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Is This Slot Machine Due?
Telling when a machine is “due to hit” is the Holy Grail of the slot world
By Frank Legato
It’s one of the most-asked questions among slot players: Which machines are due to hit? Or, how do I tell when a machine is due? Or, which machines are the best to play, right now?
These are not only among the most-often questions asked in letters to this and other player magazines; they are questions asked at casinos across the country, to slot attendants and floor managers: “Where are the hot machines?”
Despite all that has been written about the workings of the modern slot machine, there is still a prevailing notion among players that these questions can be answered—that attendants can give you a hot tip on a machine that’s about to hit; that some outward signs visible on a slot game can show that a machine is close to a jackpot.
Helping this notion is the wealth of “slot system” trash available on the Internet and elsewhere, offering “visual clues” to when a game is “about to hit.”
The Internet “systems” are all scams, and the notions about machines being “due” are misguided. The reason is that a slot machine’s computer is constantly selecting new results—results that have nothing to do with what the machine did three spins ago, four hours ago, for the past week or for the past year.
It all comes down to our old friend: the random number generator. A slot machine’s computer contains what is basically a digital duplication of physical reels. Before the early s, the probability of hitting jackpots, and their likelihood on any give spin, was tied to how many symbols and blanks—known as “stops”—were on each physical reel. The old electro-mechanical slots had 22 stops on each reel. By logging the symbols that landed on each reel, it was possible to perform calculations that would give you the odds of a jackpot landing on a given spin.
That all changed, however, with computerization of the process. For casinos, the problem with physical stops was that the odds of hitting the top jackpot could only be as long as the number of stops on each reel would allow. The use of a random number generator allows “virtual” reels—a computer simulation of reels containing as many symbols as the programmer desires. Numbers in the program represent each stop on each reel. If the programmer wants a low-paying or non-paying symbol—say, a blank—to appear more often, it is duplicated in the program so the random number generator selects it more often.
Thus, instead of 22 stops per reel, you may have 60 stops, hundreds of stops—as many as the programmer wishes, while staying within the odds limits set by the state. This is why odds can no longer be calculated through a formula involving the number of symbols on physical reels. The 22 symbols visible to the player no longer represent the slot machine’s probabilities. They display the symbols that can lead to combinations, but there is no way for the player to know how many numbers correspond to those symbols. The more of them the computer considers there to be on a reel, the more likely it will be selected by the RNG.
The All-Important RNG
The random number generator in a slot machine is just what the name indicates—it is a software program that generates numbers at random, from the list of numbers entered to represent each reel stop. The RNG generates more than a hundred sets of numbers every second, and it generates them continuously, even when the slot machine is idle. This is why each result is independent of every other result on a slot machine. The random generation of numbers is continuous, and no one sitting at a machine can predict which of the numbers the RNG will have generated at the instant you push the spin button.
When you push the spin button, the computer takes a snapshot of the numbers generated that instant by the RNG, and translates it into a reel result. An instant before you push the button, the RNG is generating an entirely different set of numbers; an instant later, yet another set. No one looking at the slot machine can predict the number it will choose next.
This is why a slot machine can never be said to be “due” to hit a jackpot. It is also why those systems you find on the Internet will never work.
One system circulating the Internet says that one can watch for “patterns” on the reels of a traditional-style slot machines for clues as to when the next spin will be a jackpot, and adjust your bet accordingly. Another actually tells the player to watch the reels on a traditional slot machine for wiggling. Bet a single coin until you see the reels wiggle, then bet the max because the wiggle means a jackpot is coming.
These gimmicks are all nonsense. No “pattern” formed by symbols in the pay window—an “X” formed by bar symbols, for instance—is indicative of what will come next. And, “wiggling” reels may mean that the slot machine is old and in need of repair, but nothing else. The physical reels are only there to do what the computer tells them to do. They are display mechanisms. They do the same thing as a video screen—communicate to the player the result at which the computer’s RNG has arrived.
Tips from Attendants
Many players still feel that a slot attendant or other floor person who is in one location all day can tell them which machines are “hot”—in other words, which machines are about to pay off. They will throw the employee a tip to identify a hot machine.
It is a waste of money. Even if a certain machine has been paying off all day, this is no indication it will continue to pay off tonight. A slot machine’s cycles are not predictable.
The only thing an attendant or floor person can give you is historical information. The sole place this historical information may be useful on a slot floor is a progressive bank—one that has been in place in the same location for a long time. The useful historical information an employee can give you here is the level at which the progressive jackpot has hit on that game. If it is substantially above that, other players who are familiar with the link will give that bank of slots more play than normal—the “jackpot fever” phenomenon. Jackpot fever pushes more coins through the game. With more changes for one of those machines to generate the winning combination, it is more likely it will hit.
More likely, but not guaranteed. And that is the vital part of my message: Even if a progressive is higher than ever before, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s definitely going to hit soon. It could go higher, and even higher—and wait until well after your bankroll is gone.
When you walk in, you’ll be asked to “trade” your credit card for a wine card. (Don’t forget it on your way out – that wine card isn’t a widely accepted form of payment.) Yep, for real.
Three glass cases of bottled wine await. Peruse the selection, stick your card in a slot, and select a one-ounce, three-ounce, or five-ounce pour. Then hold your glass under the spigot and press the button; your reward will automatically pour out, and your card will be charged accordingly.
It’s kind of like Vegas – you’re losing money AND drinking, all at the same time.
Two ladies from Gilbert are the brains behind this DIY-drink operation on Roosevelt Row in Phoenix. Lindsey Schoenemann and Emily Rieve are former Gilbert school teachers. They were inspired by a similar self-serve setup on a trip to France, and decided to open one of their own.
Prices run from $ to $ per glass. More than half the 24 available wines come from Arizona vineyards. Some familiar in-state names are sure to tempt you: Dos Cabezas, Arizona Stronghold, Sand Reckoner, and so on. Grape varietals are all over the map. You'll see plenty of grenache and viognier. You'll also see some less-common grapes, like mourvedre.
Seats for sipping
Melissa Campana
If wine isn't your thing, though, then how did you find this place? Just kidding. I mean, they also also serve beer on tap – the current three are from San Tan, Huss and Prescott Brewing – and by the bottle or can. Check out the mini case by the cash register, too. It's frequently updated with interesting to-go options, like Jun Kombucha (in both alcoholic and nonalcoholic versions).
Add all that to the cozy furniture, laid-back atmosphere and the local angle, and you might have just found your home away from home downtown. And just like at home, you'll have to refill your glass yourself.
GenuWine Arizona. North First Avenue, #
Monday through Thursday 3 to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 1 to 11 p.m.; Sunday from 1 to 10 p.m.
Slot RTP Percentages
Panda-monium: Vehicle damaged, streets covered in garbage following celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood
Panda Game celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood ended with partygoers taking over a residential street, flipping a car and leaving a trail of garbage and debris.
Mayor Jim Watson says he is "absolutely disgusted" by the incidents, and Ottawa police say "several incidents of criminal behaviour" are under investigation after a large crowd gathered near the University of Ottawa campus late Saturday night.
Approximately 2, students descended on the neighbourhood after 8 p.m. to celebrate the Gee-Gees victory over Carleton University in the annual football game Saturday afternoon.
Police say a car was overturned and one person was assaulted during the incident, while paramedics transported seven people to hospital.
Owen Stanton-Kennedy said a crowd started forming between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, and police had been driving-by trying to disperse it.
"After a point someone shouted, 'They can't stop us, we can still have our street party,'" said Stanton-Kennedy.
CTV News Ottawa cameras were on the scene as a large street party took over Russell Avenue, between Somerset Street and Templeton Street at approximately p.m. The footage showed hundreds of people in the middle of the street, with some people jumping on an overturned vehicle.
Hundreds of people attended a street party in the area of Russell Avenue and Templeton Street Saturday night following the Panda Game. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
As the crowd dispersed early Sunday morning, one witness told CTV News Ottawa, "Kids went crazy and they liked flipped three cars and were like partying on it."
"It's just crazy."
Ottawa police cruisers were on the scene to monitor the party and block off the road late Saturday night.
In a statement Sunday afternoon, police said investigators were looking into several incidents of criminal behaviour, and reviewing social media and video of the scene.
Ottawa police and bylaw increased patrols in Sandy Hill, Old Ottawa South and the Glebe, along with around TD Place, before and after the game on Saturday.
"The pre and post game events were very safe and did not disrupt the neighbourhood. However, just after 8 p.m., large crowds began to gather in Sandy Hill at multiple addresses," said police.
"OPS redeployed a large number of officers and called out members of the Emergency Services Unit. The officers worked to control and manage the groups of people with partners from the RCMP, and City Bylaw, paramedics and Ottawa Fire Services."
Police say in some cases, the crowds became "very disruptive" in the area of Russell Avenue.
"In one incident, a car was overturned and a person was assaulted. Police are reviewing evidence and will be laying any applicable charges under the Reopening of Ontario Act, Liquor Licence Act, City By-laws as well as any criminal charges under the Criminal Code of Canada," said police on Sunday afternoon.
"These behaviours are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Investigators have been assigned to identify anyone who committed crimes. The OPS will also work with the University of Ottawa and Carleton University staff where students from those were involved in these behaviours."
As of 1 p.m. Sunday, no one had been charged in connection to the incidents.
Hundreds of people take over a Sandy Hill street to celebrate following the Panda Game in Ottawa. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
Mayor Watson says he has spoken to Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly about the incident, and several investigations are underway.
"I am absolutely disgusted by the behaviour of those involved in the unruly party on Russell Avenue following yesterday's Panda Game," said Watson on Twitter Sunday morning.
"Individuals, including police officers, were injured and private and public property was damaged."
The mayor added the behaviour by some of the students is "completely unacceptable."
"Those involved should be ashamed of their idiotic and immature behaviour," said Watson.
"The vast majority of students enjoyed the pre-game activities as well as the game itself. Regrettably, post-game events in Sandy Hill were destructive, especially as we continue our fight against COVID"
During a CTV News at Six Sunday evening, Watson responded to criticism from some neighbours that there was no police presence.
"The problems occurred after 9 o'clock, and my understanding is that there was no serious activity taking place at 9, the police started to move out some of their reinforcements and then unfortunately I think that's when social media lit up and people saying, 'Come on to Russell Avenue," said Watson.
"Obviously, thousands showed up. The lesson's learned, and I know the chief will do a review of this."
The mayor says he will meet with Chief Sloly and Coun. Mathieu Fleury on Monday to discuss the situation.
A photo posted on social media at 1 a.m. showed a car flipped over and damaged in the middle of Russell Avenue, while garbage littered the street.
Steve Higham posted a video on Twitter showing thousands of people on Russell Avenue. Higham told CTV News Ottawa Sunday afternoon that it was a "good three hours" before he saw any police activity, and by then the crowd was already dispersing due to the rain.
"You could hear people start cheering and there was just a group of people that for whatever reason decided it was a good idea to flip a car over," said Higham in an interview with CTV News Ottawa.
Witnesses say the owner of the car confronted the people who flipped his vehicle, and he was punched in the face.
Higham said he decided he would sit on the porch of his Russell Avenue home Saturday night to stop people from going to the bathroom at his house.
"I watched as people stood on it as it was on its side and then rolled again which was quite scary, I was worried they were going to pin people or it would fall on top of someone," said Higham.
"I had anticipated at that point the cops were going to sweep in and move people along but that didn’t happen. The police kind of sat at the end of the street and watched things transpire."
Stanton-Kennedy says he heard a "huge crash" halfway through the evening, learning later it was the car being flipped over.
"They were stomping on the car and trying to destroy it, they were using the street signs that they had taken down and also one of the metal barriers that I think was set up across the crowd," said Stanton-Kennedy.
Owen Wood attended a party in the area.
"Towards the end of the night it got more intense, more people, the level of intoxication was probably more and probably more irresponsibility towards the end of the night," said Wood.
Ottawa paramedics say seven people were transported to hospital from Sandy Hill Saturday night to be treated for minor injuries or alcohol intoxication. All seven people were listed in stable condition.
Coun. Fleury told CTV News Ottawa Sunday morning that Ottawa police, Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario are investigating the incidents in Sandy Hill.
In a statement on Twitter, Fleury called the events Saturday night "deplorable and unacceptable."
"I encourage all authorities to investigate fully; press charges and fines to organisers and those who participated," said Fleury Sunday afternoon. "Such hooliganism is selfish, puts the community at risk, and cannot go with on without consequences."
In the days leading up to the Panda Game, police, bylaw services and both the University of Ottawa and Carleton University urged students to be good neighbours during the Panda Game weekend.
UOttawa had previously planned a clean-up patrol in Sandy Hill Sunday morning following the Panda Game.
A volunteer clean-up patrol will be deployed in the neighbourhood at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Stanton-Kennedy, summing up the mood for many residents of Sandy Hill, saying, "It was not a fun night."
"The game itself is not the issue. It's the atmosphere around the game that needs to change."
Stanton-Kennedy says Panda Game after parties weren't an issue until
"Each subsequent year would get worse and worse."
Higham says he doesn't want to see the Panda Game cancelled following this year's events.
"I’m not sure what the best way to crack down on the partying, but I think they should continue because it’s a good event, brings people together, builds school spirit, but obviously what happened last night is not acceptable."
The University of Ottawa Gee-Gees beat the Carleton Ravens to win the 52nd Panda Game at TD Place.
The University of Ottawa says it will fully support that those responsible for the damage caused in Sandy Hill will be dealt with through the judicial institution.
"To all those who behaved recklessly and dangerously last night: you should know that your actions were shameful and unacceptable," said a statement from uOttawa President and Vice-Chancellor Jacques Fremont and Jill Scott, Prevost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.
"We expect all students - ours and others from other institutions - to abide by the values of civility and respect. We also expect you to respect public health guidelines. If you were part of the crowds that were responsible for the damage and disrespect last night, then you must do better."
The statement said the university was "immensely disappointed" to learn some students gathered to "celebrate loudly and irresponsibly" on the streets of Sandy Hill.
"To the residents of Sandy Hill, we profoundly regret the damage that was done, as well as the fear and anxiety that these events caused you last night," wrote Fremont and Scott in a statement released just after 2 p.m. Sunday.
"Sandy Hill is our home, and you – its residents – are our valued neighbours. The actions of those who have so disrespected our community are deeply distressing to us, as they are to our community as a whole."
With files from The Canadian Press
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Slot Machine Types
Slot Machines are by far the most popular casino game, both online and offline. Over 80% of wagering happens at a slot machine. There are endless types of slots with new versions being invented every few months! Here is a breakdown of the basic slots.
- Three reel slots: These are known as classic slots. They have 3 reels and typically a lower number of pay-lines compared to 5-reel slots. Three reels means it is generally more simple and direct. This type is the best choice for players that dont like the effects and sounds in video/3d slots. You will find familiar symbols, like Big 7 or Stars and Stripes.
- Video slots: 5 reel video slots are the next step in the history of slots. They have more symbols, offer more pay-lines (20, 25 or 50) and additional features such as free spins, bonus rounds and more.
- 3D Slots: 3D slots are a recent development in slots technology. They combine all the features of video slots with realistic, three dimensional symbols and effects. Most 3D slots are based on a story line which advances as the game proceeds. 3D slots include popular names such as 2 Million B.C. and The Slot Father.
- Progressive Slots: Progressive slots have a regular jackpot and a progressive jackpot together. These slots are usually connected to other titles in the casino. Sometimes they are connected to slots in other casinos. Part of each bet goes to the progressive jackpot, which is higher then the regular jackpot. It can reach millions of dollars, but they are harder to downside of progressive slot machines is that part of the bet is diverted to the progressive jackpot, so the regular payout is lower than average. Although it is nice to try and win the big jackpot, we do not recommend playing your entire budget on progressive slots.
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Many gamblers believe that video poker machines are a waste of time and money and instead, they head straight to the slots to try their luck. But the truth is very different – video poker games may not be as colorful and flashy, but they have proven to be far more generous to the player than slot machines. In fact, video poker is one of the very few casino games, the other one being blackjack, where players have a real opportunity to win more than they lose.
Video poker may seem like a game of chance to the less experienced gamblers, but avid players and experts know that it is, for the most part, a game of skill. This means that every decision made during play will have an impact on the outcome of the game, whereas this is never the case with slots. Moreover, casinos do not reveal the average payback percentage of slot machines and they often do it when it comes to video poker. This payback percentage shows how much of players’ bet on average would be returned to them as winnings over the long run. While with slot machines, it varies between 70% and 90%, it is approximately % for video poker. In other words, players are more likely to lose when playing slots than they would at video poker.
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But how is this percentage calculated? Casinos carefully determine the amount of money they are prepared to give back to their customers – they create the games and adjust the pay tables of each of them in such a manner that the odds are always in their favor. Of course, each different game also comes with certain probabilities of winning and losing, depending on its game play, specific rules, etc. There are many factors determining whether a game is more generous or not. Although nothing is certain in gambling, video poker players are able to guarantee a return of their investment if they pick a good game and employ the proper strategy.
Video Poker Odds
In order to understand the odds of winning at video poker, players need to become familiar with the game and its rules. Video poker is based on the simple 5-card draw poker, which is one of the simplest forms of table poker. It is played on either a video console, similar to the slot machine or as a virtual game in online casinos. Typically, video poker uses a standard deck of 52 cards (sometimes more if the Joker is added) where the player is dealt 5 cards during the initial draw and has the option either to hold or to discard them. A second draw follows and if a winning hand is formed, the player receives a payout that corresponds to the original bet and the winning hand.
Before proceeding to explain the odds of winning in video poker, it is important to outline several basic things. The first thing players should know is that in a standard video poker, they have exactly 32 ways to play each hand they are dealt. In order to succeed, they need to make the best choice every time they push the Draw button. This is possible in two instances – if the game is played by a computer, or by a knowledgeable player who uses the right strategy, based on a careful mathematical analysis.
The second thing each player needs to know is the ranking of the winning hands in video poker. In the most basic version of the game, called Jacks or Better, the winning hands are ranked the same way as in regular poker. The highest paying hand is Royal Flush, which is a combination of a Ten, a Jack, a Queen, a King, and an Ace of the same suit. It is followed by Straight Flush, which is formed by 5 consecutive cards of the same suit. Next is Four of a Kind (any four cards of the same value) and then, Full House, which contains a Three of a Kind and a Pair. The following hand is Flush – any five cards of the same suit, and next, Straight, which is 5 consecutive cards of any suit. The lower hands in the pay table are Three of a Kind, Two Pair, and Jacks or Better, which is a Pair of Jacks or higher cards.
Hand | Example |
Royal Flush | AA KK JJ |
Straight Flush | KK JJ 99 |
Four of a Kind | 55 55 55 55 |
Full House | 99 99 77 77 77 |
Flush | 33 55 88 99 |
Straight | 66 77 88 99 |
Three of a Kind | 22 22 22 |
Two of a Kind | 44 44 |
Also, players need to remember that the cards are dealt randomly. This is guaranteed by the use of the so-called RNG (Random Number Generator) technology.
Random Number Generator
Today, all slot and video poker machines run under a Random Number Generator which ensures that the outcomes of the games are random and cannot be predicted. This is essential, as it guarantees fairness. What many people do not understand is how the RNG works, thinking it is a software, or rather a computer chip, that shuffles the cards in video poker. This is a common misconception and is far from the truth. In reality, the RNG produces a long sequence of numbers within a predetermined range. These numbers are generated constantly, even after the cards are dealt. In fact, this continues even when the game is not played at. The numbers determine which cards will be dealt and in which position.
However, the matter is much more complex. There are different kinds of RNG and the one used in casino games is called Pseudo Random Number Generator. It is the basis not only for all virtual games but also for many games in land-based casinos – video poker and slot machines, Keno, as well as the automated or computer-controlled roulette and blackjack games where there is no dealer. The RNG is “pseudo” because the sequence of numbers is only seemingly random. It is in fact determined by a seed key or a seed value. This computational algorithm, although fixed, actually produces many numbers each millisecond and the exact combinations cannot be predicted or reproduced, unless, of course, the seed value is known.
So, although the numbers are not exactly random, in practice, the outcome of a video poker game is. There is no shuffling of the cards, there are no strings of bad or winning hands, and there is no connection whatsoever between the amount of bet placed and the value of the cards dealt. Also, it is possible that the player hits the highest payout (or the jackpot) two times in a row. On the other hand, it is impossible to receive the exact same card that has been discarded after the initial draw. Once you discard a Nine of Spades, you can be dealt a Nine of another suit, but never a Nine of Spades again, as it is removed from the deck during the current round.
Initial Deal Odds
Most players know that a Royal Flush or another jackpot winning hand happens once in many deals as the stronger, higher ranking hands in video poker are rarer than weaker combinations. It is true, at least for the most part. The exact odds of hitting a particular winning hand actually depends on the video poker variation you play. But in the most common variations, the odds are known and players can use them in order to pick the best game or to make informed decisions.
When you play a basic video poker game with 52 cards, the odds of getting a Royal Flush during the initial draw are 1 in , For a Straight Flush, it is 1 in 72,, and for Four of a Kind – 1 in 4, The player will receive a Full House with the first cards dealt once in games, while the odds for getting a Flush are to 1, for a Straight, they are to 1, 47 to 1 for Three of a Kind, 21 to 1 for Two Pairs, and to 1 for Jacks or Better. And the odds of getting any pair (from Twos through Tens) is to 1.
What these numbers mean is that you will receive any pair of cards almost half of the time during your play. And every 7 to 8 hands you will get your bet back from the even Jacks or Better payout with the opportunity to only increase your winning. Of course, all these are average stats – you should not expect to receive a pair of Sevens every two or three deals. You may not get them even after 20 hands. However, the RNG may deal you a Four of a Kind on your first bet at the game.
Hand | Odds |
Royal Flush | , to 1 |
Straight Flush | 72, to 1 |
Four of a Kind | 4, to 1 |
Full House | to 1 |
Flush | to 1 |
Straight | to 1 |
Three of a kind | 47 to 1 |
Two Pairs | 21 to 1 |
Pair J,Q,K or A | to 1 |
Any Pair | to 1 |
Odds on the Draw
The odds change significantly after the player chooses which cards to hold and which cards to discard. This also depends on what cards he or she holds. For instance, if you hold 4 cards to a Royal Flush and need just one to complete it, the odds of achieving that are 47 to 1. The odds that you will turn a Three of Kind into a Four a Kind are 24 to 1 and into a Full House – 16 to 1. The options here are too many to count or list, but every avid player can make their own research and take a look at the data available in video poker guides, strategy books, or even online.
Return to Player
Unlike roulette or slots, video poker gives the player the opportunity to maximize their chances of winning. A good success strategy is based on the particular variation of video poker and the pay table which lists the winning hands in a certain order in combination with the payouts for them. These will also show how higher the house edge of the game is and the payback percentage. The payback percentage, also known as Return to Player (RTP), is a term which describes the percentage of wagered money paid back to the player over time. And this is one of the most important things to look for when determining whether a video poker machine is good or not.
A typical 9/6 Jacks or Better video poker game has an RTP of %, which means that for every $ wagered, the player receives $ as winnings. This percentage is average and calculated over the long run, which, according to experts, corresponds to thousands or even millions of rounds of each game. The RTP is a theoretical return which can be expected only if the game is played accurately and with the maximum bet.
House edge, on the other hand, shows how much money the game will keep over time. It is one of the basics that every beginner should know about gambling – casino games are specifically designed to always give the casino the advantage. However, when it comes to video poker, the house not always wins, or rather, the house does not come out as the sole winner. To put it simply, the house edge is just the flip side of RTP. If you are playing a game with a payback of %, the house edge on it will be %, one of the lowest among casino games. Generally, the house advantage in video poker ranges from 5% to almost %. However, in some games, it is zero or even negative. The full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has an RTP of %, which means that the house edge is %.
Sometimes, casinos would post the RTP rates for the games they offer in order to show that they are favorable to the players and attract more customers. But in case the returns are not clearly displayed, you can still find which games are more generous and which will leave you penniless. The easiest way is to look at the pay tables of the different variations of video poker.
Pay Tables
The expected return is always influenced by the specific pay table of the game you are playing. The payouts for two of the winning hands are the first thing to look for, as they are usually the primary indicator for house edge and RTP these are the payouts for Full House and for Flush. Players should stick to full pay games, where typically, the Full House payout is 9 times the original bet, while the winnings for Flush are 6 times the bet.
A 9/6 Jacks or Better refers to a full pay game with an RTP of %, whereas the 10/8/5 Bonus Poker has a return of %, which is among the lowest possible for video poker as a whole. In this game, a Full House pays 10 coins for 1 coin bet, a Flush pays 8 coins, while the Straight pays 5 coins. However, the payout for a Four of Kind hand is split, depending on what cards it is composed of. In addition, a hand of Two Pair pays evenly, instead of double the bet as it is in 9/6 Jacks or Better. This is a great example of a deceptive pay table, which is seemingly great, but when you do the Math, it turns out that the odds are in favor of the house. There are literally hundreds of video poker variations, most of which have lower RTPs and are often called by players “tight”.
Usually, players try to stick to games with more balanced pay tables than to try getting a rare hand. Knowing the pay tables, they can wisely choose a suitable game – some variations offer lower but regular payouts, while those that feature progressive jackpots come with the prospects of making you rich, but until that happens, you will probably lose a lot of money.
Coins | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Royal Flush | |||||
Straight Flush | 50 | ||||
Four of a Kind | 25 | 50 | 75 | ||
Full House | 9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 |
Flush | 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 |
Straight | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 |
Three of a Kind | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
Two Pair | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Jacks or Better | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Video Poker Variations with High RTPs
Although most video games are designed with odds in favor of the casino, there is a wide range of variations which offer RTPs of over %. Of course, such profitability is possible only if the player makes as few mistakes as possible and uses the proper strategy. A perfectly played full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has the potential for maximum return of %. It is a 9/6 game and the Deuces (the Twos) are Wild Cards, which can replace any card in the hand so that the player can achieve a winning combination much easier. It is important, however, to check the payout for Four of a Kind – if it is 4 times the bet, instead of 5 times, the return will decrease to %.
Another popular variation which gives you the opportunity to come out as a winner is the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. There is a Double feature, which can help players double their winnings during a bonus game – they are given five cards but only one is face up and they need to choose a card from the rest. They win if they manage to open a card which has a higher value than the original card.
Double Double Bonus Poker also attracts players with an RTP higher than usual – %. It is a full pay, 9/6 game based on the classic Jacks or Better but the payout for a Four of a Kind hand depends on how strong it is – it starts from 50 coins (from Fives through Kings) and reaches coins for four Aces.
Of course, video poker games which have progressive jackpots can be quite attractive, because the RTP percentage rapidly grows with the jackpot and often goes beyond %. However, in order to qualify for a jackpot, players need to wager the maximum bet and they can quickly run out of money.
RTP and Expected Value
Typically, players would choose video poker machines with higher RTP percentages, but the higher average return of a game does not always mean a higher actual return. Playing a game with an RTP over % such as 9/6 Deuces Wild, for instance, would earn you money over the long term, but you cannot expect to achieve its theoretical return of % in just a few rounds. However, you can still calculate the expected return and value of each game by considering its RTP percentage and total bets you are going to place.
If you wager $ on a video poker game with an expected return of %, you may earn $ if you use a strategy which is close to perfect. If you are to bet $ on a full pay Deuces Wild, which theoretically pays back %, you can calculate the expected return to be $ In other words, for every $ bet placed on this game, the player can expect to collect winnings of $ if he or she plays for a long time. Playing a game with an RTP lower than %, on the hand, would eventually lead to generating losses. Betting $ on the 9/6 Double Double Bonus Poker which has an RTP of %, would leave the player with $ after multiple hands have been dealt. The loss will be $, although it is only theoretical and should only be thought of as an average.
Similarly, one can calculate the expected value of each game – this is the average amount of winnings the player can expect to generate after playing for a certain amount of time. Most experienced gamblers place on average bets per hour. In order to estimate the total wager for an hour, we need to take into account the total bets. Some video poker games offer lower denominations, which means that the total wager would be less. Of course, the number of hands that are played simultaneously should also be considered, as most of the lower denomination machines are in fact multi-hand or power video poker games.
For instance, if the player bets 5 coins, which is the maximum, and a denomination of $, the amount he or she would wager on each hand is $ Considering he or she plays hands per hour, we should simply multiply $ by to estimate how much would be invested for one hour – $ If the player wagers this sum on full pay Deuces Wild, he or she can multiply it by the RTP of the game, which is %. The result of $, is the expected return after playing for one hour. Comparing it with the initial investment of $ gives us a difference of $ This means that the expected value of playing Deuces Wild for a period of one hour is $
Let us calculate the expected value of another high paying video poker game – the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. We would expect that playing this game would earn less than betting on the full pay Deuces Wild. But interestingly, this is not the case. Playing with the maximum number of coins and bet amount would guarantee maximum winnings, so let us take $ bet and multiply it by 5 (the max amount of coins) to get a bet of $ for each hand. The investment for an hour of play would be $25 multiplied by , or $16, The expected return would be % of $16,, or $16, The difference is $ and this is the expected value of playing the game for a period of one hour.
It turns out that the player can win much more by playing a game with a lower RTP percentage. This is why when choosing a video poker game, gamblers should always take into consideration the total bets they intend to place. The best choice would be a game that provides the highest expected value and not necessarily the highest expected return.
*Cannot be combined with additional sales/discounts.
Sticker FAQ
What material is this item made of?
Individually die cut vinyl sticker. Semi gloss finish. 3 x 4 inch max size includes a thin white border around the sticker. Not recommended for automobile use. Perfect for placing on your laptop, notebook or almost anywhere your imagination leads!
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Standard ( Business Days)
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Slot RTP Percentages
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Playing Slots Tips and Guides
Whats Your Favorite Slot Machine?
In , there were only a dozen online casino sites. Less then 20 years later, and online gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are 1,+ casinos online, each one with hundreds of games. The variety is both exciting and intimidating, sometimes making it hard to choose.
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Our rating algorithm is based on different parameters and the outcome is listed here. If you are looking for something specific, like casinos with loose slots or high welcome bonuses, you can read more about casinos in each category.
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Choosing an online casino to play for free is easier then picking real money slot machines. It is still important to find fun titles, and not waste your time on boring slots. Our casino reviews start with free slot machines. It goes over the game variety, software stability and special features.
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Online Casino for Real Money
The first and most important thing when playing with real money; fine a reputable casino. When your money is on the line, the games are more than just fun like in free mode. The best winning odds are also imperative.
- Choose a trusted and reputable online casino. Any of the casinos listed here are secure.
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- If you wish to use a bonus, now is the time to redeem it. (In some casinos, you first make a deposit and then redeem the bonus).
- Make a deposit. Make sure that the deposit amount is within your comfort zone. Never deposit money that you cant lose. Playing casino games for real money is exciting and fun. While you can win big money, its not a way to earn a living.
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There is an enormous variety of casino deposit methods, which makes it easy for players to fund their account. Options include credit/debit cards, e-wallets, prepaid vouchers, pay by phone and more.
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Slot Machine Types
Slot Machines are by far the most popular casino game, both online and offline. Over 80% of wagering happens at a slot machine. There are endless types of slots with new versions being invented every few months! Here is a breakdown of the basic slots.
- Three reel slots: These are known as classic slots. They have 3 reels and typically a lower number of pay-lines compared to 5-reel slots. Three reels means it is generally more simple and direct. This type is the best choice for players that dont like the effects and sounds in video/3d slots. You will find familiar symbols, like Big 7 or Stars and Stripes.
- Video slots: 5 reel video slots are the next step in the history of slots. They have more symbols, offer more pay-lines (20, 25 or 50) and additional features such as free spins, bonus rounds and more.
- 3D Slots: 3D slots are a recent development in slots technology. They combine all the features of video slots with realistic, three dimensional symbols and effects. Most 3D slots are based on a story line which advances as the game proceeds. 3D slots include popular names such as 2 Million B.C. and The Slot Father.
- Progressive Slots: Progressive slots have a regular jackpot and a progressive jackpot together. These slots are usually connected to other titles in the casino. Sometimes they are connected to slots in other casinos. Part of each bet goes to the progressive jackpot, which is higher then the regular jackpot. It can reach millions of dollars, but they are harder to downside of progressive slot machines is that part of the bet is diverted to the progressive jackpot, so the regular payout is lower than average. Although it is nice to try and win the big jackpot, we do not recommend playing your entire budget on progressive slots.
Slot Machines Online FAQ
Are online casinos safe?
In short, yes. Licensed online casinos have similar security as banks. All your personal and financial details are encrypted. Just make sure you picked a licensed casino! All of the sites here are licensed. If you want to look beyond our recommendations, check the casino has a valid license by a quality licensing jurisdiction.
There are two ways to play casino games online. The first option is to download the casino software. Otherwise, you can use a flash mode, also called the no download version. In general, play is spit 50/50 in Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada between downloaded and flash.
In the U.S. the situation is different. Download casinos are more popular. This is mainly because the flash version at American casinos is typically trash. If you are looking to play in-browser, here is our list of the Best Instant Play USA Casinos.
Two special cases: If you are playing on Mac, tablet or mobile, then you should use the no-download version or an app. If your internet connection is weak, then we recommend downloading it.
Yes, most online casinos adapted to the mobile revolution. You can sign up through your mobile device. If you already have an account, just log in. Both ways have plenty of mobile slots for real money to choose from.
Acquiring an online casino license is not easy. The casino must pass many checks and audits in order to get a license. There are few reputable licensing jurisdictions, such Kahnawake, Malta, Gibraltar, Antigua, Barbuda and few more.
All the casinos listed on our site are licensed casinos. If you want to see for yourself, scroll to the bottom of the casinos home page and look for the symbol of the licensing jurisdiction. If you cant find it, we recommend choosing another casino.
Online transactions became increasingly easier and safer over the past decade. The most common way is still by credit card. Most online casinos accept cash deposits by all major credit cards. New deposit methods are PayPal, Skrill, Eco card and more. The available deposit methods are usually listed at the bottom of the casino home page. You can check our casino deposit methods review for more info.
*Cannot be combined with additional sales/discounts.
Sticker FAQ
What material is this item made of?
Individually die cut vinyl sticker. Semi gloss finish. 3 x 4 inch max size includes a thin white border around the sticker. Not recommended for automobile use. Perfect for placing on your laptop, notebook or almost anywhere your imagination leads!
What USA ship methods are available?
Standard ( Business Days)
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Estimates include printing and processing time. More Shipping Info »
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Panda-monium: Vehicle damaged, streets covered in garbage following celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood
Panda Game celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood ended with partygoers taking over a residential street, flipping a car and leaving a trail of garbage and debris.
Mayor Jim Watson says he is "absolutely disgusted" by the incidents, and Ottawa police say "several incidents of criminal behaviour" are under investigation after a large crowd gathered near the University of Ottawa campus late Saturday night.
Approximately 2, students descended on the neighbourhood after 8 p.m. to celebrate the Gee-Gees victory over Carleton University in the annual football game Saturday afternoon.
Police say a car was overturned and one person was assaulted during the incident, while paramedics transported seven people to hospital.
Owen Stanton-Kennedy said a crowd started forming between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, and police had been driving-by trying to disperse it.
"After a point someone shouted, 'They can't stop us, we can still have our street party,'" said Stanton-Kennedy.
CTV News Ottawa cameras were on the scene as a large street party took over Russell Avenue, between Somerset Street and Templeton Street at approximately p.m. The footage showed hundreds of people in the middle of the street, with some people jumping on an overturned vehicle.
Hundreds of people attended a street party in the area of Russell Avenue and Templeton Street Saturday night following the Panda Game. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
As the crowd dispersed early Sunday morning, one witness told CTV News Ottawa, "Kids went crazy and they liked flipped three cars and were like partying on it."
"It's just crazy."
Ottawa police cruisers were on the scene to monitor the party and block off the road late Saturday night.
In a statement Sunday afternoon, police said investigators were looking into several incidents of criminal behaviour, and reviewing social media and video of the scene.
Ottawa police and bylaw increased patrols in Sandy Hill, Old Ottawa South and the Glebe, along with around TD Place, before and after the game on Saturday.
"The pre and post game events were very safe and did not disrupt the neighbourhood. However, just after 8 p.m., large crowds began to gather in Sandy Hill at multiple addresses," said police.
"OPS redeployed a large number of officers and called out members of the Emergency Services Unit. The officers worked to control and manage the groups of people with partners from the RCMP, and City Bylaw, paramedics and Ottawa Fire Services."
Police say in some cases, the crowds became "very disruptive" in the area of Russell Avenue.
"In one incident, a car was overturned and a person was assaulted. Police are reviewing evidence and will be laying any applicable charges under the Reopening of Ontario Act, Liquor Licence Act, City By-laws as well as any criminal charges under the Criminal Code of Canada," said police on Sunday afternoon.
"These behaviours are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Investigators have been assigned to identify anyone who committed crimes. The OPS will also work with the University of Ottawa and Carleton University staff where students from those were involved in these behaviours."
As of 1 p.m. Sunday, no one had been charged in connection to the incidents.
Hundreds of people take over a Sandy Hill street to celebrate following the Panda Game in Ottawa. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
Mayor Watson says he has spoken to Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly about the incident, and several investigations are underway.
"I am absolutely disgusted by the behaviour of those involved in the unruly party on Russell Avenue following yesterday's Panda Game," said Watson on Twitter Sunday morning.
"Individuals, including police officers, were injured and private and public property was damaged."
The mayor added the behaviour by some of the students is "completely unacceptable."
"Those involved should be ashamed of their idiotic and immature behaviour," said Watson.
"The vast majority of students enjoyed the pre-game activities as well as the game itself. Regrettably, post-game events in Sandy Hill were destructive, especially as we continue our fight against COVID"
During a CTV News at Six Sunday evening, Watson responded to criticism from some neighbours that there was no police presence.
"The problems occurred after 9 o'clock, and my understanding is that there was no serious activity taking place at 9, the police started to move out some of their reinforcements and then unfortunately I think that's when social media lit up and people saying, 'Come on to Russell Avenue," said Watson.
"Obviously, thousands showed up. The lesson's learned, and I know the chief will do a review of this."
The mayor says he will meet with Chief Sloly and Coun. Mathieu Fleury on Monday to discuss the situation.
A photo posted on social media at 1 a.m. showed a car flipped over and damaged in the middle of Russell Avenue, while garbage littered the street.
Steve Higham posted a video on Twitter showing thousands of people on Russell Avenue. Higham told CTV News Ottawa Sunday afternoon that it was a "good three hours" before he saw any police activity, and by then the crowd was already dispersing due to the rain.
"You could hear people start cheering and there was just a group of people that for whatever reason decided it was a good idea to flip a car over," said Higham in an interview with CTV News Ottawa.
Witnesses say the owner of the car confronted the people who flipped his vehicle, and he was punched in the face.
Higham said he decided he would sit on the porch of his Russell Avenue home Saturday night to stop people from going to the bathroom at his house.
"I watched as people stood on it as it was on its side and then rolled again which was quite scary, I was worried they were going to pin people or it would fall on top of someone," said Higham.
"I had anticipated at that point the cops were going to sweep in and move people along but that didn’t happen. The police kind of sat at the end of the street and watched things transpire."
Stanton-Kennedy says he heard a "huge crash" halfway through the evening, learning later it was the car being flipped over.
"They were stomping on the car and trying to destroy it, they were using the street signs that they had taken down and also one of the metal barriers that I think was set up across the crowd," said Stanton-Kennedy.
Owen Wood attended a party in the area.
"Towards the end of the night it got more intense, more people, the level of intoxication was probably more and probably more irresponsibility towards the end of the night," said Wood.
Ottawa paramedics say seven people were transported to hospital from Sandy Hill Saturday night to be treated for minor injuries or alcohol intoxication. All seven people were listed in stable condition.
Coun. Fleury told CTV News Ottawa Sunday morning that Ottawa police, Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario are investigating the incidents in Sandy Hill.
In a statement on Twitter, Fleury called the events Saturday night "deplorable and unacceptable."
"I encourage all authorities to investigate fully; press charges and fines to organisers and those who participated," said Fleury Sunday afternoon. "Such hooliganism is selfish, puts the community at risk, and cannot go with on without consequences."
In the days leading up to the Panda Game, police, bylaw services and both the University of Ottawa and Carleton University urged students to be good neighbours during the Panda Game weekend.
UOttawa had previously planned a clean-up patrol in Sandy Hill Sunday morning following the Panda Game.
A volunteer clean-up patrol will be deployed in the neighbourhood at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Stanton-Kennedy, summing up the mood for many residents of Sandy Hill, saying, "It was not a fun night."
"The game itself is not the issue. It's the atmosphere around the game that needs to change."
Stanton-Kennedy says Panda Game after parties weren't an issue until
"Each subsequent year would get worse and worse."
Higham says he doesn't want to see the Panda Game cancelled following this year's events.
"I’m not sure what the best way to crack down on the partying, but I think they should continue because it’s a good event, brings people together, builds school spirit, but obviously what happened last night is not acceptable."
The University of Ottawa Gee-Gees beat the Carleton Ravens to win the 52nd Panda Game at TD Place.
The University of Ottawa says it will fully support that those responsible for the damage caused in Sandy Hill will be dealt with through the judicial institution.
"To all those who behaved recklessly and dangerously last night: you should know that your actions were shameful and unacceptable," said a statement from uOttawa President and Vice-Chancellor Jacques Fremont and Jill Scott, Prevost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.
"We expect all students - ours and others from other institutions - to abide by the values of civility and respect. We also expect you to respect public health guidelines. If you were part of the crowds that were responsible for the damage and disrespect last night, then you must do better."
The statement said the university was "immensely disappointed" to learn some students gathered to "celebrate loudly and irresponsibly" on the streets of Sandy Hill.
"To the residents of Sandy Hill, we profoundly regret the damage that was done, as well as the fear and anxiety that these events caused you last night," wrote Fremont and Scott in a statement released just after 2 p.m. Sunday.
"Sandy Hill is our home, and you – its residents – are our valued neighbours. The actions of those who have so disrespected our community are deeply distressing to us, as they are to our community as a whole."
With files from The Canadian Press
Is This Slot Machine Due?
Telling when a machine is “due to hit” is the Holy Grail of the slot world
By Frank Legato
It’s one of the most-asked questions among slot players: Which machines are due to hit? Or, how do I tell when a machine is due? Or, which machines are the best to play, right now?
These are not only among the most-often questions asked in letters to this and other player magazines; they are questions asked at casinos across the country, to slot attendants and floor managers: “Where are the hot machines?”
Despite all that has been written about the workings of the modern slot machine, there is still a prevailing notion among players that these questions can be answered—that attendants can give you a hot tip on a machine that’s about to hit; that some outward signs visible on a slot game can show that a machine is close to a jackpot.
Helping this notion is the wealth of “slot system” trash available on the Internet and elsewhere, offering “visual clues” to when a game is “about to hit.”
The Internet “systems” are all scams, and the notions about machines being “due” are misguided. The reason is that a slot machine’s computer is constantly selecting new results—results that have nothing to do with what the machine did three spins ago, four hours ago, for the past week or for the past year.
It all comes down to our old friend: the random number generator. A slot machine’s computer contains what is basically a digital duplication of physical reels. Before the early s, the probability of hitting jackpots, and their likelihood on any give spin, was tied to how many symbols and blanks—known as “stops”—were on each physical reel. The old electro-mechanical slots had 22 stops on each reel. By logging the symbols that landed on each reel, it was possible to perform calculations that would give you the odds of a jackpot landing on a given spin.
That all changed, however, with computerization of the process. For casinos, the problem with physical stops was that the odds of hitting the top jackpot could only be as long as the number of stops on each reel would allow. The use of a random number generator allows “virtual” reels—a computer simulation of reels containing as many symbols as the programmer desires. Numbers in the program represent each stop on each reel. If the programmer wants a low-paying or non-paying symbol—say, a blank—to appear more often, it is duplicated in the program so the random number generator selects it more often.
Thus, instead of 22 stops per reel, you may have 60 stops, hundreds of stops—as many as the programmer wishes, while staying within the odds limits set by the state. This is why odds can no longer be calculated through a formula involving the number of symbols on physical reels. The 22 symbols visible to the player no longer represent the slot machine’s probabilities. They display the symbols that can lead to combinations, but there is no way for the player to know how many numbers correspond to those symbols. The more of them the computer considers there to be on a reel, the more likely it will be selected by the RNG.
The All-Important RNG
The random number generator in a slot machine is just what the name indicates—it is a software program that generates numbers at random, from the list of numbers entered to represent each reel stop. The RNG generates more than a hundred sets of numbers every second, and it generates them continuously, even when the slot machine is idle. This is why each result is independent of every other result on a slot machine. The random generation of numbers is continuous, and no one sitting at a machine can predict which of the numbers the RNG will have generated at the instant you push the spin button.
When you push the spin button, the computer takes a snapshot of the numbers generated that instant by the RNG, and translates it into a reel result. An instant before you push the button, the RNG is generating an entirely different set of numbers; an instant later, yet another set. No one looking at the slot machine can predict the number it will choose next.
This is why a slot machine can never be said to be “due” to hit a jackpot. It is also why those systems you find on the Internet will never work.
One system circulating the Internet says that one can watch for “patterns” on the reels of a traditional-style slot machines for clues as to when the next spin will be a jackpot, and adjust your bet accordingly. Another actually tells the player to watch the reels on a traditional slot machine for wiggling. Bet a single coin until you see the reels wiggle, then bet the max because the wiggle means a jackpot is coming.
These gimmicks are all nonsense. No “pattern” formed by symbols in the pay window—an “X” formed by bar symbols, for instance—is indicative of what will come next. And, “wiggling” reels may mean that the slot machine is old and in need of repair, but nothing else. The physical reels are only there to do what the computer tells them to do. They are display mechanisms. They do the same thing as a video screen—communicate to the player the result at which the computer’s RNG has arrived.
Tips from Attendants
Many players still feel that a slot attendant or other floor person who is in one location all day can tell them which machines are “hot”—in other words, which machines are about to pay off. They will throw the employee a tip to identify a hot machine.
It is a waste of money. Even if a certain machine has been paying off all day, this is no indication it will continue to pay off tonight. A slot machine’s cycles are not predictable.
The only thing an attendant or floor person can give you is historical information. The sole place this historical information may be useful on a slot floor is a progressive bank—one that has been in place in the same location for a long time. The useful historical information an employee can give you here is the level at which the progressive jackpot has hit on that game. If it is substantially above that, other players who are familiar with the link will give that bank of slots more play than normal—the “jackpot fever” phenomenon. Jackpot fever pushes more coins through the game. With more changes for one of those machines to generate the winning combination, it is more likely it will hit.
More likely, but not guaranteed. And that is the vital part of my message: Even if a progressive is higher than ever before, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s definitely going to hit soon. It could go higher, and even higher—and wait until well after your bankroll is gone.
Many gamblers believe that video poker machines are a waste of time and money and instead, they head straight to the slots to try their luck. But the truth is very different – video poker games may not be as colorful and flashy, but they have proven to be far more generous to the player than slot machines. In fact, video poker is one of the very few casino games, the other one being blackjack, where players have a real opportunity to win more than they lose.
Video poker may seem like a game of chance to the less experienced gamblers, but avid players and experts know that it is, for the most part, a game of skill. This means that every decision made during play will have an impact on the outcome of the game, whereas this is never the case with slots. Moreover, casinos do not reveal the average payback percentage of slot machines and they often do it when it comes to video poker. This payback percentage shows how much of players’ bet on average would be returned to them as winnings over the long run. While with slot machines, it varies between 70% and 90%, it is approximately % for video poker. In other words, players are more likely to lose when playing slots than they would at video poker.
Best Online Video Poker Casinos
Check All Online Video Poker Pages Here
But how is this percentage calculated? Casinos carefully determine the amount of money they are prepared to give back to their customers – they create the games and adjust the pay tables of each of them in such a manner that the odds are always in their favor. Of course, each different game also comes with certain probabilities of winning and losing, depending on its game play, specific rules, etc. There are many factors determining whether a game is more generous or not. Although nothing is certain in gambling, video poker players are able to guarantee a return of their investment if they pick a good game and employ the proper strategy.
Video Poker Odds
In order to understand the odds of winning at video poker, players need to become familiar with the game and its rules. Video poker is based on the simple 5-card draw poker, which is one of the simplest forms of table poker. It is played on either a video console, similar to the slot machine or as a virtual game in online casinos. Typically, video poker uses a standard deck of 52 cards (sometimes more if the Joker is added) where the player is dealt 5 cards during the initial draw and has the option either to hold or to discard them. A second draw follows and if a winning hand is formed, the player receives a payout that corresponds to the original bet and the winning hand.
Before proceeding to explain the odds of winning in video poker, it is important to outline several basic things. The first thing players should know is that in a standard video poker, they have exactly 32 ways to play each hand they are dealt. In order to succeed, they need to make the best choice every time they push the Draw button. This is possible in two instances – if the game is played by a computer, or by a knowledgeable player who uses the right strategy, based on a careful mathematical analysis.
The second thing each player needs to know is the ranking of the winning hands in video poker. In the most basic version of the game, called Jacks or Better, the winning hands are ranked the same way as in regular poker. The highest paying hand is Royal Flush, which is a combination of a Ten, a Jack, a Queen, a King, and an Ace of the same suit. It is followed by Straight Flush, which is formed by 5 consecutive cards of the same suit. Next is Four of a Kind (any four cards of the same value) and then, Full House, which contains a Three of a Kind and a Pair. The following hand is Flush – any five cards of the same suit, and next, Straight, which is 5 consecutive cards of any suit. The lower hands in the pay table are Three of a Kind, Two Pair, and Jacks or Better, which is a Pair of Jacks or higher cards.
Hand | Example |
Royal Flush | AA KK JJ |
Straight Flush | KK JJ 99 |
Four of a Kind | 55 55 55 55 |
Full House | 99 99 77 77 77 |
Flush | 33 55 88 99 |
Straight | 66 77 88 99 |
Three of a Kind | 22 22 22 |
Two of a Kind | 44 44 |
Also, players need to remember that the cards are dealt randomly. This is guaranteed by the use of the so-called RNG (Random Number Generator) technology.
Random Number Generator
Today, all slot and video poker machines run under a Random Number Generator which ensures that the outcomes of the games are random and cannot be predicted. This is essential, as it guarantees fairness. What many people do not understand is how the RNG works, thinking it is a software, or rather a computer chip, that shuffles the cards in video poker. This is a common misconception and is far from the truth. In reality, the RNG produces a long sequence of numbers within a predetermined range. These numbers are generated constantly, even after the cards are dealt. In fact, this continues even when the game is not played at. The numbers determine which cards will be dealt and in which position.
However, the matter is much more complex. There are different kinds of RNG and the one used in casino games is called Pseudo Random Number Generator. It is the basis not only for all virtual games but also for many games in land-based casinos – video poker and slot machines, Keno, as well as the automated or computer-controlled roulette and blackjack games where there is no dealer. The RNG is “pseudo” because the sequence of numbers is only seemingly random. It is in fact determined by a seed key or a seed value. This computational algorithm, although fixed, actually produces many numbers each millisecond and the exact combinations cannot be predicted or reproduced, unless, of course, the seed value is known.
So, although the numbers are not exactly random, in practice, the outcome of a video poker game is. There is no shuffling of the cards, there are no strings of bad or winning hands, and there is no connection whatsoever between the amount of bet placed and the value of the cards dealt. Also, it is possible that the player hits the highest payout (or the jackpot) two times in a row. On the other hand, it is impossible to receive the exact same card that has been discarded after the initial draw. Once you discard a Nine of Spades, you can be dealt a Nine of another suit, but never a Nine of Spades again, as it is removed from the deck during the current round.
Initial Deal Odds
Most players know that a Royal Flush or another jackpot winning hand happens once in many deals as the stronger, higher ranking hands in video poker are rarer than weaker combinations. It is true, at least for the most part. The exact odds of hitting a particular winning hand actually depends on the video poker variation you play. But in the most common variations, the odds are known and players can use them in order to pick the best game or to make informed decisions.
When you play a basic video poker game with 52 cards, the odds of getting a Royal Flush during the initial draw are 1 in , For a Straight Flush, it is 1 in 72,, and for Four of a Kind – 1 in 4, The player will receive a Full House with the first cards dealt once in games, while the odds for getting a Flush are to 1, for a Straight, they are to 1, 47 to 1 for Three of a Kind, 21 to 1 for Two Pairs, and to 1 for Jacks or Better. And the odds of getting any pair (from Twos through Tens) is to 1.
What these numbers mean is that you will receive any pair of cards almost half of the time during your play. And every 7 to 8 hands you will get your bet back from the even Jacks or Better payout with the opportunity to only increase your winning. Of course, all these are average stats – you should not expect to receive a pair of Sevens every two or three deals. You may not get them even after 20 hands. However, the RNG may deal you a Four of a Kind on your first bet at the game.
Hand | Odds |
Royal Flush | , to 1 |
Straight Flush | 72, to 1 |
Four of a Kind | 4, to 1 |
Full House | to 1 |
Flush | to 1 |
Straight | to 1 |
Three of a kind | 47 to 1 |
Two Pairs | 21 to 1 |
Pair J,Q,K or A | to 1 |
Any Pair | to 1 |
Odds on the Draw
The odds change significantly after the player chooses which cards to hold and which cards to discard. This also depends on what cards he or she holds. For instance, if you hold 4 cards to a Royal Flush and need just one to complete it, the odds of achieving that are 47 to 1. The odds that you will turn a Three of Kind into a Four a Kind are 24 to 1 and into a Full House – 16 to 1. The options here are too many to count or list, but every avid player can make their own research and take a look at the data available in video poker guides, strategy books, or even online.
Return to Player
Unlike roulette or slots, video poker gives the player the opportunity to maximize their chances of winning. A good success strategy is based on the particular variation of video poker and the pay table which lists the winning hands in a certain order in combination with the payouts for them. These will also show how higher the house edge of the game is and the payback percentage. The payback percentage, also known as Return to Player (RTP), is a term which describes the percentage of wagered money paid back to the player over time. And this is one of the most important things to look for when determining whether a video poker machine is good or not.
A typical 9/6 Jacks or Better video poker game has an RTP of %, which means that for every $ wagered, the player receives $ as winnings. This percentage is average and calculated over the long run, which, according to experts, corresponds to thousands or even millions of rounds of each game. The RTP is a theoretical return which can be expected only if the game is played accurately and with the maximum bet.
House edge, on the other hand, shows how much money the game will keep over time. It is one of the basics that every beginner should know about gambling – casino games are specifically designed to always give the casino the advantage. However, when it comes to video poker, the house not always wins, or rather, the house does not come out as the sole winner. To put it simply, the house edge is just the flip side of RTP. If you are playing a game with a payback of %, the house edge on it will be %, one of the lowest among casino games. Generally, the house advantage in video poker ranges from 5% to almost %. However, in some games, it is zero or even negative. The full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has an RTP of %, which means that the house edge is %.
Sometimes, casinos would post the RTP rates for the games they offer in order to show that they are favorable to the players and attract more customers. But in case the returns are not clearly displayed, you can still find which games are more generous and which will leave you penniless. The easiest way is to look at the pay tables of the different variations of video poker.
Pay Tables
The expected return is always influenced by the specific pay table of the game you are playing. The payouts for two of the winning hands are the first thing to look for, as they are usually the primary indicator for house edge and RTP these are the payouts for Full House and for Flush. Players should stick to full pay games, where typically, the Full House payout is 9 times the original bet, while the winnings for Flush are 6 times the bet.
A 9/6 Jacks or Better refers to a full pay game with an RTP of %, whereas the 10/8/5 Bonus Poker has a return of %, which is among the lowest possible for video poker as a whole. In this game, a Full House pays 10 coins for 1 coin bet, a Flush pays 8 coins, while the Straight pays 5 coins. However, the payout for a Four of Kind hand is split, depending on what cards it is composed of. In addition, a hand of Two Pair pays evenly, instead of double the bet as it is in 9/6 Jacks or Better. This is a great example of a deceptive pay table, which is seemingly great, but when you do the Math, it turns out that the odds are in favor of the house. There are literally hundreds of video poker variations, most of which have lower RTPs and are often called by players “tight”.
Usually, players try to stick to games with more balanced pay tables than to try getting a rare hand. Knowing the pay tables, they can wisely choose a suitable game – some variations offer lower but regular payouts, while those that feature progressive jackpots come with the prospects of making you rich, but until that happens, you will probably lose a lot of money.
Coins | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Royal Flush | |||||
Straight Flush | 50 | ||||
Four of a Kind | 25 | 50 | 75 | ||
Full House | 9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 |
Flush | 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 |
Straight | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 |
Three of a Kind | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
Two Pair | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Jacks or Better | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Video Poker Variations with High RTPs
Although most video games are designed with odds in favor of the casino, there is a wide range of variations which offer RTPs of over %. Of course, such profitability is possible only if the player makes as few mistakes as possible and uses the proper strategy. A perfectly played full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has the potential for maximum return of %. It is a 9/6 game and the Deuces (the Twos) are Wild Cards, which can replace any card in the hand so that the player can achieve a winning combination much easier. It is important, however, to check the payout for Four of a Kind – if it is 4 times the bet, instead of 5 times, the return will decrease to %.
Another popular variation which gives you the opportunity to come out as a winner is the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. There is a Double feature, which can help players double their winnings during a bonus game – they are given five cards but only one is face up and they need to choose a card from the rest. They win if they manage to open a card which has a higher value than the original card.
Double Double Bonus Poker also attracts players with an RTP higher than usual – %. It is a full pay, 9/6 game based on the classic Jacks or Better but the payout for a Four of a Kind hand depends on how strong it is – it starts from 50 coins (from Fives through Kings) and reaches coins for four Aces.
Of course, video poker games which have progressive jackpots can be quite attractive, because the RTP percentage rapidly grows with the jackpot and often goes beyond %. However, in order to qualify for a jackpot, players need to wager the maximum bet and they can quickly run out of money.
RTP and Expected Value
Typically, players would choose video poker machines with higher RTP percentages, but the higher average return of a game does not always mean a higher actual return. Playing a game with an RTP over % such as 9/6 Deuces Wild, for instance, would earn you money over the long term, but you cannot expect to achieve its theoretical return of % in just a few rounds. However, you can still calculate the expected return and value of each game by considering its RTP percentage and total bets you are going to place.
If you wager $ on a video poker game with an expected return of %, you may earn $ if you use a strategy which is close to perfect. If you are to bet $ on a full pay Deuces Wild, which theoretically pays back %, you can calculate the expected return to be $ In other words, for every $ bet placed on this game, the player can expect to collect winnings of $ if he or she plays for a long time. Playing a game with an RTP lower than %, on the hand, would eventually lead to generating losses. Betting $ on the 9/6 Double Double Bonus Poker which has an RTP of %, would leave the player with $ after multiple hands have been dealt. The loss will be $, although it is only theoretical and should only be thought of as an average.
Similarly, one can calculate the expected value of each game – this is the average amount of winnings the player can expect to generate after playing for a certain amount of time. Most experienced gamblers place on average bets per hour. In order to estimate the total wager for an hour, we need to take into account the total bets. Some video poker games offer lower denominations, which means that the total wager would be less. Of course, the number of hands that are played simultaneously should also be considered, as most of the lower denomination machines are in fact multi-hand or power video poker games.
For instance, if the player bets 5 coins, which is the maximum, and a denomination of $, the amount he or she would wager on each hand is $ Considering he or she plays hands per hour, we should simply multiply $ by to estimate how much would be invested for one hour – $ If the player wagers this sum on full pay Deuces Wild, he or she can multiply it by the RTP of the game, which is %. The result of $, is the expected return after playing for one hour. Comparing it with the initial investment of $ gives us a difference of $ This means that the expected value of playing Deuces Wild for a period of one hour is $
Let us calculate the expected value of another high paying video poker game – the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. We would expect that playing this game would earn less than betting on the full pay Deuces Wild. But interestingly, this is not the case. Playing with the maximum number of coins and bet amount would guarantee maximum winnings, so let us take $ bet and multiply it by 5 (the max amount of coins) to get a bet of $ for each hand. The investment for an hour of play would be $25 multiplied by , or $16, The expected return would be % of $16,, or $16, The difference is $ and this is the expected value of playing the game for a period of one hour.
It turns out that the player can win much more by playing a game with a lower RTP percentage. This is why when choosing a video poker game, gamblers should always take into consideration the total bets they intend to place. The best choice would be a game that provides the highest expected value and not necessarily the highest expected return.
When you walk in, you’ll be asked to “trade” your credit card for a wine card. (Don’t forget it on your way out – that wine card isn’t a widely accepted form of payment.) Yep, for real.
Three glass cases of bottled wine await. Peruse the selection, stick your card in a slot, and select a one-ounce, three-ounce, or five-ounce pour. Then hold your glass under the spigot and press the button; your reward will automatically pour out, and your card will be charged accordingly.
It’s kind of like Vegas – you’re losing money AND drinking, all at the same time.
Two ladies from Gilbert are the brains behind this DIY-drink operation on Roosevelt Row in Phoenix. Lindsey Schoenemann and Emily Rieve are former Gilbert school teachers. They were inspired by a similar self-serve setup on a trip to France, and decided to open one of their own.
Prices run from $ to $ per glass. More than half the 24 available wines come from Arizona vineyards. Some familiar in-state names are sure to tempt you: Dos Cabezas, Arizona Stronghold, Sand Reckoner, and so on. Grape varietals are all over the map. You'll see plenty of grenache and viognier. You'll also see some less-common grapes, like mourvedre.
Seats for sipping
Melissa Campana
If wine isn't your thing, though, then how did you find this place? Just kidding. I mean, they also also serve beer on tap – the current three are from San Tan, Huss and Prescott Brewing – and by the bottle or can. Check out the mini case by the cash register, too. It's frequently updated with interesting to-go options, like Jun Kombucha (in both alcoholic and nonalcoholic versions).
Add all that to the cozy furniture, laid-back atmosphere and the local angle, and you might have just found your home away from home downtown. And just like at home, you'll have to refill your glass yourself.
GenuWine Arizona. North First Avenue, #
Monday through Thursday 3 to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 1 to 11 p.m.; Sunday from 1 to 10 p.m.
Is This Slot Machine Due?
Telling when a machine is “due to hit” is the Holy Grail of the slot world
By Frank Legato
It’s one of the most-asked questions among slot players: Which machines are due to hit? Or, how do I tell when a machine is due? Or, which machines are the best to play, right now?
These are not only among the most-often questions asked in letters to this and other player magazines; they are questions asked at casinos across the country, to slot attendants and floor managers: “Where are the hot machines?”
Despite all that has been written about the workings of the modern slot machine, there is still a prevailing notion among players that these questions can be answered—that attendants can give you a hot tip on a machine that’s about to hit; that some outward signs visible on a slot game can show that a machine is close to a jackpot.
Helping this notion is the wealth of “slot system” trash available on the Internet and elsewhere, offering “visual clues” to when a game is “about to hit.”
Sportfishing Slots Machine alt="Slot Machine" width="" height="">
The Trash Panda Slots Machine “systems” are all scams, and the notions about machines being “due” are misguided. The reason is that a slot machine’s computer is constantly selecting new results—results that have nothing to do with what the machine did three spins ago, four hours ago, for the past week or for the past year.
It all comes down to our old friend: the random number generator. A slot machine’s computer contains what is basically a digital duplication of physical reels. Before the early s, the probability of hitting jackpots, and their likelihood on any give spin, Trash Panda Slots Machine, was tied to how many symbols and blanks—known as “stops”—were on each physical reel. The old electro-mechanical slots had 22 stops on each reel. By logging the symbols that landed on each reel, it was possible to perform calculations that would give you the odds of a jackpot landing on a given spin.
That all changed, Trash Panda Slots Machine, however, with computerization of the process, Trash Panda Slots Machine. For casinos, the problem with physical Imperial Wealth Slots Machine was that the odds of hitting the top jackpot could only be as long as the number of stops on each reel would allow. The use of a random number generator allows “virtual” reels—a computer simulation of reels containing as many symbols as the programmer desires. Numbers in the program represent each stop on each reel. If the programmer wants a low-paying or non-paying symbol—say, a blank—to appear more often, it is duplicated in the program so the random number generator selects it more often.
Thus, instead of 22 stops per reel, you may have 60 stops, hundreds of stops—as many as the programmer wishes, while staying within the odds limits set by the state. This is why odds can no longer be calculated through a formula involving the number of symbols on physical reels. The 22 symbols visible to the player no longer represent the slot machine’s probabilities. They display the symbols that can lead to combinations, but there is Trash Panda Slots Machine way for the player to know how many numbers correspond to those symbols, Trash Panda Slots Machine. The more of them the computer considers there to be on a reel, the more likely it will be selected by the RNG.
The All-Important RNG
The random number generator in a slot machine is just what the name indicates—it is a software program that generates numbers at random, from the list of numbers entered to represent each reel stop. The RNG generates more than a hundred sets of numbers every second, and it generates them continuously, even when the slot machine is idle. This is why each result is independent of every other result on a slot machine. The random generation of numbers is continuous, and no one sitting at a machine can predict which of the numbers the RNG will have generated at the instant you push the spin button.
When you push the spin button, the computer takes a snapshot of the numbers generated that instant by the RNG, and translates it into a reel result. An instant before you push the button, the RNG is generating an entirely different set of numbers; an instant later, yet another set. No one looking at the slot machine can predict the number it will choose next.
This is why a slot machine can never be said to be “due” to hit a jackpot. It is also why those systems you find on the Internet will never work.
One system circulating the Internet says that one can watch for “patterns” on the reels of a traditional-style slot machines for clues as to when the next spin will be a jackpot, and adjust your bet accordingly. Another actually tells the player to watch the reels on a traditional slot machine for wiggling. Bet a single coin until you see the reels wiggle, then bet the max because the wiggle means a jackpot is coming.
These gimmicks are all nonsense. No “pattern” formed by symbols in the pay window—an “X” formed by bar Trash Panda Slots Machine, for instance—is indicative of what will come next. And, “wiggling” reels may mean that the slot machine is old and in need of repair, but nothing else. The physical reels are only there to do what the computer tells them to do. They are display mechanisms. They do the same thing as a video screen—communicate to the player the result at which the computer’s RNG has arrived.
Tips from Attendants
Many players still feel that a slot attendant or other floor person who is in one location all day can tell them which machines are “hot”—in other words, which machines are about to pay off. They will throw the employee a tip to identify a hot machine.
It is a waste of money. Even if a certain machine has been paying off all day, this is no indication Carry on Camping Pub Fruit Slots Machine Trash Panda Slots Machine continue to pay off tonight. A slot machine’s cycles are not predictable.
The only thing an attendant or floor person can give you is historical information. The sole place this historical information may be useful on a slot floor is a progressive bank—one that has been in place in the same location for a long time, Trash Panda Slots Machine. The useful historical information an employee can give you here is the level at which the progressive jackpot has hit on that game. If it is substantially above that, other players who are familiar with the link will give that bank of slots more play than normal—the “jackpot fever” phenomenon. Jackpot fever pushes more coins through the game. With more changes for one of those machines to generate the winning combination, it is more likely it will hit.
More likely, but not guaranteed. And that is the vital part of my message: Even if a progressive is higher than ever before, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s definitely going to hit Trash Panda Slots Machine. It could go higher, Trash Panda Slots Machine, and even higher—and wait until well after your bankroll is gone.
Slot RTP Percentages
*Cannot be combined with additional sales/discounts.
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Many gamblers believe that video poker machines are a waste of time and money and instead, they head straight to the slots to try their luck. But the truth is very different – video poker games may not be as colorful and flashy, but they have proven to be far more generous to the player than slot machines. In fact, video poker is one of the very few casino games, the other one being blackjack, where players have a real opportunity to win more than they lose.
Video poker may seem like a game of chance to the less experienced gamblers, but avid players and experts know that it is, for the most part, a game of skill. This means that every decision made during play will have an impact on the outcome of the game, whereas this is never the case with slots. Moreover, casinos do not reveal the average payback percentage of slot machines and they often do it when it comes to video poker. This payback percentage shows how much of players’ bet on average would be returned to them as winnings over the long run, Trash Panda Slots Machine. While with slot machines, it varies between 70% and 90%, it is approximately % for video poker. In other words, players are more likely to lose when playing slots than they would at video poker.
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But how is this percentage calculated? Casinos carefully determine the amount of money they are prepared to give back to their customers – they create the games and adjust the pay tables of each of them in such a manner that the odds are always in their favor. Of course, each different game also comes with certain probabilities of winning and losing, depending on its game play, specific rules, etc. There are many factors determining whether a game is more generous or not. Although nothing is certain in gambling, video poker players are able to guarantee a return of their investment if they pick a good game and employ the proper strategy.
Video Poker Odds
In order to understand the odds of winning at video poker, players need to become familiar with the game and its rules. Video poker is based on the simple 5-card draw poker, which is one of the simplest forms of table poker. It is played on either a video console, Trash Panda Slots Machine, similar to the slot machine or as a virtual game in online casinos. Typically, Trash Panda Slots Machine, video poker uses a standard deck of 52 cards (sometimes more if the Joker is added) where the player is dealt 5 cards during the initial draw and has the option either to hold or to discard them. A second draw follows and if a winning hand is formed, the player receives a payout that corresponds to the original bet and the winning hand.
Before proceeding to explain the odds of winning in video poker, it is important to outline several basic things. The first thing players should know is that in a standard video poker, they have exactly 32 ways to play each hand they are dealt. In order to succeed, they need to make the best choice every time they push the Draw button. This is possible in two instances – if the game is played by a computer, or by a knowledgeable player who uses the right strategy, based on a careful mathematical analysis.
The second thing each player needs to know is the ranking of the winning hands in video poker. In the most basic version of the game, called Jacks or Better, the winning hands are ranked the same way as in regular poker. The highest paying hand is Royal Flush, which is a combination of a Ten, a Jack, Trash Panda Slots Machine, a Queen, a King, and an Ace of the same suit. It is followed by Straight Flush, Trash Panda Slots Machine, which is formed by 5 consecutive cards Trash Panda Slots Machine the same suit. Next is Four of a Kind (any four cards of the same value) and then, Full House, which contains a Three of a Kind and a Pair. The following hand is Flush – any five cards of the same suit, and next, Trash Panda Slots Machine, Straight, which is 5 consecutive cards of any suit. The lower hands in the pay table are Three of a Kind, Two Pair, and Jacks or Better, which is a Pair of Jacks or higher cards.
Hand | Example |
Royal Flush | AA KK JJ |
Straight Flush | KK JJ 99 |
Four of a Kind | 55 55 55 55 |
Full House | 99 99 77 77 77 |
Flush | 33 55 88 99 |
Straight | 66 77 88 99 |
Three of a Kind | 22 22 22 |
Two of a Kind | 44 44 |
Also, players need to remember that the cards are dealt randomly. This is guaranteed by the use of the so-called RNG (Random Number Generator) technology.
Random Number Generator
Today, all slot and video poker machines run under a Random Number Generator which ensures that the outcomes of the games are random and cannot be predicted. This is Trash Panda Slots Machine, as it guarantees fairness. What many people do not understand is how the RNG works, thinking it is a software, or rather a computer chip, that shuffles the cards in video poker. This is a common misconception and is far from the truth. In reality, Trash Panda Slots Machine, the RNG produces a long sequence of numbers within a predetermined range. These numbers are generated constantly, even after the cards are dealt. In fact, this continues even when the game is not played at. The numbers determine which cards will be dealt and in which position.
However, the matter is much more complex. There are different kinds of RNG and the one used in casino games is called Pseudo Random Number Generator. It is the basis not only for all virtual games but also for many games in land-based casinos – video poker and slot machines, Keno, as well as the automated or computer-controlled roulette and blackjack games where there is no dealer. The RNG is “pseudo” because the sequence of numbers is only seemingly random. It is in fact determined by a seed key or a seed value. This computational algorithm, although fixed, actually produces many numbers each millisecond and the exact combinations cannot be predicted or reproduced, unless, of course, the seed value is known.
So, although the numbers are not exactly random, in practice, the outcome of a video poker game is. There is no shuffling of the cards, there are no strings of bad or winning hands, Trash Panda Slots Machine, and there is no connection whatsoever between the amount of bet placed and the value of the cards dealt. Also, Trash Panda Slots Machine, it is possible that the player hits the highest payout (or the jackpot) two times in Trash Panda Slots Machine row, Trash Panda Slots Machine. On the other hand, it is impossible to receive the exact same card that has been Trash Panda Slots Machine after the initial draw, Trash Panda Slots Machine. Once you discard a Nine of Spades, you can be dealt a Nine of another suit, but never a Nine of Spades again, as it is removed from the deck during the current round.
Initial Deal Trash Panda Slots Machine players know that a Royal Flush or another jackpot winning hand happens once in many deals as the stronger, Trash Panda Slots Machine, higher ranking hands in video poker are rarer than weaker combinations. It is true, at least for the most part. The exact odds of hitting a particular winning hand actually depends on the video poker variation you play. But in the most common variations, the odds are known and players can use them in order to pick the best game or to make informed tivoli casino When you play a basic video poker game with 52 cards, the odds of getting a Royal Flush during the initial draw are 1 inFor a Straight Flush, it is 1 in 72, and for Four of a Kind – 1 in 4, The player will receive a Full House with the first cards dealt once in games, while the odds for getting a Flush are to 1, for a Straight, they are to 1, Trash Panda Slots Machine, 47 to 1 for Three of a Kind, 21 to 1 for Two Pairs, and to 1 for Jacks or Better. And the odds of getting any pair (from Twos through Tens) is to 1.
What these numbers mean is that you will receive any pair of cards almost half of the time during your play. And every 7 to Free Spin City Slots Machine hands you will get your bet back from the even Jacks or Better payout with the opportunity to only increase your winning. Of course, all these are average stats – you should not expect to receive a pair of Sevens every two or three deals. You may not get them even after 20 hands. However, the RNG may deal you a Four of a Kind on your first bet at the game.
Hand | Odds | |
Royal Flush | , to 1 | |
Straight Flush | 72, to 1 | |
Four of a Kind | 4, to 1 | |
Full House | to 1 | |
Flush | to 1 | |
Straight | to 1 | |
Three of a kind | 47 to Wu Long Slot Machine Review Pairs | 21 to 1 |
Pair J,Q,K or A | to 1 | |
Any Pair | to 1 |
Odds on the Draw
The odds change significantly after the player chooses which cards to hold and which cards to discard. This also depends on what cards he or she holds. For instance, if you hold 4 cards to a Royal Flush and need just one to complete it, the odds of achieving that are 47 to 1. The odds that you Trash Panda Slots Machine turn a Three of Kind into a Four a Kind are 24 to 1 and into a Full House – 16 to 1. The options here are too many to count or list, but every avid player can make their own research and take a look at the data available in video poker guides, strategy books, or even online.
Return to Player
Unlike roulette or slots, video poker gives the player the opportunity to maximize their chances of winning. A good success strategy is based on the particular variation of video poker and the pay table which lists the winning hands in a certain order in combination with the payouts for them. These will also show how higher the house edge of the game is and the payback percentage, Trash Panda Slots Machine. The payback percentage, also known as Return to Player (RTP), is a term which describes the percentage of wagered money paid back Trash Panda Slots Machine the player over time. And this is one of the most important things to look for when determining whether a video poker machine is good or not.
A typical 9/6 Jacks or Better video poker game has an RTP of %, which means that for every $ wagered, the player receives $ as winnings. This percentage is average and calculated over the long run, which, according to experts, corresponds to thousands or even millions of rounds of each game, Trash Panda Slots Machine. The RTP is a theoretical return which can be expected only if the game GLOW Slots Machine played accurately and with the maximum bet.
House edge, on the other hand, shows how much money the game will keep over time. It is one of the basics that every beginner should know about gambling – casino downtown las vegas casinos are specifically designed to always give the casino the advantage. However, when it comes to video poker, the house not always wins, or rather, the house does not come out as the sole winner. To put it simply, the house edge is just the flip side of RTP. If you are playing a game with a payback of %, the house edge on it will be %, one of the lowest among casino games, Trash Panda Slots Machine. Generally, the house advantage in video poker ranges from 5% to almost %. However, in some games, it is zero or even negative. The full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has an RTP of %, which means that the house edge is %.
Sometimes, casinos would post the RTP rates for the games they offer in order to show that they are favorable to the players and attract more customers. But in case the returns are not clearly displayed, you can still find which games are more generous and which will leave you penniless. The easiest way is to look at the pay tables of the different variations of video poker.
Pay Tables
The expected return is always influenced by the specific pay table of the game you are playing. The payouts for two of the winning hands are the first thing to look for, as they are usually the primary indicator for house edge and RTP these are the payouts for Full House and for Flush. Players should stick to full pay games, where typically, the Full House payout is 9 times the original bet, while the winnings for Flush Celtic Football Club Slots Machine 6 times the bet.
A 9/6 Jacks or Better refers to a full pay game with an RTP of %, Trash Panda Slots Machine, whereas the 10/8/5 Bonus Poker has a return of %, which is among the lowest possible for video poker as a whole. In this game, a Full House pays 10 coins for 1 coin bet, a Flush pays 8 coins, while the Straight pays 5 coins. However, the payout for a Four of Kind hand is split, depending on what cards it is composed of. In addition, a hand of Two Pair pays evenly, instead of double the bet as it is in 9/6 Jacks or Better. This is a great example of a deceptive pay table, which is seemingly great, but when you do the Math, it turns out that the odds are in favor of the house. There are literally hundreds of video poker variations, most of which have lower RTPs and are often called by players “tight”.
Usually, players try to stick to games with more balanced pay tables than to try getting a rare hand. Knowing the pay tables, they can wisely choose a suitable game – some variations offer Trash Panda Slots Machine but regular payouts, while those that feature progressive jackpots come with the prospects of making you rich, but until that happens, you will probably lose a lot of money, Trash Panda Slots Machine.
Coins | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Royal Flush | |||||
Straight Flush | 50 | ||||
Four of a Kind | 25 | 50 | 75 | ||
Full House | 9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 |
Flush | 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 |
Straight | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 |
Three of a Kind | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
Two Pair | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Jacks or Better | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Video Poker Variations with High RTPs
Although most video games are designed with odds in favor of the casino, there is a wide range of variations which offer RTPs of over %. Of course, such profitability is possible only if the player makes as few mistakes as possible and uses the proper strategy. A perfectly played full pay Deuces Wild, for instance, has the potential for maximum return of %. It is a 9/6 game and the Deuces (the Twos) are Wild Cards, which can replace any card in the hand so that the player can achieve a winning combination much easier. It is important, however, to check the payout for Four of a Kind – if it Trash Panda Slots Machine 4 times the bet, instead of 5 times, the return will decrease to %, Trash Panda Slots Machine.
Another popular variation which gives you the opportunity to come out as a winner is the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. There is a Double feature, which can help players double their winnings during a bonus game – they are given five cards but only one is face up and they need to choose a card from the rest. They win if they manage to open a card which has a higher value than the original card.
Double Double Bonus Poker also attracts players with an RTP higher than usual – %. It is a full pay, 9/6 game based on the classic Jacks or Better but the payout for a Four of a Kind hand depends on how strong it is – it starts from 50 coins (from Fives through Kings) and reaches coins for four Aces.
Of course, video poker games which have progressive jackpots can be quite attractive, because the RTP percentage rapidly grows with the jackpot and often goes beyond %. However, in order to qualify for a jackpot, players need to wager the maximum bet and they can quickly run out of money.
RTP and Expected Value
Typically, players would choose video poker machines with higher RTP percentages, but the higher average return of a game does not always mean a higher actual return. Playing a game with an RTP over % such as 9/6 Deuces Wild, Trash Panda Slots Machine, for instance, would earn you money over the long term, but you cannot expect to achieve its theoretical return of % in just a few rounds. However, you can still calculate the expected return and value of each game by considering its RTP percentage and total bets you are going to place.
If you wager $ on a video poker game with an expected return of %, you may earn $ if you use a strategy which is close to perfect. If you are to bet $ on a full pay Deuces Wild, which theoretically pays back %, you can calculate the expected return to be $ In other words, for every $ bet placed on Trash Panda Slots Machine game, the player can expect to collect winnings of $ if he or she plays for a long time, Trash Panda Slots Machine. Playing a game Quintris Slots Machine an RTP lower than High 5 slot free demo game, on the hand, would eventually lead to generating losses. Betting $ on the 9/6 Double Double Bonus Poker which has an RTP of %, would leave the player with $ after multiple hands have been dealt. The loss will be $, although it is only theoretical and should only be thought of as an average.
Similarly, one can calculate the expected Trash Panda Slots Machine of each game – this is the average amount of winnings the player can expect to generate after playing for a certain amount of time. Most experienced gamblers place on average bets per hour. In order to estimate the total wager for an hour, Trash Panda Slots Machine, we need to take into account the total bets. Some video poker games offer lower denominations, which means that the total wager would be less. Of course, the number of hands that are played simultaneously should also be considered, as most of the lower denomination machines are in fact multi-hand or power video poker games.
For instance, Trash Panda Slots Machine, if the player bets 5 coins, which is the maximum, and a denomination of $, the amount he or she would wager on each hand is $ Considering he or she plays hands per hour, we should simply multiply $ by to estimate how much would be invested for one hour – $ If the player wagers this sum on full pay Deuces Wild, he or she can multiply it by the RTP of the game, which is %. The result of $, is the expected return after playing for one hour. Comparing it with the initial investment of $ gives us a difference of $ This means that the expected value of playing Deuces Wild for a period of one hour is $
Let us calculate the expected value of another high paying video poker game – the 10/7 Double Bonus Poker, which has an RTP of %. We would expect that playing this game would earn less than betting on the full pay Deuces Wild. But interestingly, this is not the case. Playing with the maximum number of coins and bet amount would guarantee maximum winnings, so let us take $ bet and multiply it by 5 (the max amount of coins) to get a bet of $ for each hand. The investment for an hour of play would be $25 multiplied byor $16, The expected return would be % of $16, or $16, The difference is $ and this is the expected value of playing the game for a period of one hour, Trash Panda Slots Machine.
It turns out that the player can win much more by playing a game with a lower RTP percentage. This is why when choosing a video poker game, gamblers should always take into consideration the total bets they intend to place. The best choice would be a game that provides the highest expected value and not necessarily the highest expected return.
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Panda-monium: Vehicle damaged, streets covered in garbage following celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood
Panda Game celebrations in Ottawa's Sandy Hill neighbourhood ended with partygoers taking over a residential street, flipping a car and leaving a trail of garbage and debris.
Mayor Jim Watson says he Secrets of a Geisha Slots Machine "absolutely disgusted" by the incidents, Trash Panda Slots Machine, and Ottawa police say "several incidents of criminal behaviour" are under investigation after a large crowd gathered near the University of Ottawa campus late Saturday night.
Approximately 2, students descended on the neighbourhood after 8 p.m. to celebrate the Gee-Gees victory over Carleton University in the annual football game Saturday afternoon.
Police say a car was overturned and one person was assaulted during the incident, while paramedics transported seven people to hospital.
Owen Stanton-Kennedy said a crowd started forming between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Trash Panda Slots Machine, and police had been driving-by trying to disperse it.
"After a point someone shouted, 'They can't stop us, we can still have our street party,'" said Stanton-Kennedy.
CTV News Ottawa cameras were on the scene as a large street party took over Russell Avenue, between Somerset Street and Templeton Street at approximately p.m. The footage showed hundreds of people in the middle of the street, with some people jumping on an overturned vehicle.
Hundreds of people attended a street party in the area of Russell Avenue and Templeton Street Saturday night following the Panda Game. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
As the crowd dispersed early Sunday morning, one witness told CTV News Ottawa, "Kids went crazy and they liked flipped three cars and were like partying on it."
"It's just crazy."
Ottawa police cruisers were on the scene to monitor the party and block off the road late Saturday night.
In a statement Sunday afternoon, police said investigators were looking into several incidents of criminal behaviour, and reviewing social media and video of the scene.
Ottawa police and bylaw increased patrols in Sandy Hill, Old Ottawa South and the Glebe, along with around TD Place, Trash Panda Slots Machine, before and after the game on Saturday.
"The pre and post game events were very safe and did not disrupt the neighbourhood. However, just after 8 p.m., large crowds began to gather in Sandy Hill at multiple addresses," said police.
"OPS redeployed a large number of officers and called out members of the Emergency Services Unit. The officers worked to control and manage the groups of people with partners from the RCMP, and City Bylaw, paramedics and Ottawa Fire Services."
Police say in some cases, the crowds became "very disruptive" in the area of Russell Avenue.
"In one incident, a car was overturned and a person was assaulted. Police are reviewing evidence and will be laying any applicable charges under the Reopening of Ontario Act, Liquor Licence Act, City By-laws as well as any criminal charges under the Criminal Code of Canada," said police on Sunday afternoon.
"These behaviours are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Investigators have been assigned to identify anyone who committed crimes. The OPS will also work with the University of Ottawa and Carleton University staff where students from those were involved in these behaviours."
As of 1 p.m. Sunday, Trash Panda Slots Machine, no one had been charged in connection to the incidents.
Hundreds of people take over a Sandy Hill street to celebrate following the Panda Game in Ottawa. (Aaron Reid/CTV News Ottawa)
Mayor Watson says he has spoken to Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly about the incident, Trash Panda Slots Machine, and several investigations are underway.
"I Bandit Saloon Slots Machine absolutely disgusted by the behaviour of those involved in the unruly party on Russell Avenue following yesterday's Panda Game," said Watson on Twitter Sunday morning.
"Individuals, including police officers, were injured and private and public property was damaged."
The mayor added the behaviour by some of the students is "completely unacceptable."
"Those involved should be ashamed of their idiotic and immature behaviour," said Watson.
"The vast majority of students enjoyed the pre-game activities as well as the game itself. Regrettably, post-game events in Sandy Hill were destructive, Trash Panda Slots Machine, especially as we continue our fight against COVID"
During a CTV News at Six Sunday evening, Watson responded to criticism from some neighbours that there was no police presence.
"The problems occurred after 9 o'clock, and my understanding is that there was no serious activity taking place at 9, the police started to move out some of their reinforcements and then unfortunately I think that's when social media lit up and people saying, 'Come on to Russell Avenue," said Watson.
"Obviously, Trash Panda Slots Machine, thousands showed up. The lesson's learned, and I know the chief will do a review of this."
The mayor says he will meet with Chief Sloly and Coun. Mathieu Fleury on Monday to discuss the situation.
A photo posted on social media at 1 a.m. showed a car flipped over and damaged in the middle of Russell Avenue, while garbage littered the street.
Steve Higham posted a video on Twitter showing thousands of people on Russell Avenue. Higham told CTV News Ottawa Sunday afternoon that it was a "good three hours" before he saw any police activity, and by then the crowd was already dispersing due to the rain.
"You could hear people start cheering and there was just a group of people that for whatever reason decided it was a good idea to flip a car over," said Higham in an interview with CTV News Ottawa.
Witnesses say the owner of the car confronted the people who flipped his vehicle, and he was punched in the face.
Higham said he decided he would sit on the porch of his Russell Avenue home Saturday night to stop people from going to the bathroom at his house.
"I watched as people stood on it as it was on its side and then rolled again which was quite scary, Trash Panda Slots Machine, I was worried they were going to pin people or it would fall on top of someone," said Higham.
"I had anticipated at that point the cops were going to sweep in and move people along but that didn’t happen. The police kind of sat at the end of the street and watched things transpire."
Stanton-Kennedy says he heard a "huge crash" halfway through the evening, learning later it was the car being flipped over.
"They were stomping on the car and trying to destroy it, they were using the street signs that they had taken down and also one of the metal barriers that I think was set up across the crowd," said Stanton-Kennedy.
Owen Wood attended a party in the area.
"Towards the end of the night it got more intense, more people, the level of intoxication was probably more and probably more irresponsibility towards the end of the night," said Wood.
Ottawa paramedics say seven people were transported to hospital from Sandy Hill Saturday night to be treated for minor injuries or alcohol intoxication. All seven people were listed in stable condition.
Coun. Fleury told CTV News Ottawa Sunday morning that Ottawa police, Trash Panda Slots Machine, Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Trash Panda Slots Machine are investigating the incidents in Sandy Hill.
In a statement on Twitter, Fleury called the events Saturday night "deplorable and unacceptable."
"I encourage all authorities to investigate fully; press charges and fines to organisers and those who participated," said Fleury Sunday afternoon. "Such hooliganism is selfish, puts the community at risk, and cannot go with on without consequences."
In the days leading up to the Panda Game, police, bylaw services Trash Panda Slots Machine both the University of Ottawa and Carleton University urged students to be good neighbours during the Panda Game weekend.
UOttawa had previously planned a clean-up patrol in Sandy Trash Panda Slots Machine Sunday morning following the Panda Game.
A volunteer clean-up patrol will be deployed in the neighbourhood at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Stanton-Kennedy, summing up the mood for many residents of Sandy Hill, saying, "It was not a fun night."
"The game itself is not the issue. It's the atmosphere around the game that needs to change."
Stanton-Kennedy says Panda Game after parties weren't an issue until
"Each subsequent year would get worse and worse."
Higham says he doesn't want to see the Panda Game cancelled following this year's events.
"I’m not sure what Trash Panda Slots Machine best way to crack down on the partying, but I think they should continue because it’s a good event, brings people together, builds school spirit, but obviously what happened last night is not acceptable."
The University of Ottawa Gee-Gees beat the Carleton Ravens to win the 52nd Panda Game at TD Place.
The University of Ottawa says it will fully support that those responsible for the damage caused in Sandy Hill will be dealt with through the judicial institution.
"To all those who behaved recklessly and dangerously last night: you should know that your actions were shameful and unacceptable," said a statement from uOttawa President and Vice-Chancellor Jacques Fremont and Jill Scott, Prevost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.
"We expect all students - ours and others from other institutions - to abide by the values of civility and respect. We also expect you to respect public health guidelines. If you were part of the crowds that were responsible for the damage and disrespect last night, then you must do better."
The statement said the university was "immensely disappointed" to learn some students gathered to "celebrate loudly and irresponsibly" on the streets of Sandy Hill.
"To the residents of Sandy Hill, we profoundly regret the damage that was done, as well as the fear and anxiety that these events caused you last night," wrote Fremont and Scott in a statement released just after 2 p.m. Sunday.
"Sandy Hill is our home, and you – its residents – are our valued neighbours. The actions of those who have so disrespected our community are deeply distressing to us, as they are to our community as a whole."
With files from The Canadian Press
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Acquiring an online casino license is not easy. The casino must pass many checks and audits in order to get a license. There are few reputable licensing jurisdictions, such Kahnawake, Malta, Gibraltar, Antigua, Barbuda and few more.
All the casinos listed on our site are licensed casinos. If you want to see for yourself, scroll to the bottom of the casinos home page and look for the symbol of the licensing jurisdiction. If you cant find it, we recommend choosing another casino.
Online transactions became increasingly easier and safer over the past decade. The most common way is still by credit card. Most online casinos accept cash deposits by all major credit cards. New deposit methods are PayPal, Skrill, Eco card and more. The available deposit methods are usually listed at the bottom of the casino home page. You can check our casino deposit methods review for more info.
