access to more than games divided into several categories. Some of the most popular games include Starburst, Cleopatra, Mega Moolah, etc. Because of the great number of available games, they are divided into several categories with the aim of helping you make the best choice, verajohn casino. You will find “Slots”, “Table Games” sections featuring games such as Gods verajohn casino Giza, Tower Quest, Lucky Leprechaun, Mega Moolah, Blackjack, Roulette, Video Poker, Baccarat. A section featuring the latest games that have been added is yet another convenience for the mobile casino format. “VJs Favourites” is the section where you will find the most popular games. In case you want to have a look at all available games, you have to head to the “All Games” section.
VeraJohn Mobile Bonuses
VeraJohn is a casino that is trying to simplify the complicated terms and conditions that are usually related to bonuses. The mobile bonuses players can qualify for are the same as those they can get from playing at the standard online verajohn casino. As usual, the amount of the first deposit is important as it determines the amount of the welcome bonus you are eligible for. You can also benefit from the so-called Locked Bonus, verajohn casino, which is randomly awarded to players. Before being allowed to withdraw your bonus, you have to meet the wagering requirement set by VeraJohn.
Vera and John is a casino that verajohn casino a guaranteed winning system. In other words, a monthly win of €50, is guaranteed.
VeraJohn Online Casino Review in Denmark
Pros and Cons of VeraJohn Casino
- Countless global participants
- Supports Neteller, Skrill, Cards, and more
- Many fascinating games
- Addictive casino features
- Authenticity is certified
- Instant & secure money transfer
- No disturbing real-time ads
- Rewards for almost everything
- High-quality reviews
- Unavailable online in some countries
- Doesn’t have the PayPal option
- A few provocative games
- Addictive casino features
How to Play Casino
It’s easy. Create an account first. After that, you should add payment methods. Then you can start playing. Pick a game that you find interesting and click on it, verajohn casino. Most options have a ‘spin’ box, verajohn casino, which will start the game for you. You will see the ‘bet’ option beside the spin box. There you can choose how much money you want to bet. Some options will even have a ‘bet on’ feature to give you the option of selecting a target to bet on. Verajohn casino ‘max bet’ box selects the highest bet of a spin.
There are some exciting tournaments and events always going on in Vera&John. While the table games are the most realistic, verajohn casino, quick betting ones are reviewed to be more popular for their competitive and enjoyable gameplay. Vera&John even has a loyalty program to ensure that you win money. More than 30 gaming servers, including Evolution and NetEnt, are linked to the website. Playing for fun doesn’t require login. Subsequently, the live casino feature is the most played one recently, according to the stats of Vera&John casino review
Bonus Codes
Vera&John online casino bonus codes include the welcome bonus of up to € and other in-game bonuses. You can also use deposit bonuses, bonus cups, verajohn casino, free spins, verajohn casino, win spins, verajohn casino, and super spins, verajohn casino, etc. which allows you to earn more money faster, verajohn casino. There are also some websites that give you promo codes for Vera&John bonuses. Some bonus codes only apply after the user is signed up, verajohn casino. Vera&John supports a list of bonuses and promotions, including Vera & John casino no deposit casino bonuswhich can be found on other affiliate review sites.
Download Mobile App
Vera & John mobile casino stands apart from most online casinos with its own mobile app feature, which is connected to your Apple iPhone. Vera&John mobile casino is really an extensively reviewed platform for gambling. Otherwise, if you are an Android user, you can easily add a shortcut for the website to your home screen by either selecting ‘Add to home screen’ option or by holding the icon to add it Monkey Warrior Slots Machine. Scamming apps will be developed, so verajohn casino sure you are at the real Vera&John casino for money withdrawal.
Live Casino
The Live Casino is just as interesting as it sounds. Vera&John has this feature where you can participate in online casino games. Vera&John casino reviews give you more info about this verajohn casino. The list of these options includes:
- Live Sic Bo
- Live Squeeze Baccarat
- Sic Bo SB1
- Live Rapid Roulette
- Live Roulette Pro
- Live Auto Roulette etc.
Keep in mind that some of these games have a location-based function, which denies permission to play for certain countries. However, it is available for most European and American countries.
Vera&John has a long list of available games. Some of the top games are namely Empire Fortune (jackpots), Durian Dynamites (tournaments), Blackjack (table), Slingo Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Slingo), Book of Verajohn casino, and Starburst. Most of them have unique features and are exciting. The max bet verajohn casino table games is €25 while you can win much more with a 40x wager.
Deposit, Withdrawal options & Payment methods
Vera&John supports both deposit and withdrawal options with services including e-wallet, cards, and online banking. With Skrill and Neteller options for payments, Vera&John has a strong policy focused on payment methods. In case of the withdrawal reviewing, this online casino offers instant cash-out and secure, reliable service. While cash withdrawal is free, there is a % fee on using cards. The minimum deposit varies from €10 to €10, on e-wallets and €1, on cards. So seemingly, using e-wallet is the best option, if you want to benefit from Vera&John casino real money cash.
Serviceable Countries
Vera&John is not supported in all the countries. With some countries not yet lined up for use, Vera&John is looking forward to updating that option real soon for better reviews. Now available in:
- Sweden
- Norway
- Finland
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Ireland
- Netherlands
- Japan
- Brazil
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- Denmark
- Peru
Support & Contact
Vera&John has verajohn casino developed support center with FAQ, Live chat, and Contact links on their footer, verajohn casino. You can also read through the privacy policy and the terms & conditions. Verajohn casino site also has a respective page to make you verajohn casino of gambling addiction as verajohn casino. The live chat option is unavailable on weekends but they try to answer within 12hours during the week. Though in-game bugs are very few to be yet reported, most problems are fixed upon contacting support. Vera & John mobile casino is often praised for their good customer service and report review.
Keep connected through our site for updates on Vera&John DK casino review.
Vera & John Casino Review
Vera&John Casino Review
It might not have the most exciting name in the online casino world, but Vera&John is a site that has gained massive popularity in the UK over recent years. It bills itself as 'a casino online that's more fun' - we will see how much truth is in this in our Vera&John casino review for It boasts a player pool of tens of thousands, as well as some of the biggest jackpots around. Players will encounter a massive range of games on offer - from exciting video slots, through to slick table games, verajohn casino. This online casino could be perfect for you.
Several tournaments offered
Over online slots
Regulated by the UKGC
Superb mobile website
Loads of table games
Poor welcome bonus
No VIP scheme
Software and Range of Games
This Vera&John casino review starts with the range of games. This is of course a huge priority for players at any online casino website, verajohn casino. As with a lot of sites, slots fans are catered for extremely well. This casino includes some up-and-coming games types too though. If you've ever heard of Slingo, you might be interested to read on…
Fans of video slots will love Vera&John, as this casino has over titles. These slots come from a variety of different providers, including Microgaming, NetEnt and IGT. Some of the most popular slots are Aliens, Jurassic Park and Gonzo’s Quest. Plus, new slot machines are seemingly added constantly at this casino. You will notice a strong selection of classic slots too, which should please those verajohn casino for something simpler to enjoy.
Progressive Slots
As with all good casinos, there’s a decent selection of progressive jackpot slots at Vera&John. Mega Moolah, Mega Fortune, Hall of Gods - all the big names are here, verajohn casino. You’ll come across the fantastic collection of Mega Jackpots progressive slots from IGT too - including Wolf Run verajohn casino Cleopatra. There are 23 progressive slots in total, verajohn casino, which is more than most other online casinos.
Table Games and Live Dealer Games
When you click on the 'Table Games' tab, verajohn casino, a vast number of games will fill your screen. There are 48 online table games in total, including many versions of both roulette and blackjack. Further to this, there are a few baccarat games, as well as punto banco and casino hold’em. Table games can be verajohn casino for free, so you can practice your tactics before risking verajohn casino own hard-earned verajohn casino for the live casino games, the majority come from Evolution Gaming. Games from such a reputable software developer should please live dealer fans straightaway. There aren’t loads of titles though, you’ll only see 13 when you visit the live casino. Roulette and blackjack are available, plus three-card poker, Dream Catcher and Football Studio. It’s not the most in-depth live casino around, but should suffice for many players.
Other Games
There are a number of different Slingo games found at Vera&John. This type of game is beginning to get very popular with online players. It’s a bingo and slots hybrid which really ramps up the excitement! You could win some huge prizes as well. If you're signing verajohn casino with Vera&John, you might as well give Slingo a try. It's not offered at too Cash Transfers Casino Deposits USA other sites.
The only other game to mention is video poker, verajohn casino, although there are only three titles in total. These can be found mixed in with the table games category. Video poker fans certainly won’t be flocking to Vera&John any time soon, unless the casino improves its selection.
Bonuses and Promotions
Bonuses and promotions are very important to those looking to join a new casino. This is the next focus of our Vera&John online casino review. Instead of concentrating on a big welcome bonus, the casino has included a range of different promos, also involving tournaments.
There are plenty of ways to deposit money at Vera&John. Namely credit/debit card, PayPal, Neteller, verajohn casino, Skrill, paysafecard and EcoPayz. Deposits are completely free and are usually instantaneous. The minimum you can deposit per transaction is £10, which verajohn casino perfectly fair.
Withdrawals are incredibly easy and can be initiated from the cashier section of the site. There is no minimum withdrawal amount specified, verajohn casino, but the most that can be withdrawn in one go is £5, You should know that most withdrawals take around 48 hours to be processed, but e-wallet withdrawals may be faster.
Security and Verajohn casino Play
Players will be glad to learn that Vera&John is regulated by the UK Gambling Commission. There is no regulation from any other national or global authority though. The UKGC licence number isif you feel the need to confirm that this casino is regulated properly.
Unfortunately, there is no certification that the games at Vera&John have been verified by eCOGRA. While it’s highly unlikely that the games are unfair, it would be best to see confirmation from an external authority. Every financial transaction made at the site is protected by SSL encryption technology. This means your banking details will always stay completely safe.
To contact Vera&John casino, just click on the 'Live Chat' button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Doing so will allow you to access the live chat feature, which is the quickest and easiest way to get an answer from customer support, verajohn casino. Alternatively, you can call on - be wary of this method though. According to the Vera&John website, you might have to wait up to an hour to have your call answered! Email is yet another way of getting in touch, send your query to There is quite a lot of information contained within the site links at the bottom of the homepage, so take a look here before contacting the team.
Dumarca Gaming Ltd.
Licenced by
Malta Gaming Authority, verajohn casino, Spelinspektionen
Next up is the Vera&John mobile review, and there’s a lot of praise to give in this section, verajohn casino. While there’s no Vera&John app for mobile players to download, you will find a superb looking mobile version of the site. This will adapt to fit verajohn casino on any device screen, from the smallest smartphone, verajohn casino, through to the biggest tablet. Just type in verajohn casino site URL into your mobile browser and you’ll be ready to play immediately.
As for the games available to verajohn casino players, the good news is that you have access to nearly all the same desktop games. What’s more, Vera&John's new games are now automatically optimised for mobile use. This means mobile gamblers won’t miss out on anything new and exciting. Mobile players have access to the same prizes, including massive jackpots on progressive slots titles.
There have been many positive things to note in this Vera&John online casino review. The selection of games is impressive, especially for slots fans, plus the mobile website is incredibly solid. The casino's range of promotions is much more exciting than the usual offering Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review. However, there have been criticisms too. Vera&John really needs to offer a better welcome bonus, verajohn casino, as it isn't enough to attract many new customers at the moment. We would also like verajohn casino see some fair play verification from an organisation like eCOGRA, just to consolidate the casino's safe reputation.
To get started, just fill out your details at Verajohn casino - a smooth process that only takes a couple of minutes. You’ll then be presented with a difficult choice - where do you start with the massive selection of online casino games? Enjoy playing for real money, for free or even competing in tournaments.
Casino Name | Vera&John Casino |
Number verajohn casino Casino Games | |
Payout Speed | ՕՐ |
Licenced by | Malta Gaming Authority, Spelinspektionen |
Welcome Package | դր, |