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Proin at elit maximus, lacinia urna quis, ullamcorper tortor. Integer tincidunt erat a erat maximus sodales. Phasellus facilisis auctor leo a auctor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ultrices consequat leo vel scelerisque.
Phasellus orci sem, iaculis ut tellus et, porttitor cursus nulla. Morbi fringilla luctus erat a molestie. Proin ullamcorper leo nec enim dignissim, consectetur dictum odio mollis. Sed hendrerit felis elit. Quisque in pellentesque tortor, sed tristique magna. Donec ornare tortor quis purus bibendum, vitae pellentesque magna tristique. Sed vel turpis nulla. Cras finibus, magna nec porta ultrices, tortor turpis faucibus velit, eu sodales risus erat ut lorem. Pellentesque interdum est mauris, sit amet suscipit metus fringilla vel.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam rhoncus libero at nulla varius mattis. Aenean a euismod risus, sed semper purus. Aenean lacinia sapien sed orci commodo dignissim. Etiam posuere eget turpis in ultricies. Morbi commodo, ligula sit amet pulvinar molestie, mauris quam vulputate lacus, quis pulvinar urna lectus sit amet mi. Ut sit amet enim ac ante bibendum mollis sit amet ac quam.
Nulla eu tortor velit. Phasellus interdum nulla nec tempor rutrum. Nam sit amet enim turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla hendrerit, libero scelerisque sagittis tempus, eros quam cursus neque, fringilla hendrerit mauris ipsum non neque. Mauris sed facilisis sem, a efficitur leo. Nullam facilisis pretium sem. Sed volutpat nisl non sapien rhoncus efficitur. Cras cursus vestibulum metus nec auctor. Vestibulum nisi tellus, varius eget dolor a, varius dictum lacus. Nulla tincidunt aliquet metus, quis pellentesque ligula porta at. Donec et odio eu orci dictum cursus sed in turpis. In feugiat feugiat molestie. Suspendisse orci diam, lacinia vitae felis varius, lacinia maximus ex.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt, ullam.
Suspendisse eget metus ac massa euismod volutpat. Aenean placerat, est eu porta rutrum, neque magna maximus mi, a vestibulum odio turpis non ligula. Curabitur justo odio, tristique sed finibus ac, mattis sed metus. Sed mollis sodales purus eu ultricies. Etiam suscipit dui quis elit tristique accumsan. Fusce luctus fringilla pretium. Sed arcu risus, pretium vitae luctus quis, ullamcorper quis velit.
- Cras sed magna sed metus sollicitudin venenatis quis ut purus. Suspendisse potenti.
- Suspendisse pellentesque pulvinar ornare. Cras euismod fringilla enim id fermentum.
- Ut sit amet nulla enim. In quis ante turpis. Pellentesque sit amet ligula laoreet tellus sollicitudin maximus.
- Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
- Curabitur efficitur ligula interdum, tempus purus et, placerat tortor.
- Proin ligula tellus, luctus scelerisque viverra vel, viverra in mi.
- Vivamus nec imperdiet nisl, nec luctus libero. Nam vulputate cursus libero, vel lobortis velit elementum at.
- Praesent rutrum augue arcu, non elementum lacus consequat eu. Phasellus placerat felis libero, a placerat nisi feugiat sit amet.
Cras sed magna sed metus sollicitudin venenatis quis ut purus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse pellentesque pulvinar ornare. Cras euismod fringilla enim id fermentum. Ut sit amet nulla enim. In quis ante turpis. Pellentesque sit amet ligula laoreet tellus sollicitudin maximus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur efficitur ligula interdum, tempus purus et, placerat tortor. Proin ligula tellus, luctus scelerisque viverra vel, viverra in mi. Vivamus nec imperdiet nisl, nec luctus libero. Nam vulputate cursus libero, vel lobortis velit elementum at. Praesent rutrum augue arcu, non elementum lacus consequat eu. Phasellus placerat felis libero, a placerat nisi feugiat sit amet.
Super User
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.
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3DO - 68 Games
1 - Alone in the Dark
2 - AutoBahn Tokio
3 - Ballz - The Director's Cut
4 - Battle Chess
5 - BattleSport
6 - BladeForce
7 - BrainDead 13
8 - Burning Soldier
9 - Cannon Fodder
10 - Captain Quazar
11 - Club 3DO - Station Invasion
12 - Corpse Killer
13 - Crime Patrol
14 - Drug Wars
15 - Escape from Monster Manor - A Terrifying Hunt for the Undead
16 - FIFA International Soccer
17 - Foes of Ali
18 - Gex
19 - Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller
20 - Horde, The
21 - Icebreaker
22 - Immercenary
23 - Incredible Machine, The
24 - Iron Angel of The Apocalypse
25 - Jurassic Park Interactive
26 - Killing Time
27 - Kingdom - The Far Reaches
28 - Mad Dog II - the Lost Gold
29 - Mazer
30 - MegaRace
31 - Need for Speed, The
32 - Night Trap
33 - Novastorm
34 - Off-World Interceptor
35 - OverDrivin'
36 - Panzer General
37 - PaTaank
38 - Phoenix 3
39 - PO'ed
40 - Primal Rage
41 - Real Pinball
42 - Return Fire
43 - Rise of the Robots
44 - Road Rash
45 - Scramble Cobra
46 - Shockwave
47 - Slam 'N Jam '95
48 - Slayer
49 - Soccer Kid
50 - Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels
51 - Space Pirates
52 - Star Fighter
53 - Star Wars - Rebel Assault
54 - StarBlade (USA)
55 - Stellar 7 - Draxon's Revenge
56 - Strahl
57 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo
58 - Super Wing Commander
59 - Supreme Warrior
60 - Syndicate
61 - Total Eclipse
62 - Virtuoso
63 - VR Stalker
64 - Waialae Country Club
65 - Way of the Warrior (USA)
66 - Wing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger
67 - Yu Yu Hakusho
68 - Zhadnost - The Peoples Party
Amiga - Games
1 - Miglia ()(Simulmondo)(En-It)[cr CSL]
2 - - The Battle of Midway
3 - 42Issue1
4 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing
5 - 5th Gear
6 - 9 Lives
7 - A.M.C. - Astro Marine Corps
8 - Aaargh!
9 - Abracadabra
10 - Abyss
11 - Accordion
12 - Adrenalynn
13 - Advanced Ski Simulator
14 - Advantage Tennis
15 - Adventure Construction Set
16 - Adventures of Quik & Silva, The
17 - After the War
18 - Airball
19 - Airborne Ranger
20 - Alcatraz
21 - Alien Bash
22 - Alien Storm
23 - Alien Syndrome
24 - AlienDrugLords_ADF
25 - All About America
26 - Alpha Waves
27 - Alpha-1
28 - Altered Beast
29 - Altered Destiny
30 - Amiga Karate
31 - Amnios
32 - Anarchy
33 - Animal Kingdom
34 - Antago
35 - Arkanoid
36 - Armageddon Man, The
37 - Atomix
38 - Axel's Magic Hammer
39 - B.A.T. II
40 - B.A.T. II (De)
41 - Baal
42 - Baby Bug
43 - Baby Jo in 'Going Home'
44 - Back to the Future Part II
45 - Bad Cat
46 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja
47 - BadLands
48 - Bagitman
49 - Ball Game, The
50 - Ball Raider II
51 - Ballistix
52 - Ballyhoo
53 - Bandit Kings of Ancient China
54 - Bangkok Knights
55 - Bank Buster
56 - Banzai
57 - Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
58 - Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax
59 - Bard's Tale III, The - Thief of Fate
60 - Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown
61 - Batman - The Caped Crusader
62 - Battle Chess II - Chinese Chess
63 - Battle Squadron - The Destruction of the Barrax Empire!
64 - Battleships
65 - Beach Volley
66 - Beam
67 - Beast Busters
68 - Better Dead Than Alien!
69 - Beverly Hills Cop
70 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
71 - Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge
72 - Bio Challenge
73 - Bionic Commando
74 - Black Cauldron, The
75 - Black Lamp
76 - Black Tiger
77 - Blackjack Academy
78 - Block Shock - The Last Chance
79 - BMX Simulator
80 - Bomb Jack
81 - Bombuzal
82 - Bonanza Bros.
83 - Borobodur - The Planet of Doom
84 - Bouncing Bill
85 - Brides of Dracula
86 - Bridge Player with Tutor
87 - Brutal - Paws of Fury
88 - Bubble Bobble
89 - Bubble Dizzy
90 - Bubble Ghost
91 - Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday
92 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
93 - Bug Bomber
94 - Bundesliga Manager
95 - Cabaret Asteroids
96 - Cadaver
97 - Calendar Quiz
98 - California Games
99 - Cap'n Carnage
- Captain Blood
- CarVup - The Final Frontier
- Castle Master
- Castors Juniors dans la Foret, Les
- Cave Maze
- Centurion - Defender of Rome
- Champion Driver
- Champion of the Raj
- Chaos Engine, The
- Chaos in Andromeda - Eyes of the Eagle
- Charly (Dragonware)
- Chase H.Q.
- Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation
- Chip's Challenge
- Chuckie Egg II
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat
- Classic Invaders
- Clever & Smart
- Clown-o-Mania
- Cluedo - Master Detective
- Clystron
- Cogan's Run
- Colmena, La
- Colossus Chess X
- Commando
- Conan the Cimmerian
- Conqueror
- Continental Circus
- Corporation
- Corruption
- Corsarios
- Corx
- Crash Landing
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Shot
- Creature
- Cricket Amiga
- Crime City
- Crime Wave
- Cross Out the Intruder
- Cruncher Factory
- Cube-X
- Cubix
- Curse of RA, The
- Cyberball - Football in the 21st Century
- Cyberblast
- Cybercon III
- Dalek Attack
- Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
- Damage - The Sadistic Butchering of Humanity
- Damocles - Mercenary II
- Darius +
- Dark Century
- Dark Fusion
- Dark Queen of Krynn, The
- Dark Side
- Day of the Pharaoh
- Days of Thunder
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Deathbots
- Deep Core
- Defender II
- Defenders of the Earth
- Deflektor
- Delta Run
- Demon Blue
- Denaris
- Detector
- Deuteros - The Next Millennium
- Dizzy Dice
- Donkey Kong
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon II - The Revenge
- Dragon Fighter
- Dragon's Lair
- Dream Zone
- Drip
- Drol
- Dugger
- Dungeon Master
- Dynamite Dux
- E.T.'s Rugby League
- Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus
- Emerald Mine
- Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz
- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
- Emperor of the Mines
- Escape from Tharkan
- Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
- European Championship
- European Soccer Challenge
- Excalibur
- Explorer
- Eye of Horus
- F1 G.P. Circuits
- F1 Tornado
- Face-Off - Ice Hockey
- Familien Duell
- Fast Freddie
- Fetiche Maya, Le
- Feud
- Feudal Lords
- Fighter Bomber
- Fighting Soccer
- Final Command
- Final Conflict, The
- Final Fight
- Final Mission, The
- Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy
- Fire!
- Firehawk
- First Letters and Words
- First Person Pinball
- First Samurai, The
- First Shapes
- Fish!
- Flintstones, The
- Flood
- Flotte
- Flying Shark
- Fool's Errand, The
- Football Champ
- Franco Baresi World Cup Kick Off
- Frantic Freddie
- Frenetic
- Future Basketball
- Future Bike Simulator
- Future Classics Collection
- Future Sport
- Galactic Conqueror
- Galactic Empire
- Galaxy Force II
- Galdregon's Domain
- Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
- Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!
- Gauntlet III - The Final Quest
- GBA Championship Basketball - Two-on-Two
- Gee Bee Air Rally
- Geisha
- Gemini Wing
- Genghis Khan
- Gettysburg - The Turning Point
- Ghost Battle
- Ghouls 'N Ghosts
- Giganoid
- Gilbert - Escape from Drill
- Global Effect
- Global Trek & Evil Dawn
- Gold of the Realm
- Golden Path
- Goldrunner
- Goldrunner II
- Graffiti Man
- Grand Monster Slam
- Grand Ouvert
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Great Courts
- Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf - Shark Attack
- Grimblood
- H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter
- Hammer Boy!
- Hard Drivin'
- Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder
- HardBall!
- Head Over Heels
- Heat Wave - Offshore Superboat Racing
- Heavy Metal
- Hellbent
- Hellraider
- Heroes of the Lance
- Highway Hawks
- Hockey Pista
- Holo Squash
- Hong Kong Phooey
- Humans, The
- Hunt for Red October, The - The Movie
- Hydra
- Hyperdome
- Hyperforce & Artificial Dreams
- Hyperion
- I Play 3-D Soccer
- Ian Botham's Cricket
- Icerunner
- Ilyad
- Immortal, The
- Impossible Mission II
- In the Beginning
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure
- Indy Heat
- Infestation
- Insanity Fight
- Insector Hecti in the Inter Change
- Insects in Space
- International 3D Tennis
- International Championship Athletics
- International Ninja Rabbits
- Interphase
- Iron Lord
- Italia
- Italian Night
- Italy
- Italy - Winners Edition
- Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
- Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf
- James Pond - Underwater Agent
- Jet
- Jet Set Willy II
- Jim Power in Mutant Planet
- Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja
- Joe Blade
- John Lowe's Ultimate Darts
- Judge Dredd
- Jumping Jack'Son
- Jumpman
- Jungle Jim
- Kamikaze
- Karting Grand Prix
- Kennedy Approach
- Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match
- Kick Off
- Kid Gloves
- Kikstart II
- Kinderama
- Kingdoms of England
- King's Quest - Quest for the Crown
- Klax
- Knightmare
- Kristal, The
- Krusty's Fun House
- Krypton Egg
- Lancaster
- Lancelot
- Laser Squad
- Last Inca, The
- Legend of Djel
- Legend of Lothian
- Legend of the Sword
- Les Manley in Search for the King
- Lettrix
- Licence to Kill
- Lightforce
- Limes & Napoleon
- Liquid Kids
- Little Wizards
- Living Jigsaw
- Logo
- M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sport
- Magic Lines
- Major Motion
- Manager
- Manoir de Mortvielle, Le
- Marble Madness
- Marble Rescue
- Match of the Day
- Match-It
- Math Wizard
- Math-A-Magician
- Maths Dragons
- Matrix
- Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Mayday Squad Heroes
- Mean 18 - Ultimate Golf
- Medal Winner
- Medieval Warriors
- Mega lo Mania
- Mega Twins
- Megaroids
- MegArts Hockey
- Mercenary III - The Dion Crisis
- Mercs
- Merv the Merciless
- Metal Law
- Metal Mutant
- Meteors
- Microbes
- MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix
- MicroProse Soccer
- Midwinter
- MiG Soviet Fighter
- MiGM Super Fulcrum
- Mikro Mortal Tennis
- Mindbender
- Mindbreaker
- Mindfighter
- Mirror Magic
- Mission - Con-Bat
- Mission Andromeda (Demonware)
- Mission Elevator
- Monster Business
- Moochies, The
- Moonshine Racers
- Mortville Manor
- Mot
- Motor Massacre
- Mouse Trap
- Mr. Heli
- Murder
- My Funny Maze
- Mystery of the Mummy
- Mystical
- Myth - History in the Making
- Napolean I
- Narc
- Nathan Never
- Nations of the World - Canada
- Necronom
- Neuromancer
- Never Mind
- New Zealand Story, The
- Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
- Night Walk
- Nightdawn
- Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos
- Ninja Mission
- Ninja Spirit
- Nitro Boost Challenge
- No Second Prize
- Noche de Walpurgis, La
- North & South
- Nova 9 - The Return of Gir Draxon
- Nucleus
- Oath, The
- Obliterator
- Oilmania
- Oldtimer - Erlebte Geschichte Teil II
- Oliver & Company
- Omni-Play Horse Racing
- On the Road
- Onslaught
- Operation - Cleanstreets
- Operation Stealth
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Oriental Games
- Out Run Europa
- Overlander (Elite)
- Oxxonian
- Oxyd Magnum!
- P.O.W.
- P.P. Hammer and His Pneumatic Weapon
- P47 Thunderbolt
- Pandora
- Panzer Battles
- Paramax
- Paris Dakar
- Passing Shot
- Perfect General, The
- Personal Nightmare
- Peter Beardsley's International Football
- Phalanx
- Pharoah's Curse
- Phobia
- Pick Out
- Pioneer Plague, The
- Pipe Mania
- Pipe Rider
- Pit-Fighter
- Plague, The
- Planet of Lust
- Platoon
- Player Manager
- Plotting
- Poltergeist
- Pool of Radiance
- Populous
- Pop-Up
- Power Pinball
- Power, The
- Powerboat USA - Offshore Superboat Racing
- Powerplay - The Game of the Gods
- Predator
- Prehistorik
- Prime Time
- Prince
- Prison
- Pro Tennis Simulator
- Pro Tennis Tour
- Project Battlefield
- Projectyle
- Protector (16 Blitz Mastertronic)
- Psyborg
- Puffy's Saga
- Punkt Punkt Punkt
- Purple Saturn Day
- Pursuit to Earth, The
- Putty
- Puzzle Storybook, The
- Puzznic
- Qattro
- Qix
- Quadrel
- Quantox
- Quartz
- Race Drivin'
- Raffles
- Rainbow Islands
- Rallye Master
- Rambo III
- RanX
- Read & Rhyme
- Realm of the Trolls
- Realm of the Warlock
- Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny
- Rectangle
- Reel Fish'n
- Renaissance
- Renegade
- Return to Atlantis
- Return to Genesis
- Revelation!
- Rick Dangerous
- Ringside Boxing
- Road Blasters
- Road Raider
- Roadwars
- Robbeary
- Robin Heed
- Robin Smith's International Cricket
- Robocop
- RoboCop 2
- Rockford - The Arcade Game
- Rocky
- Rod-Land
- RollerBall
- Rollerpede
- Rolling Stones
- Rolling Thunder
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
- Romantic Encounters at the Dome
- Rotox
- Rugby - The World Cup
- Rugby Coach
- RVF Honda
- S.T.A.G.
- Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio
- Schwarze Auge, Das - Die Schicksalsklinge
- Scorpion
- Scramble Spirits
- Seconds Out
- Sensible Golf
- Sentinel, The & Sentry, The
- Seven Gates of Jambala, The
- Sex Vixens from Space
- Sextimates
- Seymour Goes to Hollywood
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow of the Beast II
- Shadow of the Beast III
- Shadow Sorcerer
- Shadow Warriors
- Shadowgate
- Shanghai
- Shaq-Fu
- Shinobi
- Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit
- Shuffle Pix
- Side Arms
- Silent Service II
- Silkworm
- Silver Star
- Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants
- Skidz
- Skrull
- Skyblaster
- SkyChase
- Skyfox
- Slackskin & Flint
- Slayer
- Sleeping Gods Lie
- Slider
- Sliders
- Sliding
- Smus
- Snare
- Soccer King
- Soccer Manager Plus
- Sol Negro
- Soldier of Light
- Solitaire's Journey
- Sony Game
- Sophelie
- Sorceror's Apprentice
- Sorcery +
- Space Assault
- Space Bomber
- Space Day
- Space Dunk
- Space Fight
- Space Harrier II
- Space Hulk
- Space Knight
- Space Ranger
- Special Forces
- Speedball
- Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
- Speedboat Assassins
- Speedrunner
- Spellbound!
- Spidertronic
- Spindizzy Worlds
- Spinworld
- Spirit of Excalibur
- Spy vs Spy
- Spy Who Loved Me, The
- Star Trash
- Star Wars
- Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
- Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
- Star-blaze
- StarRay
- Stellaryrx
- Sternsiedler
- Street Fighter
- Street Gang
- Street Rod
- Street Rod 2
- Strider
- Strider II
- Strike Force Harrier
- Striker
- Strip Poker
- Stunt Car Racer
- Sub Rally
- Subbuteo - The Computer Game
- Suicide Mission
- Summer Games
- Summer Games II
- Summer Olympiad
- Supaplex
- Super C
- Super Cars
- Super Cars II
- Super Grand Prix
- Super Grid Runner
- Super Huey
- Super OsWALD
- Super Scramble Simulator
- Super Space Invaders
- Super Wonderboy in Monsterland
- Superbike Simulator
- Superfrog
- Supremacy - Your Will Be Done
- Suspicious Cargo
- Switchblade
- Taekwondo
- T-Bird
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
- Teenage Queen
- TeleEpic
- TeleEpic II
- Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game
- Terramex
- Terrorpods
- Terry's Big Adventure
- Test Drive
- Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain
- Third Courier, The
- ThunderCats
- Tie-Break
- Time Race
- Time Scanner
- Time Soldier
- Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 1 & 2
- Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 3 & 4
- Top Cat
- Torvak the Warrior
- Total Eclipse
- Toyota Celica GT Rally
- Trained Assassin
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Trap
- Tripple-X
- Trivial Pursuit
- Tron
- Turbo Out Run
- Turn n' Burn
- TV Sports Baseball
- TV Sports Basketball
- TV Sports Boxing
- TV Sports Football
- Twin Turbos
- Twintris
- TwinWorld - Land of Vision
- Two to One
- Typhoon
- Typhoon of Steel
- U.S.S. John Young
- Ugh!
- Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny
- Under Pressure
- Venus the Flytrap
- VideoKid
- Vigilante
- Vindex
- Vindicators
- Violator
- Volleyball Simulator
- Voodoo Nightmare
- Voyager
- Vroom
- Vulcan
- Vyper
- Wacky Darts
- Wall, The
- Wanted
- War in Middle Earth
- War Machine
- Warhead
- Warlock
- Warlock's Quest
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey
- Welltris
- Wetten Dass..
- Wibble World Giddy - Wibble Mania!
- Wicked
- Window Wizard
- Wings of Death
- Wings of Fury
- Wisielec
- Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- Wizball
- Wizkid
- Wolfchild
- World Class Rugby
- World Class Rugby - Five Nations Edition
- World Cricket
- World Cup 90
- World Cup Cricket Masters
- World Games
- World Golf
- World Rugby
- World Soccer
- World Tour - Australia
- World Tour Golf
- Worlds at War
- Wreckers
- Xenomorph
- Xenon
- Xiphos
- Zeron
- Zitrax
- Zock Out
- Zombi
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zzzep
Amiga - Games
1 -
2 -
3 - 1 Across 2 Down
4 - 10 out of 10 - Dinosaurs
5 - 10 out of 10 - English
6 - 10 out of 10 - German
7 - 10 out of 10 - Junior Essentials
8 - Miglia
9 - cc Turbo
10 - - Five Years After
11 - 17 + 4 (media GmbH)
12 - - History Experience
13 - - The Battle of Midway
14 - 1st Division Manager
15 - Leagues Under The Sea
16 - - O'Connors Fight
17 - 3D Construction Kit
18 - 3D Galax
19 - 3D Pool
20 - 3D World Boxing
21 - 3D World Soccer
22 - 3D World Tennis
23 - 3DConstructionKit_
24 - 3DGalax_
25 - 3DPool_
26 - 3DWorldSoccer
27 - 3DWorldTennis_
28 - 4 D Sports Boxing
29 - 4 D Sports Driving
30 - 4 D Sports Driving & Monster Trucks
31 - 4-Get-It
32 - 4-Way Lynx
33 - 4D Sports Boxing
34 - 4D Sports Driving
35 - 4DSportsBoxing_
36 - 4DSportsDriving_
37 - 4DSportsDriving&MasterTracks_
38 - 4th & Inches
39 - 4th&Inches_
40 - 4x 4 Off Road Racing
41 - 4x4OffRoadRacing_NTSC_
42 - 5th Gear
43 - 5thGear_
44 - Attack Sub
45 - AttackSub_
46 - 7 Colors
47 - 7Colors_
48 - 9 Lives
49 - 9Lives
50 - A 10 Tank Killer
51 - A Train
52 - A Train (KB)
53 - A Train & Construction Set
54 - A Train & Construction Set
55 - A Tank Killer
56 - A-Train
57 - A10TankKiller_2Disk_
58 - A10TankKiller_3Disk
59 - A Airbus
60 - Aaargh!
61 - Aaargh!_v_Arcadia
62 - Aaargh!a_
64 - Abandoned Places
65 - Abandoned Places - A Time for Heroes
66 - Abandoned Places 2
71 - ABC Monday Night Football
73 - Above Top Secret
74 - Abracadabra
76 - Abu Simbel Profanation
77 - ABZoo
78 - Academy
80 - Ace Ball (PL)
82 - Ace the Space-Case
83 - AceBall
84 - ACSYS
85 - ACSYSDemo1
86 - Action Cat
87 - Action Fighter
90 - Addams Family, The
92 - ADI Junior Helps with Counting ( Years)
93 - ADI Junior Helps with Reading ( Years)
94 - Adrenalynn
95 - Adrenalynna
96 - ADS - Advanced Destroyer Simulator
97 - Advanced Destroyer Sim
98 - Advanced Ski Simulator
- Advantage Tennis
- Adventure Construction Set
- Adventures in Math
- Adventures Of Genlock Holmes
- Adventures of Maddog Williams in The Dungeons of Duridian, The
- Adventures Of Quik & Silva
- Adventures Of Robin Hood
- Adventures of Robin Hood, The
- Adventures Of Willy Beamish
- Adventures of Willy Beamish, The
- AdventuresOfGenlockHolmes
- AdventuresOfQuik&Silva
- AdventuresOfRobinHood
- AdventuresOfWillyBeamish_
- African Raiders 01
- AfricanRaiders_
- After Burner (Activision)
- After Burner (Sega)
- After The War
- AfterBurner_
- AfterBurner_NTSC_
- AfterTheWar_
- Agony
- Agony
- Agony_
- Agony_NTSC_
- AgonyDemo
- Aigle D'Or (FR)
- AigleDOr_Fr_
- Air Support
- Airball
- Airborne Ranger
- AirborneRanger_
- AirSupport_
- AirSupport_NTSC_
- Akira
- Aladdin
- Aladdin_
- Alcatraz
- Alcatraz_
- Alchemy
- AlchemyDemo
- Alfabet Smierci (PL)
- AlfabetSmiercia
- Alfred Chicken
- Alianator
- Alien 3
- Alien Bash
- Alien Bash 2
- Alien Breed
- Alien Breed - Special Edition 92
- Alien Breed 2
- Alien Breed 2
- Alien Breed 3D
- Alien Breed 3D 2
- Alien Breed II - The Horror Continues
- Alien Breed Special Edition
- Alien Breed Story
- Alien Breed Tower Assault
- Alien Drug Lords
- Alien Fish Finger
- Alien Legion
- Alien Storm
- Alien Syndrome
- Alien World
- Alien3_
- Alienator_
- AlienBash
- AlienBash2
- AlienBreed2_
- AlienBreed3D
- AlienBreedSpecialEdition_
- AlienBreedStory_
- AlienBreedTowerAssault
- AlienDrugLords_
- AlienFishFinger
- AlienLegion
- AlienStorm_
- AlienSyndrome_NTSC_
- AlienWorld_
- Aliex
- All Dogs Go to Heaven
- All New World Of Lemmings
- All Terrain Racing
- All Terrain Racing Xmas
- Allan Borders Cricket
- AllNewWorldOfLemmings_
- Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun!
- Allo Allo
- AllTerrainRacing
- AllTerrainRacingXmasDemo
- Alpha 1
- Alpha Waves
- Alpha1_
- AlphaWaves_
- Altered Beast
- Altered Destiny
- AlteredBeast_
- AlteredDestinyb_
- Amazing Spider Man
- AmazingSpiderMan_
- AmazingSpiderMan_NTSC
- Ambermoon
- Amberstar
- Amberstar_
- Amberstar( DE)
- Amegas
- American Gladiators
- American History Adventure
- American Tag Team Wrestling
- AmericanGladiators
- AmericanTagTeamWrestling_
- Amiga Karate
- Amnios
- Amy's Fun Adventure
- Anarchy
- Ancient Art Of War In The Skies
- Ancient Games
- AncientArtOfWarInTheSkies_
- Another World (FR)
- Anstoss
- Answer Back - Junior Quiz
- Answer Back - Senior Quiz
- Antago
- Antares
- AntaresDerGriffNachDenSternen
- Apache
- Apache & Overdrive
- Apache Flight
- Apache&OverdriveDemo_
- ApacheFlight
- Apano Sin
- ApanoSin
- Apidya Kaiko
- Apocalypse
- Apprentice
- Aquablast
- Aquanaut F1 (Licenceware)
- Aquatic Games, The - Starring James Pond and the Aquabats
- Aquaventura
- Arabian Nights
- Arachnophobia
- Arazmax
- Arazok's Tomb
- Arcade Fruit Machine
- Arcade Pool
- Arcade Snooker
- Arcade Trivia Quiz
- ArcadeFruitMachine
- ArcadeSnooker
- ArcadeTriviaQuiz_
- Archer Mac Leans Billard American
- Archer Mac Leans Pool
- ArcherMacLeansBillardAmericain
- Archipelagos
- Archon
- Archon 2
- Arcticfox
- Arena
- Arena
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
- Armada
- Armageddon Man
- Armalyte
- Armour Geddon
- Armour Geddon 2
- Army Moves
- Arnhem - The 'Market Garden' Operation
- Arnie
- Arnie 2
- Art Of Chess
- Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur
- ArtOfChess_
- Artura
- Ashes Of Empire
- Ask Me Another
- Assassin
- Assassin Special Edition
- AssassinSpecialEdition_
- Astaroth
- Astatin
- AsterixOperationGetafix_
- AsterixOperationHinkelstein_
- Astro Marine Corps
- Atax
- ATF II - Advanced Tactical Fighter II
- Atom Smasher
- Atomic Robo Kid
- Atomino
- Atomino1
- Atomix
- AtomSmasher
- ATR - All Terrain Racing
- ATrain&ConstructionSet_&
- Attack of the Green Smelly Aliens from Planet 27b-6
- Aufschwung Ost
- Aunt Arctic Adventure
- Austerlitz
- Australo Piticus Mechanicus
- Auto Duel
- AV8B Harrier Assault
- AventuraEspacial
- AventuraOriginal
- Aventures de Moktar, Les
- Awesome
- AwesomeDemo_
- Axe Of Rage
- Axels Magic Hammer
- Aztec Challenge
- B 17 Flying Fortress
- B.A.T.
- B.C. Kid
- Baal
- Baba Yaga
- Baby Jo In Going Home
- Babylonian Twins
- Back To The Future 2
- Back To The Future 3
- Backgammon
- Backgammon Royale
- Backlash
- Backstage
- Bad Cat
- Bad Company
- Bad Dudes
- Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja
- Bad Lands
- Bad Vibes
- Badlands Pete
- Bagitman
- Bahnhof
- Balance Of Power
- Balance of Power - The Edition
- Ball Game
- Ball Raider
- Ballistix
- Balloonacy
- BallRaider
- Balls
- Bambinours Solves a Jig Saw
- Bandit Kings
- BanditKingsOfAncientChina_
- Bangboo
- Bangkok Knights
- Banshee
- Banzai
- Bar Games
- Barbarian
- Barbarianb_Psygnosis_
- Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight
- Bards Tale
- Bards Tale 3
- BarGames_
- Bargon Attack (FR)
- Barney Bear Goes Camping
- Barney Bear Goes to Space
- Barney Bear Goes to the Farm
- Barney Mouse
- BarneyBearGoesToSchool
- Baron Baldric - A Grave Adventure
- Bart Vs Space Mutants
- Bart Vs The World
- Base Jumpers
- BAT (FR)
- BAT 2 (FR)
- Batman - The Movie
- Batman Caped Crusader
- Batman Returns
- Batman The Movie
- BatmanReturns
- Battle Bound
- Battle Chess
- Battle Chess (TV)
- Battle Chess 2
- Battle Command
- Battle For Ashes
- Battle for the Ashes
- Battle Isle (& Data Disks)
- Battle Master
- Battle Squadron
- Battle Trucks
- Battle Valley
- BattleBound
- BattleChess
- BattleChess_TV
- BattleChess2_
- BattleCommand_
- BattleForTheAshes_
- Battlehawks
- BattleIsle_
- Battlemaster
- Battleships
- BattleSquadron_
- Battlestorm
- Battletech
- BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception
- Battletoads
- BattleValley_
- BC Kid
- Beach Volley
- Beam
- Beast Busters
- Beastlord
- Beavers
- Behind The Iron Gate
- BehindTheIronGate
- Belial
- Beneath A Stealth Sky (FR)
- Benefactor
- Berlin
- Best Of The Best
- Betrayal
- Better Dead Than Alien
- Better Maths
- BetterMaths
- Beverly Hills Cop
- Beyond Dark Castle
- Beyond The Ice Palace
- Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor
- Bez Kompromisu
- Bi-Fi - Snackzone
- Bi-Fi II - Action in Hollywood
- Big Business
- Big Nose The Caveman
- Big Picture, The
- Big Run
- BigBusiness
- Biing
- Billiards II Simulator
- Billiards Simulator
- Bills Tomato Game
- Bio Challenge
- Bionic Commando
- Biplane Duel
- Birds N' Bees
- Birds Of Prey
- Bismarck
- BIT in the Magic Castle
- Black Cauldron
- Black Crypt
- Black Goldre LINE
- Black Hornet
- Black Lamp
- Black Sect
- Black Sect (FR)
- Black Shadow
- Black Tiger
- Black Viper
- Blade Warrior
- Blades Of Steel
- BlastaBall_v_Arcadia
- Blastar
- Blasteris
- Blasteroids
- Blazing Thunder
- Blinky's Scary School
- BlinkysScarySchool_
- Blob
- Blobz
- Block Out
- Block Shock
- Blockhead
- Blockhead II
- BlockOut_
- BlockShock
- Blood Money
- BloodNet - A Cyberpunk Gothic
- Bloodwych & Extended Levels
- Blue & the Gray, The
- Blue Angel 69
- Blue Angels
- Blue Angels - Formation Flight Simulation
- Blue Boy
- Blue Max
- Blue Max - Aces of the Great War
- Blueberry
- BlueMax_
- Blues Brothers, The
- BMX Simulator
- Bo Jackson Baseball
- Bob's Bad Day
- Bobo
- BoBo - Stir Crazy
- Bobob_Fr_
- Bobs Bad Day
- Bobs Garden
- BobsBadDay_
- BobsGarden
- Body Blows
- Body Blows Galactic
- BodyBlowsGalactic_
- Bograts - The Puzzling Misadventure
- Bomb Fusion
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Pac
- Bomb X
- Bomber
- Bomber Bob
- BombFusion
- Bombuzal
- Booly
- Boondar
- Boot, Das - German U-Boat Simulation
- Borobodur
- Borrowed Time
- Boston Bomb Club
- Boston Bomb Club Fast
- Botics
- Boulder Dash Constr Kit
- BoulderDashConstructionKit_
- Bouncing Balls
- Boxing Masters
- Bozuma
- Brain Blasters
- Brain Man
- Brainball
- BrainBlasters_
- BrainMan
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Brands Hatch
- Brat
- Brataccas
- Breach
- Breach 2
- BreakOutRevolution
- Breathless
- Brian Laras Cricket
- Brian The Lion
- Bride of the Robot
- Brides Of Dracula
- Bridge
- Brigade Commander
- Brutal Football
- Brutal Football - Deluxe Edition
- Brutal Paws Of Fury
- BrutalFootball1
- BSS Jane Seymour
- Bubba 'n' Stix
- Bubba N Stix
- Bubble +
- Bubble And Squeak
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Gun
- Bubble+
- BubbleAndSqueak_
- BubbleBobble_
- BubbleDizzy_
- BubbleGun
- Buck Rogers Countdown Dday
- BuckRogers_
- Budokan
- Budokan - The Martial Spirit
- Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
- Bug Bash
- Bug Bomber
- BugBash
- Buggy Boy
- Build It! - Das Bauhaus
- Builderland
- BuilderLand - The Story of Melba
- Bully's Sporting Darts
- Bump 'N' Burn
- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
- Bundesliga Manager Hatt
- BundesligaManagerProfessional1
- Bunny Bricks
- Bunny Bricks Fast
- Burger Man
- Burning Rubber
- Burnout
- Burntime
- Bush Buck - A Global Treasure Hunt
- Butcher Hill
- Byte Man
- C Js Elephant Antics
- C.Y.A.D. - A Game of Influence
- Cabal
- Cabaret Asteroids
- CabaretAsteroids
- Cadaver
- Cadaver & Cadaver The Payoff
- Caesar
- California Games
- California Games 2
- Campaign - Tactical & Strategic War Simulation
- Campaign 2
- Campaign&DataDisk
- Cannon Fodder
- Cannon Fodder 2
- Cannon Fodder 2 (FR)
- Cannon Fodder 2 Alien Levels
- Cannon Fodder New Campaign
- Cannon Fodder Plus
- Cannon Soccer
- Cap N Carnage
- Capital Punishment
- Capone
- Captain Blood
- Captain Dynamo
- Captain Fizz
- Captain Planet and the Planeteers
- Captive
- Car Vup
- Carcharodon - White Sharks
- Carcharodona_
- Cardiaxx Team 17
- Cardinal of the Kremlin, The
- Caribbean Disaster
- Carl Lewis Challenge
- Carlos
- Carnage
- Carrier Command
- Carthage
- Carton Rouge (FR)
- Cartoons, The
- Carver
- CarVup
- Casino
- Casino Roulette
- Castle Kingdoms
- Castle Master
- Castle Master 2
- Castle Of Dr Brain
- Castle Warrior
- CastleKingdoms
- Castles
- Castles 2
- Castlevania
- Catch'em
- Cattivik
- Cave Mania
- Cave Runner
- Cavitas
- Cedric
- Cedric and the Lost Sceptre
- Cedric Fast
- Celtic Legends
- Centrefold Squares
- Centurion
- Century
- Challenge of the Matrix, The
- Chamber Sci Mutant Priestess
- Chambers Of Shaolin
- Chamonix Challenge
- Champ, The
- Champion Driver
- Champions Of Krynn
- Championship Cricket
- Championship Golf
- Championship Manager
- Championship Manager '93
- Championship of Europe
- Championship Run
- ChampionshipGolf
- Chaos Engine
- Chaos Engine 2
- Chaos In Andromeda
- Chaos Strikes Back (& Util) (FR)
- Chariots of Wrath
- Charlie Chimp
- Charlie J Cool
- Chase
- Chase HQ
- Chase HQ 2
- Checkmate
- Chess Player (FR)
- Chess Simulator
- Chessmaster , The
- Chicago 90
- Chichen Itza
- Chips Challenge Epyx
- Christoph Kolumbus
- Chrome
- Chronicles Of Omega
- Chrono Quest
- Chrono Quest 2
- Chubby Gristle
- Chuck Rock
- Chuck Rock 2
- Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced FlightTrainer
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuckie Egg 2
- Ciemna Strona
- Circus Attractions
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat
- Citadel
- City Cars
- City Defence
- Civilization
- CJ In The USA
- CJ's Elephant Antics
- Classic Arcadia & Baby Arcadia
- Classic Board Games
- Classic Pucman
- Classic&BabyArcadia_
- Cliffhanger
- Clik Clak
- Clockwiser
- Clou
- Clou&Profidisk
- Clown O Mania
- Clu Clu Land
- Club & Country
- Club Football - The Manager
- Clue - Master Detective
- Clue!, The
- Coala
- Code Name Iceman
- Cogans Run
- Cohort - Fighting for Rome
- Cohort II - Fighting for Rome
- Colonels Bequest
- Colonization
- Colony
- Color Buster
- Colorado (FR)
- ColorBuster
- Coloris
- Colossus Bridge X
- Colossus Chess X
- Combat Air Patrol
- Combo Racer
- Commando
- Computer Scrabble
- Computer Scrabble Deluxe
- Computer Third Reich
- ComputerScrabble
- Conan The Cimmerian
- Conflict - Korea
- Conflict Europe (FR)
- Conflict Middle East Pol Sim
- Conqueror
- Conquests Of Camelot
- Conquests Of The Longbow
- Continental Circus
- Cool Croc Twins
- Cool Spot
- Cool World
- Corporate Raiders
- Corporation
- Corporation (& Missions 2 Disk)
- Corporation (& Missions 3 Disk)
- Corruption
- Corsarios
- Corx
- Cosmic Bouncer
- Cosmic Pirate
- Cosmic Relief
- Cosmic Spacehead
- CosmicPirate
- CosmicSpacehead
- Cosmostruction - A Space Game of Skill and Strategy
- CougarForce
- Count Duckula
- Cover Girl Strip Poker
- Covert Action
- Crack
- Crackdown
- Craps Academy
- Crash Garrett
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Cars 2
- Crazy Cars 3
- Crazy Cones
- Crazy Seasons
- Crazy Shot
- Crazy Sue
- CrazyCars
- CrazyCars3
- CrazySeasons
- CrazySue
- Creature
- Creatures
- Cribbage King & Gin King
- Cricket Masters
- Crime City
- Crime Does Not Pay
- Crime Time
- Crime Wave
- CrimeWave
- Crimson Crown
- Croak
- Croak 2
- Croisiere Pour Un Cadavre (FR)
- Cross Check
- Crossbow Legend William Tell
- CrossCheck
- CrossCheck - Eishockey Action
- Crown
- Cruise For A Corpse
- Cruncher Factory
- Crusade, The
- Crystal Dragon
- Crystal Hammer '93 Edition
- Crystal Hammer (V1)
- Crystal Hammer (V2)
- Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
- Crystal Palace
- Crystal Quest
- Crystals Of Arborea
- Crystals Of Arborea (FR)
- Cubix
- Cubulus
- Curse Of Enchantia
- Curse Of Ra
- Curse Of The Azure Bonds
- CurseOfEnchantia_
- CurseOfRa
- Custodian
- Cyber Assault
- Cyber Cop
- Cyber Empires
- Cyber Games
- Cyber Kick
- Cyber World
- CyberAssault
- Cyberball
- Cyberblast
- Cybercon 3
- CyberCop
- Cybergammon
- Cybernauts
- Cybernetix
- Cybernetix - The First Battle
- Cybernoid
- Cybernoid II - The Revenge
- Cyberpunks
- Cyberzerk
- Cycles
- Cycles, The - International Grand Prix Racing
- Cygnus 8
- Cytadela
- Cytron
- D Day Impressions
- D Generation
- D-Day - The Beginning of the End
- D-Generation
- Daily Double Horse Racing
- Dalek Attack
- Daley Thompsons OC
- Damage
- Dames Simulator
- Damocles
- Dan Dare 3
- Danger Castle
- Dangerous Streets
- Darius+
- Dark Castle
- Dark Century
- Dark Fusion
- Dark Queen Of Krynn
- Dark Seed
- Dark Side
- Dark Spyre
- Darkman
- Darkmere
- DarkQueenOfKrynn
- DarkSeed_Fr
- DarkSeed3
- Darts
- Das Boot
- Datastorm
- Dawn Patrol
- Day Of The Pharaoh
- Day Of The Viper
- Days Of Thunder
- DDay_Impressions_Fr
- Death Bringer Spotlight
- Death Knights Of Krynn
- Death Mask
- Death Or Glory
- Death Sword
- Death Trap
- Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon
- Deathbringer Empire
- Debut Planet Simulation
- DecimalDungeon
- Deconstruction
- Deep
- Deep Core
- Deep Space
- Defender
- Defender 2
- Defender Of The Crown
- Defender Of The Crown 2
- Defender Ratsoft
- Defenders Of The Earth
- Defenseur Couronne 2 (FR)
- Deflektor
- Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True!!
- Deja Vu 2 Lost In Las Vegas
- Deliverance
- Delivery Agent
- DeltaCommand_v_Arcadia
- Deluxe Galaga
- Deluxe Pac Man
- Deluxe Strip Poker 2
- DeluxeGalaga
- DeluxePacMan
- DeluxeStripPoker2
- DeluxeStripPoker2&DataDisks
- Demon Blue
- Demon's Tomb - The Awakening
- Demon's Winter
- Demoniak
- Denaris
- Denjoy
- Denjoy.1
- Dennis
- Dennis (Desktop Dynamite)
- Dennis.2
- Denver Je Fais Des Couleurs (FR)
- Denver Presente - Je Decouvre les Formes
- Desert Strike
- Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
- Designasaurus
- Destroyer
- Detonator
- Detroit (FR)
- Deuteros
- Devious Designs
- Dick Tracy
- Dick Tracy Adventure
- Die Hard 2
- Diego Maradona's World Football Manager
- Difensore Corona 2
- Digger
- Diggers
- Dimo's Quest
- Dingsda
- Dino Wars
- Dinosaur Detective Agency
- DinoWars
- Disc
- Discover U.S. History and Geography
- Discovery
- Discovery - In the Steps of Columbus
- Discovery Micro Illusions
- Disposable Hero
- Distant Armies
- Distant Armies - A Playing History of Chess
- Ditris
- Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk
- Dizzy Collection
- Dizzy Dice
- Dizzy Panic
- DizzyCollection
- Dizzys Excellent Adventures
- DNA - The Variety of Life
- Dogfight (1 MB) (1 MB)
- Dogfight2_
- Dogs Of War
- Dojo Dan
- Doman
- Dominator
- Dominium
- Donald Ducks Playground
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donk The Samurai Duck
- Donk! - The Samurai Duck! (OCS & AGA)
- Donkey Kong
- DonkTheSamuraiDuck_
- Doodlebug
- Doofus
- Double Agent
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon 2
- Double Dragon 3
- Double Dribble
- DoubleAgent
- Downhill Challenge
- Dr Dooms Revenge
- Dr Fruit
- Dr Mario
- Dr. Plummet's House of Flux
- Drachen Von Laas
- Drachensteine
- Draggy and Croco
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Cave
- Dragon Fighter
- Dragon Scape
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Strike
- Dragon Tiles
- Dragon Tiles 2
- Dragon Wars
- Dragonflight (FR)
- Dragons Breath (FR)
- Dragons Kingdom
- Dragons Lair
- Dragons Lair & Escape
- Dragons Lair & Escape (Slow)
- Dragons Lair 2
- Dragons Lair 3
- Dragons Lair Escape
- Dragons Lair Escape (Slow)
- DragonsBreath_Fr_
- DragonScape
- DragonsKingdomDemo
- DragonsLair&EscapeFromSingesCastlea_Fast_&
- DragonsLairEscapeFromSingesCastlea_Slow_
- DragonSpirit_
- Dragonstone
- DragonStrike
- DragonTiles
- DragonTiles2
- DragonWars
- Drakkhen (Files) (FR)
- DrDoomsRevenge_1Disk_
- Dream Web
- Dream Zone
- DrFruit
- Driller
- Drip
- Drivin Force
- DrMario
- Drsna Cesta
- Duck Tales
- Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold
- Dugger
- Dune (FR)
- Dune II - The Battle for Arrakis
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Master 2
- Dungeon Quest
- Dungeons Of Avalon
- Dungeons Of Avalon 2
- Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin'
- Dux
- Dylan Dog - Through the Looking Glass
- Dylan Dog 01 - La Regina delle Tenebre
- Dylan Dog The Murderers
- Dyna Blaster
- Dynamite Dick
- Dynamite Dux
- Dynamo_
- Dynasty Wars
- Dynatech
- Dyter 07
- E Motion
- Eagles Rider
- Easy and Fun - Four in One
- Ebonstar
- Eco
- Eco Phantoms
- Edd the Duck 2 - Back with a Quack!
- Edd the Duck!
- Eddie Edwards Super Ski
- Eishockey Manager
- EksperymentDelfin
- Electronic Pool
- Elf (Ocean)
- Elfmania
- Eliminator
- Elite
- Elite Advanced
- Elvira - The Arcade Game
- Elvira (FR)
- Elvira 2 (FR)
- Embryo
- Emerald Mine
- Emerald Mine 2
- Emerald Mine 3
- Emetic Skimmer
- EmlynHughesInternationalSoccer_
- Emmanuelle
- EMotion_
- EmpireSoccer94_
- EmpireStrikesBack_
- Enchanted Land
- Encounter
- Enemy 2 Missing In Action
- Enemy Tempest Of Violence
- EnemyTempestOfViolence_EasyPlay
- Energie-Manager
- Enforcer
- EnglandChampionshipSpecial_
- Enigma Device, The
- Enlightenment - Druid II
- Enlightenment_
- Enterprise
- Entity
- Epic
- Equality
- Erbe
- Erik
- Escape from Colditz
- EscapeFromThePlanetOfTheRobotMonsters_
- Eskadra
- Eskimo Games
- Espana - The Games '92
- ETsRugbyLeague
- Euro League Manager
- European Champions
- European Football Champ
- EuropeanChampions_Ocean_
- EuropeanFootballChamp_
- EuroSoccer1_
- EvilDawn
- Excalibur_
- Excellent Card Games
- Executioner, The
- Exile
- Exolon
- Explora_Fr
- Explora2_Fr_
- Explora3_Fr_
- Extase
- Extasy
- Exterminator_
- ExtractorPreview
- Extrial
- Exxon
- Eye
- Eye of the Beholder
- Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon
- EyeOfHorus_
- EyeOfTheStorm
- F Strike Eagle II
- F.1 Manager
- F1 - World Championship Edition
- F1-Racer
- FANightHawk1_
- F16CombatPilot_
- F17 Challenge
- F19StealthFighter_v_
- F1Tornado
- F1WorldChampionshipEdition_
- F29Retaliator_
- F40PursuitSimulator_NTSC
- FA18Interceptor_
- FaceOff_
- Faces Tris III
- Faery Tale Adventure, The
- Falcon_
- Falcon&MissionDisks_&&
- FallenAngela
- Falling Down
- Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure Island
- FantasticVoyage_TV
- Fantastiizzy
- Fantasy Flyer (OCS & AGA)
- Fantasy Games
- Fantasy Manager - The Computer Game
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- FantasyFlyer
- FantasyWorldDizzy_
- Fascination_Fr
- Fast Break
- Fast Eddie's Pool and Billiards
- Fast Food
- Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge
- FastBrain_v
- FatalHeritage_
- FatalMission
- Fate - Gates of Dawn
- FateGatesOfDawn_Uncensored
- Fatman - The Caped Consumer
- FC Manager
- Fears
- FederationOfFreeTraders
- Femme Fatale
- Femme Fatale v
- FernandezMustDie_
- FerrariFormulaOne1_
- Feud_
- Fidelity Chessmaster , The
- Fields of Glory
- Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
- FIFAInternationalSoccer_
- FighterBomber_
- FighterBomberAdvancedMissions
- FighterDuelPro_NTSC_
- Fightin' Spirit
- FightingSoccer_NTSC
- Final Assault
- Final Battle, The
- Final Blow
- Final Countdown
- FinalFight_1MB_
- Fire & Forget
- Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote
- Fire and Brimstone
- Fire Power
- Fire&Forget2_
- Fire&IceXmasDemo
- Fireball
- Fireblaster_
- FireForce
- Firehawk
- Firestar
- FireZone
- First Contact
- First Letters - For Under 5's
- FirstSamurai_
- Fish_
- Fist Fighter
- FiveASideSoccer
- Flamingo Tours
- Flaschbier
- Flashback
- Fleet Med
- Flies - Attack on Earth
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Flight of the Intruder
- Flight Simulator II
- FlightPath_
- FlightSimulator2&HawaiianSceneryDisk_
- Flimbo's Quest
- Flink
- Flintstones_
- FlipFlop
- Flipit&Magnose_
- Flippit
- Flood_
- Floor 13
- Flowers of Crystal
- FluchtAusColditz
- FlugDerAmazonQueen
- Fly Fighter
- Fly Harder
- FlyingShark
- FoolsErrand_
- Football Club Manager
- Football Crazy
- Football Director II
- Football Glory
- Football Manager
- Football Manager - World Cup Edition
- Football Masters
- Football Tactician
- Football Tactician 2
- FootballerOfTheYear2_
- FootballGlory
- FootballGlory_
- FootballManager21_
- FootballManagerWorldCupEdition_
- FootMan
- For President
- ForgottenMine
- ForgottenWorldsb_
- Formula 1 3D
- Formula 1 Grand Prix
- Formula One Challenge
- Fort Apache
- Fortress Underground
- Foundation's Waste
- Four Crystals of Trazere, The
- FractionAction
- Frankenstein
- Franko
- Franko - The Crazy Revenge!
- Franko_Censored
- FranticFreddie
- Freak Out
- Freedom_Fr_
- Frenetic_
- Friday Night Pool
- FrightNight
- Frontier - Elite II
- Frontier_Fr_
- Frontline
- FrostByte_v_
- Fruit Machine
- Fruitmania
- Fugger
- Full Contact
- Full Metal Planete
- Funturatum
- Fury of the Furries
- Fusion_
- Fussball Total
- Future Space
- Future Wars - Time Travellers
- FutureBasketball_
- FutureBikeSimulator_
- FutureClassicsCollection
- FutureShock
- FutureTank
- FutureWars_vB_
- Fuzzball
- G.P. Tennis Manager
- Gadget - Lost in Time
- Gainforce
- Galactic Invasion
- GalacticConqueror
- GalacticEmpire_
- GalacticTheXmasEdition_1MB
- GalacticWarriorRats_
- Galaga92
- Galaxy89
- GalaxyBlast
- GalaxyForce2_
- GaldregonsDomain
- Gamble Mania
- Game of Life, The
- Game Set Match
- GameOfHarmony_NTSC
- GamesSummerEdition
- GamesWinterEdition
- Gamma Zone
- Ganymed
- Gardener
- GarfieldAWintersTail
- GarfieldBigFatHairyDeal_
- Garrison II - The Legend Continues
- Garrison_
- GaryLinekersHotShot_
- GatewayToTheSavageFrontier_
- Gauntlet II
- Gauntlet3_
- Gazza II
- Gazza's Super Soccer
- Gazza2
- GBAChampionshipBasketball_
- GearWorks
- GeeBeeAirRally
- Geisha_Fr
- Gem'X
- GeminiWing_
- GemStoneLegend
- GemXa_
- Genesia
- Genesia_Fr
- Georg Glaxo
- Germ Crazy
- Gettysburg_
- GFL Championship Football
- GhostBattle
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghostbusters_
- GhostChaser
- Ghosts 'N' Goblins
- Giddy II - Hero in an Egg Shell
- Giganoid
- Gladiators
- GlobalGladiators_
- GlobalTrek
- Globdule
- Globulus
- Gloom
- Gnome
- Gnome Alone
- Gnome Ranger
- Go Player
- Gobliiins
- Gobliins 2 - The Prince Buffoon
- Goblins 3
- Godfather, The
- Gods
- Gold of the Americas - The Conquest of the New World
- Gold of the Aztecs, The
- Gold Rush!
- Golden Axe
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Oldies - Volume 1
- GoldenAxe_
- GoldenEagle
- GoldenPath
- GoldOfTheAztecs_
- Goldrunner
- Goldrunner2
- GoldRush
- GoofysRailwayExpress_
- Gotcha
- Graeme Souness Soccer Manager
- Graeme Souness Vector Soccer
- Graham Gooch World Class Cricket
- Graham Taylors Soccer Challenge
- GrahamGoochSecondInnings
- GrahamGoochWorldClassCricket
- GrahamGoochWorldClassCricketSpecialEdition
- GrahamTaylorsSoccerChallenge_
- Grand Slam
- GrandMonsterSlam
- GrandPrix_Fr
- GrandPrixMaster_
- Granny's Garden
- Gravity
- Gravity-Force
- Great Giana Sisters, The
- Great States II
- GreatGianaSisters_
- Gremlins2_
- Grey Slayer
- Gridiron_
- GridStart
- Guardian
- GuardianAngel_
- Guerilla in Bolivia
- Guild of Thieves, The
- Guldkorn Expressen
- Gulp!
- Gunboat - River Combat Simulation
- Gunship
- Gunship
- Gunshoot
- Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon
- Hacker_NTSC_
- Hacker2_
- HagarTheHorrible
- HagarTheHorrible_
- Halley Project, The - A Mission in Our Solar System
- Halls of Montezuma
- HammerBoy_
- Hammerfist
- Hanse1
- Happy Monster
- Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de Rene Taender
- HardBall II
- HardDrivin21
- HardNHeavy2_
- Harlequin.1_1MB_
- Harley-Davidson - The Road to Sturgis
- Harpoon&Battleset1
- Harpoon&Battleset2_
- Harpoon&Battleset3_
- Harpoon&Battleset4
- Harricana - Raid International Motoneige - Quebec-Canada 90
- HarrierCombatSimulator_NTSC_
- Harry's Balloons
- Haus, Das
- Hawkeye
- HeadOverHeels_
- Heart of China
- HeartOfTheDragon_3Disk
- HeavyMetal
- HeavyMetalHeroes
- Heimdall
- Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds
- Hell Raiser
- Hellbent_
- Hellfire Attack
- Hellowoon
- Hellraider
- HellRaisers
- Hellrun Machine, The
- Helter Skelter
- Henry's House
- Hero's Quest - So You Want to Be a Hero
- HeroesOfTheLance1_
- HeroQuest
- HeroQuest - Return of the Witch Lord
- HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil
- Hexuma_
- High Seas Trader
- High Steel
- HighwayHawks_
- HighwayPatrol2_
- Hill Street Blues
- Hillsfar
- Hilt
- Hilt - Against the Hoardes
- Hilt2
- Hired Guns
- Hirnriss
- Historyline_Fr
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
- Hoi
- Hoi Remix
- Hole-In-One Miniature Golf
- HoleInOne
- HolidayMaker
- Hollywood Hijinx
- Hollywood Hustler
- HollywoodPoker_
- Home Alone
- HongKongPhooey_
- Hook
- HorrorZombiesFromTheCrypt_
- Hostages
- HostileBreed
- Hotel Detective
- HotRod_
- HotRubber
- Hotshot_
- HoundOfShadow_
- Hoversprint
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 1
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 2 - Solitaire
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 3 - Great Board Games
- Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers
- HuckleberryHound
- Hudson Hawk
- HudsonHawk_
- Hugo_
- Human Killing Machine
- Humans-B_Fr_
- Humans3_
- Hunt for Red October, The
- Hunter Killer
- HuntForRedOctober_
- HuntForRedOctoberTheMovie_
- Hurricane Commando
- Hybris
- Hydra_
- Hyperdome
- Hyperion
- IanBothamsCricket
- IceRunner
- IK+
- Ikari Warriors
- Ilyad_
- Imagems
- Immortal_v_
- Impact_
- Imperium_
- Impossamole
- Impossible Mission - The Special Edition
- ImpossibleMission2_
- In 80 Days Around the World
- In the Dead of the Night
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Graphic Adventure
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAction
- IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAdventure_Fr_
- IndianaJones&TheLastCrusadeAdventure_Fr_
- IndianaJones&TheTempleOfDoom-B_
- Indianapolis - The Simulation
- Indigo
- IndoorSports
- IndyHeat
- Inertia Drive
- Infection
- Inferior
- Infestation
- Infidel
- IngridsBack
- Innocent Until Caught
- InsanityFight
- InsectorHectiInTheInterChange
- InsectsInSpace
- Intact_15MB
- International Soccer (Zeppelin Platinum)
- International Soccer Challenge
- International Tennis
- International3DTennis_
- InternationalIceHockey_
- InternationalNinjaRabbits
- InternationalSoccer_
- InternationalSportsChallenge1_
- InternationalTennis
- InternationalTruckRacing
- Interphase_
- IntoTheEaglesNest
- InvaderCraft
- Invasion
- Inve$t
- Iron Hand
- Iron Trackers
- IronLord1_Fr_
- IronTrackers_Fr
- Ishar
- Ishar2_
- Ishar3_Fr_
- Ishido - The Way of Stones
- Island of Lost Hope, The
- ISS_
- It Came from the Desert
- Italia_
- Italy '90 Soccer
- ItalyWinnersEdition_
- ItCameFromTheDesert_
- ItCameFromTheDesert2
- ITS Cricket - Edition
- ITS Cricket - International Test Series
- Ivanhoe
- Jabato
- Jaguar XJ
- Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash
- Jail Break
- James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod
- James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish
- Jara Tava - The Isle of Fire
- Jaws_
- Jet
- Jet&HawaiianSceneryDisk
- JetSetWilly2_v_
- JetsonsTheComputerGame_
- Jetstrike
- Jewels of Darkness Trilogy
- Jigsaw Puzzlemania
- Jigsaw! - The Ultimate Electronic Puzzle
- Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker
- Jimmy Willburne - A La Recherche du Peigne Perdu
- JimmysFantasticJourney
- JimPower_
- Jinks_
- Jinxter
- Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
- Joe&MacCavemanNinjab_
- JoeBlade_
- JoeBlade2
- John Barnes European Football
- John Madden American Football
- JohnBarnesEuropeanFootball1_
- JohnLowesUltimateDarts_
- JohnMaddenFootball_
- Joker-Poker
- Jonathan - The Next Artventure
- Journey - The Quest Begins
- Jouster3
- JudgeDredd
- Jug
- Jump Em
- Jump Jet
- JumpingJackSon1_
- Jumpman Junior
- JumpNRoll
- Jungle Boy
- JungleStrike
- JuniorTypist
- Jupiter's Masterdrive
- JupiterProbe.1
- JupitersMasterdrive_
- Jurajski Sen
- Jurassic Park
- K_1MB_
- Kaiser
- KajkoIKokosz
- Kalas Puffs Expressen
- KalasPuffsExpressen_Se_1MB
- Kamikaze_
- Kampfgruppe
- Karamalz Cup - Eis Hockey
- Karate Kid I, The
- KarateKid2
- KarateKing&CityDefence
- KartingGrandPrix_
- Katakis_1Disk_
- Kathedrale_
- KeefTheThief_NTSC_
- Keith's Quest
- Kelly X
- Kengi
- KennedyApproach1_
- Keyboard Cadet
- Keys to Maramon, The
- KGB_Fr
- Khalaan_Fr
- Kick Off 3
- KickIt - A Day for the Laiban
- KickOff_
- KickOff&ExtraTime_1Disk_
- KickOff28_Fr
- KickOff2CompetitionVersion8
- KickOff2FinalWhistle3_
- KickOff2FinalWhistleCompetitionVersion3
- KickOff2PlusWorldCup_
- KickOff2ReturnToEurope1_
- KickOff3_
- KickOff3EuropeanChallenge_
- KickOff
- Kid Chaos
- KidGloves_
- KidGloves2
- Kids Type
- Kids' Academy - Which, Where, What
- Kikstart2
- Kikugi
- Killerball
- Killing Machine
- KillingCloud_NTSC_
- KillingGameShow
- KillingMachine_
- Kinderama
- King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (remake)
- King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne
- King's Quest III - To Heir is Human
- King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella
- King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
- King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Kingdoms of Germany
- KingmakerQuestForTheCrown_
- KingOfChicago_
- Kingpin
- KingsBounty1
- KingsQuest_
- KingsQuest2_
- KingsQuest3_
- KingsQuest4_
- KingsQuest5_MT32
- KingsQuest6_Fr_
- KingsQuestEnhancedb_
- Kiro's Quest
- Klax_
- Knight Orc
- KnightForce_
- Knightmare_
- Knights of the Crystallion
- KnightsOfTheSky_
- Kreuz As 'Poker'
- Kristal
- KrustysSuperFunHouse_
- Krymini
- Kultb_
- Kwasimodo
- KwikSnax
- Labyrinth.1tNyeCOMputer_Dk
- LabyrintheAuxMilleCalculs_Fr
- LabyrintheDAnglomania1_Fr
- LabyrintheDeLaReineDesOmbres_Fr
- LabyrintheDeLexicos_Fr_
- LabyrintheDErrare_Fr_
- LabyrintheDOrthophus_Fr
- LAmazoneQueen_Fr
- LamborghiniAmericanChallenge0
- Lancelot_
- Land of the Unicorn
- LaserSquad
- Last Action Hero
- Last Battle
- Last Ninja Remix
- LastActionHero
- LastDuel
- LastNinja2_
- LastNinja3
- Leader Board
- LeaderBoardTournamentDisk11_
- Leading Lap MPV
- League Challenge
- Leander_NTSC_
- Leatherneck
- Leavin Teramis
- Leavin' Teramis
- LED Storm
- Leeds United Champions!
- Legacy
- Legend Mindscape
- Legend Of Djel
- Legend Of Faerghail
- Legend Of Kyrandia (FR)
- Legend of Kyrandia, The - Book One
- Legend Of Ragnarok
- Legend Of The Lost
- Legend Of The Sword
- LegendOfFaerghailb_
- Legends
- Legends Of Valour
- Legends Of Valour (FR)
- Legion
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Leisure Suit Larry - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Leisure Suit Larry (Enhanced)
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (remake)
- Leisure Suit Larry 2
- Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes Looking for Love
- Leisure Suit Larry 3
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
- Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2
- Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings New Year
- Lemmings Xmas
- Lemmings Xmas
- Lemmings_Files_
- Lemmings_Files_AltLevels_
- Leonardo
- Les Manley Search For The King
- Let's Spell at Home
- Lethal Formula
- Lethal Weapon
- Lethal Xcess
- Lethal Zone
- Lettrix
- Leviathan
- Liberation - Captive II (OCS & AGA)
- Licence To Kill
- Life & Death
- Light Corridor, The
- Light Racer
- LightRacer
- Limes & Napoleon
- Limes&Napoleon
- Line Of Fire
- Lingo
- Links
- Links (& Data Disks)
- Lion King
- Lionheart
- Liquid Kids (Files)
- Little Computer People
- Little Puff In Dragonland
- Live And Let Die
- Live and Let Die - The Computer Game
- Liverpool - The Computer Game
- Livingstone 2
- Llamatron
- Locomotion
- Logical
- Logo
- Lollypop
- Lombard RAC Rally
- Long Lance
- Loom
- Loom (Kick 31)
- Loom (Kick 13)
- Loom-C
- Loom-C_Fr
- Loopz
- Lord of the Rings - Vol. 1
- Lords Of Chaos (& Data Disk)
- Lords Of Doom
- Lords Of The Realm
- Lords Of The Realm (FR)
- Lords Of The Rising Sun
- Lords Of Time
- Lords Of War
- LordsOfChaos&DataDisk
- LordsOfDoom
- Lorna
- Lornaa
- Los Templos Sagrados
- Lost Dutchman Mine
- Lost in Mine
- Lost Patrol, The
- Lost Vikings, The
- LostDutchmanMine
- LosTemplosSagrados
- LostInMine
- Lothar Matthaeus - Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation
- Lothar Matthaeus Super Soccer
- Lothar Matthaus Fussball
- Lotus
- Lotus 2
- Lotus 3
- Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
- Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
- Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
- Lowca Glow
- Lunar C
- Lupo Alberto
- Lupo Alberto - The Videogame
- Lure Of The Temptress
- Lure Of The Temptress (FR)
- Lurking Horror, The
- Luxor
- M1 Tank Platoon
- Mach 3
- Mad Professor Mariarti
- Mad Show
- Mad Show (FR)
- Mad TV (FR)
- Mafdet And The Book Of The Dead
- Magic Boy
- Magic Coins
- Magic Fly
- Magic Garden, The
- Magic Johnson's Basketball
- Magic Lines
- Magic Marble
- Magic Pockets
- Magician
- Magicland Dizzy
- MagicMarble
- Magnatron
- Major Motion
- Malta Storm
- Man From The Council
- Manchester United
- Manchester United - Premier League Champions
- Manchester United - The Double
- Manchester United - The Official Computer Game
- Manchester United Europe (v)
- Manchester United PLC (& Data)
- Manhattan Dealers (FR)
- Manhunter
- Manhunter - New York
- Manhunter 2
- Manhunter 2 - San Francisco
- Maniac Mansion
- Maniac Mansion (FR)
- Maniax
- Manic Miner
- Manix
- Manoir( DE) Mortvielle (FR)
- Marathon
- Marble Madness
- Maria's Christmas Box
- Marias Xmas Box
- Marvin's Marvellous Adventure
- Master Axe
- Master Axe - The Genesis of MysterX
- Master Blaster
- Masterblazer
- Match Of The Day
- Match Pairs
- Math Blaster Plus!
- Maths Monkey
- MathWizard
- Matrix Marauders
- Mau-Mau
- Maupiti Island
- Maupiti Island (FR)
- Max Rally
- Maya
- Maya (FR)
- Maya Fast
- Maya Fast (FR)
- Mayday Squad Heroes
- Mc Donald Land
- Mean Arenas
- Mean Machine
- Mean Streets
- Mean Streets (FR)
- Mega Ball
- Mega Lo Mania
- Mega Lo Mania (FR)
- Mega Motion
- Mega Phoenix
- Mega Traveller 1
- Mega Twins
- Mega Typhoon
- MegaBall2
- MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy
- MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients
- Menace
- Mental Image 1
- Mental Image 2
- Mentor
- Mercenary
- Mercenary - Escape from Targ & The Second City
- Mercenary 3
- Mercs
- Merv The Merciless
- Metal Law
- Metal Masters
- Metal Mutant
- Metal Mutant (FR)
- Metal Warrior
- MetalLaw
- MetalMutant_Fr
- MF Tanks
- Miami Chase
- Miasto Smierci
- Mickey (FR)
- Mickey ABC (FR)
- Mickey Jeu( DE) Memoire (FR)
- Mickey Mouse Computer Game
- Mickey Puzzles Animes (FR)
- Mickey's 's - The Big Surprise Party
- Mickey's ABC's - A Day at the Fair
- Mickey's Memory Challenge
- MickeyAnniversaireSurprise_Fr_
- MickeyABCUneJourneeALaFete_Fr_
- MickeyJeuDeMemoire_Fr_
- MickeyMouseTheComputerGame
- MickeyPuzzlesAnimes_Fr_
- Mickeys AB Cs
- Mickeys Jigsaw Puzzles
- Mickeys Memory Challenge
- MickeysABCs
- MickeysJigsawPuzzles
- MickeysMemoryChallenge
- Micro Machines
- Micro Prose Golf
- Micro Prose Soccer
- Microbattle
- Microbes
- MicroMachines_
- Midnight Resistance
- Midwinter
- Midwinter (FR)
- Midwinter 2 (FR)
- Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom
- MiG 29 Fulcrum
- MiG 29 Soviet Fighter
- MiG 29M Super Fulcrum
- Might & Magic 2
- Might And Magic 3
- Might And Magic 3
- Mighty Bomb Jack
- Mike Reads Computer Pop Quiz
- Mikro Mortal Tennis
- Millennium 22
- Mind Force
- Mind Walker
- Mindbender
- Mindfighter
- Mindroll
- Mindshadow
- Mini Golf
- Mini Golf Plus
- Minos
- Minskies
- Minskies Furballs - The Abduction
- Misja Harolda
- Missiles Over Xerion
- Mission Elevator
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose
- Moebius
- Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony
- MonaldLand.1_
- Money Cascade Professional Fruit Machine
- Money-Player Professional
- Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge
- Monkey Island 2 (FR)
- Monster
- Monster Business
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Moochies
- Moon Blaster
- Moon Blaster (FR)
- Moon Shine Racers
- Moonbase - Lunar Colony Simulator
- Moonfall
- Moonmist
- Moonstone
- Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight
- Moonwalker
- Morph
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat II
- Mortal Weapon
- Morton Strikes Back
- Mortville Manor
- Motor Massacre
- Motorbike Madness
- Motorhead
- Motorola Invaders 2
- Mouse Quest
- Mousetrap
- Mover
- Moving
- Mr Blobby
- Mr Do! Run Run
- Mr Heli
- Mr Nutz
- MrHeli
- Multi Player Soccer Manager
- Multi Zocker
- Multi-Player Yahtzee
- Munsters
- Murder
- Murders in Venice
- Muzzy
- Mysterious Worlds
- Mystery Of The Mummy
- Mystical
- Myth
- Myth Magnetic Scrolls
- Myth System 3
- Nam
- Narc
- Narco Police
- Nathan Never
- Nations of the World - Australia
- Naughty Ones
- Navy Moves
- Navy Seals
- Nebula - The Wars of Uropa
- Nebulus
- Nebulus 2
- Necronom
- Neighbours
- Netherworld
- Neuromancer
- Neuronics
- Never Ending Story 2
- Never Mind
- New York Warriors
- New Zealand Story
- NewYorkWarriors_1MB
- Nick Faldo's Championship Golf
- Nicky 2
- Nicky Boom
- Nigel Mansell's World Championship
- Nigel Mansells Grand Prix
- Night Hawk F A
- Night Hunter
- Night Shift
- Nightbreed Action
- Nightbreed Movie
- Nightdawn
- NightHuntera
- Nil Dieu Vivant (FR)
- Ninja Mission
- Ninja Rabbits
- Ninja Remix
- Ninja Spirit
- Ninja Warriors
- NinjaMission
- Nipper versus the Kats
- Nippon Safes Inc
- Nitro
- Nitro Boost Challenge
- No Buddies Land
- No Excuses
- No Exit
- No Greater Glory - The American Civil War
- No Second Prize
- Nobby The Aardvark
- Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
- North And South (Files)
- North Sea Inferno
- NoSecondPrize
- Not Very Festive Fodder
- Nova 9
- Nuclear War
- Nucleus
- NuxeliaDemo
- O.B.Y. I
- Oath
- Obitus
- Obliterator
- Oblivion
- Obsession
- Obstickle
- Odyssey
- Off Shore Warrior
- Og
- Ogre
- Oh No! More Lemmings
- Oil Imperium
- Oktagon
- Olimpiada '96
- Olympique de Marseille
- Omar Sharif's Bridge
- Omega
- Omicron Conspiracy
- OmnicronConspiracy_Fr
- One On One
- One Step Beyond
- OneToOneMatch
- Onslaught
- Oo-Topos
- Ooops Up
- Ooze
- Ooze - Creepy Nites
- Operation Cleanstreets
- Operation Com-bat
- Operation Combat 2
- Operation Firestorm
- Operation G2
- Operation Harrier
- Operation Jupiter
- Operation Jupiter (FR)
- Operation Neptune
- Operation Overlord - The Invasion of Europe
- Operation Stealth
- Operation Stealth (FR)
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Operation Wolf
- OperationStealth
- OperationStealth_Fr_
- OperationThunderbolta_
- Orbital Destroyer
- Oriental Games
- Ork
- Ork
- Ork Attack The Return
- Ork.2_NTSC_
- Oscar
- Osiris
- OsWALD Of The Ice Floes
- Out Of This World
- Out Run (Sega)
- Out Run (US Gold)
- Out Run Europa
- Outlands
- Outzone
- Over The Net
- Overdrive Team 17
- Overkill
- Overlander
- Overlord (Rowan)
- Overlord (Virgin Mastertronic)
- Overlord_Rowan_
- Overrun! - A Tactical Game of Modern Land Warfare
- Oxxonian
- Oxyd
- P 47 Thunderbolt
- Pac Land
- Pac Mania
- Pac-Land
- Pacboy & Shooting Star
- Pacific Islands
- Paint It
- Paladin
- Paladin 2
- Pandora
- Pang
- Pango
- Panza Kick Boxing
- Panza Kick Boxing (FR)
- Paperboy
- Paperboy 2
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Paradroid 90
- Paragliding
- Paragliding Simulation
- Paramax
- Paranoia Complex
- Parasite
- Parasol Stars
- Paris Dakar
- Passagers du Vent, Les
- Passengers on the Wind
- Passing Shot
- Patience I
- Patience II
- Patrician
- Patrician (FR)
- Patrizier
- Pawn
- Pechowy Prezent
- Pegasus
- Penguins
- Penthouse Hot Numbers
- Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe
- Pepe's Garden
- Pepsi - All Over the World
- Perihelion
- Perihelion - The Prophecy
- Persecutors
- Persian Gulf Inferno
- PersianGulfInferno
- Personal Nightmare
- Peter Beardsleys IF
- Peter Pan (Fr)
- Peter Schmeichel Soccer
- PeterSchmeichelSoccer
- PGA European Tour
- PGA Tour Golf
- PGAEuropeanTour
- PGATourGolf&TournamentCourseDisk1_
- Phalanx
- Phantasie
- Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nikademus
- Phantom Fighter
- Pharaohs Curse
- Phobia
- Photon Storm
- Pick'n Pile
- Pictionary
- Piece 'n' Space
- Pierre Is Out To Lunch
- Pinball Dreams
- Pinball Fantasies
- Pinball Fntsies
- Pinball Hazard
- Pinball I.Q.
- Pinball Illusions
- Pinball Magic
- Pinball Mania
- Pinball Prelude
- Pinball Wizard
- Pink Panther
- Pinkie
- Pinomania
- Pipe Dream
- Pipe Mania
- Pipe Master II
- Pipe Panic
- Pipeline (Softworx)
- Pipeline Nomad
- Pipeline Oracle
- Pirates
- Pirates Gold
- Pit Fighter
- Pixie & Dixie
- Pizza Connection
- Plague
- Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Platoon
- Player Manager
- Player Manager (FR)
- Player Manager 2
- Player Manager 2 Extra
- PlayerManager2Extra1
- Playroom (FR)
- Playroom, The
- Plexu
- Plotting
- Plundered Hearts
- Plutos
- Pocket Rockets
- Pod
- Poker Nights
- Poker Nights - Teresa Personally
- Police Quest
- Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel
- Police Quest II - The Vengeance
- Police Quest III - The Kindred
- Pong
- Pool
- Pool (Kingsoft)
- Pool (Mastertronic)
- Pool Of Radiance
- Pools Of Darkness
- Popeye 2
- Popeye 3 - WrestleCrazy
- Populous
- Populous 2 (& Challenge Games)
- Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods
- Populous World Editor
- Portal
- Portes Du Temps (FR)
- Ports Of Call
- Postman Pat
- Postman Pat 3 - To the Rescue!
- Power
- Power Drift
- Power Drive
- Power Pac
- Power Pinball
- Power Roller
- Powerdrome
- Powermonger
- Powermonger WW1 Edition
- PowerPinball
- Powerplay
- Powerplay
- Powerplay - Le Jeu des Dieux
- Powerplay (FR)
- Powerstyx
- PP Hammer
- Prawo Krwi
- Predator
- Predator 2
- Prehistoric Tale
- Prehistorik
- Premier Manager
- Premier Manager 2
- Premier Manager 3
- Premier Manager 3
- Premier Manager 3 Deluxe
- Premiere
- Primal Rage
- Prime Mover
- Prince
- Prince Of Persia
- PrinceDePerse_v_Fr_
- Prison
- Pro Boxing Simulator
- Pro Power Boat Simulator
- Pro Soccer
- Pro Tennis Simulator (Files)
- Pro Tennis Tour
- Pro Tennis Tour 2
- Pro Tennis Tour 2
- Profezia
- ProFlight
- Project 1
- Project Intercalaris
- Project X
- Project X Bonus Level
- Project Xv 2
- Project-X - Special Edition 93
- ProjectXBonusLevel
- Projectyle
- Projekt Ikarus
- Prophecy 1 Viking Child
- ProPowerBoatSimulator_
- ProSoccer
- Prospector In The Mazes Of Xor
- ProTennisTour_
- ProTennisTour2_
- Psyborg
- Psycho
- Psycho Killer (TV)
- Psycho Santa
- Psycho Squares Deluxe
- Pub Trivia Simulator
- Puffys Saga
- Puggsy
- Punisher, The
- Purple Saturn Day
- Push Over
- Putty
- Putty Squad
- Puzznic
- Pyramax
- Q Bic
- QBall
- QBic
- Qix
- Quadralien
- Quadrel
- Quadrix
- Quartz
- Quasar Wars
- Quest For Glory
- Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire
- Quest for the Time-Bird, The
- Quest Of Agravain
- QuestForGlory2_
- Question Of Sport
- Questron 2
- Quete de l'Oiseau du Temps, La
- Quicksilver Pinball
- Quik Thunder Rabbit
- Quiksilver Pinball
- QuikTheThunderRabbita
- Qwak
- R-Type
- R-Type II
- Race Drivin
- Rackneys Island
- Racter
- Rad van Fortuin
- Raffles
- Rage (Scorpius)
- Raider
- Raiders (FR)
- Railroad Tycoon
- Rainbow Islands
- Rainbow Warrior
- Rainy Day Disk, The
- Rally Championships
- Rally Cross Challenge
- RallyChampionships
- Rambo 3
- Rampage
- Rampart
- Ran X
- Ran X (FR)
- Rasende Reporter, Der
- RasterBike
- Rat Trap
- RBI 2 Baseball
- Reach for the Stars - Conquest of the Galaxy - Third Edition
- Read&Rhyme
- Real Genius
- Real Ghostbusters
- Real Popeye
- Realms
- Realms Of Arkania
- RealPopeye
- Reasoning with Trolls
- Rebel Charge at Chickamauga
- Rebellion
- Red Baron
- Red Heat
- Red Lightning
- Red Storm Rising
- Red Zone
- RedZone
- Reflexity
- Renaissance
- Renegade
- Renegade 3
- Renegades
- Rescue
- Resolution
- Retee 2!
- Retee!
- Return Of The Jedi
- Return To Atlantis
- Return To Genesis
- Reunion
- Revelation
- Revenge Of Defender
- Revenge Of Mutant Camels
- Revenge Of Mutant Camels 2
- Reverse
- Reversi
- Rick Dangerous
- Rick Dangerous 2
- Rings Of Medusa
- Rings Of Medusa (FR)
- Rings Of Medusa Gold
- Ringside
- Rise Of The Dragon
- Rise of the Rabbits ()(Pink Pig Software)
- Rise of the Rabbits 2 ()(Pink Pig Software)
- Rise Of The Robots
- Rise of the West
- Risk
- Risk - The World Conquest Game
- Riskant!
- Risky Woods
- Road Blasters
- Road Rash
- Road Wars
- Roadkill
- Roadwar
- Roadwar Europa
- Robbeary
- Robin Hood - Legend Quest
- Robinsons Requiem
- Robo Cop
- Robo Cop 2
- Robo Cop 3
- Robo Cop 3
- Robo Sport
- Robot Reader - Chicken Little
- Robot Reader Aesops Fables
- Roboter
- Robotnic
- Robozone
- Rock Challenge
- Rock N Roll
- Rock Star (FR)
- Rock Star Ate My Hamster
- Rocket Attack
- Rocket Ranger
- Rockford
- RockNRoll_
- RockStar - Never Trust Rotten Tangerines
- Rockstar NTRT (PL)
- RockStar_Fr
- Rod Land
- Rody & Mastico
- Rody & Mastico (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 2 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 3 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 4 Rody Noel (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 5 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 6 (FR)
- Rogue
- Rogue Trooper
- Roketz
- Roll Or Die
- Roll-out
- Roller Coaster Rumbler
- Rolling Ronny
- RollOrDie
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- Rome AD 92
- Rorke's Drift
- Roton
- Rotor
- Rotox
- Roue de la Fortune, La
- Roulette-Royal
- Round The Bend
- Round the Bend! - Doc Croc's Outrageous Adventures!
- Roundabout
- RoundTheBend
- RType.1_
- RType2_
- Rubicon
- Ruesselsheim
- Ruff 'n' Tumble
- Ruff & Reddy Space Adventure
- Ruffian
- Rugby League Coach
- Rugby The World Cup
- Rules of Engagement
- Run The Gauntlet
- Running Man, The
- Rushhour
- RVF Honda
- Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker
- Rygar
- S.D.I. - Now the Odds are Even
- Sabre Team
- Safari Guns
- Safari Guns (FR)
- SafariGuns
- SafariGuns_Fr
- Saint & Greavsie
- Saint Dragon
- Saint&Greavsie
- SaintDragon_
- Salmon Pink Max
- Sanctuary
- Santa's Xmas Caper
- Sarakon
- Sarcophaser
- Sargon III
- SAS Combat Simulator
- SAS Combat Simulator Q Arcade
- SAS Combat Simulator Q Fight
- SASCombatSimulator_QuattroArcade
- Sat.1 Bingo
- Satan
- Savage
- Scapeghost
- Schelober's Quest for a Babe
- Schmutzige Erbe
- Schwarze Auge
- Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo
- Scorched Tanks
- Scorpio
- Scorpion
- Scrabble
- Scramble Spirits
- Scrolling Walls
- SDI Cinemaware
- SeaHaven Towers
- Seastalker
- Second Samurai
- Seconds Out
- SecondSamurai_
- Secret Of Monkey Island
- Secret Of Monkey Island (FR)
- Secret of Monkey Island, The
- Secret Of The Silver Blades
- Seek & Destroy
- Seelenturm
- Sensible Golf
- Sensible Soccer
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions
- Sensible Soccer - International Edition
- Sensible Soccer Bulldog Blty
- Sensible Soccer Euro
- Sensible Soccer Int Ed
- Sensible Soccer Intl Ed
- Sensible Train Spotting
- Sensible World of Moon Soccer
- Sensible World Of Soccer
- Sensible World of Soccer ''96
- Sensible World of Soccer ''96 - European Championship Edition
- Sensible World of Soccer ''97
- Sensible World Of Soccer Euro
- Sensible World Of Soccer World Champion 98
- SensibleSoccer_1MB_
- SensibleSoccerBulldogBlighty
- SensibleSoccerEuropeanChampions_1MB_
- SensibleSoccerInternationalEdition
- SensibleTrainSpotting
- SensibleWorldOfMoonSoccerDemo
- Senso
- Sentinel
- Serie
- Settlers
- Settlers (FR)
- Seven Cities Of Gold
- Seven Gates Of Jambala (Files)
- Severed Heads
- Sex Olympics
- Sextimates
- Sexy Droids
- Seymour Goes To Hollywood
- Shadow Dancer
- Shadow Fighter
- Shadow Of The Beast
- Shadow Of The Beast 2
- Shadow Of The Beast 3
- Shadow Sorcerer (DE,FR,IT)
- Shadow Warriors
- ShadowFighter
- Shadowgate
- Shadowlands
- Shadoworlds
- Shanghai
- Shanghai (FR)
- Shapes
- Shaq Fu
- Sharkey's Moll
- She Fox
- Shepherd, The
- Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
- Sherman M4
- Shiftrix
- Shinobi
- Shock Wave
- Shortgrey (FR)
- Shuffle
- Shufflepuck Cafe
- Shuttle
- Shuttle - The Space Flight Simulator
- Side Arms
- Side Show
- Side Winder
- Side Winder 2
- SideShow
- Siedler
- Sierra Soccer
- Silent Service
- Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation
- Silent Service 2
- Silicon Dreams
- Silkworm
- Silly Putty
- Silver Eagle
- Sim Ant Hi Res
- Sim Ant Hi Res (FR)
- Sim Ant Lo Res (FR)
- Sim City
- Sim City 12
- Sim Earth Hi Res
- Sim Earth Hi Res (FR)
- Sim Earth Lo Res (FR)
- Sim Life
- SimCity
- SimEarth_HiRes
- SimEarth_HiRes_Fr_
- SimLife
- Simon The Sorcerer
- Simon The Sorcerer (FR)
- Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World
- Simulcra
- Simulcra.1
- Simulman 01 - Simulman
- Sinbad
- Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon
- Sink Or Swim
- Sir Fred - The Legend
- Sixiang
- Skaermtrolden Hugo (DK)
- Skarbnik
- Skate Of The Art
- SkautKwatermastera
- Skeet Shoot
- Skeleton Krew
- Ski Or Die
- Skidmarks
- Skidoo
- Skidz
- Skrull
- Skull & Crossbones
- Skweek
- Sky Chase
- Sky Chase Fast
- Sky High Stuntman
- Skyfox
- Skyfox II - The Cygnus Conflict
- SkyHighStuntman
- Skyworker
- Slackskin & Flint
- Slam Raid
- Slam Tilt
- Slam Tilt - The Pinball Game
- Slayer
- Slaygon
- Sleeping Gods Lie
- Sleepwalker
- Sleepwalker_
- Sliders
- Slightly Magic
- Slip Stream
- Sly Spy Secret Agent
- Smash
- Smash TV
- Snakes and Ladders
- Snapperazzi
- Sneech
- Snoball in Hell
- Snoopy & Peanuts
- Snoopy&Peanuts
- Snow Bros (Files)
- Snow Strike
- Soccer Kid
- Soccer Pinball
- Soccer Rivals
- Soccer Superstars
- Soccer Supremo
- SoccerKid
- Soeldner
- Software Manager
- Soko
- Soldier
- Soldier Of Light
- Solid Gold
- Solomons Key 2
- Son Shu Shi
- Sonic Boom
- Sooty & Sweep
- Sooty&Sweepa
- Sootys Fun With Numbers
- Sophelie
- Sorcerer Lord
- Sorcerer Lord (FR)
- SorcerersApprentice
- Sorcerors Apprentice
- Sorcery Plus
- SorceryPlus2_
- Sorefist
- Soul Crystal
- Space Ace
- Space Ace II - Borf's Revenge
- Space Assault
- Space Conquest - A Galactic Odyssey
- Space Crusade
- Space Crusade & Voyage Beyond
- Space Gun
- Space Harrier
- Space Harrier - Return To The Fantasy Zone
- Space Harrier 2
- Space Hulk
- Space MAX
- Space Pilot 89
- Space Quest
- Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter
- Space Quest (Enhanced)
- Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge
- Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon
- Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
- Space Racer
- Space Racer (FR)
- Space Rogue
- Space Station
- SpaceAceDemo
- SpaceAssault
- Spaceball
- Spacecutter
- SpaceGun
- SpaceHarrier_NTSC
- SpaceHarrier&ReturnToFantasyZone
- SpaceHarrier2_
- SpaceHulk_
- SpaceMAX
- SpacePilot89
- Spaceport
- SpaceQuestEnhanced_
- SpaceQuestEnhanced_MT32_
- SpaceRacer_
- SpaceRacer_Fr_
- SpaceRanger_v_Arcadia
- SpaceRogue_
- SpaceStation_
- Spacewrecked_NTSC_
- Spatial Hyperdrive
- Special Forces
- SpecialForces_
- Speed
- Speed Buggy
- Speedball
- Speedball 2
- Speedboat Assassins
- SpeedBuggy_NTSC
- Spell Book
- Spell Bound
- Spellbound Dizzy
- Spellbound Dizzy & Dizzy Panic
- Spellbreaker
- Spellfire The Sorcerer
- Speris Legacy
- SperisLegacy
- Spherical
- Spherical Worlds
- Spherical_
- SphericalWorlds.1_
- Spiderman - Il ritorno di Hobgoblin
- Spiderman 2 - e ora, Carnage!
- Spiderman 3 - Destino Incrociato!
- Spike In Transylvania
- Spindizzy Worlds
- Spirit Of Adventure
- SpiritOfExcalibur1_
- Spitting Image
- Spoils of War
- Spot
- Spy Vs Spy
- Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper
- Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics
- Spy Who Loved Me
- SpyWhoLovedMe_
- Sqrxz
- Sqrxz1
- Squarestone
- St. Thomas
- Stable Masters
- Stable Masters II
- Stable Masters III
- Stack Up
- StackUp_
- Stadt der Loewen, Die
- Stalingrad
- Star Breaker
- Star Command
- Star Control
- Star Crusader
- Star Goose
- Star Goose!
- Star Ray
- Star Trash
- Star Trek 25th Anniv
- Star Trek 25th Anniv (FR)
- Star Wars
- Starbirds
- Starblade
- Starblade (FR)
- Starblade_Fast
- Starblaze
- StarCommand_
- StarControl
- StarCrusader_
- Stardust
- Stardust_
- Starflight
- Starflight II - Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
- Starglider
- Starglider 2
- Starglider_
- StarGoose_
- Starians
- Starlord
- Starlord (FR)
- StarRay_v_1Disk_
- StarTrash_
- StarTrek25thAnniversary_
- StarTrek25thAnniversary_Fr_
- Starush
- Statix
- Steel
- Steel Empire
- Steg The Slug
- Steigar
- Steigenberger Hotelmanager
- Stellar 7
- Stellar Crusade
- Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo
- Stone Age
- Storm Master
- Storm Master (FR)
- Stormball
- Stormlord
- Stormlord (Prerelease)
- Stormlord_NTSC
- StormMaster
- StormMaster_Fast
- Stormtrooper
- Stratego
- Stratego.1
- Street Fighter
- Street Fighter 2
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior
- Street Gang
- Street Racer
- Street Rod
- Street Rod 2
- Street Sports Basketball
- StreetFighter
- StreetFighter2_
- StreetGang
- StreetRacer
- StreetRod2
- StreetSportsBasketball_NTSC_
- Stres
- Strider
- Strider 2
- Strider_
- Strider2_
- Strike Aces
- StrikeAces_NTSC_
- Strikefleet
- Striker
- Striker_
- Strikes -N- Spares Professional
- Strip Poker
- Strip Poker 2
- Strip Poker 2+
- Strip Pot
- StripPoker
- StripPot
- Struggle
- Stryx
- STUN Runner
- Stunt Car Racer
- Stunt Car Racer TNT
- Stunt Track Racer
- Sturmtruppen - The Video Game
- Sub Battle Simulator
- Subbuteo
- Subtrade
- Subtrade - Return to Irata
- Suburban Commando
- Subwar
- Summer Camp
- Summer Challenge
- Summer Games
- Summer Games & Summer Games 2
- Summer Games 2
- Summer Olympiad
- Sunny Spells
- Supaplex
- Super Bob Dylan
- Super C
- Super C Fast
- Super Cars
- Super Cars 2
- Super Cauldron
- Super Grand Prix
- Super Grid Runner
- Super Hang On
- Super Hang-On
- Super League Manager
- Super Loopz
- Super Methane Bros
- Super Monaco GP
- Super Obliteration
- Super Off Road
- Super Os WALD (DK)
- Super Putty
- Super Scramble Simulator
- Super Seymour Saves Planet
- Super Ski
- Super Ski (FR)
- Super Ski 2
- Super Skidmarks
- Super SkidMarks (OCS & AGA)
- Super Skweek
- Super Skweek (1 MB)
- Super Space Invaders
- Super Sport Challenge
- Super Stardust
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Super Street Fighter 2 DX
- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
- Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers
- Super TaeKwonDo Master
- Super Tennis Championships
- Super Tennis Championships (& Data Disks)
- Super Tennis Champs
- Super Tetris
- Super Twintris
- SuperCa
- SuperCa_Fast
- SuperCars_1Disk_
- SuperCars_2Disk_
- SuperCars2_
- SuperCauldron
- Superfrog
- Superfrog
- Superfrog (Amiga Action)
- Superfrog (CU Amiga)
- Superfrog (The One)
- Superfrog_
- SuperfrogDemo_AmigaAction
- SuperfrogDemo_CUAmiga
- SuperfrogDemo_TheOne
- SuperGrandPrix_
- SuperGridRunner
- SuperHangOn_
- Superhero
- SuperheroDemo
- SuperLoopz
- Superman
- SuperMethaneBros
- SuperMonacoGP
- SuperObliteration
- SuperOffRoada_
- SuperOffRoada_NTSC
- SuperOsWALD_Dk
- SuperPuttya
- SuperScrambleSimulator
- SuperSeymourSavesThePlanet
- SuperSki_
- SuperSki_Fr
- SuperSki2_v
- SuperSkidmarks
- SuperSkidmarks_LowMem
- SuperSkweek_1MB_&
- SuperSkweek_KB_&
- SuperSpaceInvaders
- SuperSpaceInvaders_NTSC
- Superstar Ice Hockey
- SuperStardust_
- SuperstarIceHockey_
- SuperStreetFighter2
- SuperStreetFighter2_
- SuperStreetFighter2DX
- SuperStreetFighter2Turbo
- SuperStreetFighter2Turbo_
- SuperTennisChamps
- SuperTennisChamps&DataDisks
- SuperTetris_
- SuperTwintris
- Supremacy
- Supremacy_
- Surf Ninjas
- SurfNinjas_
- Surgeon, The
- Suspicious Cargo
- SuspiciousCargo_
- Svetak Bob
- Swap
- Swap (FR)
- Switchblade
- Switchblade 2
- Switchblade II
- Swooper
- Sword
- Sword & The Rose
- Sword & The Rose, The
- Sword Of Honour
- Sword Of Sodan
- Sword&TheRose
- Swords & Galleons
- Swords Of Twilight
- Swords&Galleons
- Syndicate
- Syndicate
- SyndicateAmericanRevolt
- T Bird
- T Racer
- T Tec Maze
- T Zer 0
- T Zer 0 (No Movie)
- Table Tennis Simulation
- TableHockey_v_Arcadia
- Taekwondo
- Tajemnica Bursztynowej Komnaty
- Take Em Out
- Take-em-Out
- TakeEmOut
- Tanglewood
- Tanglewood_
- Tangram
- Tangram2
- Tank Attack
- Tanx
- Taran im Abenteuerland
- Targhan
- Targhan
- Targhan (FR)
- Targhan (FR)
- Tas, De
- Task Force
- Tass Times In Tonetown
- TassTimesInTonetown_
- TBird
- Team Suzuki
- Team Yankee
- TeamSuzuki_
- TeamYankee_
- Tearaway Thomas
- TearawayThomas
- Tech
- Technocop
- Technology 2
- Technology2
- Tecnoball
- Tee Off!
- Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles
- Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles (C Op)
- Teenage Mtnt Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-op!
- Teenage Queen
- TeenageMutantHeroTurtles_
- TeenageMutantHeroTurtlesCoinOp_
- TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles
- TeenageQueen_
- Telekommando II, Das
- Telekommando!, Das
- Teller (FR)
- Teller_Fr
- Teller, The
- Temple Of Apshai Trilogy
- TempleOfApshaiTrilogy
- Tennis Champs
- Tennis Cup
- Tennis Cup (1MB)
- Tennis Cup (1MB) (FR)
- Tennis Cup (KB)
- Tennis Cup (KB) (FR)
- Tennis Cup 2
- Tennis Cup II
- TennisChamps
- TennisCup2_
- TennisCupa_1Mb_
- TennisCupa_Kb_
- TennisCupa_Fr_1Mb_
- TennisCupa_Fr_Kb_
- TenPinBowling_v_Arcadia
- Tensai
- TensaiDemo
- Teo
- Teresa - House Guest
- Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
- Terminator 2 Arcade
- Terminator 2 Judgment Day
- Terminator2Arcade_
- Terminator2JudgmentDay_
- Terramex
- Terramex_
- Terran Envoy
- Terror Liner
- Terrorpods
- Terrorpods_
- Terrys Big Adventure
- TerrysBigAdventure_
- Test Drive
- Test Drive 2
- Test Drive 2 (Data Disks)
- Test Drive II - The Duel
- Test Match Cricket
- TestDrive_
- TestDrive2_
- Tetra Quest
- TetraQuest
- Tetris (Mirrorsoft)
- Tetris (Spectrum HoloByte)
- Tetris Infogrames
- Tetris Mirrorsoft
- Tetris Pro
- Tetris_Infogrames
- Tetris_Mirrorsoft
- TetrisPro.1
- Tetrix
- Tex 01 - Mefisto
- Th!nk Cross
- Theatre Of Death
- TheatreOfDeath_
- Their Finest Hour
- Their Finest Hour (& Missions)
- TheirFinestHour_
- TheirFinestHour&Missions_&
- Theme Park
- Theme Park
- Theme Park Mystery
- Theme Park Mystery - Variations on a Theme
- ThemePark_
- ThemePark_
- ThemeParkMystery_
- ThemeParkMystery_NTSC_
- Thexder
- Thexder_
- Think Twice
- Think!
- Third Courier
- ThirdCourier_
- Thomas Tank Eng Pinball
- Thomas The Tank Engine
- Thomas The Tank Engine 2
- Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball
- ThomasTheTankEngine_
- ThomasTheTankEngine2_
- ThomasTheTankEnginePinball
- ThomasTheTankEnginePinball_
- Three Musketeers, The
- Three Stooges
- Three Stooges, The
- ThreeStooges_NTSC_
- Thromulus - The Enemy Within
- Thunder Blade
- Thunder Blade
- Thunder Boy
- Thunder Burner
- Thunder Cats
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M (FR)
- Thunder Jaws
- Thunder Strike
- Thunderbirds
- Thunderbirds_
- ThunderBlade_
- ThunderBlade_NTSC_
- ThunderBoy
- ThunderBurner_
- ThunderCats_
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1_
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1_Fr
- ThunderJaws_
- ThunderStrike_
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tie Break
- TieBreak
- Tiger Road
- TigerRoad
- Time
- Time
- Time (FR)
- Time And Magik
- Time and Magik - The Trilogy
- Time Bandit
- Time Lock
- Time Machine
- Time Race
- Time Runners 01
- Time Runners 02
- Time Runners 03
- Time Runners 04
- Time Runners 05
- Time Runners 06
- Time Runners 07
- Time Runners 08
- Time Runners 09
- Time Runners 10
- Time Runners 11
- Time Runners 12
- Time Runners 13
- Time Runners 14
- Time Runners 15
- Time Runners 16
- Time Runners 17
- Time Runners 18
- Time Runners 19
- Time Runners 20
- Time Runners 21
- Time Runners 22
- Time Runners 23
- Time Runners 24
- Time Runners 25
- Time Runners 26
- Time Runners 27
- Time Runners 28
- Time Runners 29
- Time Runners 30
- Time Runners Series
- Time Scanner
- Time Soldier
- Time_
- Time_Fr_
- TimeAndMagik
- TimeBandit
- Timekeepers
- TimeLock
- TimeMachine_
- TimeRace_
- Times Of Lore
- TimeScanner_
- TimesOfLore_
- TimeSoldier
- Tin Toy Adventure
- Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun
- Tintin on the Moon
- Tintin On The Moon (Files)
- Tintin On The Moon (Image)
- TintinOnTheMoon_Files_
- TintinOnTheMoon_Image_
- TinToyAdventure
- Tiny Skweeks
- Tiny Troops
- Tiny Troops
- Tiny Troops
- TinySkweeks_
- TinyTroops
- TinyTroops_
- Tip Off
- Tip Off
- Tip Off (DE,ES,FR,IT)
- TipOff_
- TipOff_NTSC
- TipOffEsFrIt_
- Tischtennis
- Titan
- Titan_
- Titanic Blinky
- TitanicBlinky
- Titano
- Titus The Fox
- TitusTheFox_
- To the Rhine - The Allied Advance in the West
- Toki
- Toki_
- Tom And The Ghost
- Tom Landry Football
- Tom Landry Football Deluxe
- Tom Landry Strategy Football
- Tom Landry Strategy Football - Deluxe Edition
- TomAndTheGhost_
- TomLandryStrategyFootball
- TomLandryStrategyFootballDeluxe_
- Tommy Gun
- TommyGun
- Tony & Friends
- Tony & Friends in Kellogg's Land
- Tony&FriendsInKelloggsLand
- Toobin
- Top Banana
- Top Cat
- Top Gear 2
- Top Gear 2
- Top Secret
- TopBanana
- TopCat
- TopGear2
- TopGear2_
- TopGear2_
- TopSecret
- Torch
- Tornado
- Tornado
- Tornado Ground Attack
- Tornado_
- TornadoGroundAttack
- Torvak The Warrior
- TorvakTheWarrior_
- Total Carnage
- Total Carnage
- Total Eclipse
- Total Football
- Total Recall
- Total Recall (Files)
- Total Recall (Image)
- TotalCarnage_
- TotalEclipse_
- TotalEclipse_NTSC_
- TotalFootball_
- TotalRecall_Files_
- TotalRecall_Image_
- Tots Time
- Touchdown
- Tournament Golf
- TournamentGolf_
- Tower Of Babel
- Tower Of Souls
- Tower Toppler
- TowerOfBabel_
- TowerOfSouls_
- TowerToppler_NTSC_
- Town With No Name (TV)
- TownWithNoName_TV
- Toyota Celica GT Rally
- ToyotaCelicaGTRally_
- Toyottes (Files)
- Toyottes (Image)
- Toyottesa_Files_
- Toyottesa_Image_
- TRacer
- Tracers
- Track Suit Manager
- Tracker
- Trackera_
- Tracon II
- Traders
- Traders
- Traders0
- Traders0_
- Trained Assassin
- TrainedAssassin
- Transarctica
- Transarctica
- Transarctica_
- Transplant
- Transplant1
- Transworld
- Transworld
- Transworld_
- Transylvania
- Traps N Treasures
- Traps N Treasures
- TrapsNTreasures
- Trax
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Trap
- TreasureIslandDizzy
- TreasureIslandDizzy_
- Treasures Of Savage Frontier
- Treasures of the Savage Frontier
- TreasuresOfTheSavageFrontier_NTSC_
- TreasureTrap1_
- Treble Champions
- Trex Warrior
- Trex Warrior - 22nd Century Gladiator
- TrexWarrior
- Trian GO
- TrianGO
- TrianGO_
- Tricky Quiky Games
- Tricky-Quiky-Games - Die Suche nach den Verschollenen Seiten
- TrickyQuikyGames
- Triple X
- TripleX_
- Trivia Game Show
- Trivia Trove
- Trivial Pursuit
- Trivial Pursuit
- Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning
- Trivial Pursuit (FR)
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin (FR)
- TrivialPursuit
- TrivialPursuit_
- TrivialPursuit_Fr_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_Fr
- Troddlers
- Troddlers_
- Trog
- Trolls
- Trolls
- Trolls_
- Truckin On II
- Trump Castle
- Trump Castle II
- Tube Warriors
- TubeWarriors
- Tubular Worlds
- Tubular Worlds (1 MB)
- TubularWorlds
- TubularWorlds_1MB
- TubularWorlds_KB
- Tunnels of Armageddon
- Turbo
- Turbo Cup
- Turbo Cup (FR)
- Turbo Out Run
- Turbo Raketti 2 (FI)
- Turbo Trax (Arcane)
- Turbo Trax Arcane
- Turbo Trax Arcane (1 MB)
- TurboCup
- TurboCup_Fr_
- TurboOutRun_
- TurboRaketti2_Fi
- TurboTrax_Arcane_1MB_
- TurboTrax_Arcane_KB_
- Turn N Burn
- TurnNBurn_
- Turrican
- Turrican
- Turrican (TV)
- Turrican 2
- Turrican 2
- Turrican 2 (TV)
- Turrican 3
- Turrican 3
- Turrican II - The Final Fight
- Turrican_
- Turrican_NTSC_
- Turrican_TV
- Turrican2_
- Turrican2_TV
- Turrican2Demo
- Turrican3_
- Turrican3Demo
- TurricanDemo
- Tusker
- TV Sports Baseball
- TV Sports Basketball
- TV Sports Boxing
- TV Sports Football
- TVSportsBaseball_
- TVSportsBasketball_
- TVSportsBoxing_
- TVSportsFootball3_
- Twilight Knights
- Twilight Zone, The
- Twilight's Ransom
- Twin Turbos
- Twin World
- Twintris
- TwinTurbos
- TwinWorld_
- Two of a Kind
- Two-Up
- Twylyte
- Twylytea_
- Typhoon
- Typhoon Thompson
- Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child
- Typhoon_
- TyphoonThompson_NTSC_
- TZer0Demo
- TZer0Demo_NoMovie
- U.N. Squadron
- UFO - Enemy Unknown
- UFO Enemy Unknown
- UFOEnemyUnknown
- UFOEnemyUnknown_
- UFOEnemyUnknown_
- Ugh
- Ugh_
- Ultima 3
- Ultima 4
- Ultima 5
- Ultima 6
- Ultima III - Exodus
- Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima VI - The False Prophet
- Ultima3
- Ultima4_NTSC_
- Ultima5_
- Ultima6_
- Ultimate Body Blows
- Ultimate Golf
- Ultimate Pinball Quest
- Ultimate Pinball Quest, The
- Ultimate Quiz II, The
- Ultimate Quiz, The
- Ultimate Ride
- Ultimate Ride, The
- Ultimate Soccer Manager
- Ultimate X Treme Racing
- UltimateBodyBlows
- UltimateGolf_
- UltimatePinballQuest1
- UltimateRide_
- UltimateXTremeRacing_
- UMS 2 Nations At War
- UMS2NationsAtWar_
- UN Squadron
- Under Pressure
- UnderPressure
- Uninvited
- Universal Military Sim
- Universal Monsters
- Universal Monsters & Superhero
- Universal Warrior
- UniversalMilitarySimulator_
- UniversalMonsters
- UniversalWarrior1_
- Universe
- Universe
- Universe 3
- Universe_
- Universe3_NTSC_
- Unreal
- Unreal
- Unreal_
- Unreal_NTSC_
- Unsensible Soccer
- UnsensibleSoccer
- UNSquadron_
- Untouchables
- Untouchables_
- Up Scope
- UpScope_v
- UpScope1_Arcadia
- Uridium 2 (1 MB)
- Uridium 2 (2 MB)
- Uridium2_v_1MB_
- Uridium2_v_2MB_
- USS John Young
- USSJohnYoung
- Utopia
- Utopia - The Creation of a Nation
- Utopia & New Worlds
- Utopia_
- Utopia&NewWorlds_&
- Vader
- Valhalla - Before the War
- Valhalla & the Fortress of Eve
- Valhalla and the Lord of Action
- Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity
- Valhalla Before The War
- Valhalla Lord Of Infinity
- ValhallaBeforeTheWar_
- ValhallaLordOfInfinity
- Vampires Empire
- VampiresEmpire
- Vaxine
- Vaxine_
- Vector Championship Run
- Vectorball
- Vectorball_
- Vegas Gambler
- VegasGamblera
- Vengeance of Excalibur
- Venom Wing
- VenomWing
- Venus The Flytrap
- Venus The Flytrap (No Intro)
- VenusTheFlytrap
- Vermeer
- Vermeer_
- Verteidiger Krone 2
- VerteidigerDerKrone2
- Veteran
- Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra
- ViajeAlCentroDeLaTierra
- Victor Loomes - Das Spiel
- Victory
- Victory Road
- VictoryRoad
- Video Kid
- Video Vegas
- Vigilante
- Vikings - Fields of Conquest - Kingdoms of England II
- Vindicators
- Violator
- Virocop
- Virtual Karting
- Virtual Karting 2
- VirtualKarting2
- VirtualKarting2Demo
- Virus
- Virus_
- Vital Light
- Vixen
- Viz
- Volfied
- Voodoo Nightmare
- Vortex
- Voyager
- Voyages Of Discovery
- Voyageurs Du Temps (FR)
- Voyageurs du Temps, Les - La Menace
- Vroom
- Vroom (& Data Disk)
- Vroom Multi Player
- Vyper
- Vyrus
- Wacky Darts
- Wacky Races
- WackyDarts
- Wacus the Detective (ECS & AGA)
- Wacus The Detective (PL)
- WacusTheDetectivea
- Walker
- Walker Crunched
- Walker Crunched (No Speech)
- Walker Decrunched
- Walker Decrunched (No Speech)
- Wall
- Wall$treet
- Walls
- Wanderer 3 D
- Wanderer, The
- Wanted
- War
- War In Middle Earth
- War In The Gulf
- War Machine
- War Zone (Core)
- War Zone (Paradox)
- War Zone Core Design
- War Zone Paradox
- Warhead
- Warlock The Avenger
- Warlocks Quest
- Warlords
- Warm Up
- WarMachine1
- WarmUp
- Warp
- Watchtower
- Waterloo
- Waxworks
- Waxworks (FR)
- Way Of The Little Dragon
- Way Of The Little Dragon
- Way Of The Little Dragon (A Star)
- Way of the Little Dragon, The
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2
- WayneGretzkyHockey
- WayneGretzkyHockey2
- WC Leader Board
- WC Leader Board (& Data Disks)
- Web Of Terror
- WebOfTerror
- Ween The Prophecy
- Ween The Prophecy (FR)
- Weird Dreams
- WeirdDreams_
- Welltris
- Welltris_
- Wembley Int Soccer
- Wembley Rugby League
- WembleyInternationalSoccer
- West Phaser
- Western Games
- WestPhaser
- What Is It Where Is It Vol. 1
- Wheelie
- Wheels On Fire
- Wheelspin
- When Two Worlds War
- Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where In The USA Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego
- Where Time Stood Still
- Whirligig
- White Death
- Whizz
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- WhoFramedRogerRabbit
- Wibble World Giddy
- WibbleWorldGiddy
- Wicked
- Wild Cup Soccer
- Wild Streets
- Wild West World
- Wild Wheels
- WildWestWorld
- Willow
- Wind Surf Willy
- Wind Surf Willy (FR)
- Window Wizard (Files)
- Window Wizard (Image)
- Windwalker
- Wing Commander
- Wingnuts
- Wings
- Wings Of Death
- Wings Of Fury
- Wings_
- WingsOfDeath2_
- WingsOfFury
- Winnie The Pooh
- Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood
- WinnieThePooh
- Winning Post
- Winter Camp
- Winter Challenge
- Winter Games
- Winter Olympiad 88
- Winter Olympics
- Winter Supersports 92
- WinterCamp_
- WinterChallenge_NTSC_
- WinterGames
- WinterSupersports92
- Winzer
- Winzer1
- Wiraz
- Wisielec2
- Wiz 'n' Liz
- Wizardry 6 Bane Cosmic Forg
- Wizards Castle
- Wizball
- Wizkid
- Wizmo
- Wolfchild
- Wolfen - Die Bestie ist Unter Uns
- Wolfpack
- Wonder Dog
- Wonderboy In Monsterland
- WonderboyInMonsterland
- Wonderland
- Woodys World
- World Champ Boxing Manager
- World Championship Boxing Manager
- World Championship Soccer
- World Circuit
- World Class Rugby
- World Class Rugby 5 Nations
- World Class Rugby 95
- World Class Soccer
- World Cricket
- World Cup 90
- World Darts
- World Games
- World Rugby
- World Soccer
- World Tour Golf
- WorldChampionshipBoxingManager
- WorldChampionshipSoccer_
- WorldCircuit_NTSC
- WorldClassLeaderBoard
- WorldClassLeaderBoard&DataDisks
- WorldClassRugby_
- WorldClassRugby5NationsEdition
- WorldClassRugby95
- WorldClassSoccer
- WorldCricket
- WorldCup90
- WorldDarts_
- WorldDarts_v_Arcadia
- WorldGames_NTSC_
- WorldRugby_
- Worlds Of Legend
- WorldSoccer_
- WorldsOfLegend_
- WorldTourGolf_
- WorldTrophySoccer_v_Arcadia
- Worms
- Worms - The Director's Cut
- Worms Directors Cut
- WormsDirectorsCut_12MB_
- WormsDirectorsCut_8MB_
- Wormsigns
- WPotrzasku
- Wrath of Gwendor
- Wrath Of The Demon
- Wrath Of The Demon (TV)
- WrathOfTheDemon_TV
- WrathOfTheDemon1_
- Wreckers
- Wreckers_
- WWF European Rampage Tour
- WWF Wrestle Mania
- WWFEuropeanRampageTour_
- WWFWrestleMania_
- X
- X Out
- X Treme Racing
- X Treme Racing (& Data Disks)
- X-It
- X-IT - The Quest for the Meaning of Life
- X-Out
- X-Ploit
- X-Swap - Booming Edition
- Xenex
- Xenomorph
- Xenomorph_
- Xenon
- Xenon 2
- Xenon 2 - Megablast
- Xenon 2 (TV)
- Xenon_
- Xenon_v_Arcadia
- Xenon2_TV
- Xenon21_1Disk_
- Xenon21_2Disk_
- Xenon21_NTSC
- Xenon2Demo
- Xenophobe
- Xiphos
- XIt_
- XOut_1Disk_
- XP 8
- XP 8
- XR 35
- XTreme Racing
- Xybots
- Yo Joe
- Yo Joe
- Yo! Joe!
- Yogi Bear & Friends
- Yogi's Big Clean Up
- Yogi's Great Escape
- YogiBear&Friends
- Yogis Big Clean Up
- Yogis Great Escape
- Yolanda (Files)
- Yolandaa_Files
- Yuppi's Revenge
- Z Out
- Z-Out
- Za Zelazna Brama
- Zack!
- Zak Mc Kracken
- Zak Mc Kracken (FR)
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Zany Golf
- Zarathrusta
- Zardoz
- Zargon
- Zaxxon
- ZaZelaznaBrama
- Zeewolf
- Zeewolf 2
- Zeewolf 2 - Wild Justice
- ZeroGravity
- Ziriax
- Zombi (FR)
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zombie Apocalypse 2
- Zone Warrior
- Zool
- Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension
- Zool 2
- Zoom
- Zooma_
- Zork - The Undiscovered Underground
- Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
- Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz
- Zork III - The Dungeon Master
- Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz
- ZOut_v_
- Zyconix
- Zynaps
Amiga CD32 - Games
1 - Akira (Europe)
2 - Alfred Chicken (Europe)
3 - Alien Breed - Tower Assault (Europe)
4 - Alien Breed 3D (Europe)
5 - Alien Breed Special Edition & Qwak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)
6 - Amiga CD32 Gamer Vol. 2 (Europe)
7 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Spring (Europe)
8 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Winter (Europe)
9 - Arabian Nights (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
10 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
11 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) (Alt)
12 - Banshee (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
13 - Base Jumpers (Europe)
14 - Battle Chess (Europe)
15 - Battletoads (Europe)
16 - Beavers (Europe)
17 - Beneath a Steel Sky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
18 - Benefactor (Europe)
19 - Black Viper (Europe) (En,De,It)
20 - Brutal Football (Europe)
21 - Bubba 'n' Stix (Europe)
22 - Bubble and Squeak (Europe)
23 - Bump 'n' Burn (Europe)
24 - Cannon Fodder (Europe)
25 - Castles II - Siege & Conquest (Europe)
26 - CD Micro French (Europe)
27 - Chambers of Shaolin (Europe)
28 - Chaos Engine, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
29 - Chaos Engine, The (Spectacular Voyage) (Europe)
30 - Chuck Rock (Europe)
31 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)
32 - Classic Lotus Trilogy, The (Europe)
33 - Communicator (Germany) (En,De)
34 - D-Generation (Europe)
35 - Dangerous Streets (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
36 - Dangerous Streets & Wing Commander (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
37 - Darkseed (Europe)
38 - Deep Core (Europe)
39 - Defender of the Crown II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
40 - Dennis (Europe)
41 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe)
42 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe) (Alt)
43 - Disposable Hero (Europe)
44 - Donk! The Samurai Duck! (Europe)
45 - Dragonstone (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
46 - Emerald Mines (Europe)
47 - Fields of Glory (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
48 - Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
49 - Fire Force (Europe)
50 - Flink (Europe)
51 - Fly Harder (Europe)
52 - Frontier - Elite II (Europe)
53 -
54 - Global Effect (Europe)
55 - Gloom (Europe)
56 - Guardian (Europe)
57 - Gulp! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
58 - Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds (Europe)
59 - HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
60 - Humans (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
61 - Humans 3 - Evolution - Lost in Time (Europe)
62 - Impossible Mission - The Special Edition (Europe)
63 - International Karate + (Europe)
64 - James Pond 2 - Robocod (Europe)
65 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
66 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe) (Kixx)
67 - Jetstrike CD32 (Europe)
68 - John Barnes European Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
69 - Jungle Strike - The Sequel to Desert Strike (Europe)
70 - Karaoke - Julsanger I (Sweden)
71 - Kid Chaos (Europe)
72 - Kingpin - Arcade Sports Bowling (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
73 - Labyrinth of Time, The (Europe)
74 - Lamborghini - American Challenge (Europe)
75 - Last Ninja 3 (Europe)
76 - Liberation - Captive II (Europe)
77 - Litil Divil (Europe)
78 - Lost Vikings, The (Europe)
79 - Magic Island (Czech)
80 - Manchester United - Premier League Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
81 - Marvin's Marvellous Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
82 - Mean Arenas (Europe)
83 - Microcosm (Europe)
84 - Microcosm (Europe) (Spectacular Voyage)
85 - Morph (Europe)
86 - Myth - History in the Making (Europe)
87 - Naughty Ones (Europe)
88 - Nick Faldos Championship Golf (Europe)
89 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe)
90 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
91 - Overkill & Lunar-C (Europe)
92 - PGA European Tour (Europe)
93 - Pierre Le Chef Is Out to Lunch (Europe)
94 - Pinball Fantasies (Europe)
95 - Pinball Illusions (Europe)
96 - Pirates! Gold (Europe) (En,De)
97 - Power Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
98 - Power-Games (Europe) (En,De)
99 - Premiere (Europe)
- Prey - An Alien Encounter (Europe)
- Project-X & F17 Challenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)
- Project-X & Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)
- Quik the Thunder Rabbit (Europe)
- Rise of the Robots (Europe)
- Roadkill (Europe)
- Roadkill (Europe) (Alt)
- Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker (Europe)
- Sabre Team (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
- Seek & Destroy (Europe)
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions - Limited Edition featuring World Cup Teams (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Seven Gates of Jambala, The (Europe)
- Shadow Fighter (Europe)
- Sheer Delight (Europe)
- Simon the Sorcerer (Europe)
- Skeleton Krew (Europe)
- Speris Legacy, The (Europe)
- Strip Pot (Europe)
- Subwar (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Summer Olympix (Europe)
- Super Methane Bros. (Europe)
- Super Putty (Europe)
- Super Skidmarks (Europe)
- Super Skidmarks (Europe) (Alt)
- Super Stardust (Europe)
- Superfrog (Europe) (v)
- Surf Ninjas (Europe)
- Syndicate (Europe) (En,Fr,It)
- Theme Park (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Total Carnage (Europe)
- Trivial Pursuit - The CD32 Edition (Europe)
- Trolls (Europe)
- UFO - Enemy Unknown (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)
- Vital Light (Europe)
- Vital Light (Europe) (Alt)
- Wembley International Soccer (Europe)
- Whale's Voyage (Europe)
- Wild Cup Soccer (Europe)
- Worms (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension (Europe)
- Zool 2 (Europe)
Amiga CDTV - 7 Games
1 - Wrath of The Demon (Europe)
2 - Cubulus & Magic Serpent (Europe)
3 - Curse of RA, The (Europe)
4 - Lemmings (Europe)
5 - Shiftrix & Lettrix (Europe)
6 - Snoopy - The Case of the Missing Blanket (Europe)
7 - Turrican (Europe)
Amstrad CPC - Games
1 -
2 -
3 - - Dangereusement Votre
4 - - Vivre et laisser mourir
5 - : Tuer n'est pas Jouer
6 - B.C. - A Mediterranean Odyssey
7 - 10th Frame
8 - 12 Jeux Exceptionnels
9 - 12 Lost Souls
10 - The Battle of Midway
11 - 1st Division Manager
12 - 2 Player Super League
13 - 20 avant J.C.
14 - 20 Lieues sous les Mers
15 - AD
16 - 3D Boxing
17 - 3D Fight
18 - 3D Grand Prix
19 - 3D Invaders
20 - 3D Monster Chase
21 - 3D Morpion
22 - 3D Pool
23 - 3D Quasars
24 - 3d Snooker
25 - 3D Starfighter
26 - 3D Starstrike
27 - 3D Stunt Rider
28 - 3D Time Trek
29 - 3D Voicechess
30 - 3DC
31 - 3D-Sub
32 - 4 Soccer Simulators
33 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing
34 - 5 Estrellas
35 - cc Grand Prix 2
36 - 7 Card Stud
37 - °
38 - cc Grand Prix
39 - A
40 - A Question of Sport
41 - A.P.B.
42 - Abracadabra
43 - Abu Simbel Profanation
44 - Academy
45 - ACE
46 - Ace 2: The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict
47 - Ace of Aces
48 - Acrojet
49 - Action Fighter
50 - Action Force
51 - Activator
52 - Actref
53 - Adidas Championship Football
54 - Adidas Championship Tie Break
55 - Adult Two
56 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator
57 - Advanced Pinball Simulator
58 - Advanced Tactical Fighter
59 - Adventure C: Ship Of Doom
60 - Affaire Sydney
61 - African Trail Simulator
62 - After Burner
63 - After Shock
64 - After the War
65 - Aftermath
66 - Afteroids
67 - Agent 1
68 - Agent Orange
69 - Agent X 2: The Mad Prof's Back
70 - Ahhh!!
71 - Aigle D'or, L'
72 - Airballs
73 - Airborne Ranger
74 - Airwolf
75 - Airwolf 2
76 - Aladdin's Cave
77 - Alex Higgins World Pool
78 - Alex Higgins World Snooker
79 - Ali Candil Y El Tesoro De Sierra Morena
80 - Alien
81 - Alien 8
82 - Alien Attack
83 - Alien Highway - Encounter 2
84 - Alien Storm
85 - Alien Syndrome
86 - Aliens
87 - Alinka
88 - Alive
89 - Alkahera
90 - Almirante Graf Spee
91 - AlphaJet
92 - Alphakhor
93 - Alpine Games
94 - Al-Strad
95 - Altered Beast
96 - Alternative World Games
97 - Amaurote
98 - Amelie Minuit
99 - American Football
- American Tag Team Wrestling
- American Turbo King
- America's Cup Challenge
- Amo Del Mundo
- Amsgolf
- Amsilvania Castle
- Amstra' Dames
- Amstrad Shuffle
- Amstroids
- Anarchy
- Android 2
- Android One - The Reactor Run
- Anduril
- Andy Capp
- Ange De Cristal
- Angel Nieto Pole
- Angelique - A Grief Encounter
- Angleball
- Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
- Anna
- Annals Of Rome
- Antares
- Apocalypse
- Apprenti Sorcier
- Aquanaute
- Arachnophobia
- Arcade Flight Simulator
- Arcade Fruit Machine
- Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulator
- Archon - The Light And The Dark
- Archon II : Adept
- Arcticfox
- Arcturus
- Ardoise Magique, L'
- Argo Navis
- Ariane
- Arkanium
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid : Revenge of Doh
- Arkanoid 3: Doh Strikes Again
- Arkanoid Construction Set
- Arkanoid III - The Last Chance
- Arkanoid IV
- Arkanoid V
- Arkos
- Army Moves
- Artura
- Ashkeron
- Aspar Grand Prix Master
- Asphalt
- Asphyxie
- Assault Course
- Assault On Port Stanley
- Asterix & La Potion Magique
- Asterix Chez Rahazade
- Astro Attack
- Astro Marine Corps
- Astro Plumber
- Astroball
- Atahualpa
- Athlete
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Aventure
- Atlas Geographique
- Atom Ant
- Atom Smasher
- Atomic
- Atomic Battle
- Atomic Driver
- Atomic Fiction
- Atrog
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- Attentat
- ATV Simulator
- Au Nom De L'hermine
- Au Revoir Monty
- Aussie Safari
- Australian Rules Football
- Autocras: Diabolico
- Automec
- Autre Aventure
- Avenger
- Aventura Espacial
- Aventura Original
- Aventures Au Chateau
- Axys - The Last Battle
- B.A.T.
- Baby Jo in Going Home
- Baca
- Bachou
- Back to Reality
- Back to the Future
- Back to the Future II (3)
- Back to the Future III (2)
- Back to the Future Part II
- Back to the Future Part III
- Back To The Golden Age
- Backgammon
- Bacterik Dream
- Bactron
- Bad Cat
- Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja
- Bad Max
- BadLands
- Bagne de Nepharia
- Balade Au Pays De Big-ben
- Ball Bearing
- Ball Breaker
- Ball Breaker II
- Ball Crazy
- Ballblazer
- Balle de Match
- Balloon Buster
- Balrog
- Bangers & Mash
- Barbarian
- Barbarian : Le Guerrier Absolu
- Barbarian II : The Dungeon of Drax
- Barbarian Part 3
- Barrier Reef
- Barry McGuigan champion du monde de boxe
- Basil the great mouse detective
- Basket Coach
- Bataille Pour La RFA
- Batman
- Batman : The Caped Crusader
- Battle Beyond the Stars
- Battle Command
- Battle For Midway
- Battle Of Austerlitz
- Battle of Britain
- Battle of the Planets
- Battle Of Waterloo
- Battle Ships
- Battle Spheres
- Battle Valley
- Batty
- Beach Buggy Simulator
- Beach Head
- Beach Head II : The Dictator Strikes Back !
- Beach Volley
- Beast
- Beat the Clock
- Bedlam
- Beetle Mania
- Berks III
- Bestial Warrior
- Bestiary
- Better Spelling
- Beurk Roger
- Beyond the Ice Palace
- Biff
- Big League Soccer
- Big League Soccer 2
- Big Screen Hero
- Bigfoot
- Biggles
- Bigtop Barney
- Billard Americain
- Billy la Banlieue
- Billy La Banlieue 2
- Billy the Kid
- Binky
- Bio Spheres
- Bionic Commando
- Bionic Ninja
- Birdie
- Black Beard
- Black Magic
- Black Tiger
- Blade Runner
- Blade Warrior
- Blagger
- Blasteroids
- Blazing Thunder
- Blokker
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Valley
- Bloodwych
- Blowaway Bob
- Blue Star
- Blue Tomb
- Blue War
- BMX Kidz
- BMX Ninja
- BMX Simulator
- BMX Simulator 2
- Bo
- Bob Morane - Jungle
- Bob Morane : Océan
- Bob Morane Chevalerie
- Bob Morane Science Fiction
- Bob Winner
- Bobby Bearing
- Bobo
- Bobsleigh
- Boeing
- Boinggg
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Jack II
- Bombfusion
- Bombscare
- Bonanza Bros.
- Book of the Dead
- Booty
- Bored of the Rings
- Boredom
- Borse 79
- Bosconian '87
- Boulder Dash
- Boulder Dash 2
- Boulder Dash 3
- Boulder Dash 6
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit
- Boule Infernale
- Bounder
- Bounty Bob Strikes Back
- Bounty Hunter
- Boxer Manager
- Boy Racer
- Brainache
- Brainstorm
- BraveStarr
- Brawn Free
- Braxx Bluff
- Breakthru
- Brian Bloodaxe
- Brian Clough's Football Fortunes
- Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge
- Brick Breaker
- Bride of Frankenstein
- Bridge
- Bridge It
- Bridge Of Arnhem
- Bridge Player 3
- Bronx
- Bronx Street Cop
- Bruce Lee
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble 2
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Ghost
- Bubbler
- Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
- Buggy 2
- Buggy Boy
- Buggy Ranger
- Bugsy
- Builderland
- Bump, Set, Spike!
- Bumpy
- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
- Bunny Bricks
- Buran
- BurgerTime
- Bust Out
- Butcher Hill
- Cabal
- California Games
- California Games (2)
- Camelot Warriors
- Campeon Rally: Campeones
- Can I Cheat the Death
- Canadair
- Canyons Of Cannons
- Cap Horn
- Cap Sur Dakar
- Capitan Sevilla
- Captain America Defies the Doom Tube
- Captain Blood
- Captain Gordon
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Planet
- Car Massacre
- Carlos Sainz
- Carrier Command
- Carson City
- Casanova
- Castle Assault
- Castle Blackstar
- Castle Master
- Castle Master 2: The Crypt
- Catastrophes: Ile Infernale
- Catch 23
- Cauldron
- Cauldron 2 -La Citrouille Contre-Attaque
- Cava Peter Zorglub
- Cavemania
- Caverns of Mars
- Caves of Doom
- Centipods
- Centre Court Tennis
- Centurions
- Cerberus
- Cessna Over Moscow
- Chain Reaction
- Challenge of the Gobots
- Chamonix Challenge: Bivouac
- Championship Baseball
- Championship Jet Ski Simulator
- Championship Sprint
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charly Diams
- Chase H.Q.
- Chateau de Diable
- Chevalier Blanc
- Chevy Chase
- Chicago 30's
- Chicago 90
- Chickin Chase
- Chiffres Magiques
- Chiller
- Chimera
- Chip's Challenge
- Cholo
- Chopper Squad
- Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior
- Chronos
- Chubby Gristle
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuckie Egg II
- Cine Clap
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat: All American Police Car Race
- Cite Perdue
- City For Ransom
- City Slicker
- Ci-U-Than Trilogy I: La Diosa de Cozumel
- Ci-U-Than Trilogy II: Los Templos Sagrados
- Clash
- Classic Adventure
- Classic Axiens
- Classic Invaders
- Classic Muncher
- Classic Punter
- Classic Racing
- Clever and Smart: Mortadelo Y Filemon
- Climb It
- Clive Barker's Nightbreed : The Action Game
- Cluedo
- Cobra Force
- Cobra Loriciel
- Cobra Pinball
- Cobra Stallone
- Cobra's Arc
- Code De La Route
- Codename Mat 2
- Codename: MAT
- Collapse
- Colony
- Coloric
- Colossal Cave
- Colosseus
- Colossus 4 Chess
- Colossus Bridge 4
- Colossus Mahjong
- Colour of Magic
- Comando Quatro
- Combat Lynx
- Combat School
- Combat Zone Mentor
- Comet Encounter
- Comet Game
- Commando
- Commando: Space Invasion
- Commonwealth Games
- Compendium
- Computer Scrabble
- Conflit En L'an
- Confuzion
- Con-quest
- Conspiration de L'An 3
- Contamination
- Continental Circus
- Contraption
- Convoy Raider
- Cop Out
- CORE: Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition
- Corridor Conflict
- Corruption
- Corsarios
- Cosa Nostra
- Cosmic Sheriff
- Cosmic Shock Absorber
- Cosmo
- Costa Capers
- Count Duckula 2
- Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian
- Countdown
- Country Cottages
- Cowboy Kidz
- CPC Invaders
- Crack Down
- Crack Up
- Crafton & Xunk
- Crafton et Xunk 2 : L'ange de Cristal
- Crash Garrett
- Crash Garrett (2)
- Cray 5
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Cars 3
- Crazy Cars II
- Crazy Er*bert
- Crazy Golf
- Crazy Shot
- Crazy Worm
- Cricket Captain
- Cricket Crazy
- Crime Busters
- Crimen Perfecto
- Critical Mass
- Croc Madam
- Croco Magneto
- Crystal Castles
- Crystal Theft
- Cubit
- Curro Jimenez
- Cursed Be The City
- Custard Pie Factory
- CutThroats
- Cybernoid : The Fighting Machine
- Cybernoid II : The Revenge
- Cybor
- Cycit
- Cylu
- Cyrus II Chess
- Dakar 4x4
- Dakar Moto
- Daley Thompson's Decathlon
- Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
- Daley Thompson's Super-Test
- Dallas
- Dame Scanner
- Dames 3D Champion
- Damstar
- Dan Dare : Pilot of the Future
- Dan Dare II : Mekon's Revenge
- Dan Dare III : The Escape
- Dandy
- Danger Mouse in Double Trouble
- Danger Mouse: Makin' Whopee
- Danger Street
- Dark Century
- Dark Fusion
- Dark Power
- Dark Sceptre
- Dark Side
- Dark Star 1: Time of Changes
- Darkman
- Darts
- Darts
- Dash
- Dawnssley
- D-Day
- Deactivators
- Dead or Alive
- Deadline
- Deadly Evil
- Death or Glory
- Death Pit
- Death Stalker
- Death Wake
- Death Wish 3
- Deathsville
- Deep Strike
- Defcom
- Defcom 1
- Defend or Die
- Defender of the Crown
- Defenders of the Earth
- Defi Au Tarot
- Deflektor
- Demain Holocauste
- Demon Attack
- Demon's Revenge
- Dents de Sa Mere
- Der Diamant vom Rabenfels
- Derniere Mission
- Dervish
- Desert Fox
- Desert Rats
- Desolator
- Desperado 2
- Despotik Design
- Detective
- Devil's Crown
- Diamant De L'ile Maudite
- Diamond Mine
- Dick Tracy
- Die Alien Slime
- Digger Barnes
- Disc
- Dive-Dive-Dive
- Dizzy : The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
- Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy
- Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy
- Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy
- Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
- Dizzy Collection
- Dizzy Dice
- Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk
- Dizzy: Down the Rapids
- Dodgy Geezers
- Dog Fight
- Dogfight
- Dogsbody to the Rescue
- Dominator
- Domino
- Dominoes
- Don Juan
- Donald and Riri
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donkey Kong
- Don't Panic
- Doodle Bug
- Doomsdark's Revenge
- Doomsday Blues
- Doors of Doom
- Doppleganger
- Dora
- Dossier G: Rainbow Warrior
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- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon (animagic)
- Double Dragon II : The Revenge
- Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
- Dr. Doom's Revenge
- Dr. Dustbin
- Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide
- Dr. Scrime's Spook School
- Dr. Who & The Mines of Terror
- Dracula
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Torc
- Dragon's Gold
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon's Lair 2: Escape from Singe's Castle
- Dragons of Flame
- Drakkar
- Drazen Petrovic Basket
- Dream Warrior
- Driller
- Druid
- Duct
- Duel
- Duet
- Dun Darach
- Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists
- Dustin
- Dwarf
- Dynamic Duo
- Dynamite Dan
- Dynamite Dux
- Dynamix
- Dynasty Wars
- Eagle
- Eagle's Rider
- Echelon
- Edd the Duck!
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- Edge Grinder
- Eidolon
- El Capitán Trueno
- El Cid
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- El Misterio del Nilo
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- Electric Wonderland
- Electro Freddy
- Elektraglide
- Elevator Action
- Elidon
- Eliminator
- Elite
- Elven Warrior
- Emerald Isle
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol II
- Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam
- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
- E-motion
- Empty Tummy
- Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles
- End Zone
- Endurance
- Enduro Racer
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- Energy Warrior
- Enigme A Oxford
- Enlightenment : Druid II
- Enterprise
- Equinox
- Erebus
- Escape
- Escape From Prison Planet
- Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters
- Escoba
- Espada Sagrada
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- Espionage Island
- Espionage Island (Europe)
- Estimator Racer
- Estimator Racer (Europe)
- E-SWAT: Cyber Police
- Etats Unis D'amerique
- European Superleague
- Eve of Shadows
- Evening Star
- Everyone's A Wally
- Excalibur Quest
- Execution
- Exit
- Exolon
- Experience
- Exploding Wall
- Explorer
- Express Raider
- Exterminator
- Extreme
- Eye
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- F Strike Eagle
- F Combat Pilot
- F Fighting Falcon
- F Fighting Falcon 2
- Faial - Chevalier Du Levant
- Fairlight
- Fairlight 2
- Fallout
- Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island
- Fantasia Diamond
- Fantastic Voyage
- Fantasy Land
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- Fantomas
- Fast Food
- Fer Et Flamme
- Fernandez Must Die
- Fernando Martin Basket Master
- Ferry Captain
- Feud
- Fighter Bomber
- Fighter Pilot
- Fighting Soccer
- Fighting Warrior
- Final Matrix
- Finders Keepers
- Fire
- Fire & Forget II
- Fire and Forget
- Fire Ant
- Fire Lord
- Firefox 2
- Fireman Sam: The Hero Next Door
- Firestone
- FireTrap
- Firezone
- First Steps With The Mr Men
- Five A Side Footy
- Five a Side Soccer
- Flash
- Flash Gordon
- Fleche
- Flight Path
- Flight Simulation
- Flimbo's Quest
- Flippit
- Fluff
- Fly Spy
- Flying Shark
- Football Manager
- Football Manager 2
- Football Manager 3
- Football Manager World Cup Edition
- Footballer of the Year
- Footballer of the Year 2
- For Gold or Glory
- Forbidden Planet
- Forest at World's End
- Forest Land
- Foret Infernale
- Forgotten Worlds
- Formula 1 Simulator
- Formula One
- Forteresse
- Fortune en Mer du Nord
- Foso
- Fourtris
- Fourtron
- Fox
- France Et Ses Cours D'eau, La
- Frank Bruno's Boxing
- Frank N Stein
- Frankenstein
- Frankenstein Junior
- Frankie Crashed on Jupiter
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood
- Freddy Hardest
- Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan
- Freedom : Rebels in the Darkness
- Freedom Fighter
- Freestyle BMX Simulator
- Frestris
- Friday the 13th
- Front Line
- Frontiers
- Frost Byte
- Fruit Bank Supernudge
- Fruit Machine
- fruitms
- fruitms2
- Fruity Frank
- Fugitif - Les Aventures De Jack Bludfield - Part 1
- Fu-Kung in Las Vegas
- Fury
- Fusion 2
- Future Bike Simulator
- Future Knight
- Future Shock
- G.I. Hero
- Gabrielle
- Galachip
- Galactic Conqueror
- Galactic Games
- Galaxia
- Galaxian's Revenge
- Galaxy Force
- Galivan
- Galletron
- Game Over
- Game Over II
- Game Set And Match
- Garfield 2 - Winter's Tail
- Garfield : Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
- Gary Lineker's Hot-Shots
- Gary Lineker's Super Skills
- Gary Lineker's Super Star Football
- Gate Crasher
- Gauntlet II
- Gauntlet Micropower
- Gazza 2
- Gazza's Super Soccer
- GBA Championship Basketball : Two-on-Two
- Gee Bee Air Rally
- Gemini Wing
- Gems of Stradus
- Geoff Capes Strongman
- Géographe - France, Le
- Géographe - Monde, Le
- Geste D' Artillac
- GFL Championship Football
- Ghengis Kahn
- Ghost Hunters
- Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghostbusters II (2)
- Ghosts
- Ghosts'n Goblins
- Ghouls
- Ghouls'n Ghosts
- Gilbert Escape From Drill
- Gilligan's Gold
- Gladiator
- Glass
- Glen Hoddle Soccer
- Glider Rider
- G-Loc R
- Gnome Ranger
- Gnome Ranger (2)
- Goblin Towers
- Gogly
- Golden Axe
- Golden Axe (4)
- Golden Basket
- Golden Path
- Golden Path (2)
- Goldhunter
- Goliath
- Gonzzalezz
- Goody
- Gorbaf El Vikingo
- Gothik
- Gp Formula 1 Simulator
- Graham Gooch's Test Cricket
- Grand Prix Cc
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Grand Prix Driver
- Grand Prix Simulator
- Grand Prix Simulator 2
- Grand Prix Tennis
- Grange Hill
- Graphic City
- Great Courts
- Great Gurianos
- Green Beret
- Gregory Loses His Clock
- Grell and Falla
- Gremlins : The Adventure
- Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (2)
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch
- Greyfell
- Grid Trap
- Gridrider
- Griffes de la Nuit
- Griffes de la Nuit, Les (2)
- Ground Zero
- Grumpy Gumphrey Supersleuth
- Gryzor
- Guadalcanal
- Guardian
- Guardian Angel
- Guardian II Revenge of the Mutants
- Guerra de las Vajillas
- Guerrilla War
- Guillem De Bergueda
- Guillermo Tell
- Gunboat
- Gundogs
- Gunfighter
- Gunfright
- Gunship
- Gunslinger: Play Dead
- Gunstar
- Gusanin
- Gutter
- Guzzler
- Gyroscope
- H Myga
- H.A.T.E.
- H.e.r.o.
- Hacker
- Hacker II : The Doomsday Papers
- Hagar
- Halls of the Things
- Hammer Boy
- Hammerfist
- Hanse
- Happy Letters
- Happy Letters - Les Lettres Magiques
- Happy Numbers
- Happy Writing
- Hard Drivin'
- Hard Hat Mack
- HardBall!
- Harricana - Raid International Motoneige
- Harrier Attack
- Harry & Harry
- Harry & Harry: Mission Torpedo
- Harvey Headbanger
- Haunted Hedges
- Havoc
- Hawaii
- Hawk Storm
- Head over Heels
- Heartland
- Heathrow International Air Traffic Control
- Heavy Metal
- Heavy On The Magick
- Hedge Hog
- Helichopper
- Helter Skelter
- Herbert's Dummy Run
- Hercules - Slayer of the Damned
- Here & There With The Mr. Men
- Hermitage
- Hero of the Golden Talisman
- Hero Quest
- Hero Quest : Return of the Witch Lord
- Herobotix
- Heroes of Karn
- Heroes of the Lance
- Hideous
- High Frontier
- High Steel
- Highlander
- Highway Encounter
- Highway Patrol
- Hijack
- Hi-Q Quizz
- HiRise
- Histo Quizz
- Histoire De France
- Hit Pak : 6 Pak
- Hit Squad
- Hive
- Hms Cobra
- Hobgoblin
- Hockey
- Hold Up
- Holdfast
- Hollywood Hijinx
- Hollywood Or Bust
- Holocauste
- Homerunner
- Hong Kong Phooey - No.1 Super Guy
- Hopital Danger
- Hopper Copper
- Hoppin' Mad
- Hostages - Operation Jupiter
- Hot Rod
- Hotshot
- Hounds of Hell
- House of Usher
- How to be a Complete Bastard
- How to be a Hero
- Howard the Duck
- Hudson Hawk
- Human Killing Machine
AEDE FRANCE - Association Européenne de lEducation
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- Immortal, The
- Impossible Mission II
- In the Beginning
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure
- Indy Heat
- Infestation
- Insanity Fight
- Insector Hecti in the Inter Change
- Insects in Space
- International 3D Tennis
- International Championship Athletics
- International Ninja Rabbits
- Interphase
- Iron Lord
- Italia
- Italian Night
- Italy
- Italy - Winners Edition
- Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
- Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf
- James Pond - Underwater Agent
- Jet
- Jet Set Willy II
- Jim Power in Mutant Planet
- Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja
- Joe Blade
- John Lowe's Ultimate Darts
- Judge Dredd
- Jumping Jack'Son
- Jumpman
- Jungle Jim
- Kamikaze
- Karting Grand Prix
- Kennedy Approach
- Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match
- Kick Off
- Kid Gloves
- Kikstart II
- Kinderama
- Kingdoms of England
- King's Quest - Quest for the Crown
- Klax
- Knightmare
- Kristal, The
- Krusty's Fun House
- Krypton Egg
- Lancaster
- Lancelot
- Laser Squad
- Last Inca, The
- Legend of Djel
- Legend of Lothian
- Legend of the Sword
- Les Manley in Search for the King
- Lettrix
- Licence to Kill
- Lightforce
- Limes & Napoleon
- Liquid Kids
- Little Wizards
- Living Jigsaw
- Logo
- M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sport
- Magic Lines
- Major Motion
- Manager
- Manoir de Mortvielle, Le
- Marble Madness
- Marble Rescue
- Match of the Day
- Match-It
- Math Wizard
- Math-A-Magician
- Maths Dragons
- Matrix
- Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Mayday Squad Heroes
- Mean 18 - Ultimate Golf
- Medal Winner
- Medieval Warriors
- Mega lo Mania
- Mega Twins
- Megaroids
- MegArts Hockey
- Mercenary III - The Dion Crisis
- Mercs
- Merv the Merciless
- Metal Law
- Metal Mutant
- Meteors
- Microbes
- MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix
- MicroProse Soccer
- Midwinter
- MiG Soviet Fighter
- MiGM Super Fulcrum
- Mikro Mortal Tennis
- Mindbender
- Mindbreaker
- Mindfighter
- Mirror Magic
- Mission - Con-Bat
- Mission Andromeda (Demonware)
- Mission Elevator
- Monster Business
- Moochies, The
- Moonshine Racers
- Mortville Manor
- Mot
- Motor Massacre
- Mouse Trap
- Mr. Heli
- Murder
- My Funny Maze
- Mystery of the Mummy
- Mystical
- Myth - History in the Making
- Napolean I
- Narc
- Nathan Never
- Nations of the World - Canada
- Necronom
- Neuromancer
- Never Mind
- New Zealand Story, The
- Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
- Night Walk
- Nightdawn
- Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos
- Ninja Mission
- Ninja Spirit
- Nitro Boost Challenge
- No Second Prize
- Noche de Walpurgis, La
- North & South
- Nova 9 - The Return of Gir Draxon
- Nucleus
- Oath, The
- Obliterator
- Oilmania
- Oldtimer - Erlebte Geschichte Teil II
- Oliver & Company
- Omni-Play Horse Racing
- On the Road
- Onslaught
- Operation - Cleanstreets
- Operation Stealth
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Oriental Games
- Out Run Europa
- Overlander (Elite)
- Oxxonian
- Oxyd Magnum!
- P.O.W.
- P.P. Hammer and His Pneumatic Weapon
- P47 Thunderbolt
- Pandora
- Panzer Battles
- Paramax
- Paris Dakar
- Passing Shot
- Perfect General, The
- Personal Nightmare
- Peter Beardsley's International Football
- Phalanx
- Pharoah's Curse
- Phobia
- Pick Out
- Pioneer Plague, The
- Pipe Mania
- Pipe Rider
- Pit-Fighter
- Plague, The
- Planet of Lust
- Platoon
- Player Manager
- Plotting
- Poltergeist
- Pool of Radiance
- Populous
- Pop-Up
- Power Pinball
- Power, The
- Powerboat USA - Offshore Superboat Racing
- Powerplay - The Game of the Gods
- Predator
- Prehistorik
- Prime Time
- Prince
- Prison
- Pro Tennis Simulator
- Pro Tennis Tour
- Project Battlefield
- Projectyle
- Protector (16 Blitz Mastertronic)
- Psyborg
- Puffy's Saga
- Punkt Punkt Punkt
- Purple Saturn Day
- Pursuit to Earth, The
- Putty
- Puzzle Storybook, The
- Puzznic
- Qattro
- Qix
- Quadrel
- Quantox
- Quartz
- Race Drivin'
- Raffles
- Rainbow Islands
- Rallye Master
- Rambo III
- RanX
- Read & Rhyme
- Realm of the Trolls
- Realm of the Warlock
- Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny
- Rectangle
- Reel Fish'n
- Renaissance
- Renegade
- Return to Atlantis
- Return to Genesis
- Revelation!
- Rick Dangerous
- Ringside Boxing
- Road Blasters
- Road Raider
- Roadwars
- Robbeary
- Robin Heed
- Robin Smith's International Cricket
- Robocop
- RoboCop 2
- Rockford - The Arcade Game
- Rocky
- Rod-Land
- RollerBall
- Rollerpede
- Rolling Stones
- Rolling Thunder
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
- Romantic Encounters at the Dome
- Rotox
- Rugby - The World Cup
- Rugby Coach
- RVF Honda
- S.T.A.G.
- Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio
- Schwarze Auge, Das - Die Schicksalsklinge
- Scorpion
- Scramble Spirits
- Seconds Out
- Sensible Golf
- Sentinel, The & Sentry, The
- Seven Gates of Jambala, The
- Sex Vixens from Space
- Sextimates
- Seymour Goes to Hollywood
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow of the Beast II
- Shadow of the Beast III
- Shadow Sorcerer
- Shadow Warriors
- Shadowgate
- Shanghai
- Shaq-Fu
- Shinobi
- Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit
- Shuffle Pix
- Side Arms
- Silent Service II
- Silkworm
- Silver Star
- Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants
- Skidz
- Skrull
- Skyblaster
- SkyChase
- Skyfox
- Slackskin & Flint
- Slayer
- Sleeping Gods Lie
- Slider
- Sliders
- Sliding
- Smus
- Snare
- Soccer King
- Soccer Manager Plus
- Sol Negro
- Soldier of Light
- Solitaire's Journey
- Sony Game
- Sophelie
- Sorceror's Apprentice
- Sorcery +
- Space Assault
- Space Bomber
- Space Day
- Space Dunk
- Space Fight
- Space Harrier II
- Space Hulk
- Space Knight
- Space Ranger
- Special Forces
- Speedball
- Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
- Speedboat Assassins
- Speedrunner
- Spellbound!
- Spidertronic
- Spindizzy Worlds
- Spinworld
- Spirit of Excalibur
- Spy vs Spy
- Spy Who Loved Me, The
- Star Trash
- Star Wars
- Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
- Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
- Star-blaze
- StarRay
- Stellaryrx
- Sternsiedler
- Street Fighter
- Street Gang
- Street Rod
- Street Rod 2
- Strider
- Strider II
- Strike Force Harrier
- Striker
- Strip Poker
- Stunt Car Racer
- Sub Rally
- Subbuteo - The Computer Game
- Suicide Mission
- Summer Games
- Summer Games II
- Summer Olympiad
- Supaplex
- Super C
- Super Cars
- Super Cars II
- Super Grand Prix
- Super Grid Runner
- Super Huey
- Super OsWALD
- Super Scramble Simulator
- Super Space Invaders
- Super Wonderboy in Monsterland
- Superbike Simulator
- Superfrog
- Supremacy - Your Will Be Done
- Suspicious Cargo
- Switchblade
- Taekwondo
- T-Bird
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
- Teenage Queen
- TeleEpic
- TeleEpic II
- Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game
- Terramex
- Terrorpods
- Terry's Big Adventure
- Test Drive
- Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain
- Third Courier, The
- ThunderCats
- Tie-Break
- Time Race
- Time Scanner
- Time Soldier
- Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 1 & 2
- Times Crosswords, The - Vol. 3 & 4
- Top Cat
- Torvak the Warrior
- Total Eclipse
- Toyota Celica GT Rally
- Trained Assassin
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Trap
- Tripple-X
- Trivial Pursuit
- Tron
- Turbo Out Run
- Turn n' Burn
- TV Sports Baseball
- TV Sports Basketball
- TV Sports Boxing
- TV Sports Football
- Twin Turbos
- Twintris
- TwinWorld - Land of Vision
- Two to One
- Typhoon
- Typhoon of Steel
- U.S.S. John Young
- Ugh!
- Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny
- Under Pressure
- Venus the Flytrap
- VideoKid
- Vigilante
- Vindex
- Vindicators
- Violator
- Volleyball Simulator
- Voodoo Nightmare
- Voyager
- Vroom
- Vulcan
- Vyper
- Wacky Darts
- Wall, The
- Wanted
- War in Middle Earth
- War Machine
- Warhead
- Warlock
- Warlock's Quest
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey
- Welltris
- Wetten Dass..
- Wibble World Giddy - Wibble Mania!
- Wicked
- Window Wizard
- Wings of Death
- Wings of Fury
- Wisielec
- Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- Wizball
- Wizkid
- Wolfchild
- World Class Rugby
- World Class Rugby - Five Nations Edition
- World Cricket
- World Cup 90
- World Cup Cricket Masters
- World Games
- World Golf
- World Rugby
- World Soccer
- World Tour - Australia
- World Tour Golf
- Worlds at War
- Wreckers
- Xenomorph
- Xenon
- Xiphos
- Zeron
- Zitrax
- Zock Out
- Zombi
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zzzep
Amiga - Games
1 -
2 -
3 - 1 Across 2 Down
4 - 10 out of 10 - Dinosaurs
5 - 10 out of 10 - English
6 - 10 out of 10 - German
7 - 10 out of 10 - Junior Essentials
8 - Miglia
9 - cc Turbo
10 - - Five Years After
11 - 17 + 4 (media GmbH)
12 - - History Experience
13 - - The Battle of Midway
14 - 1st Division Manager
15 - Leagues Under The Sea
16 - - O'Connors Fight
17 - 3D Construction Kit
18 - 3D Galax
19 - 3D Pool
20 - 3D World Boxing
21 - 3D World Soccer
22 - 3D World Tennis
23 - 3DConstructionKit_
24 - 3DGalax_
25 - 3DPool_
26 - 3DWorldSoccer
27 - 3DWorldTennis_
28 - 4 D Sports Boxing
29 - 4 D Sports Driving
30 - 4 D Sports Driving & Monster Trucks
31 - 4-Get-It
32 - 4-Way Lynx
33 - 4D Sports Boxing
34 - 4D Sports Driving
35 - 4DSportsBoxing_
36 - 4DSportsDriving_
37 - 4DSportsDriving&MasterTracks_
38 - 4th & Inches
39 - 4th&Inches_
40 - 4x 4 Off Road Racing
41 - 4x4OffRoadRacing_NTSC_
42 - 5th Gear
43 - 5thGear_
44 - Attack Sub
45 - AttackSub_
46 - 7 Colors
47 - 7Colors_
48 - 9 Lives
49 - 9Lives
50 - A 10 Tank Killer
51 - A Train
52 - A Train (KB)
53 - A Train & Construction Set
54 - A Train & Construction Set
55 - A Tank Killer
56 - A-Train
57 - A10TankKiller_2Disk_
58 - A10TankKiller_3Disk
59 - A Airbus
60 - Aaargh!
61 - Aaargh!_v_Arcadia
62 - Aaargh!a_
64 - Abandoned Places
65 - Abandoned Places - A Time for Heroes
66 - Abandoned Places 2
71 - ABC Monday Night Football
73 - Above Top Secret
74 - Abracadabra
76 - Abu Simbel Profanation
77 - ABZoo
78 - Academy
80 - Ace Ball (PL)
82 - Ace the Space-Case
83 - AceBall
84 - ACSYS
85 - ACSYSDemo1
86 - Action Cat
87 - Action Fighter
90 - Addams Family, The
92 - ADI Junior Helps with Counting ( Years)
93 - ADI Junior Helps with Reading ( Years)
94 - Adrenalynn
95 - Adrenalynna
96 - ADS - Advanced Destroyer Simulator
97 - Advanced Destroyer Sim
98 - Advanced Ski Simulator
- Advantage Tennis
- Adventure Construction Set
- Adventures in Math
- Adventures Of Genlock Holmes
- Adventures of Maddog Williams in The Dungeons of Duridian, The
- Adventures Of Quik & Silva
- Adventures Of Robin Hood
- Adventures of Robin Hood, The
- Adventures Of Willy Beamish
- Adventures of Willy Beamish, The
- AdventuresOfGenlockHolmes
- AdventuresOfQuik&Silva
- AdventuresOfRobinHood
- AdventuresOfWillyBeamish_
- African Raiders 01
- AfricanRaiders_
- After Burner (Activision)
- After Burner (Sega)
- After The War
- AfterBurner_
- AfterBurner_NTSC_
- AfterTheWar_
- Agony
- Agony
- Agony_
- Agony_NTSC_
- AgonyDemo
- Aigle D'Or (FR)
- AigleDOr_Fr_
- Air Support
- Airball
- Airborne Ranger
- AirborneRanger_
- AirSupport_
- AirSupport_NTSC_
- Akira
- Aladdin
- Aladdin_
- Alcatraz
- Alcatraz_
- Alchemy
- AlchemyDemo
- Alfabet Smierci (PL)
- AlfabetSmiercia
- Alfred Chicken
- Alianator
- Alien 3
- Alien Bash
- Alien Bash 2
- Alien Breed
- Alien Breed - Special Edition 92
- Alien Breed 2
- Alien Breed 2
- Alien Breed 3D
- Alien Breed 3D 2
- Alien Breed II - The Horror Continues
- Alien Breed Special Edition
- Alien Breed Story
- Alien Breed Tower Assault
- Alien Drug Lords
- Alien Fish Finger
- Alien Legion
- Alien Storm
- Alien Syndrome
- Alien World
- Alien3_
- Alienator_
- AlienBash
- AlienBash2
- AlienBreed2_
- AlienBreed3D
- AlienBreedSpecialEdition_
- AlienBreedStory_
- AlienBreedTowerAssault
- AlienDrugLords_
- AlienFishFinger
- AlienLegion
- AlienStorm_
- AlienSyndrome_NTSC_
- AlienWorld_
- Aliex
- All Dogs Go to Heaven
- All New World Of Lemmings
- All Terrain Racing
- All Terrain Racing Xmas
- Allan Borders Cricket
- AllNewWorldOfLemmings_
- Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun!
- Allo Allo
- AllTerrainRacing
- AllTerrainRacingXmasDemo
- Alpha 1
- Alpha Waves
- Alpha1_
- AlphaWaves_
- Altered Beast
- Altered Destiny
- AlteredBeast_
- AlteredDestinyb_
- Amazing Spider Man
- AmazingSpiderMan_
- AmazingSpiderMan_NTSC
- Ambermoon
- Amberstar
- Amberstar_
- Amberstar( DE)
- Amegas
- American Gladiators
- American History Adventure
- American Tag Team Wrestling
- AmericanGladiators
- AmericanTagTeamWrestling_
- Amiga Karate
- Amnios
- Amy's Fun Adventure
- Anarchy
- Ancient Art Of War In The Skies
- Ancient Games
- AncientArtOfWarInTheSkies_
- Another World (FR)
- Anstoss
- Answer Back - Junior Quiz
- Answer Back - Senior Quiz
- Antago
- Antares
- AntaresDerGriffNachDenSternen
- Apache
- Apache & Overdrive
- Apache Flight
- Apache&OverdriveDemo_
- ApacheFlight
- Apano Sin
- ApanoSin
- Apidya Kaiko
- Apocalypse
- Apprentice
- Aquablast
- Aquanaut F1 (Licenceware)
- Aquatic Games, The - Starring James Pond and the Aquabats
- Aquaventura
- Arabian Nights
- Arachnophobia
- Arazmax
- Arazok's Tomb
- Arcade Fruit Machine
- Arcade Pool
- Arcade Snooker
- Arcade Trivia Quiz
- ArcadeFruitMachine
- ArcadeSnooker
- ArcadeTriviaQuiz_
- Archer Mac Leans Billard American
- Archer Mac Leans Pool
- ArcherMacLeansBillardAmericain
- Archipelagos
- Archon
- Archon 2
- Arcticfox
- Arena
- Arena
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
- Armada
- Armageddon Man
- Armalyte
- Armour Geddon
- Armour Geddon 2
- Army Moves
- Arnhem - The 'Market Garden' Operation
- Arnie
- Arnie 2
- Art Of Chess
- Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur
- ArtOfChess_
- Artura
- Ashes Of Empire
- Ask Me Another
- Assassin
- Assassin Special Edition
- AssassinSpecialEdition_
- Astaroth
- Astatin
- AsterixOperationGetafix_
- AsterixOperationHinkelstein_
- Astro Marine Corps
- Atax
- ATF II - Advanced Tactical Fighter II
- Atom Smasher
- Atomic Robo Kid
- Atomino
- Atomino1
- Atomix
- AtomSmasher
- ATR - All Terrain Racing
- ATrain&ConstructionSet_&
- Attack of the Green Smelly Aliens from Planet 27b-6
- Aufschwung Ost
- Aunt Arctic Adventure
- Austerlitz
- Australo Piticus Mechanicus
- Auto Duel
- AV8B Harrier Assault
- AventuraEspacial
- AventuraOriginal
- Aventures de Moktar, Les
- Awesome
- AwesomeDemo_
- Axe Of Rage
- Axels Magic Hammer
- Aztec Challenge
- B 17 Flying Fortress
- B.A.T.
- B.C. Kid
- Baal
- Baba Yaga
- Baby Jo In Going Home
- Babylonian Twins
- Back To The Future 2
- Back To The Future 3
- Backgammon
- Backgammon Royale
- Backlash
- Backstage
- Bad Cat
- Bad Company
- Bad Dudes
- Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja
- Bad Lands
- Bad Vibes
- Badlands Pete
- Bagitman
- Bahnhof
- Balance Of Power
- Balance of Power - The Edition
- Ball Game
- Ball Raider
- Ballistix
- Balloonacy
- BallRaider
- Balls
- Bambinours Solves a Jig Saw
- Bandit Kings
- BanditKingsOfAncientChina_
- Bangboo
- Bangkok Knights
- Banshee
- Banzai
- Bar Games
- Barbarian
- Barbarianb_Psygnosis_
- Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight
- Bards Tale
- Bards Tale 3
- BarGames_
- Bargon Attack (FR)
- Barney Bear Goes Camping
- Barney Bear Goes to Space
- Barney Bear Goes to the Farm
- Barney Mouse
- BarneyBearGoesToSchool
- Baron Baldric - A Grave Adventure
- Bart Vs Space Mutants
- Bart Vs The World
- Base Jumpers
- BAT (FR)
- BAT 2 (FR)
- Batman - The Movie
- Batman Caped Crusader
- Batman Returns
- Batman The Movie
- BatmanReturns
- Battle Bound
- Battle Chess
- Battle Chess (TV)
- Battle Chess 2
- Battle Command
- Battle For Ashes
- Battle for the Ashes
- Battle Isle (& Data Disks)
- Battle Master
- Battle Squadron
- Battle Trucks
- Battle Valley
- BattleBound
- BattleChess
- BattleChess_TV
- BattleChess2_
- BattleCommand_
- BattleForTheAshes_
- Battlehawks
- BattleIsle_
- Battlemaster
- Battleships
- BattleSquadron_
- Battlestorm
- Battletech
- BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception
- Battletoads
- BattleValley_
- BC Kid
- Beach Volley
- Beam
- Beast Busters
- Beastlord
- Beavers
- Behind The Iron Gate
- BehindTheIronGate
- Belial
- Beneath A Stealth Sky (FR)
- Benefactor
- Berlin
- Best Of The Best
- Betrayal
- Better Dead Than Alien
- Better Maths
- BetterMaths
- Beverly Hills Cop
- Beyond Dark Castle
- Beyond The Ice Palace
- Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor
- Bez Kompromisu
- Bi-Fi - Snackzone
- Bi-Fi II - Action in Hollywood
- Big Business
- Big Nose The Caveman
- Big Picture, The
- Big Run
- BigBusiness
- Biing
- Billiards II Simulator
- Billiards Simulator
- Bills Tomato Game
- Bio Challenge
- Bionic Commando
- Biplane Duel
- Birds N' Bees
- Birds Of Prey
- Bismarck
- BIT in the Magic Castle
- Black Cauldron
- Black Crypt
- Black Goldre LINE
- Black Hornet
- Black Lamp
- Black Sect
- Black Sect (FR)
- Black Shadow
- Black Tiger
- Black Viper
- Blade Warrior
- Blades Of Steel
- BlastaBall_v_Arcadia
- Blastar
- Blasteris
- Blasteroids
- Blazing Thunder
- Blinky's Scary School
- BlinkysScarySchool_
- Blob
- Blobz
- Block Out
- Block Shock
- Blockhead
- Blockhead II
- BlockOut_
- BlockShock
- Blood Money
- BloodNet - A Cyberpunk Gothic
- Bloodwych & Extended Levels
- Blue & the Gray, The
- Blue Angel 69
- Blue Angels
- Blue Angels - Formation Flight Simulation
- Blue Boy
- Blue Max
- Blue Max - Aces of the Great War
- Blueberry
- BlueMax_
- Blues Brothers, The
- BMX Simulator
- Bo Jackson Baseball
- Bob's Bad Day
- Bobo
- BoBo - Stir Crazy
- Bobob_Fr_
- Bobs Bad Day
- Bobs Garden
- BobsBadDay_
- BobsGarden
- Body Blows
- Body Blows Galactic
- BodyBlowsGalactic_
- Bograts - The Puzzling Misadventure
- Bomb Fusion
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Pac
- Bomb X
- Bomber
- Bomber Bob
- BombFusion
- Bombuzal
- Booly
- Boondar
- Boot, Das - German U-Boat Simulation
- Borobodur
- Borrowed Time
- Boston Bomb Club
- Boston Bomb Club Fast
- Botics
- Boulder Dash Constr Kit
- BoulderDashConstructionKit_
- Bouncing Balls
- Boxing Masters
- Bozuma
- Brain Blasters
- Brain Man
- Brainball
- BrainBlasters_
- BrainMan
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Brands Hatch
- Brat
- Brataccas
- Breach
- Breach 2
- BreakOutRevolution
- Breathless
- Brian Laras Cricket
- Brian The Lion
- Bride of the Robot
- Brides Of Dracula
- Bridge
- Brigade Commander
- Brutal Football
- Brutal Football - Deluxe Edition
- Brutal Paws Of Fury
- BrutalFootball1
- BSS Jane Seymour
- Bubba 'n' Stix
- Bubba N Stix
- Bubble +
- Bubble And Squeak
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Gun
- Bubble+
- BubbleAndSqueak_
- BubbleBobble_
- BubbleDizzy_
- BubbleGun
- Buck Rogers Countdown Dday
- BuckRogers_
- Budokan
- Budokan - The Martial Spirit
- Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
- Bug Bash
- Bug Bomber
- BugBash
- Buggy Boy
- Build It! - Das Bauhaus
- Builderland
- BuilderLand - The Story of Melba
- Bully's Sporting Darts
- Bump 'N' Burn
- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
- Bundesliga Manager Hatt
- BundesligaManagerProfessional1
- Bunny Bricks
- Bunny Bricks Fast
- Burger Man
- Burning Rubber
- Burnout
- Burntime
- Bush Buck - A Global Treasure Hunt
- Butcher Hill
- Byte Man
- C Js Elephant Antics
- C.Y.A.D. - A Game of Influence
- Cabal
- Cabaret Asteroids
- CabaretAsteroids
- Cadaver
- Cadaver & Cadaver The Payoff
- Caesar
- California Games
- California Games 2
- Campaign - Tactical & Strategic War Simulation
- Campaign 2
- Campaign&DataDisk
- Cannon Fodder
- Cannon Fodder 2
- Cannon Fodder 2 (FR)
- Cannon Fodder 2 Alien Levels
- Cannon Fodder New Campaign
- Cannon Fodder Plus
- Cannon Soccer
- Cap N Carnage
- Capital Punishment
- Capone
- Captain Blood
- Captain Dynamo
- Captain Fizz
- Captain Planet and the Planeteers
- Captive
- Car Vup
- Carcharodon - White Sharks
- Carcharodona_
- Cardiaxx Team 17
- Cardinal of the Kremlin, The
- Caribbean Disaster
- Carl Lewis Challenge
- Carlos
- Carnage
- Carrier Command
- Carthage
- Carton Rouge (FR)
- Cartoons, The
- Carver
- CarVup
- Casino
- Casino Roulette
- Castle Kingdoms
- Castle Master
- Castle Master 2
- Castle Of Dr Brain
- Castle Warrior
- CastleKingdoms
- Castles
- Castles 2
- Castlevania
- Catch'em
- Cattivik
- Cave Mania
- Cave Runner
- Cavitas
- Cedric
- Cedric and the Lost Sceptre
- Cedric Fast
- Celtic Legends
- Centrefold Squares
- Centurion
- Century
- Challenge of the Matrix, The
- Chamber Sci Mutant Priestess
- Chambers Of Shaolin
- Chamonix Challenge
- Champ, The
- Champion Driver
- Champions Of Krynn
- Championship Cricket
- Championship Golf
- Championship Manager
- Championship Manager '93
- Championship of Europe
- Championship Run
- ChampionshipGolf
- Chaos Engine
- Chaos Engine 2
- Chaos In Andromeda
- Chaos Strikes Back (& Util) (FR)
- Chariots of Wrath
- Charlie Chimp
- Charlie J Cool
- Chase
- Chase HQ
- Chase HQ 2
- Checkmate
- Chess Player (FR)
- Chess Simulator
- Chessmaster , The
- Chicago 90
- Chichen Itza
- Chips Challenge Epyx
- Christoph Kolumbus
- Chrome
- Chronicles Of Omega
- Chrono Quest
- Chrono Quest 2
- Chubby Gristle
- Chuck Rock
- Chuck Rock 2
- Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced FlightTrainer
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuckie Egg 2
- Ciemna Strona
- Circus Attractions
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat
- Citadel
- City Cars
- City Defence
- Civilization
- CJ In The USA
- CJ's Elephant Antics
- Classic Arcadia & Baby Arcadia
- Classic Board Games
- Classic Pucman
- Classic&BabyArcadia_
- Cliffhanger
- Clik Clak
- Clockwiser
- Clou
- Clou&Profidisk
- Clown O Mania
- Clu Clu Land
- Club & Country
- Club Football - The Manager
- Clue - Master Detective
- Clue!, The
- Coala
- Code Name Iceman
- Cogans Run
- Cohort - Fighting for Rome
- Cohort II - Fighting for Rome
- Colonels Bequest
- Colonization
- Colony
- Color Buster
- Colorado (FR)
- ColorBuster
- Coloris
- Colossus Bridge X
- Colossus Chess X
- Combat Air Patrol
- Combo Racer
- Commando
- Computer Scrabble
- Computer Scrabble Deluxe
- Computer Third Reich
- ComputerScrabble
- Conan The Cimmerian
- Conflict - Korea
- Conflict Europe (FR)
- Conflict Middle East Pol Sim
- Conqueror
- Conquests Of Camelot
- Conquests Of The Longbow
- Continental Circus
- Cool Croc Twins
- Cool Spot
- Cool World
- Corporate Raiders
- Corporation
- Corporation (& Missions 2 Disk)
- Corporation (& Missions 3 Disk)
- Corruption
- Corsarios
- Corx
- Cosmic Bouncer
- Cosmic Pirate
- Cosmic Relief
- Cosmic Spacehead
- CosmicPirate
- CosmicSpacehead
- Cosmostruction - A Space Game of Skill and Strategy
- CougarForce
- Count Duckula
- Cover Girl Strip Poker
- Covert Action
- Crack
- Crackdown
- Craps Academy
- Crash Garrett
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Cars 2
- Crazy Cars 3
- Crazy Cones
- Crazy Seasons
- Crazy Shot
- Crazy Sue
- CrazyCars
- CrazyCars3
- CrazySeasons
- CrazySue
- Creature
- Creatures
- Cribbage King & Gin King
- Cricket Masters
- Crime City
- Crime Does Not Pay
- Crime Time
- Crime Wave
- CrimeWave
- Crimson Crown
- Croak
- Croak 2
- Croisiere Pour Un Cadavre (FR)
- Cross Check
- Crossbow Legend William Tell
- CrossCheck
- CrossCheck - Eishockey Action
- Crown
- Cruise For A Corpse
- Cruncher Factory
- Crusade, The
- Crystal Dragon
- Crystal Hammer '93 Edition
- Crystal Hammer (V1)
- Crystal Hammer (V2)
- Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
- Crystal Palace
- Crystal Quest
- Crystals Of Arborea
- Crystals Of Arborea (FR)
- Cubix
- Cubulus
- Curse Of Enchantia
- Curse Of Ra
- Curse Of The Azure Bonds
- CurseOfEnchantia_
- CurseOfRa
- Custodian
- Cyber Assault
- Cyber Cop
- Cyber Empires
- Cyber Games
- Cyber Kick
- Cyber World
- CyberAssault
- Cyberball
- Cyberblast
- Cybercon 3
- CyberCop
- Cybergammon
- Cybernauts
- Cybernetix
- Cybernetix - The First Battle
- Cybernoid
- Cybernoid II - The Revenge
- Cyberpunks
- Cyberzerk
- Cycles
- Cycles, The - International Grand Prix Racing
- Cygnus 8
- Cytadela
- Cytron
- D Day Impressions
- D Generation
- D-Day - The Beginning of the End
- D-Generation
- Daily Double Horse Racing
- Dalek Attack
- Daley Thompsons OC
- Damage
- Dames Simulator
- Damocles
- Dan Dare 3
- Danger Castle
- Dangerous Streets
- Darius+
- Dark Castle
- Dark Century
- Dark Fusion
- Dark Queen Of Krynn
- Dark Seed
- Dark Side
- Dark Spyre
- Darkman
- Darkmere
- DarkQueenOfKrynn
- DarkSeed_Fr
- DarkSeed3
- Darts
- Das Boot
- Datastorm
- Dawn Patrol
- Day Of The Pharaoh
- Day Of The Viper
- Days Of Thunder
- DDay_Impressions_Fr
- Death Bringer Spotlight
- Death Knights Of Krynn
- Death Mask
- Death Or Glory
- Death Sword
- Death Trap
- Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon
- Deathbringer Empire
- Debut Planet Simulation
- DecimalDungeon
- Deconstruction
- Deep
- Deep Core
- Deep Space
- Defender
- Defender 2
- Defender Of The Crown
- Defender Of The Crown 2
- Defender Ratsoft
- Defenders Of The Earth
- Defenseur Couronne 2 (FR)
- Deflektor
- Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True!!
- Deja Vu 2 Lost In Las Vegas
- Deliverance
- Delivery Agent
- DeltaCommand_v_Arcadia
- Deluxe Galaga
- Deluxe Pac Man
- Deluxe Strip Poker 2
- DeluxeGalaga
- DeluxePacMan
- DeluxeStripPoker2
- DeluxeStripPoker2&DataDisks
- Demon Blue
- Demon's Tomb - The Awakening
- Demon's Winter
- Demoniak
- Denaris
- Denjoy
- Denjoy.1
- Dennis
- Dennis (Desktop Dynamite)
- Dennis.2
- Denver Je Fais Des Couleurs (FR)
- Denver Presente - Je Decouvre les Formes
- Desert Strike
- Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
- Designasaurus
- Destroyer
- Detonator
- Detroit (FR)
- Deuteros
- Devious Designs
- Dick Tracy
- Dick Tracy Adventure
- Die Hard 2
- Diego Maradona's World Football Manager
- Difensore Corona 2
- Digger
- Diggers
- Dimo's Quest
- Dingsda
- Dino Wars
- Dinosaur Detective Agency
- DinoWars
- Disc
- Discover U.S. History and Geography
- Discovery
- Discovery - In the Steps of Columbus
- Discovery Micro Illusions
- Disposable Hero
- Distant Armies
- Distant Armies - A Playing History of Chess
- Ditris
- Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk
- Dizzy Collection
- Dizzy Dice
- Dizzy Panic
- DizzyCollection
- Dizzys Excellent Adventures
- DNA - The Variety of Life
- Dogfight (1 MB) (1 MB)
- Dogfight2_
- Dogs Of War
- Dojo Dan
- Doman
- Dominator
- Dominium
- Donald Ducks Playground
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donk The Samurai Duck
- Donk! - The Samurai Duck! (OCS & AGA)
- Donkey Kong
- DonkTheSamuraiDuck_
- Doodlebug
- Doofus
- Double Agent
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon 2
- Double Dragon 3
- Double Dribble
- DoubleAgent
- Downhill Challenge
- Dr Dooms Revenge
- Dr Fruit
- Dr Mario
- Dr. Plummet's House of Flux
- Drachen Von Laas
- Drachensteine
- Draggy and Croco
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Cave
- Dragon Fighter
- Dragon Scape
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Strike
- Dragon Tiles
- Dragon Tiles 2
- Dragon Wars
- Dragonflight (FR)
- Dragons Breath (FR)
- Dragons Kingdom
- Dragons Lair
- Dragons Lair & Escape
- Dragons Lair & Escape (Slow)
- Dragons Lair 2
- Dragons Lair 3
- Dragons Lair Escape
- Dragons Lair Escape (Slow)
- DragonsBreath_Fr_
- DragonScape
- DragonsKingdomDemo
- DragonsLair&EscapeFromSingesCastlea_Fast_&
- DragonsLairEscapeFromSingesCastlea_Slow_
- DragonSpirit_
- Dragonstone
- DragonStrike
- DragonTiles
- DragonTiles2
- DragonWars
- Drakkhen (Files) (FR)
- DrDoomsRevenge_1Disk_
- Dream Web
- Dream Zone
- DrFruit
- Driller
- Drip
- Drivin Force
- DrMario
- Drsna Cesta
- Duck Tales
- Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold
- Dugger
- Dune (FR)
- Dune II - The Battle for Arrakis
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Master 2
- Dungeon Quest
- Dungeons Of Avalon
- Dungeons Of Avalon 2
- Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin'
- Dux
- Dylan Dog - Through the Looking Glass
- Dylan Dog 01 - La Regina delle Tenebre
- Dylan Dog The Murderers
- Dyna Blaster
- Dynamite Dick
- Dynamite Dux
- Dynamo_
- Dynasty Wars
- Dynatech
- Dyter 07
- E Motion
- Eagles Rider
- Easy and Fun - Four in One
- Ebonstar
- Eco
- Eco Phantoms
- Edd the Duck 2 - Back with a Quack!
- Edd the Duck!
- Eddie Edwards Super Ski
- Eishockey Manager
- EksperymentDelfin
- Electronic Pool
- Elf (Ocean)
- Elfmania
- Eliminator
- Elite
- Elite Advanced
- Elvira - The Arcade Game
- Elvira (FR)
- Elvira 2 (FR)
- Embryo
- Emerald Mine
- Emerald Mine 2
- Emerald Mine 3
- Emetic Skimmer
- EmlynHughesInternationalSoccer_
- Emmanuelle
- EMotion_
- EmpireSoccer94_
- EmpireStrikesBack_
- Enchanted Land
- Encounter
- Enemy 2 Missing In Action
- Enemy Tempest Of Violence
- EnemyTempestOfViolence_EasyPlay
- Energie-Manager
- Enforcer
- EnglandChampionshipSpecial_
- Enigma Device, The
- Enlightenment - Druid II
- Enlightenment_
- Enterprise
- Entity
- Epic
- Equality
- Erbe
- Erik
- Escape from Colditz
- EscapeFromThePlanetOfTheRobotMonsters_
- Eskadra
- Eskimo Games
- Espana - The Games '92
- ETsRugbyLeague
- Euro League Manager
- European Champions
- European Football Champ
- EuropeanChampions_Ocean_
- EuropeanFootballChamp_
- EuroSoccer1_
- EvilDawn
- Excalibur_
- Excellent Card Games
- Executioner, The
- Exile
- Exolon
- Explora_Fr
- Explora2_Fr_
- Explora3_Fr_
- Extase
- Extasy
- Exterminator_
- ExtractorPreview
- Extrial
- Exxon
- Eye
- Eye of the Beholder
- Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon
- EyeOfHorus_
- EyeOfTheStorm
- F Strike Eagle II
- F.1 Manager
- F1 - World Championship Edition
- F1-Racer
- FANightHawk1_
- F16CombatPilot_
- F17 Challenge
- F19StealthFighter_v_
- F1Tornado
- F1WorldChampionshipEdition_
- F29Retaliator_
- F40PursuitSimulator_NTSC
- FA18Interceptor_
- FaceOff_
- Faces Tris III
- Faery Tale Adventure, The
- Falcon_
- Falcon&MissionDisks_&&
- FallenAngela
- Falling Down
- Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure Island
- FantasticVoyage_TV
- Fantastiizzy
- Fantasy Flyer (OCS & AGA)
- Fantasy Games
- Fantasy Manager - The Computer Game
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- FantasyFlyer
- FantasyWorldDizzy_
- Fascination_Fr
- Fast Break
- Fast Eddie's Pool and Billiards
- Fast Food
- Fast Lane! - The Spice Engineering Challenge
- FastBrain_v
- FatalHeritage_
- FatalMission
- Fate - Gates of Dawn
- FateGatesOfDawn_Uncensored
- Fatman - The Caped Consumer
- FC Manager
- Fears
- FederationOfFreeTraders
- Femme Fatale
- Femme Fatale v
- FernandezMustDie_
- FerrariFormulaOne1_
- Feud_
- Fidelity Chessmaster , The
- Fields of Glory
- Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
- FIFAInternationalSoccer_
- FighterBomber_
- FighterBomberAdvancedMissions
- FighterDuelPro_NTSC_
- Fightin' Spirit
- FightingSoccer_NTSC
- Final Assault
- Final Battle, The
- Final Blow
- Final Countdown
- FinalFight_1MB_
- Fire & Forget
- Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote
- Fire and Brimstone
- Fire Power
- Fire&Forget2_
- Fire&IceXmasDemo
- Fireball
- Fireblaster_
- FireForce
- Firehawk
- Firestar
- FireZone
- First Contact
- First Letters - For Under 5's
- FirstSamurai_
- Fish_
- Fist Fighter
- FiveASideSoccer
- Flamingo Tours
- Flaschbier
- Flashback
- Fleet Med
- Flies - Attack on Earth
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Flight of the Intruder
- Flight Simulator II
- FlightPath_
- FlightSimulator2&HawaiianSceneryDisk_
- Flimbo's Quest
- Flink
- Flintstones_
- FlipFlop
- Flipit&Magnose_
- Flippit
- Flood_
- Floor 13
- Flowers of Crystal
- FluchtAusColditz
- FlugDerAmazonQueen
- Fly Fighter
- Fly Harder
- FlyingShark
- FoolsErrand_
- Football Club Manager
- Football Crazy
- Football Director II
- Football Glory
- Football Manager
- Football Manager - World Cup Edition
- Football Masters
- Football Tactician
- Football Tactician 2
- FootballerOfTheYear2_
- FootballGlory
- FootballGlory_
- FootballManager21_
- FootballManagerWorldCupEdition_
- FootMan
- For President
- ForgottenMine
- ForgottenWorldsb_
- Formula 1 3D
- Formula 1 Grand Prix
- Formula One Challenge
- Fort Apache
- Fortress Underground
- Foundation's Waste
- Four Crystals of Trazere, The
- FractionAction
- Frankenstein
- Franko
- Franko - The Crazy Revenge!
- Franko_Censored
- FranticFreddie
- Freak Out
- Freedom_Fr_
- Frenetic_
- Friday Night Pool
- FrightNight
- Frontier - Elite II
- Frontier_Fr_
- Frontline
- FrostByte_v_
- Fruit Machine
- Fruitmania
- Fugger
- Full Contact
- Full Metal Planete
- Funturatum
- Fury of the Furries
- Fusion_
- Fussball Total
- Future Space
- Future Wars - Time Travellers
- FutureBasketball_
- FutureBikeSimulator_
- FutureClassicsCollection
- FutureShock
- FutureTank
- FutureWars_vB_
- Fuzzball
- G.P. Tennis Manager
- Gadget - Lost in Time
- Gainforce
- Galactic Invasion
- GalacticConqueror
- GalacticEmpire_
- GalacticTheXmasEdition_1MB
- GalacticWarriorRats_
- Galaga92
- Galaxy89
- GalaxyBlast
- GalaxyForce2_
- GaldregonsDomain
- Gamble Mania
- Game of Life, The
- Game Set Match
- GameOfHarmony_NTSC
- GamesSummerEdition
- GamesWinterEdition
- Gamma Zone
- Ganymed
- Gardener
- GarfieldAWintersTail
- GarfieldBigFatHairyDeal_
- Garrison II - The Legend Continues
- Garrison_
- GaryLinekersHotShot_
- GatewayToTheSavageFrontier_
- Gauntlet II
- Gauntlet3_
- Gazza II
- Gazza's Super Soccer
- Gazza2
- GBAChampionshipBasketball_
- GearWorks
- GeeBeeAirRally
- Geisha_Fr
- Gem'X
- GeminiWing_
- GemStoneLegend
- GemXa_
- Genesia
- Genesia_Fr
- Georg Glaxo
- Germ Crazy
- Gettysburg_
- GFL Championship Football
- GhostBattle
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghostbusters_
- GhostChaser
- Ghosts 'N' Goblins
- Giddy II - Hero in an Egg Shell
- Giganoid
- Gladiators
- GlobalGladiators_
- GlobalTrek
- Globdule
- Globulus
- Gloom
- Gnome
- Gnome Alone
- Gnome Ranger
- Go Player
- Gobliiins
- Gobliins 2 - The Prince Buffoon
- Goblins 3
- Godfather, The
- Gods
- Gold of the Americas - The Conquest of the New World
- Gold of the Aztecs, The
- Gold Rush!
- Golden Axe
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Oldies - Volume 1
- GoldenAxe_
- GoldenEagle
- GoldenPath
- GoldOfTheAztecs_
- Goldrunner
- Goldrunner2
- GoldRush
- GoofysRailwayExpress_
- Gotcha
- Graeme Souness Soccer Manager
- Graeme Souness Vector Soccer
- Graham Gooch World Class Cricket
- Graham Taylors Soccer Challenge
- GrahamGoochSecondInnings
- GrahamGoochWorldClassCricket
- GrahamGoochWorldClassCricketSpecialEdition
- GrahamTaylorsSoccerChallenge_
- Grand Slam
- GrandMonsterSlam
- GrandPrix_Fr
- GrandPrixMaster_
- Granny's Garden
- Gravity
- Gravity-Force
- Great Giana Sisters, The
- Great States II
- GreatGianaSisters_
- Gremlins2_
- Grey Slayer
- Gridiron_
- GridStart
- Guardian
- GuardianAngel_
- Guerilla in Bolivia
- Guild of Thieves, The
- Guldkorn Expressen
- Gulp!
- Gunboat - River Combat Simulation
- Gunship
- Gunship
- Gunshoot
- Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon
- Hacker_NTSC_
- Hacker2_
- HagarTheHorrible
- HagarTheHorrible_
- Halley Project, The - A Mission in Our Solar System
- Halls of Montezuma
- HammerBoy_
- Hammerfist
- Hanse1
- Happy Monster
- Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de Rene Taender
- HardBall II
- HardDrivin21
- HardNHeavy2_
- Harlequin.1_1MB_
- Harley-Davidson - The Road to Sturgis
- Harpoon&Battleset1
- Harpoon&Battleset2_
- Harpoon&Battleset3_
- Harpoon&Battleset4
- Harricana - Raid International Motoneige - Quebec-Canada 90
- HarrierCombatSimulator_NTSC_
- Harry's Balloons
- Haus, Das
- Hawkeye
- HeadOverHeels_
- Heart of China
- HeartOfTheDragon_3Disk
- HeavyMetal
- HeavyMetalHeroes
- Heimdall
- Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds
- Hell Raiser
- Hellbent_
- Hellfire Attack
- Hellowoon
- Hellraider
- HellRaisers
- Hellrun Machine, The
- Helter Skelter
- Henry's House
- Hero's Quest - So You Want to Be a Hero
- HeroesOfTheLance1_
- HeroQuest
- HeroQuest - Return of the Witch Lord
- HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil
- Hexuma_
- High Seas Trader
- High Steel
- HighwayHawks_
- HighwayPatrol2_
- Hill Street Blues
- Hillsfar
- Hilt
- Hilt - Against the Hoardes
- Hilt2
- Hired Guns
- Hirnriss
- Historyline_Fr
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
- Hoi
- Hoi Remix
- Hole-In-One Miniature Golf
- HoleInOne
- HolidayMaker
- Hollywood Hijinx
- Hollywood Hustler
- HollywoodPoker_
- Home Alone
- HongKongPhooey_
- Hook
- HorrorZombiesFromTheCrypt_
- Hostages
- HostileBreed
- Hotel Detective
- HotRod_
- HotRubber
- Hotshot_
- HoundOfShadow_
- Hoversprint
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 1
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 2 - Solitaire
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 3 - Great Board Games
- Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers
- HuckleberryHound
- Hudson Hawk
- HudsonHawk_
- Hugo_
- Human Killing Machine
- Humans-B_Fr_
- Humans3_
- Hunt for Red October, The
- Hunter Killer
- HuntForRedOctober_
- HuntForRedOctoberTheMovie_
- Hurricane Commando
- Hybris
- Hydra_
- Hyperdome
- Hyperion
- IanBothamsCricket
- IceRunner
- IK+
- Ikari Warriors
- Ilyad_
- Imagems
- Immortal_v_
- Impact_
- Imperium_
- Impossamole
- Impossible Mission - The Special Edition
- ImpossibleMission2_
- In 80 Days Around the World
- In the Dead of the Night
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Graphic Adventure
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAction
- IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAdventure_Fr_
- IndianaJones&TheLastCrusadeAdventure_Fr_
- IndianaJones&TheTempleOfDoom-B_
- Indianapolis - The Simulation
- Indigo
- IndoorSports
- IndyHeat
- Inertia Drive
- Infection
- Inferior
- Infestation
- Infidel
- IngridsBack
- Innocent Until Caught
- InsanityFight
- InsectorHectiInTheInterChange
- InsectsInSpace
- Intact_15MB
- International Soccer (Zeppelin Platinum)
- International Soccer Challenge
- International Tennis
- International3DTennis_
- InternationalIceHockey_
- InternationalNinjaRabbits
- InternationalSoccer_
- InternationalSportsChallenge1_
- InternationalTennis
- InternationalTruckRacing
- Interphase_
- IntoTheEaglesNest
- InvaderCraft
- Invasion
- Inve$t
- Iron Hand
- Iron Trackers
- IronLord1_Fr_
- IronTrackers_Fr
- Ishar
- Ishar2_
- Ishar3_Fr_
- Ishido - The Way of Stones
- Island of Lost Hope, The
- ISS_
- It Came from the Desert
- Italia_
- Italy '90 Soccer
- ItalyWinnersEdition_
- ItCameFromTheDesert_
- ItCameFromTheDesert2
- ITS Cricket - Edition
- ITS Cricket - International Test Series
- Ivanhoe
- Jabato
- Jaguar XJ
- Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash
- Jail Break
- James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod
- James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish
- Jara Tava - The Isle of Fire
- Jaws_
- Jet
- Jet&HawaiianSceneryDisk
- JetSetWilly2_v_
- JetsonsTheComputerGame_
- Jetstrike
- Jewels of Darkness Trilogy
- Jigsaw Puzzlemania
- Jigsaw! - The Ultimate Electronic Puzzle
- Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker
- Jimmy Willburne - A La Recherche du Peigne Perdu
- JimmysFantasticJourney
- JimPower_
- Jinks_
- Jinxter
- Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
- Joe&MacCavemanNinjab_
- JoeBlade_
- JoeBlade2
- John Barnes European Football
- John Madden American Football
- JohnBarnesEuropeanFootball1_
- JohnLowesUltimateDarts_
- JohnMaddenFootball_
- Joker-Poker
- Jonathan - The Next Artventure
- Journey - The Quest Begins
- Jouster3
- JudgeDredd
- Jug
- Jump Em
- Jump Jet
- JumpingJackSon1_
- Jumpman Junior
- JumpNRoll
- Jungle Boy
- JungleStrike
- JuniorTypist
- Jupiter's Masterdrive
- JupiterProbe.1
- JupitersMasterdrive_
- Jurajski Sen
- Jurassic Park
- K_1MB_
- Kaiser
- KajkoIKokosz
- Kalas Puffs Expressen
- KalasPuffsExpressen_Se_1MB
- Kamikaze_
- Kampfgruppe
- Karamalz Cup - Eis Hockey
- Karate Kid I, The
- KarateKid2
- KarateKing&CityDefence
- KartingGrandPrix_
- Katakis_1Disk_
- Kathedrale_
- KeefTheThief_NTSC_
- Keith's Quest
- Kelly X
- Kengi
- KennedyApproach1_
- Keyboard Cadet
- Keys to Maramon, The
- KGB_Fr
- Khalaan_Fr
- Kick Off 3
- KickIt - A Day for the Laiban
- KickOff_
- KickOff&ExtraTime_1Disk_
- KickOff28_Fr
- KickOff2CompetitionVersion8
- KickOff2FinalWhistle3_
- KickOff2FinalWhistleCompetitionVersion3
- KickOff2PlusWorldCup_
- KickOff2ReturnToEurope1_
- KickOff3_
- KickOff3EuropeanChallenge_
- KickOff
- Kid Chaos
- KidGloves_
- KidGloves2
- Kids Type
- Kids' Academy - Which, Where, What
- Kikstart2
- Kikugi
- Killerball
- Killing Machine
- KillingCloud_NTSC_
- KillingGameShow
- KillingMachine_
- Kinderama
- King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (remake)
- King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne
- King's Quest III - To Heir is Human
- King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella
- King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
- King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Kingdoms of Germany
- KingmakerQuestForTheCrown_
- KingOfChicago_
- Kingpin
- KingsBounty1
- KingsQuest_
- KingsQuest2_
- KingsQuest3_
- KingsQuest4_
- KingsQuest5_MT32
- KingsQuest6_Fr_
- KingsQuestEnhancedb_
- Kiro's Quest
- Klax_
- Knight Orc
- KnightForce_
- Knightmare_
- Knights of the Crystallion
- KnightsOfTheSky_
- Kreuz As 'Poker'
- Kristal
- KrustysSuperFunHouse_
- Krymini
- Kultb_
- Kwasimodo
- KwikSnax
- Labyrinth.1tNyeCOMputer_Dk
- LabyrintheAuxMilleCalculs_Fr
- LabyrintheDAnglomania1_Fr
- LabyrintheDeLaReineDesOmbres_Fr
- LabyrintheDeLexicos_Fr_
- LabyrintheDErrare_Fr_
- LabyrintheDOrthophus_Fr
- LAmazoneQueen_Fr
- LamborghiniAmericanChallenge0
- Lancelot_
- Land of the Unicorn
- LaserSquad
- Last Action Hero
- Last Battle
- Last Ninja Remix
- LastActionHero
- LastDuel
- LastNinja2_
- LastNinja3
- Leader Board
- LeaderBoardTournamentDisk11_
- Leading Lap MPV
- League Challenge
- Leander_NTSC_
- Leatherneck
- Leavin Teramis
- Leavin' Teramis
- LED Storm
- Leeds United Champions!
- Legacy
- Legend Mindscape
- Legend Of Djel
- Legend Of Faerghail
- Legend Of Kyrandia (FR)
- Legend of Kyrandia, The - Book One
- Legend Of Ragnarok
- Legend Of The Lost
- Legend Of The Sword
- LegendOfFaerghailb_
- Legends
- Legends Of Valour
- Legends Of Valour (FR)
- Legion
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Leisure Suit Larry - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Leisure Suit Larry (Enhanced)
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (remake)
- Leisure Suit Larry 2
- Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes Looking for Love
- Leisure Suit Larry 3
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
- Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2
- Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings Holiday
- Lemmings New Year
- Lemmings Xmas
- Lemmings Xmas
- Lemmings_Files_
- Lemmings_Files_AltLevels_
- Leonardo
- Les Manley Search For The King
- Let's Spell at Home
- Lethal Formula
- Lethal Weapon
- Lethal Xcess
- Lethal Zone
- Lettrix
- Leviathan
- Liberation - Captive II (OCS & AGA)
- Licence To Kill
- Life & Death
- Light Corridor, The
- Light Racer
- LightRacer
- Limes & Napoleon
- Limes&Napoleon
- Line Of Fire
- Lingo
- Links
- Links (& Data Disks)
- Lion King
- Lionheart
- Liquid Kids (Files)
- Little Computer People
- Little Puff In Dragonland
- Live And Let Die
- Live and Let Die - The Computer Game
- Liverpool - The Computer Game
- Livingstone 2
- Llamatron
- Locomotion
- Logical
- Logo
- Lollypop
- Lombard RAC Rally
- Long Lance
- Loom
- Loom (Kick 31)
- Loom (Kick 13)
- Loom-C
- Loom-C_Fr
- Loopz
- Lord of the Rings - Vol. 1
- Lords Of Chaos (& Data Disk)
- Lords Of Doom
- Lords Of The Realm
- Lords Of The Realm (FR)
- Lords Of The Rising Sun
- Lords Of Time
- Lords Of War
- LordsOfChaos&DataDisk
- LordsOfDoom
- Lorna
- Lornaa
- Los Templos Sagrados
- Lost Dutchman Mine
- Lost in Mine
- Lost Patrol, The
- Lost Vikings, The
- LostDutchmanMine
- LosTemplosSagrados
- LostInMine
- Lothar Matthaeus - Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation
- Lothar Matthaeus Super Soccer
- Lothar Matthaus Fussball
- Lotus
- Lotus 2
- Lotus 3
- Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
- Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
- Lotus Turbo Challenge 2
- Lowca Glow
- Lunar C
- Lupo Alberto
- Lupo Alberto - The Videogame
- Lure Of The Temptress
- Lure Of The Temptress (FR)
- Lurking Horror, The
- Luxor
- M1 Tank Platoon
- Mach 3
- Mad Professor Mariarti
- Mad Show
- Mad Show (FR)
- Mad TV (FR)
- Mafdet And The Book Of The Dead
- Magic Boy
- Magic Coins
- Magic Fly
- Magic Garden, The
- Magic Johnson's Basketball
- Magic Lines
- Magic Marble
- Magic Pockets
- Magician
- Magicland Dizzy
- MagicMarble
- Magnatron
- Major Motion
- Malta Storm
- Man From The Council
- Manchester United
- Manchester United - Premier League Champions
- Manchester United - The Double
- Manchester United - The Official Computer Game
- Manchester United Europe (v)
- Manchester United PLC (& Data)
- Manhattan Dealers (FR)
- Manhunter
- Manhunter - New York
- Manhunter 2
- Manhunter 2 - San Francisco
- Maniac Mansion
- Maniac Mansion (FR)
- Maniax
- Manic Miner
- Manix
- Manoir( DE) Mortvielle (FR)
- Marathon
- Marble Madness
- Maria's Christmas Box
- Marias Xmas Box
- Marvin's Marvellous Adventure
- Master Axe
- Master Axe - The Genesis of MysterX
- Master Blaster
- Masterblazer
- Match Of The Day
- Match Pairs
- Math Blaster Plus!
- Maths Monkey
- MathWizard
- Matrix Marauders
- Mau-Mau
- Maupiti Island
- Maupiti Island (FR)
- Max Rally
- Maya
- Maya (FR)
- Maya Fast
- Maya Fast (FR)
- Mayday Squad Heroes
- Mc Donald Land
- Mean Arenas
- Mean Machine
- Mean Streets
- Mean Streets (FR)
- Mega Ball
- Mega Lo Mania
- Mega Lo Mania (FR)
- Mega Motion
- Mega Phoenix
- Mega Traveller 1
- Mega Twins
- Mega Typhoon
- MegaBall2
- MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy
- MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients
- Menace
- Mental Image 1
- Mental Image 2
- Mentor
- Mercenary
- Mercenary - Escape from Targ & The Second City
- Mercenary 3
- Mercs
- Merv The Merciless
- Metal Law
- Metal Masters
- Metal Mutant
- Metal Mutant (FR)
- Metal Warrior
- MetalLaw
- MetalMutant_Fr
- MF Tanks
- Miami Chase
- Miasto Smierci
- Mickey (FR)
- Mickey ABC (FR)
- Mickey Jeu( DE) Memoire (FR)
- Mickey Mouse Computer Game
- Mickey Puzzles Animes (FR)
- Mickey's 's - The Big Surprise Party
- Mickey's ABC's - A Day at the Fair
- Mickey's Memory Challenge
- MickeyAnniversaireSurprise_Fr_
- MickeyABCUneJourneeALaFete_Fr_
- MickeyJeuDeMemoire_Fr_
- MickeyMouseTheComputerGame
- MickeyPuzzlesAnimes_Fr_
- Mickeys AB Cs
- Mickeys Jigsaw Puzzles
- Mickeys Memory Challenge
- MickeysABCs
- MickeysJigsawPuzzles
- MickeysMemoryChallenge
- Micro Machines
- Micro Prose Golf
- Micro Prose Soccer
- Microbattle
- Microbes
- MicroMachines_
- Midnight Resistance
- Midwinter
- Midwinter (FR)
- Midwinter 2 (FR)
- Midwinter II - Flames of Freedom
- MiG 29 Fulcrum
- MiG 29 Soviet Fighter
- MiG 29M Super Fulcrum
- Might & Magic 2
- Might And Magic 3
- Might And Magic 3
- Mighty Bomb Jack
- Mike Reads Computer Pop Quiz
- Mikro Mortal Tennis
- Millennium 22
- Mind Force
- Mind Walker
- Mindbender
- Mindfighter
- Mindroll
- Mindshadow
- Mini Golf
- Mini Golf Plus
- Minos
- Minskies
- Minskies Furballs - The Abduction
- Misja Harolda
- Missiles Over Xerion
- Mission Elevator
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose
- Moebius
- Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony
- MonaldLand.1_
- Money Cascade Professional Fruit Machine
- Money-Player Professional
- Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge
- Monkey Island 2 (FR)
- Monster
- Monster Business
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Moochies
- Moon Blaster
- Moon Blaster (FR)
- Moon Shine Racers
- Moonbase - Lunar Colony Simulator
- Moonfall
- Moonmist
- Moonstone
- Moonstone - A Hard Days Knight
- Moonwalker
- Morph
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat II
- Mortal Weapon
- Morton Strikes Back
- Mortville Manor
- Motor Massacre
- Motorbike Madness
- Motorhead
- Motorola Invaders 2
- Mouse Quest
- Mousetrap
- Mover
- Moving
- Mr Blobby
- Mr Do! Run Run
- Mr Heli
- Mr Nutz
- MrHeli
- Multi Player Soccer Manager
- Multi Zocker
- Multi-Player Yahtzee
- Munsters
- Murder
- Murders in Venice
- Muzzy
- Mysterious Worlds
- Mystery Of The Mummy
- Mystical
- Myth
- Myth Magnetic Scrolls
- Myth System 3
- Nam
- Narc
- Narco Police
- Nathan Never
- Nations of the World - Australia
- Naughty Ones
- Navy Moves
- Navy Seals
- Nebula - The Wars of Uropa
- Nebulus
- Nebulus 2
- Necronom
- Neighbours
- Netherworld
- Neuromancer
- Neuronics
- Never Ending Story 2
- Never Mind
- New York Warriors
- New Zealand Story
- NewYorkWarriors_1MB
- Nick Faldo's Championship Golf
- Nicky 2
- Nicky Boom
- Nigel Mansell's World Championship
- Nigel Mansells Grand Prix
- Night Hawk F A
- Night Hunter
- Night Shift
- Nightbreed Action
- Nightbreed Movie
- Nightdawn
- NightHuntera
- Nil Dieu Vivant (FR)
- Ninja Mission
- Ninja Rabbits
- Ninja Remix
- Ninja Spirit
- Ninja Warriors
- NinjaMission
- Nipper versus the Kats
- Nippon Safes Inc
- Nitro
- Nitro Boost Challenge
- No Buddies Land
- No Excuses
- No Exit
- No Greater Glory - The American Civil War
- No Second Prize
- Nobby The Aardvark
- Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
- North And South (Files)
- North Sea Inferno
- NoSecondPrize
- Not Very Festive Fodder
- Nova 9
- Nuclear War
- Nucleus
- NuxeliaDemo
- O.B.Y. I
- Oath
- Obitus
- Obliterator
- Oblivion
- Obsession
- Obstickle
- Odyssey
- Off Shore Warrior
- Og
- Ogre
- Oh No! More Lemmings
- Oil Imperium
- Oktagon
- Olimpiada '96
- Olympique de Marseille
- Omar Sharif's Bridge
- Omega
- Omicron Conspiracy
- OmnicronConspiracy_Fr
- One On One
- One Step Beyond
- OneToOneMatch
- Onslaught
- Oo-Topos
- Ooops Up
- Ooze
- Ooze - Creepy Nites
- Operation Cleanstreets
- Operation Com-bat
- Operation Combat 2
- Operation Firestorm
- Operation G2
- Operation Harrier
- Operation Jupiter
- Operation Jupiter (FR)
- Operation Neptune
- Operation Overlord - The Invasion of Europe
- Operation Stealth
- Operation Stealth (FR)
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Operation Wolf
- OperationStealth
- OperationStealth_Fr_
- OperationThunderbolta_
- Orbital Destroyer
- Oriental Games
- Ork
- Ork
- Ork Attack The Return
- Ork.2_NTSC_
- Oscar
- Osiris
- OsWALD Of The Ice Floes
- Out Of This World
- Out Run (Sega)
- Out Run (US Gold)
- Out Run Europa
- Outlands
- Outzone
- Over The Net
- Overdrive Team 17
- Overkill
- Overlander
- Overlord (Rowan)
- Overlord (Virgin Mastertronic)
- Overlord_Rowan_
- Overrun! - A Tactical Game of Modern Land Warfare
- Oxxonian
- Oxyd
- P 47 Thunderbolt
- Pac Land
- Pac Mania
- Pac-Land
- Pacboy & Shooting Star
- Pacific Islands
- Paint It
- Paladin
- Paladin 2
- Pandora
- Pang
- Pango
- Panza Kick Boxing
- Panza Kick Boxing (FR)
- Paperboy
- Paperboy 2
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Paradroid 90
- Paragliding
- Paragliding Simulation
- Paramax
- Paranoia Complex
- Parasite
- Parasol Stars
- Paris Dakar
- Passagers du Vent, Les
- Passengers on the Wind
- Passing Shot
- Patience I
- Patience II
- Patrician
- Patrician (FR)
- Patrizier
- Pawn
- Pechowy Prezent
- Pegasus
- Penguins
- Penthouse Hot Numbers
- Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe
- Pepe's Garden
- Pepsi - All Over the World
- Perihelion
- Perihelion - The Prophecy
- Persecutors
- Persian Gulf Inferno
- PersianGulfInferno
- Personal Nightmare
- Peter Beardsleys IF
- Peter Pan (Fr)
- Peter Schmeichel Soccer
- PeterSchmeichelSoccer
- PGA European Tour
- PGA Tour Golf
- PGAEuropeanTour
- PGATourGolf&TournamentCourseDisk1_
- Phalanx
- Phantasie
- Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nikademus
- Phantom Fighter
- Pharaohs Curse
- Phobia
- Photon Storm
- Pick'n Pile
- Pictionary
- Piece 'n' Space
- Pierre Is Out To Lunch
- Pinball Dreams
- Pinball Fantasies
- Pinball Fntsies
- Pinball Hazard
- Pinball I.Q.
- Pinball Illusions
- Pinball Magic
- Pinball Mania
- Pinball Prelude
- Pinball Wizard
- Pink Panther
- Pinkie
- Pinomania
- Pipe Dream
- Pipe Mania
- Pipe Master II
- Pipe Panic
- Pipeline (Softworx)
- Pipeline Nomad
- Pipeline Oracle
- Pirates
- Pirates Gold
- Pit Fighter
- Pixie & Dixie
- Pizza Connection
- Plague
- Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Platoon
- Player Manager
- Player Manager (FR)
- Player Manager 2
- Player Manager 2 Extra
- PlayerManager2Extra1
- Playroom (FR)
- Playroom, The
- Plexu
- Plotting
- Plundered Hearts
- Plutos
- Pocket Rockets
- Pod
- Poker Nights
- Poker Nights - Teresa Personally
- Police Quest
- Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel
- Police Quest II - The Vengeance
- Police Quest III - The Kindred
- Pong
- Pool
- Pool (Kingsoft)
- Pool (Mastertronic)
- Pool Of Radiance
- Pools Of Darkness
- Popeye 2
- Popeye 3 - WrestleCrazy
- Populous
- Populous 2 (& Challenge Games)
- Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods
- Populous World Editor
- Portal
- Portes Du Temps (FR)
- Ports Of Call
- Postman Pat
- Postman Pat 3 - To the Rescue!
- Power
- Power Drift
- Power Drive
- Power Pac
- Power Pinball
- Power Roller
- Powerdrome
- Powermonger
- Powermonger WW1 Edition
- PowerPinball
- Powerplay
- Powerplay
- Powerplay - Le Jeu des Dieux
- Powerplay (FR)
- Powerstyx
- PP Hammer
- Prawo Krwi
- Predator
- Predator 2
- Prehistoric Tale
- Prehistorik
- Premier Manager
- Premier Manager 2
- Premier Manager 3
- Premier Manager 3
- Premier Manager 3 Deluxe
- Premiere
- Primal Rage
- Prime Mover
- Prince
- Prince Of Persia
- PrinceDePerse_v_Fr_
- Prison
- Pro Boxing Simulator
- Pro Power Boat Simulator
- Pro Soccer
- Pro Tennis Simulator (Files)
- Pro Tennis Tour
- Pro Tennis Tour 2
- Pro Tennis Tour 2
- Profezia
- ProFlight
- Project 1
- Project Intercalaris
- Project X
- Project X Bonus Level
- Project Xv 2
- Project-X - Special Edition 93
- ProjectXBonusLevel
- Projectyle
- Projekt Ikarus
- Prophecy 1 Viking Child
- ProPowerBoatSimulator_
- ProSoccer
- Prospector In The Mazes Of Xor
- ProTennisTour_
- ProTennisTour2_
- Psyborg
- Psycho
- Psycho Killer (TV)
- Psycho Santa
- Psycho Squares Deluxe
- Pub Trivia Simulator
- Puffys Saga
- Puggsy
- Punisher, The
- Purple Saturn Day
- Push Over
- Putty
- Putty Squad
- Puzznic
- Pyramax
- Q Bic
- QBall
- QBic
- Qix
- Quadralien
- Quadrel
- Quadrix
- Quartz
- Quasar Wars
- Quest For Glory
- Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire
- Quest for the Time-Bird, The
- Quest Of Agravain
- QuestForGlory2_
- Question Of Sport
- Questron 2
- Quete de l'Oiseau du Temps, La
- Quicksilver Pinball
- Quik Thunder Rabbit
- Quiksilver Pinball
- QuikTheThunderRabbita
- Qwak
- R-Type
- R-Type II
- Race Drivin
- Rackneys Island
- Racter
- Rad van Fortuin
- Raffles
- Rage (Scorpius)
- Raider
- Raiders (FR)
- Railroad Tycoon
- Rainbow Islands
- Rainbow Warrior
- Rainy Day Disk, The
- Rally Championships
- Rally Cross Challenge
- RallyChampionships
- Rambo 3
- Rampage
- Rampart
- Ran X
- Ran X (FR)
- Rasende Reporter, Der
- RasterBike
- Rat Trap
- RBI 2 Baseball
- Reach for the Stars - Conquest of the Galaxy - Third Edition
- Read&Rhyme
- Real Genius
- Real Ghostbusters
- Real Popeye
- Realms
- Realms Of Arkania
- RealPopeye
- Reasoning with Trolls
- Rebel Charge at Chickamauga
- Rebellion
- Red Baron
- Red Heat
- Red Lightning
- Red Storm Rising
- Red Zone
- RedZone
- Reflexity
- Renaissance
- Renegade
- Renegade 3
- Renegades
- Rescue
- Resolution
- Retee 2!
- Retee!
- Return Of The Jedi
- Return To Atlantis
- Return To Genesis
- Reunion
- Revelation
- Revenge Of Defender
- Revenge Of Mutant Camels
- Revenge Of Mutant Camels 2
- Reverse
- Reversi
- Rick Dangerous
- Rick Dangerous 2
- Rings Of Medusa
- Rings Of Medusa (FR)
- Rings Of Medusa Gold
- Ringside
- Rise Of The Dragon
- Rise of the Rabbits ()(Pink Pig Software)
- Rise of the Rabbits 2 ()(Pink Pig Software)
- Rise Of The Robots
- Rise of the West
- Risk
- Risk - The World Conquest Game
- Riskant!
- Risky Woods
- Road Blasters
- Road Rash
- Road Wars
- Roadkill
- Roadwar
- Roadwar Europa
- Robbeary
- Robin Hood - Legend Quest
- Robinsons Requiem
- Robo Cop
- Robo Cop 2
- Robo Cop 3
- Robo Cop 3
- Robo Sport
- Robot Reader - Chicken Little
- Robot Reader Aesops Fables
- Roboter
- Robotnic
- Robozone
- Rock Challenge
- Rock N Roll
- Rock Star (FR)
- Rock Star Ate My Hamster
- Rocket Attack
- Rocket Ranger
- Rockford
- RockNRoll_
- RockStar - Never Trust Rotten Tangerines
- Rockstar NTRT (PL)
- RockStar_Fr
- Rod Land
- Rody & Mastico
- Rody & Mastico (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 2 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 3 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 4 Rody Noel (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 5 (FR)
- Rody & Mastico 6 (FR)
- Rogue
- Rogue Trooper
- Roketz
- Roll Or Die
- Roll-out
- Roller Coaster Rumbler
- Rolling Ronny
- RollOrDie
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- Rome AD 92
- Rorke's Drift
- Roton
- Rotor
- Rotox
- Roue de la Fortune, La
- Roulette-Royal
- Round The Bend
- Round the Bend! - Doc Croc's Outrageous Adventures!
- Roundabout
- RoundTheBend
- RType.1_
- RType2_
- Rubicon
- Ruesselsheim
- Ruff 'n' Tumble
- Ruff & Reddy Space Adventure
- Ruffian
- Rugby League Coach
- Rugby The World Cup
- Rules of Engagement
- Run The Gauntlet
- Running Man, The
- Rushhour
- RVF Honda
- Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker
- Rygar
- S.D.I. - Now the Odds are Even
- Sabre Team
- Safari Guns
- Safari Guns (FR)
- SafariGuns
- SafariGuns_Fr
- Saint & Greavsie
- Saint Dragon
- Saint&Greavsie
- SaintDragon_
- Salmon Pink Max
- Sanctuary
- Santa's Xmas Caper
- Sarakon
- Sarcophaser
- Sargon III
- SAS Combat Simulator
- SAS Combat Simulator Q Arcade
- SAS Combat Simulator Q Fight
- SASCombatSimulator_QuattroArcade
- Sat.1 Bingo
- Satan
- Savage
- Scapeghost
- Schelober's Quest for a Babe
- Schmutzige Erbe
- Schwarze Auge
- Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo
- Scorched Tanks
- Scorpio
- Scorpion
- Scrabble
- Scramble Spirits
- Scrolling Walls
- SDI Cinemaware
- SeaHaven Towers
- Seastalker
- Second Samurai
- Seconds Out
- SecondSamurai_
- Secret Of Monkey Island
- Secret Of Monkey Island (FR)
- Secret of Monkey Island, The
- Secret Of The Silver Blades
- Seek & Destroy
- Seelenturm
- Sensible Golf
- Sensible Soccer
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions
- Sensible Soccer - International Edition
- Sensible Soccer Bulldog Blty
- Sensible Soccer Euro
- Sensible Soccer Int Ed
- Sensible Soccer Intl Ed
- Sensible Train Spotting
- Sensible World of Moon Soccer
- Sensible World Of Soccer
- Sensible World of Soccer ''96
- Sensible World of Soccer ''96 - European Championship Edition
- Sensible World of Soccer ''97
- Sensible World Of Soccer Euro
- Sensible World Of Soccer World Champion 98
- SensibleSoccer_1MB_
- SensibleSoccerBulldogBlighty
- SensibleSoccerEuropeanChampions_1MB_
- SensibleSoccerInternationalEdition
- SensibleTrainSpotting
- SensibleWorldOfMoonSoccerDemo
- Senso
- Sentinel
- Serie
- Settlers
- Settlers (FR)
- Seven Cities Of Gold
- Seven Gates Of Jambala (Files)
- Severed Heads
- Sex Olympics
- Sextimates
- Sexy Droids
- Seymour Goes To Hollywood
- Shadow Dancer
- Shadow Fighter
- Shadow Of The Beast
- Shadow Of The Beast 2
- Shadow Of The Beast 3
- Shadow Sorcerer (DE,FR,IT)
- Shadow Warriors
- ShadowFighter
- Shadowgate
- Shadowlands
- Shadoworlds
- Shanghai
- Shanghai (FR)
- Shapes
- Shaq Fu
- Sharkey's Moll
- She Fox
- Shepherd, The
- Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
- Sherman M4
- Shiftrix
- Shinobi
- Shock Wave
- Shortgrey (FR)
- Shuffle
- Shufflepuck Cafe
- Shuttle
- Shuttle - The Space Flight Simulator
- Side Arms
- Side Show
- Side Winder
- Side Winder 2
- SideShow
- Siedler
- Sierra Soccer
- Silent Service
- Silent Service - The Submarine Simulation
- Silent Service 2
- Silicon Dreams
- Silkworm
- Silly Putty
- Silver Eagle
- Sim Ant Hi Res
- Sim Ant Hi Res (FR)
- Sim Ant Lo Res (FR)
- Sim City
- Sim City 12
- Sim Earth Hi Res
- Sim Earth Hi Res (FR)
- Sim Earth Lo Res (FR)
- Sim Life
- SimCity
- SimEarth_HiRes
- SimEarth_HiRes_Fr_
- SimLife
- Simon The Sorcerer
- Simon The Sorcerer (FR)
- Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The World
- Simulcra
- Simulcra.1
- Simulman 01 - Simulman
- Sinbad
- Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon
- Sink Or Swim
- Sir Fred - The Legend
- Sixiang
- Skaermtrolden Hugo (DK)
- Skarbnik
- Skate Of The Art
- SkautKwatermastera
- Skeet Shoot
- Skeleton Krew
- Ski Or Die
- Skidmarks
- Skidoo
- Skidz
- Skrull
- Skull & Crossbones
- Skweek
- Sky Chase
- Sky Chase Fast
- Sky High Stuntman
- Skyfox
- Skyfox II - The Cygnus Conflict
- SkyHighStuntman
- Skyworker
- Slackskin & Flint
- Slam Raid
- Slam Tilt
- Slam Tilt - The Pinball Game
- Slayer
- Slaygon
- Sleeping Gods Lie
- Sleepwalker
- Sleepwalker_
- Sliders
- Slightly Magic
- Slip Stream
- Sly Spy Secret Agent
- Smash
- Smash TV
- Snakes and Ladders
- Snapperazzi
- Sneech
- Snoball in Hell
- Snoopy & Peanuts
- Snoopy&Peanuts
- Snow Bros (Files)
- Snow Strike
- Soccer Kid
- Soccer Pinball
- Soccer Rivals
- Soccer Superstars
- Soccer Supremo
- SoccerKid
- Soeldner
- Software Manager
- Soko
- Soldier
- Soldier Of Light
- Solid Gold
- Solomons Key 2
- Son Shu Shi
- Sonic Boom
- Sooty & Sweep
- Sooty&Sweepa
- Sootys Fun With Numbers
- Sophelie
- Sorcerer Lord
- Sorcerer Lord (FR)
- SorcerersApprentice
- Sorcerors Apprentice
- Sorcery Plus
- SorceryPlus2_
- Sorefist
- Soul Crystal
- Space Ace
- Space Ace II - Borf's Revenge
- Space Assault
- Space Conquest - A Galactic Odyssey
- Space Crusade
- Space Crusade & Voyage Beyond
- Space Gun
- Space Harrier
- Space Harrier - Return To The Fantasy Zone
- Space Harrier 2
- Space Hulk
- Space MAX
- Space Pilot 89
- Space Quest
- Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter
- Space Quest (Enhanced)
- Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge
- Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon
- Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
- Space Racer
- Space Racer (FR)
- Space Rogue
- Space Station
- SpaceAceDemo
- SpaceAssault
- Spaceball
- Spacecutter
- SpaceGun
- SpaceHarrier_NTSC
- SpaceHarrier&ReturnToFantasyZone
- SpaceHarrier2_
- SpaceHulk_
- SpaceMAX
- SpacePilot89
- Spaceport
- SpaceQuestEnhanced_
- SpaceQuestEnhanced_MT32_
- SpaceRacer_
- SpaceRacer_Fr_
- SpaceRanger_v_Arcadia
- SpaceRogue_
- SpaceStation_
- Spacewrecked_NTSC_
- Spatial Hyperdrive
- Special Forces
- SpecialForces_
- Speed
- Speed Buggy
- Speedball
- Speedball 2
- Speedboat Assassins
- SpeedBuggy_NTSC
- Spell Book
- Spell Bound
- Spellbound Dizzy
- Spellbound Dizzy & Dizzy Panic
- Spellbreaker
- Spellfire The Sorcerer
- Speris Legacy
- SperisLegacy
- Spherical
- Spherical Worlds
- Spherical_
- SphericalWorlds.1_
- Spiderman - Il ritorno di Hobgoblin
- Spiderman 2 - e ora, Carnage!
- Spiderman 3 - Destino Incrociato!
- Spike In Transylvania
- Spindizzy Worlds
- Spirit Of Adventure
- SpiritOfExcalibur1_
- Spitting Image
- Spoils of War
- Spot
- Spy Vs Spy
- Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper
- Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics
- Spy Who Loved Me
- SpyWhoLovedMe_
- Sqrxz
- Sqrxz1
- Squarestone
- St. Thomas
- Stable Masters
- Stable Masters II
- Stable Masters III
- Stack Up
- StackUp_
- Stadt der Loewen, Die
- Stalingrad
- Star Breaker
- Star Command
- Star Control
- Star Crusader
- Star Goose
- Star Goose!
- Star Ray
- Star Trash
- Star Trek 25th Anniv
- Star Trek 25th Anniv (FR)
- Star Wars
- Starbirds
- Starblade
- Starblade (FR)
- Starblade_Fast
- Starblaze
- StarCommand_
- StarControl
- StarCrusader_
- Stardust
- Stardust_
- Starflight
- Starflight II - Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula
- Starglider
- Starglider 2
- Starglider_
- StarGoose_
- Starians
- Starlord
- Starlord (FR)
- StarRay_v_1Disk_
- StarTrash_
- StarTrek25thAnniversary_
- StarTrek25thAnniversary_Fr_
- Starush
- Statix
- Steel
- Steel Empire
- Steg The Slug
- Steigar
- Steigenberger Hotelmanager
- Stellar 7
- Stellar Crusade
- Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo
- Stone Age
- Storm Master
- Storm Master (FR)
- Stormball
- Stormlord
- Stormlord (Prerelease)
- Stormlord_NTSC
- StormMaster
- StormMaster_Fast
- Stormtrooper
- Stratego
- Stratego.1
- Street Fighter
- Street Fighter 2
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior
- Street Gang
- Street Racer
- Street Rod
- Street Rod 2
- Street Sports Basketball
- StreetFighter
- StreetFighter2_
- StreetGang
- StreetRacer
- StreetRod2
- StreetSportsBasketball_NTSC_
- Stres
- Strider
- Strider 2
- Strider_
- Strider2_
- Strike Aces
- StrikeAces_NTSC_
- Strikefleet
- Striker
- Striker_
- Strikes -N- Spares Professional
- Strip Poker
- Strip Poker 2
- Strip Poker 2+
- Strip Pot
- StripPoker
- StripPot
- Struggle
- Stryx
- STUN Runner
- Stunt Car Racer
- Stunt Car Racer TNT
- Stunt Track Racer
- Sturmtruppen - The Video Game
- Sub Battle Simulator
- Subbuteo
- Subtrade
- Subtrade - Return to Irata
- Suburban Commando
- Subwar
- Summer Camp
- Summer Challenge
- Summer Games
- Summer Games & Summer Games 2
- Summer Games 2
- Summer Olympiad
- Sunny Spells
- Supaplex
- Super Bob Dylan
- Super C
- Super C Fast
- Super Cars
- Super Cars 2
- Super Cauldron
- Super Grand Prix
- Super Grid Runner
- Super Hang On
- Super Hang-On
- Super League Manager
- Super Loopz
- Super Methane Bros
- Super Monaco GP
- Super Obliteration
- Super Off Road
- Super Os WALD (DK)
- Super Putty
- Super Scramble Simulator
- Super Seymour Saves Planet
- Super Ski
- Super Ski (FR)
- Super Ski 2
- Super Skidmarks
- Super SkidMarks (OCS & AGA)
- Super Skweek
- Super Skweek (1 MB)
- Super Space Invaders
- Super Sport Challenge
- Super Stardust
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Super Street Fighter 2 DX
- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
- Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers
- Super TaeKwonDo Master
- Super Tennis Championships
- Super Tennis Championships (& Data Disks)
- Super Tennis Champs
- Super Tetris
- Super Twintris
- SuperCa
- SuperCa_Fast
- SuperCars_1Disk_
- SuperCars_2Disk_
- SuperCars2_
- SuperCauldron
- Superfrog
- Superfrog
- Superfrog (Amiga Action)
- Superfrog (CU Amiga)
- Superfrog (The One)
- Superfrog_
- SuperfrogDemo_AmigaAction
- SuperfrogDemo_CUAmiga
- SuperfrogDemo_TheOne
- SuperGrandPrix_
- SuperGridRunner
- SuperHangOn_
- Superhero
- SuperheroDemo
- SuperLoopz
- Superman
- SuperMethaneBros
- SuperMonacoGP
- SuperObliteration
- SuperOffRoada_
- SuperOffRoada_NTSC
- SuperOsWALD_Dk
- SuperPuttya
- SuperScrambleSimulator
- SuperSeymourSavesThePlanet
- SuperSki_
- SuperSki_Fr
- SuperSki2_v
- SuperSkidmarks
- SuperSkidmarks_LowMem
- SuperSkweek_1MB_&
- SuperSkweek_KB_&
- SuperSpaceInvaders
- SuperSpaceInvaders_NTSC
- Superstar Ice Hockey
- SuperStardust_
- SuperstarIceHockey_
- SuperStreetFighter2
- SuperStreetFighter2_
- SuperStreetFighter2DX
- SuperStreetFighter2Turbo
- SuperStreetFighter2Turbo_
- SuperTennisChamps
- SuperTennisChamps&DataDisks
- SuperTetris_
- SuperTwintris
- Supremacy
- Supremacy_
- Surf Ninjas
- SurfNinjas_
- Surgeon, The
- Suspicious Cargo
- SuspiciousCargo_
- Svetak Bob
- Swap
- Swap (FR)
- Switchblade
- Switchblade 2
- Switchblade II
- Swooper
- Sword
- Sword & The Rose
- Sword & The Rose, The
- Sword Of Honour
- Sword Of Sodan
- Sword&TheRose
- Swords & Galleons
- Swords Of Twilight
- Swords&Galleons
- Syndicate
- Syndicate
- SyndicateAmericanRevolt
- T Bird
- T Racer
- T Tec Maze
- T Zer 0
- T Zer 0 (No Movie)
- Table Tennis Simulation
- TableHockey_v_Arcadia
- Taekwondo
- Tajemnica Bursztynowej Komnaty
- Take Em Out
- Take-em-Out
- TakeEmOut
- Tanglewood
- Tanglewood_
- Tangram
- Tangram2
- Tank Attack
- Tanx
- Taran im Abenteuerland
- Targhan
- Targhan
- Targhan (FR)
- Targhan (FR)
- Tas, De
- Task Force
- Tass Times In Tonetown
- TassTimesInTonetown_
- TBird
- Team Suzuki
- Team Yankee
- TeamSuzuki_
- TeamYankee_
- Tearaway Thomas
- TearawayThomas
- Tech
- Technocop
- Technology 2
- Technology2
- Tecnoball
- Tee Off!
- Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles
- Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles (C Op)
- Teenage Mtnt Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-op!
- Teenage Queen
- TeenageMutantHeroTurtles_
- TeenageMutantHeroTurtlesCoinOp_
- TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles
- TeenageQueen_
- Telekommando II, Das
- Telekommando!, Das
- Teller (FR)
- Teller_Fr
- Teller, The
- Temple Of Apshai Trilogy
- TempleOfApshaiTrilogy
- Tennis Champs
- Tennis Cup
- Tennis Cup (1MB)
- Tennis Cup (1MB) (FR)
- Tennis Cup (KB)
- Tennis Cup (KB) (FR)
- Tennis Cup 2
- Tennis Cup II
- TennisChamps
- TennisCup2_
- TennisCupa_1Mb_
- TennisCupa_Kb_
- TennisCupa_Fr_1Mb_
- TennisCupa_Fr_Kb_
- TenPinBowling_v_Arcadia
- Tensai
- TensaiDemo
- Teo
- Teresa - House Guest
- Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
- Terminator 2 Arcade
- Terminator 2 Judgment Day
- Terminator2Arcade_
- Terminator2JudgmentDay_
- Terramex
- Terramex_
- Terran Envoy
- Terror Liner
- Terrorpods
- Terrorpods_
- Terrys Big Adventure
- TerrysBigAdventure_
- Test Drive
- Test Drive 2
- Test Drive 2 (Data Disks)
- Test Drive II - The Duel
- Test Match Cricket
- TestDrive_
- TestDrive2_
- Tetra Quest
- TetraQuest
- Tetris (Mirrorsoft)
- Tetris (Spectrum HoloByte)
- Tetris Infogrames
- Tetris Mirrorsoft
- Tetris Pro
- Tetris_Infogrames
- Tetris_Mirrorsoft
- TetrisPro.1
- Tetrix
- Tex 01 - Mefisto
- Th!nk Cross
- Theatre Of Death
- TheatreOfDeath_
- Their Finest Hour
- Their Finest Hour (& Missions)
- TheirFinestHour_
- TheirFinestHour&Missions_&
- Theme Park
- Theme Park
- Theme Park Mystery
- Theme Park Mystery - Variations on a Theme
- ThemePark_
- ThemePark_
- ThemeParkMystery_
- ThemeParkMystery_NTSC_
- Thexder
- Thexder_
- Think Twice
- Think!
- Third Courier
- ThirdCourier_
- Thomas Tank Eng Pinball
- Thomas The Tank Engine
- Thomas The Tank Engine 2
- Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball
- ThomasTheTankEngine_
- ThomasTheTankEngine2_
- ThomasTheTankEnginePinball
- ThomasTheTankEnginePinball_
- Three Musketeers, The
- Three Stooges
- Three Stooges, The
- ThreeStooges_NTSC_
- Thromulus - The Enemy Within
- Thunder Blade
- Thunder Blade
- Thunder Boy
- Thunder Burner
- Thunder Cats
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M
- Thunder Hawk AH 73 M (FR)
- Thunder Jaws
- Thunder Strike
- Thunderbirds
- Thunderbirds_
- ThunderBlade_
- ThunderBlade_NTSC_
- ThunderBoy
- ThunderBurner_
- ThunderCats_
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1_
- ThunderHawkAH73M.1_Fr
- ThunderJaws_
- ThunderStrike_
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tie Break
- TieBreak
- Tiger Road
- TigerRoad
- Time
- Time
- Time (FR)
- Time And Magik
- Time and Magik - The Trilogy
- Time Bandit
- Time Lock
- Time Machine
- Time Race
- Time Runners 01
- Time Runners 02
- Time Runners 03
- Time Runners 04
- Time Runners 05
- Time Runners 06
- Time Runners 07
- Time Runners 08
- Time Runners 09
- Time Runners 10
- Time Runners 11
- Time Runners 12
- Time Runners 13
- Time Runners 14
- Time Runners 15
- Time Runners 16
- Time Runners 17
- Time Runners 18
- Time Runners 19
- Time Runners 20
- Time Runners 21
- Time Runners 22
- Time Runners 23
- Time Runners 24
- Time Runners 25
- Time Runners 26
- Time Runners 27
- Time Runners 28
- Time Runners 29
- Time Runners 30
- Time Runners Series
- Time Scanner
- Time Soldier
- Time_
- Time_Fr_
- TimeAndMagik
- TimeBandit
- Timekeepers
- TimeLock
- TimeMachine_
- TimeRace_
- Times Of Lore
- TimeScanner_
- TimesOfLore_
- TimeSoldier
- Tin Toy Adventure
- Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun
- Tintin on the Moon
- Tintin On The Moon (Files)
- Tintin On The Moon (Image)
- TintinOnTheMoon_Files_
- TintinOnTheMoon_Image_
- TinToyAdventure
- Tiny Skweeks
- Tiny Troops
- Tiny Troops
- Tiny Troops
- TinySkweeks_
- TinyTroops
- TinyTroops_
- Tip Off
- Tip Off
- Tip Off (DE,ES,FR,IT)
- TipOff_
- TipOff_NTSC
- TipOffEsFrIt_
- Tischtennis
- Titan
- Titan_
- Titanic Blinky
- TitanicBlinky
- Titano
- Titus The Fox
- TitusTheFox_
- To the Rhine - The Allied Advance in the West
- Toki
- Toki_
- Tom And The Ghost
- Tom Landry Football
- Tom Landry Football Deluxe
- Tom Landry Strategy Football
- Tom Landry Strategy Football - Deluxe Edition
- TomAndTheGhost_
- TomLandryStrategyFootball
- TomLandryStrategyFootballDeluxe_
- Tommy Gun
- TommyGun
- Tony & Friends
- Tony & Friends in Kellogg's Land
- Tony&FriendsInKelloggsLand
- Toobin
- Top Banana
- Top Cat
- Top Gear 2
- Top Gear 2
- Top Secret
- TopBanana
- TopCat
- TopGear2
- TopGear2_
- TopGear2_
- TopSecret
- Torch
- Tornado
- Tornado
- Tornado Ground Attack
- Tornado_
- TornadoGroundAttack
- Torvak The Warrior
- TorvakTheWarrior_
- Total Carnage
- Total Carnage
- Total Eclipse
- Total Football
- Total Recall
- Total Recall (Files)
- Total Recall (Image)
- TotalCarnage_
- TotalEclipse_
- TotalEclipse_NTSC_
- TotalFootball_
- TotalRecall_Files_
- TotalRecall_Image_
- Tots Time
- Touchdown
- Tournament Golf
- TournamentGolf_
- Tower Of Babel
- Tower Of Souls
- Tower Toppler
- TowerOfBabel_
- TowerOfSouls_
- TowerToppler_NTSC_
- Town With No Name (TV)
- TownWithNoName_TV
- Toyota Celica GT Rally
- ToyotaCelicaGTRally_
- Toyottes (Files)
- Toyottes (Image)
- Toyottesa_Files_
- Toyottesa_Image_
- TRacer
- Tracers
- Track Suit Manager
- Tracker
- Trackera_
- Tracon II
- Traders
- Traders
- Traders0
- Traders0_
- Trained Assassin
- TrainedAssassin
- Transarctica
- Transarctica
- Transarctica_
- Transplant
- Transplant1
- Transworld
- Transworld
- Transworld_
- Transylvania
- Traps N Treasures
- Traps N Treasures
- TrapsNTreasures
- Trax
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- Treasure Trap
- TreasureIslandDizzy
- TreasureIslandDizzy_
- Treasures Of Savage Frontier
- Treasures of the Savage Frontier
- TreasuresOfTheSavageFrontier_NTSC_
- TreasureTrap1_
- Treble Champions
- Trex Warrior
- Trex Warrior - 22nd Century Gladiator
- TrexWarrior
- Trian GO
- TrianGO
- TrianGO_
- Tricky Quiky Games
- Tricky-Quiky-Games - Die Suche nach den Verschollenen Seiten
- TrickyQuikyGames
- Triple X
- TripleX_
- Trivia Game Show
- Trivia Trove
- Trivial Pursuit
- Trivial Pursuit
- Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning
- Trivial Pursuit (FR)
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin
- Trivial Pursuit New Begin (FR)
- TrivialPursuit
- TrivialPursuit_
- TrivialPursuit_Fr_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_
- TrivialPursuitANewBeginning_Fr
- Troddlers
- Troddlers_
- Trog
- Trolls
- Trolls
- Trolls_
- Truckin On II
- Trump Castle
- Trump Castle II
- Tube Warriors
- TubeWarriors
- Tubular Worlds
- Tubular Worlds (1 MB)
- TubularWorlds
- TubularWorlds_1MB
- TubularWorlds_KB
- Tunnels of Armageddon
- Turbo
- Turbo Cup
- Turbo Cup (FR)
- Turbo Out Run
- Turbo Raketti 2 (FI)
- Turbo Trax (Arcane)
- Turbo Trax Arcane
- Turbo Trax Arcane (1 MB)
- TurboCup
- TurboCup_Fr_
- TurboOutRun_
- TurboRaketti2_Fi
- TurboTrax_Arcane_1MB_
- TurboTrax_Arcane_KB_
- Turn N Burn
- TurnNBurn_
- Turrican
- Turrican
- Turrican (TV)
- Turrican 2
- Turrican 2
- Turrican 2 (TV)
- Turrican 3
- Turrican 3
- Turrican II - The Final Fight
- Turrican_
- Turrican_NTSC_
- Turrican_TV
- Turrican2_
- Turrican2_TV
- Turrican2Demo
- Turrican3_
- Turrican3Demo
- TurricanDemo
- Tusker
- TV Sports Baseball
- TV Sports Basketball
- TV Sports Boxing
- TV Sports Football
- TVSportsBaseball_
- TVSportsBasketball_
- TVSportsBoxing_
- TVSportsFootball3_
- Twilight Knights
- Twilight Zone, The
- Twilight's Ransom
- Twin Turbos
- Twin World
- Twintris
- TwinTurbos
- TwinWorld_
- Two of a Kind
- Two-Up
- Twylyte
- Twylytea_
- Typhoon
- Typhoon Thompson
- Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child
- Typhoon_
- TyphoonThompson_NTSC_
- TZer0Demo
- TZer0Demo_NoMovie
- U.N. Squadron
- UFO - Enemy Unknown
- UFO Enemy Unknown
- UFOEnemyUnknown
- UFOEnemyUnknown_
- UFOEnemyUnknown_
- Ugh
- Ugh_
- Ultima 3
- Ultima 4
- Ultima 5
- Ultima 6
- Ultima III - Exodus
- Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima VI - The False Prophet
- Ultima3
- Ultima4_NTSC_
- Ultima5_
- Ultima6_
- Ultimate Body Blows
- Ultimate Golf
- Ultimate Pinball Quest
- Ultimate Pinball Quest, The
- Ultimate Quiz II, The
- Ultimate Quiz, The
- Ultimate Ride
- Ultimate Ride, The
- Ultimate Soccer Manager
- Ultimate X Treme Racing
- UltimateBodyBlows
- UltimateGolf_
- UltimatePinballQuest1
- UltimateRide_
- UltimateXTremeRacing_
- UMS 2 Nations At War
- UMS2NationsAtWar_
- UN Squadron
- Under Pressure
- UnderPressure
- Uninvited
- Universal Military Sim
- Universal Monsters
- Universal Monsters & Superhero
- Universal Warrior
- UniversalMilitarySimulator_
- UniversalMonsters
- UniversalWarrior1_
- Universe
- Universe
- Universe 3
- Universe_
- Universe3_NTSC_
- Unreal
- Unreal
- Unreal_
- Unreal_NTSC_
- Unsensible Soccer
- UnsensibleSoccer
- UNSquadron_
- Untouchables
- Untouchables_
- Up Scope
- UpScope_v
- UpScope1_Arcadia
- Uridium 2 (1 MB)
- Uridium 2 (2 MB)
- Uridium2_v_1MB_
- Uridium2_v_2MB_
- USS John Young
- USSJohnYoung
- Utopia
- Utopia - The Creation of a Nation
- Utopia & New Worlds
- Utopia_
- Utopia&NewWorlds_&
- Vader
- Valhalla - Before the War
- Valhalla & the Fortress of Eve
- Valhalla and the Lord of Action
- Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity
- Valhalla Before The War
- Valhalla Lord Of Infinity
- ValhallaBeforeTheWar_
- ValhallaLordOfInfinity
- Vampires Empire
- VampiresEmpire
- Vaxine
- Vaxine_
- Vector Championship Run
- Vectorball
- Vectorball_
- Vegas Gambler
- VegasGamblera
- Vengeance of Excalibur
- Venom Wing
- VenomWing
- Venus The Flytrap
- Venus The Flytrap (No Intro)
- VenusTheFlytrap
- Vermeer
- Vermeer_
- Verteidiger Krone 2
- VerteidigerDerKrone2
- Veteran
- Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra
- ViajeAlCentroDeLaTierra
- Victor Loomes - Das Spiel
- Victory
- Victory Road
- VictoryRoad
- Video Kid
- Video Vegas
- Vigilante
- Vikings - Fields of Conquest - Kingdoms of England II
- Vindicators
- Violator
- Virocop
- Virtual Karting
- Virtual Karting 2
- VirtualKarting2
- VirtualKarting2Demo
- Virus
- Virus_
- Vital Light
- Vixen
- Viz
- Volfied
- Voodoo Nightmare
- Vortex
- Voyager
- Voyages Of Discovery
- Voyageurs Du Temps (FR)
- Voyageurs du Temps, Les - La Menace
- Vroom
- Vroom (& Data Disk)
- Vroom Multi Player
- Vyper
- Vyrus
- Wacky Darts
- Wacky Races
- WackyDarts
- Wacus the Detective (ECS & AGA)
- Wacus The Detective (PL)
- WacusTheDetectivea
- Walker
- Walker Crunched
- Walker Crunched (No Speech)
- Walker Decrunched
- Walker Decrunched (No Speech)
- Wall
- Wall$treet
- Walls
- Wanderer 3 D
- Wanderer, The
- Wanted
- War
- War In Middle Earth
- War In The Gulf
- War Machine
- War Zone (Core)
- War Zone (Paradox)
- War Zone Core Design
- War Zone Paradox
- Warhead
- Warlock The Avenger
- Warlocks Quest
- Warlords
- Warm Up
- WarMachine1
- WarmUp
- Warp
- Watchtower
- Waterloo
- Waxworks
- Waxworks (FR)
- Way Of The Little Dragon
- Way Of The Little Dragon
- Way Of The Little Dragon (A Star)
- Way of the Little Dragon, The
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2
- WayneGretzkyHockey
- WayneGretzkyHockey2
- WC Leader Board
- WC Leader Board (& Data Disks)
- Web Of Terror
- WebOfTerror
- Ween The Prophecy
- Ween The Prophecy (FR)
- Weird Dreams
- WeirdDreams_
- Welltris
- Welltris_
- Wembley Int Soccer
- Wembley Rugby League
- WembleyInternationalSoccer
- West Phaser
- Western Games
- WestPhaser
- What Is It Where Is It Vol. 1
- Wheelie
- Wheels On Fire
- Wheelspin
- When Two Worlds War
- Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where In The USA Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego
- Where Time Stood Still
- Whirligig
- White Death
- Whizz
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- WhoFramedRogerRabbit
- Wibble World Giddy
- WibbleWorldGiddy
- Wicked
- Wild Cup Soccer
- Wild Streets
- Wild West World
- Wild Wheels
- WildWestWorld
- Willow
- Wind Surf Willy
- Wind Surf Willy (FR)
- Window Wizard (Files)
- Window Wizard (Image)
- Windwalker
- Wing Commander
- Wingnuts
- Wings
- Wings Of Death
- Wings Of Fury
- Wings_
- WingsOfDeath2_
- WingsOfFury
- Winnie The Pooh
- Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood
- WinnieThePooh
- Winning Post
- Winter Camp
- Winter Challenge
- Winter Games
- Winter Olympiad 88
- Winter Olympics
- Winter Supersports 92
- WinterCamp_
- WinterChallenge_NTSC_
- WinterGames
- WinterSupersports92
- Winzer
- Winzer1
- Wiraz
- Wisielec2
- Wiz 'n' Liz
- Wizardry 6 Bane Cosmic Forg
- Wizards Castle
- Wizball
- Wizkid
- Wizmo
- Wolfchild
- Wolfen - Die Bestie ist Unter Uns
- Wolfpack
- Wonder Dog
- Wonderboy In Monsterland
- WonderboyInMonsterland
- Wonderland
- Woodys World
- World Champ Boxing Manager
- World Championship Boxing Manager
- World Championship Soccer
- World Circuit
- World Class Rugby
- World Class Rugby 5 Nations
- World Class Rugby 95
- World Class Soccer
- World Cricket
- World Cup 90
- World Darts
- World Games
- World Rugby
- World Soccer
- World Tour Golf
- WorldChampionshipBoxingManager
- WorldChampionshipSoccer_
- WorldCircuit_NTSC
- WorldClassLeaderBoard
- WorldClassLeaderBoard&DataDisks
- WorldClassRugby_
- WorldClassRugby5NationsEdition
- WorldClassRugby95
- WorldClassSoccer
- WorldCricket
- WorldCup90
- WorldDarts_
- WorldDarts_v_Arcadia
- WorldGames_NTSC_
- WorldRugby_
- Worlds Of Legend
- WorldSoccer_
- WorldsOfLegend_
- WorldTourGolf_
- WorldTrophySoccer_v_Arcadia
- Worms
- Worms - The Director's Cut
- Worms Directors Cut
- WormsDirectorsCut_12MB_
- WormsDirectorsCut_8MB_
- Wormsigns
- WPotrzasku
- Wrath of Gwendor
- Wrath Of The Demon
- Wrath Of The Demon (TV)
- WrathOfTheDemon_TV
- WrathOfTheDemon1_
- Wreckers
- Wreckers_
- WWF European Rampage Tour
- WWF Wrestle Mania
- WWFEuropeanRampageTour_
- WWFWrestleMania_
- X
- X Out
- X Treme Racing
- X Treme Racing (& Data Disks)
- X-It
- X-IT - The Quest for the Meaning of Life
- X-Out
- X-Ploit
- X-Swap - Booming Edition
- Xenex
- Xenomorph
- Xenomorph_
- Xenon
- Xenon 2
- Xenon 2 - Megablast
- Xenon 2 (TV)
- Xenon_
- Xenon_v_Arcadia
- Xenon2_TV
- Xenon21_1Disk_
- Xenon21_2Disk_
- Xenon21_NTSC
- Xenon2Demo
- Xenophobe
- Xiphos
- XIt_
- XOut_1Disk_
- XP 8
- XP 8
- XR 35
- XTreme Racing
- Xybots
- Yo Joe
- Yo Joe
- Yo! Joe!
- Yogi Bear & Friends
- Yogi's Big Clean Up
- Yogi's Great Escape
- YogiBear&Friends
- Yogis Big Clean Up
- Yogis Great Escape
- Yolanda (Files)
- Yolandaa_Files
- Yuppi's Revenge
- Z Out
- Z-Out
- Za Zelazna Brama
- Zack!
- Zak Mc Kracken
- Zak Mc Kracken (FR)
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Zany Golf
- Zarathrusta
- Zardoz
- Zargon
- Zaxxon
- ZaZelaznaBrama
- Zeewolf
- Zeewolf 2
- Zeewolf 2 - Wild Justice
- ZeroGravity
- Ziriax
- Zombi (FR)
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zombie Apocalypse 2
- Zone Warrior
- Zool
- Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension
- Zool 2
- Zoom
- Zooma_
- Zork - The Undiscovered Underground
- Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
- Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz
- Zork III - The Dungeon Master
- Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz
- ZOut_v_
- Zyconix
- Zynaps
Amiga CD32 - Games
1 - Akira (Europe)
2 - Alfred Chicken (Europe)
3 - Alien Breed - Tower Assault (Europe)
4 - Alien Breed 3D (Europe)
5 - Alien Breed Special Edition & Qwak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)
6 - Amiga CD32 Gamer Vol. 2 (Europe)
7 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Spring (Europe)
8 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Winter (Europe)
9 - Arabian Nights (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
10 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
11 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) (Alt)
12 - Banshee (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
13 - Base Jumpers (Europe)
14 - Battle Chess (Europe)
15 - Battletoads (Europe)
16 - Beavers (Europe)
17 - Beneath a Steel Sky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
18 - Benefactor (Europe)
19 - Black Viper (Europe) (En,De,It)
20 - Brutal Football (Europe)
21 - Bubba 'n' Stix (Europe)
22 - Bubble and Squeak (Europe)
23 - Bump 'n' Burn (Europe)
24 - Cannon Fodder (Europe)
25 - Castles II - Siege & Conquest (Europe)
26 - CD Micro French (Europe)
27 - Chambers of Shaolin (Europe)
28 - Chaos Engine, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
29 - Chaos Engine, The (Spectacular Voyage) (Europe)
30 - Chuck Rock (Europe)
31 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)
32 - Classic Lotus Trilogy, The (Europe)
33 - Communicator (Germany) (En,De)
34 - D-Generation (Europe)
35 - Dangerous Streets (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
36 - Dangerous Streets & Wing Commander (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
37 - Darkseed (Europe)
38 - Deep Core (Europe)
39 - Defender of the Crown II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
40 - Dennis (Europe)
41 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe)
42 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe) (Alt)
43 - Disposable Hero (Europe)
44 - Donk! The Samurai Duck! (Europe)
45 - Dragonstone (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
46 - Emerald Mines (Europe)
47 - Fields of Glory (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
48 - Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
49 - Fire Force (Europe)
50 - Flink (Europe)
51 - Fly Harder (Europe)
52 - Frontier - Elite II (Europe)
53 -
54 - Global Effect (Europe)
55 - Gloom (Europe)
56 - Guardian (Europe)
57 - Gulp! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
58 - Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds (Europe)
59 - HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
60 - Humans (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
61 - Humans 3 - Evolution - Lost in Time (Europe)
62 - Impossible Mission - The Special Edition (Europe)
63 - International Karate + (Europe)
64 - James Pond 2 - Robocod (Europe)
65 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
66 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe) (Kixx)
67 - Jetstrike CD32 (Europe)
68 - John Barnes European Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
69 - Jungle Strike - The Sequel to Desert Strike (Europe)
70 - Karaoke - Julsanger I (Sweden)
71 - Kid Chaos (Europe)
72 - Kingpin - Arcade Sports Bowling (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
73 - Labyrinth of Time, The (Europe)
74 - Lamborghini - American Challenge (Europe)
75 - Last Ninja 3 (Europe)
76 - Liberation - Captive II (Europe)
77 - Litil Divil (Europe)
78 - Lost Vikings, The (Europe)
79 - Magic Island (Czech)
80 - Manchester United - Premier League Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
81 - Marvin's Marvellous Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
82 - Mean Arenas (Europe)
83 - Microcosm (Europe)
84 - Microcosm (Europe) (Spectacular Voyage)
85 - Morph (Europe)
86 - Myth - History in the Making (Europe)
87 - Naughty Ones (Europe)
88 - Nick Faldos Championship Golf (Europe)
89 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe)
90 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
91 - Overkill & Lunar-C (Europe)
92 - PGA European Tour (Europe)
93 - Pierre Le Chef Is Out to Lunch (Europe)
94 - Pinball Fantasies (Europe)
95 - Pinball Illusions (Europe)
96 - Pirates! Gold (Europe) (En,De)
97 - Power Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
98 - Power-Games (Europe) (En,De)
99 - Premiere (Europe)
- Prey - An Alien Encounter (Europe)
- Project-X & F17 Challenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)
- Project-X & Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)
- Quik the Thunder Rabbit (Europe)
- Rise of the Robots (Europe)
- Roadkill (Europe)
- Roadkill (Europe) (Alt)
- Ryder Cup - Johnnie Walker (Europe)
- Sabre Team (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
- Seek & Destroy (Europe)
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions - Limited Edition featuring World Cup Teams (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Sensible Soccer - European Champions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Seven Gates of Jambala, The (Europe)
- Shadow Fighter (Europe)
- Sheer Delight (Europe)
- Simon the Sorcerer (Europe)
- Skeleton Krew (Europe)
- Speris Legacy, The (Europe)
- Strip Pot (Europe)
- Subwar (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Summer Olympix (Europe)
- Super Methane Bros. (Europe)
- Super Putty (Europe)
- Super Skidmarks (Europe)
- Super Skidmarks (Europe) (Alt)
- Super Stardust (Europe)
- Superfrog (Europe) (v)
- Surf Ninjas (Europe)
- Syndicate (Europe) (En,Fr,It)
- Theme Park (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
- Total Carnage (Europe)
- Trivial Pursuit - The CD32 Edition (Europe)
- Trolls (Europe)
- UFO - Enemy Unknown (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Ultimate Body Blows (Europe)
- Vital Light (Europe)
- Vital Light (Europe) (Alt)
- Wembley International Soccer (Europe)
- Whale's Voyage (Europe)
- Wild Cup Soccer (Europe)
- Worms (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
- Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension (Europe)
- Zool 2 (Europe)
Amiga CDTV - 7 Games
1 - Wrath of The Demon (Europe)
2 - Cubulus & Magic Serpent (Europe)
3 - Curse of RA, The (Europe)
4 - Lemmings (Europe)
5 - Shiftrix & Lettrix (Europe)
6 - Snoopy - The Case of the Missing Blanket (Europe)
7 - Turrican (Europe)
Amstrad CPC - Games
1 -
2 -
3 - - Dangereusement Votre
4 - - Vivre et laisser mourir
5 - : Tuer n'est pas Jouer
6 - B.C. - A Mediterranean Odyssey
7 - 10th Frame
8 - 12 Jeux Exceptionnels
9 - 12 Lost Souls
10 - The Battle of Midway
11 - 1st Division Manager
12 - 2 Player Super League
13 - 20 avant J.C.
14 - 20 Lieues sous les Mers
15 - AD
16 - 3D Boxing
17 - 3D Fight
18 - 3D Grand Prix
19 - 3D Invaders
20 - 3D Monster Chase
21 - 3D Morpion
22 - 3D Pool
23 - 3D Quasars
24 - 3d Snooker
25 - 3D Starfighter
26 - 3D Starstrike
27 - 3D Stunt Rider
28 - 3D Time Trek
29 - 3D Voicechess
30 - 3DC
31 - 3D-Sub
32 - 4 Soccer Simulators
33 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing
34 - 5 Estrellas
35 - cc Grand Prix 2
36 - 7 Card Stud
37 - °
38 - cc Grand Prix
39 - A
40 - A Question of Sport
41 - A.P.B.
42 - Abracadabra
43 - Abu Simbel Profanation
44 - Academy
45 - ACE
46 - Ace 2: The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict
47 - Ace of Aces
48 - Acrojet
49 - Action Fighter
50 - Action Force
51 - Activator
52 - Actref
53 - Adidas Championship Football
54 - Adidas Championship Tie Break
55 - Adult Two
56 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator
57 - Advanced Pinball Simulator
58 - Advanced Tactical Fighter
59 - Adventure C: Ship Of Doom
60 - Affaire Sydney
61 - African Trail Simulator
62 - After Burner
63 - After Shock
64 - After the War
65 - Aftermath
66 - Afteroids
67 - Agent 1
68 - Agent Orange
69 - Agent X 2: The Mad Prof's Back
70 - Ahhh!!
71 - Aigle D'or, L'
72 - Airballs
73 - Airborne Ranger
74 - Airwolf
75 - Airwolf 2
76 - Aladdin's Cave
77 - Alex Higgins World Pool
78 - Alex Higgins World Snooker
79 - Ali Candil Y El Tesoro De Sierra Morena
80 - Alien
81 - Alien 8
82 - Alien Attack
83 - Alien Highway - Encounter 2
84 - Alien Storm
85 - Alien Syndrome
86 - Aliens
87 - Alinka
88 - Alive
89 - Alkahera
90 - Almirante Graf Spee
91 - AlphaJet
92 - Alphakhor
93 - Alpine Games
94 - Al-Strad
95 - Altered Beast
96 - Alternative World Games
97 - Amaurote
98 - Amelie Minuit
99 - American Football
- American Tag Team Wrestling
- American Turbo King
- America's Cup Challenge
- Amo Del Mundo
- Amsgolf
- Amsilvania Castle
- Amstra' Dames
- Amstrad Shuffle
- Amstroids
- Anarchy
- Android 2
- Android One - The Reactor Run
- Anduril
- Andy Capp
- Ange De Cristal
- Angel Nieto Pole
- Angelique - A Grief Encounter
- Angleball
- Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
- Anna
- Annals Of Rome
- Antares
- Apocalypse
- Apprenti Sorcier
- Aquanaute
- Arachnophobia
- Arcade Flight Simulator
- Arcade Fruit Machine
- Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulator
- Archon - The Light And The Dark
- Archon II : Adept
- Arcticfox
- Arcturus
- Ardoise Magique, L'
- Argo Navis
- Ariane
- Arkanium
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid : Revenge of Doh
- Arkanoid 3: Doh Strikes Again
- Arkanoid Construction Set
- Arkanoid III - The Last Chance
- Arkanoid IV
- Arkanoid V
- Arkos
- Army Moves
- Artura
- Ashkeron
- Aspar Grand Prix Master
- Asphalt
- Asphyxie
- Assault Course
- Assault On Port Stanley
- Asterix & La Potion Magique
- Asterix Chez Rahazade
- Astro Attack
- Astro Marine Corps
- Astro Plumber
- Astroball
- Atahualpa
- Athlete
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Aventure
- Atlas Geographique
- Atom Ant
- Atom Smasher
- Atomic
- Atomic Battle
- Atomic Driver
- Atomic Fiction
- Atrog
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- Attentat
- ATV Simulator
- Au Nom De L'hermine
- Au Revoir Monty
- Aussie Safari
- Australian Rules Football
- Autocras: Diabolico
- Automec
- Autre Aventure
- Avenger
- Aventura Espacial
- Aventura Original
- Aventures Au Chateau
- Axys - The Last Battle
- B.A.T.
- Baby Jo in Going Home
- Baca
- Bachou
- Back to Reality
- Back to the Future
- Back to the Future II (3)
- Back to the Future III (2)
- Back to the Future Part II
- Back to the Future Part III
- Back To The Golden Age
- Backgammon
- Bacterik Dream
- Bactron
- Bad Cat
- Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja
- Bad Max
- BadLands
- Bagne de Nepharia
- Balade Au Pays De Big-ben
- Ball Bearing
- Ball Breaker
- Ball Breaker II
- Ball Crazy
- Ballblazer
- Balle de Match
- Balloon Buster
- Balrog
- Bangers & Mash
- Barbarian
- Barbarian : Le Guerrier Absolu
- Barbarian II : The Dungeon of Drax
- Barbarian Part 3
- Barrier Reef
- Barry McGuigan champion du monde de boxe
- Basil the great mouse detective
- Basket Coach
- Bataille Pour La RFA
- Batman
- Batman : The Caped Crusader
- Battle Beyond the Stars
- Battle Command
- Battle For Midway
- Battle Of Austerlitz
- Battle of Britain
- Battle of the Planets
- Battle Of Waterloo
- Battle Ships
- Battle Spheres
- Battle Valley
- Batty
- Beach Buggy Simulator
- Beach Head
- Beach Head II : The Dictator Strikes Back !
- Beach Volley
- Beast
- Beat the Clock
- Bedlam
- Beetle Mania
- Berks III
- Bestial Warrior
- Bestiary
- Better Spelling
- Beurk Roger
- Beyond the Ice Palace
- Biff
- Big League Soccer
- Big League Soccer 2
- Big Screen Hero
- Bigfoot
- Biggles
- Bigtop Barney
- Billard Americain
- Billy la Banlieue
- Billy La Banlieue 2
- Billy the Kid
- Binky
- Bio Spheres
- Bionic Commando
- Bionic Ninja
- Birdie
- Black Beard
- Black Magic
- Black Tiger
- Blade Runner
- Blade Warrior
- Blagger
- Blasteroids
- Blazing Thunder
- Blokker
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Valley
- Bloodwych
- Blowaway Bob
- Blue Star
- Blue Tomb
- Blue War
- BMX Kidz
- BMX Ninja
- BMX Simulator
- BMX Simulator 2
- Bo
- Bob Morane - Jungle
- Bob Morane : Océan
- Bob Morane Chevalerie
- Bob Morane Science Fiction
- Bob Winner
- Bobby Bearing
- Bobo
- Bobsleigh
- Boeing
- Boinggg
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Jack II
- Bombfusion
- Bombscare
- Bonanza Bros.
- Book of the Dead
- Booty
- Bored of the Rings
- Boredom
- Borse 79
- Bosconian '87
- Boulder Dash
- Boulder Dash 2
- Boulder Dash 3
- Boulder Dash 6
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit
- Boule Infernale
- Bounder
- Bounty Bob Strikes Back
- Bounty Hunter
- Boxer Manager
- Boy Racer
- Brainache
- Brainstorm
- BraveStarr
- Brawn Free
- Braxx Bluff
- Breakthru
- Brian Bloodaxe
- Brian Clough's Football Fortunes
- Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge
- Brick Breaker
- Bride of Frankenstein
- Bridge
- Bridge It
- Bridge Of Arnhem
- Bridge Player 3
- Bronx
- Bronx Street Cop
- Bruce Lee
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble 2
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Ghost
- Bubbler
- Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
- Buggy 2
- Buggy Boy
- Buggy Ranger
- Bugsy
- Builderland
- Bump, Set, Spike!
- Bumpy
- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
- Bunny Bricks
- Buran
- BurgerTime
- Bust Out
- Butcher Hill
- Cabal
- California Games
- California Games (2)
- Camelot Warriors
- Campeon Rally: Campeones
- Can I Cheat the Death
- Canadair
- Canyons Of Cannons
- Cap Horn
- Cap Sur Dakar
- Capitan Sevilla
- Captain America Defies the Doom Tube
- Captain Blood
- Captain Gordon
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Planet
- Car Massacre
- Carlos Sainz
- Carrier Command
- Carson City
- Casanova
- Castle Assault
- Castle Blackstar
- Castle Master
- Castle Master 2: The Crypt
- Catastrophes: Ile Infernale
- Catch 23
- Cauldron
- Cauldron 2 -La Citrouille Contre-Attaque
- Cava Peter Zorglub
- Cavemania
- Caverns of Mars
- Caves of Doom
- Centipods
- Centre Court Tennis
- Centurions
- Cerberus
- Cessna Over Moscow
- Chain Reaction
- Challenge of the Gobots
- Chamonix Challenge: Bivouac
- Championship Baseball
- Championship Jet Ski Simulator
- Championship Sprint
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charly Diams
- Chase H.Q.
- Chateau de Diable
- Chevalier Blanc
- Chevy Chase
- Chicago 30's
- Chicago 90
- Chickin Chase
- Chiffres Magiques
- Chiller
- Chimera
- Chip's Challenge
- Cholo
- Chopper Squad
- Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior
- Chronos
- Chubby Gristle
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuckie Egg II
- Cine Clap
- Circus Games
- Cisco Heat: All American Police Car Race
- Cite Perdue
- City For Ransom
- City Slicker
- Ci-U-Than Trilogy I: La Diosa de Cozumel
- Ci-U-Than Trilogy II: Los Templos Sagrados
- Clash
- Classic Adventure
- Classic Axiens
- Classic Invaders
- Classic Muncher
- Classic Punter
- Classic Racing
- Clever and Smart: Mortadelo Y Filemon
- Climb It
- Clive Barker's Nightbreed : The Action Game
- Cluedo
- Cobra Force
- Cobra Loriciel
- Cobra Pinball
- Cobra Stallone
- Cobra's Arc
- Code De La Route
- Codename Mat 2
- Codename: MAT
- Collapse
- Colony
- Coloric
- Colossal Cave
- Colosseus
- Colossus 4 Chess
- Colossus Bridge 4
- Colossus Mahjong
- Colour of Magic
- Comando Quatro
- Combat Lynx
- Combat School
- Combat Zone Mentor
- Comet Encounter
- Comet Game
- Commando
- Commando: Space Invasion
- Commonwealth Games
- Compendium
- Computer Scrabble
- Conflit En L'an
- Confuzion
- Con-quest
- Conspiration de L'An 3
- Contamination
- Continental Circus
- Contraption
- Convoy Raider
- Cop Out
- CORE: Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition
- Corridor Conflict
- Corruption
- Corsarios
- Cosa Nostra
- Cosmic Sheriff
- Cosmic Shock Absorber
- Cosmo
- Costa Capers
- Count Duckula 2
- Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian
- Countdown
- Country Cottages
- Cowboy Kidz
- CPC Invaders
- Crack Down
- Crack Up
- Crafton & Xunk
- Crafton et Xunk 2 : L'ange de Cristal
- Crash Garrett
- Crash Garrett (2)
- Cray 5
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Cars 3
- Crazy Cars II
- Crazy Er*bert
- Crazy Golf
- Crazy Shot
- Crazy Worm
- Cricket Captain
- Cricket Crazy
- Crime Busters
- Crimen Perfecto
- Critical Mass
- Croc Madam
- Croco Magneto
- Crystal Castles
- Crystal Theft
- Cubit
- Curro Jimenez
- Cursed Be The City
- Custard Pie Factory
- CutThroats
- Cybernoid : The Fighting Machine
- Cybernoid II : The Revenge
- Cybor
- Cycit
- Cylu
- Cyrus II Chess
- Dakar 4x4
- Dakar Moto
- Daley Thompson's Decathlon
- Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
- Daley Thompson's Super-Test
- Dallas
- Dame Scanner
- Dames 3D Champion
- Damstar
- Dan Dare : Pilot of the Future
- Dan Dare II : Mekon's Revenge
- Dan Dare III : The Escape
- Dandy
- Danger Mouse in Double Trouble
- Danger Mouse: Makin' Whopee
- Danger Street
- Dark Century
- Dark Fusion
- Dark Power
- Dark Sceptre
- Dark Side
- Dark Star 1: Time of Changes
- Darkman
- Darts
- Darts
- Dash
- Dawnssley
- D-Day
- Deactivators
- Dead or Alive
- Deadline
- Deadly Evil
- Death or Glory
- Death Pit
- Death Stalker
- Death Wake
- Death Wish 3
- Deathsville
- Deep Strike
- Defcom
- Defcom 1
- Defend or Die
- Defender of the Crown
- Defenders of the Earth
- Defi Au Tarot
- Deflektor
- Demain Holocauste
- Demon Attack
- Demon's Revenge
- Dents de Sa Mere
- Der Diamant vom Rabenfels
- Derniere Mission
- Dervish
- Desert Fox
- Desert Rats
- Desolator
- Desperado 2
- Despotik Design
- Detective
- Devil's Crown
- Diamant De L'ile Maudite
- Diamond Mine
- Dick Tracy
- Die Alien Slime
- Digger Barnes
- Disc
- Dive-Dive-Dive
- Dizzy : The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
- Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy
- Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy
- Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy
- Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
- Dizzy Collection
- Dizzy Dice
- Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk
- Dizzy: Down the Rapids
- Dodgy Geezers
- Dog Fight
- Dogfight
- Dogsbody to the Rescue
- Dominator
- Domino
- Dominoes
- Don Juan
- Donald and Riri
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donkey Kong
- Don't Panic
- Doodle Bug
- Doomsdark's Revenge
- Doomsday Blues
- Doors of Doom
- Doppleganger
- Dora
- Dossier G: Rainbow Warrior
- Double Detente
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon (animagic)
- Double Dragon II : The Revenge
- Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
- Dr. Doom's Revenge
- Dr. Dustbin
- Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide
- Dr. Scrime's Spook School
- Dr. Who & The Mines of Terror
- Dracula
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon Torc
- Dragon's Gold
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon's Lair 2: Escape from Singe's Castle
- Dragons of Flame
- Drakkar
- Drazen Petrovic Basket
- Dream Warrior
- Driller
- Druid
- Duct
- Duel
- Duet
- Dun Darach
- Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists
- Dustin
- Dwarf
- Dynamic Duo
- Dynamite Dan
- Dynamite Dux
- Dynamix
- Dynasty Wars
- Eagle
- Eagle's Rider
- Echelon
- Edd the Duck!
- Eden Blues
- Edge Grinder
- Eidolon
- El Capitán Trueno
- El Cid
- El Juego de la Oca
- El Misterio del Nilo
- Electric Runner
- Electric Wonderland
- Electro Freddy
- Elektraglide
- Elevator Action
- Elidon
- Eliminator
- Elite
- Elven Warrior
- Emerald Isle
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol II
- Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam
- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
- E-motion
- Empty Tummy
- Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles
- End Zone
- Endurance
- Enduro Racer
- Energic
- Energy Warrior
- Enigme A Oxford
- Enlightenment : Druid II
- Enterprise
- Equinox
- Erebus
- Escape
- Escape From Prison Planet
- Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters
- Escoba
- Espada Sagrada
- Espionage
- Espionage Island
- Espionage Island (Europe)
- Estimator Racer
- Estimator Racer (Europe)
- E-SWAT: Cyber Police
- Etats Unis D'amerique
- European Superleague
- Eve of Shadows
- Evening Star
- Everyone's A Wally
- Excalibur Quest
- Execution
- Exit
- Exolon
- Experience
- Exploding Wall
- Explorer
- Express Raider
- Exterminator
- Extreme
- Eye
- F-1 Tornado Simulator
- F Strike Eagle
- F Combat Pilot
- F Fighting Falcon
- F Fighting Falcon 2
- Faial - Chevalier Du Levant
- Fairlight
- Fairlight 2
- Fallout
- Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island
- Fantasia Diamond
- Fantastic Voyage
- Fantasy Land
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- Fantomas
- Fast Food
- Fer Et Flamme
- Fernandez Must Die
- Fernando Martin Basket Master
- Ferry Captain
- Feud
- Fighter Bomber
- Fighter Pilot
- Fighting Soccer
- Fighting Warrior
- Final Matrix
- Finders Keepers
- Fire
- Fire & Forget II
- Fire and Forget
- Fire Ant
- Fire Lord
- Firefox 2
- Fireman Sam: The Hero Next Door
- Firestone
- FireTrap
- Firezone
- First Steps With The Mr Men
- Five A Side Footy
- Five a Side Soccer
- Flash
- Flash Gordon
- Fleche
- Flight Path
- Flight Simulation
- Flimbo's Quest
- Flippit
- Fluff
- Fly Spy
- Flying Shark
- Football Manager
- Football Manager 2
- Football Manager 3
- Football Manager World Cup Edition
- Footballer of the Year
- Footballer of the Year 2
- For Gold or Glory
- Forbidden Planet
- Forest at World's End
- Forest Land
- Foret Infernale
- Forgotten Worlds
- Formula 1 Simulator
- Formula One
- Forteresse
- Fortune en Mer du Nord
- Foso
- Fourtris
- Fourtron
- Fox
- France Et Ses Cours D'eau, La
- Frank Bruno's Boxing
- Frank N Stein
- Frankenstein
- Frankenstein Junior
- Frankie Crashed on Jupiter
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood
- Freddy Hardest
- Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan
- Freedom : Rebels in the Darkness
- Freedom Fighter
- Freestyle BMX Simulator
- Frestris
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- Ditris
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- Dizzy Collection
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- Dizzy Panic
- DizzyCollection
- Dizzys Excellent Adventures
- DNA - The Variety of Life
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- Dogfight2_
- Dogs Of War
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- Doman
- Dominator
- Dominium
- Donald Ducks Playground
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donk The Samurai Duck
- Donk! - The Samurai Duck! (OCS & AGA)
- Donkey Kong
- DonkTheSamuraiDuck_
- Doodlebug
- Doofus
- Double Agent
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon 2
- Double Dragon 3
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- DoubleAgent
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- Dragon Strike
- Dragon Tiles
- Dragon Tiles 2
- Dragon Wars
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- Dragons Breath (FR)
- Dragons Kingdom
- Dragons Lair
- Dragons Lair & Escape
- Dragons Lair & Escape (Slow)
- Dragons Lair 2
- Dragons Lair 3
- Dragons Lair Escape
- Dragons Lair Escape (Slow)
- DragonsBreath_Fr_
- DragonScape
- DragonsKingdomDemo
- DragonsLair&EscapeFromSingesCastlea_Fast_&
- DragonsLairEscapeFromSingesCastlea_Slow_
- DragonSpirit_
- Dragonstone
- DragonStrike
- DragonTiles
- DragonTiles2
- DragonWars
- Drakkhen (Files) (FR)
- DrDoomsRevenge_1Disk_
- Dream Web
- Dream Zone
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- Driller
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- Dungeon Master 2
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- Dungeons Of Avalon 2
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- Dylan Dog 01 - La Regina delle Tenebre
- Dylan Dog The Murderers
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- Dynamite Dux
- Dynamo_
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- Elvira 2 (FR)
- Embryo
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- Emerald Mine 2
- Emerald Mine 3
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- EmlynHughesInternationalSoccer_
- Emmanuelle
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- EmpireSoccer94_
- EmpireStrikesBack_
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- Encounter
- Enemy 2 Missing In Action
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- EnemyTempestOfViolence_EasyPlay
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- Enforcer
- EnglandChampionshipSpecial_
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- Enlightenment - Druid II
- Enlightenment_
- Enterprise
- Entity
- Epic
- Equality
- Erbe
- Erik
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- EscapeFromThePlanetOfTheRobotMonsters_
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- Espana - The Games '92
- ETsRugbyLeague
- Euro League Manager
- European Champions
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- EuropeanChampions_Ocean_
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- EuroSoccer1_
- EvilDawn
- Excalibur_
- Excellent Card Games
- Executioner, The
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- Explora2_Fr_
- Explora3_Fr_
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- Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon
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- FaceOff_
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- Fantasy Games
- Fantasy Manager - The Computer Game
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- FantasyFlyer
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- Fascination_Fr
- Fast Break
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- Fast Food
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- FastBrain_v
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- FatalMission
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- FateGatesOfDawn_Uncensored
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- FC Manager
- Fears
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- Femme Fatale
- Femme Fatale v
- FernandezMustDie_
- FerrariFormulaOne1_
- Feud_
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- Fields of Glory
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- FIFAInternationalSoccer_
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- FighterBomberAdvancedMissions
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- Fightin' Spirit
- FightingSoccer_NTSC
- Final Assault
- Final Battle, The
- Final Blow
- Final Countdown
- FinalFight_1MB_
- Fire & Forget
- Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote
- Fire and Brimstone
- Fire Power
- Fire&Forget2_
- Fire&IceXmasDemo
- Fireball
- Fireblaster_
- FireForce
- Firehawk
- Firestar
- FireZone
- First Contact
- First Letters - For Under 5's
- FirstSamurai_
- Fish_
- Fist Fighter
- FiveASideSoccer
- Flamingo Tours
- Flaschbier
- Flashback
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- Flight Simulator II
- FlightPath_
- FlightSimulator2&HawaiianSceneryDisk_
- Flimbo's Quest
- Flink
- Flintstones_
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- Flipit&Magnose_
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- Floor 13
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- Football Tactician 2
- FootballerOfTheYear2_
- FootballGlory
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- FootballManagerWorldCupEdition_
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- For President
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- Formula One Challenge
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- FractionAction
- Frankenstein
- Franko
- Franko - The Crazy Revenge!
- Franko_Censored
- FranticFreddie
- Freak Out
- Freedom_Fr_
- Frenetic_
- Friday Night Pool
- FrightNight
- Frontier - Elite II
- Frontier_Fr_
- Frontline
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- Fruit Machine
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- Full Metal Planete
- Funturatum
- Fury of the Furries
- Fusion_
- Fussball Total
- Future Space
- Future Wars - Time Travellers
- FutureBasketball_
- FutureBikeSimulator_
- FutureClassicsCollection
- FutureShock
- FutureTank
- FutureWars_vB_
- Fuzzball
- G.P. Tennis Manager
- Gadget - Lost in Time
- Gainforce
- Galactic Invasion
- GalacticConqueror
- GalacticEmpire_
- GalacticTheXmasEdition_1MB
- GalacticWarriorRats_
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- Galaxy89
- GalaxyBlast
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- Gamble Mania
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- Game Set Match
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- GamesSummerEdition
- GamesWinterEdition
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- Gardener
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- GatewayToTheSavageFrontier_
- Gauntlet II
- Gauntlet3_
- Gazza II
- Gazza's Super Soccer
- Gazza2
- GBAChampionshipBasketball_
- GearWorks
- GeeBeeAirRally
- Geisha_Fr
- Gem'X
- GeminiWing_
- GemStoneLegend
- GemXa_
- Genesia
- Genesia_Fr
- Georg Glaxo
- Germ Crazy
- Gettysburg_
- GFL Championship Football
- GhostBattle
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghostbusters_
- GhostChaser
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- Giddy II - Hero in an Egg Shell
- Giganoid
- Gladiators
- GlobalGladiators_
- GlobalTrek
- Globdule
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- Gloom
- Gnome
- Gnome Alone
- Gnome Ranger
- Go Player
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- Goblins 3
- Godfather, The
- Gods
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- Gold of the Aztecs, The
- Gold Rush!
- Golden Axe
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Oldies - Volume 1
- GoldenAxe_
- GoldenEagle
- GoldenPath
- GoldOfTheAztecs_
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- Goldrunner2
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- Gotcha
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- GrahamTaylorsSoccerChallenge_
- Grand Slam
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- GrandPrixMaster_
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- Great States II
- GreatGianaSisters_
- Gremlins2_
- Grey Slayer
- Gridiron_
- GridStart
- Guardian
- GuardianAngel_
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- Gunship
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- Gunshoot
- Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon
- Hacker_NTSC_
- Hacker2_
- HagarTheHorrible
- HagarTheHorrible_
- Halley Project, The - A Mission in Our Solar System
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- Harpoon&Battleset2_
- Harpoon&Battleset3_
- Harpoon&Battleset4
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- Harry's Balloons
- Haus, Das
- Hawkeye
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- Heart of China
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- HeavyMetal
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- Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds
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- Henry's House
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- HighwayPatrol2_
- Hill Street Blues
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- Hilt
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- Hilt2
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- Hole-In-One Miniature Golf
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- Home Alone
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- Hook
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- Hotel Detective
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- Hoversprint
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 1
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- Hoyle's Official Book of Games Volume 3 - Great Board Games
- Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers
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- Hudson Hawk
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- Hugo_
- Human Killing Machine
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- Humans3_
- Hunt for Red October, The
- Hunter Killer
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- IndianaJones&TheFateOfAtlantisAction
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- IndianaJones&TheLastCrusadeAdventure_Fr_
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- Indianapolis - The Simulation
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- Ishar3_Fr_
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- ITS Cricket - Edition
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- Jet
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- JetsonsTheComputerGame_
- Jetstrike
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- Jimmy Willburne - A La Recherche du Peigne Perdu
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- Jinks_
- Jinxter
- Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
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- JoeBlade_
- JoeBlade2
- John Barnes European Football
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- JohnMaddenFootball_
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- KarateKid2
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- Kathedrale_
- KeefTheThief_NTSC_
- Keith's Quest
- Kelly X
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- Khalaan_Fr
- Kick Off 3
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- KingsQuest3_
- KingsQuest4_
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- Kiro's Quest
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- LabyrintheDOrthophus_Fr
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- LastNinja3
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- Legion
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- Lemmings_Files_
- Lemmings_Files_AltLevels_
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- Licence To Kill
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- Light Racer
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- Line Of Fire
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- Links
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- Liquid Kids (Files)
- Little Computer People
- Little Puff In Dragonland
- Live And Let Die
- Live and Let Die - The Computer Game
- Liverpool - The Computer Game
- Livingstone 2
- Llamatron
- Locomotion
- Logical
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- Long Lance
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- Man From The Council
- Manchester United
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- Manhunter
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- MathWizard
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- Max Rally
- Maya
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- Maya Fast
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- Mayday Squad Heroes
- Mc Donald Land
- Mean Arenas
- Mean Machine
- Mean Streets
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- Mega Ball
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- Mega Motion
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- MegaBall2
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- Mentor
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- Metal Law
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- Mickey (FR)
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- Mickey Jeu( DE) Memoire (FR)
- Mickey Mouse Computer Game
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- Mickey's 's - The Big Surprise Party
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- Mickey's Memory Challenge
- MickeyAnniversaireSurprise_Fr_
- MickeyABCUneJourneeALaFete_Fr_
- MickeyJeuDeMemoire_Fr_
- MickeyMouseTheComputerGame
- MickeyPuzzlesAnimes_Fr_
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- Microbattle
- Microbes
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- Svetak Bob
- Swap
- Swap (FR)
- Switchblade
- Switchblade 2
- Switchblade II
- Swooper
- Sword
- Sword & The Rose
- Sword & The Rose, The
- Sword Of Honour
- Sword Of Sodan
- Sword&TheRose
- Swords & Galleons
- Swords Of Twilight
- Swords&Galleons
- Syndicate
- Syndicate
- SyndicateAmericanRevolt
- T Bird
- T Racer
- T Tec Maze
- T Zer 0
- T Zer 0 (No Movie)
- Table Tennis Simulation
- TableHockey_v_Arcadia
- Taekwondo
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- Take Em Out
- Take-em-Out
- TakeEmOut
- Tanglewood
- Tanglewood_
- Tangram
- Tangram2
- Tank Attack
- Tanx
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- Targhan
- Targhan
- Targhan (FR)
- Targhan (FR)
- Tas, De
- Task Force
- Tass Times In Tonetown
- TassTimesInTonetown_
- TBird
- Team Suzuki
- Team Yankee
- TeamSuzuki_
- TeamYankee_
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- TearawayThomas
- Tech
- Technocop
- Technology 2
- Technology2
- Tecnoball
- Tee Off!
- Teenage Mtnt Hero Turtles
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- Teenage Mtnt Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-op!
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- TeenageMutantHeroTurtlesCoinOp_
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- TeenageQueen_
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- Teller (FR)
- Teller_Fr
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- TennisCupa_Kb_
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- TennisCupa_Fr_Kb_
- TenPinBowling_v_Arcadia
- Tensai
- TensaiDemo
- Teo
- Teresa - House Guest
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- Terramex
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- Terrorpods
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- Test Drive
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- Test Match Cricket
- TestDrive_
- TestDrive2_
- Tetra Quest
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- Tetris (Mirrorsoft)
- Tetris (Spectrum HoloByte)
- Tetris Infogrames
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- Tetris Pro
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- Tetrix
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- Theatre Of Death
- TheatreOfDeath_
- Their Finest Hour
- Their Finest Hour (& Missions)
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- Theme Park
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- Theme Park Mystery
- Theme Park Mystery - Variations on a Theme
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- ThemeParkMystery_NTSC_
- Thexder
- Thexder_
- Think Twice
- Think!
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- ThirdCourier_
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- Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball
- ThomasTheTankEngine_
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- Three Musketeers, The
- Three Stooges
- Three Stooges, The
- ThreeStooges_NTSC_
- Thromulus - The Enemy Within
- Thunder Blade
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- Thunder Boy
- Thunder Burner
- Thunder Cats
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- Thunder Jaws
- Thunder Strike
- Thunderbirds
- Thunderbirds_
- ThunderBlade_
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- ThunderBoy
- ThunderBurner_
- ThunderCats_
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- ThunderHawkAH73M.1_Fr
- ThunderJaws_
- ThunderStrike_
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tie Break
- TieBreak
- Tiger Road
- TigerRoad
- Time
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- Time (FR)
- Time And Magik
- Time and Magik - The Trilogy
- Time Bandit
- Time Lock
- Time Machine
- Time Race
- Time Runners 01
- Time Runners 02
- Time Runners 03
- Time Runners 04
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- Time Runners Series
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- Time_Fr_
- TimeAndMagik
- TimeBandit
- Timekeepers
- TimeLock
- TimeMachine_
- TimeRace_
- Times Of Lore
- TimeScanner_
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- Tintin on the Moon
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- Tintin On The Moon (Image)
- TintinOnTheMoon_Files_
- TintinOnTheMoon_Image_
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- Tiny Troops
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- TinySkweeks_
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- Tip Off
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- TipOff_
- TipOff_NTSC
- TipOffEsFrIt_
- Tischtennis
- Titan
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- Titano
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- Toki
- Toki_
- Tom And The Ghost
- Tom Landry Football
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- Tom Landry Strategy Football
- Tom Landry Strategy Football - Deluxe Edition
- TomAndTheGhost_
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- Tommy Gun
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- Tony & Friends
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- Top Banana
- Top Cat
- Top Gear 2
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- Top Secret
- TopBanana
- TopCat
- TopGear2
- TopGear2_
- TopGear2_
- TopSecret
- Torch
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- Tornado Ground Attack
- Tornado_
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- Torvak The Warrior
- TorvakTheWarrior_
- Total Carnage
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- Total Eclipse
- Total Football
- Total Recall
- Total Recall (Files)
- Total Recall (Image)
- TotalCarnage_
- TotalEclipse_
- TotalEclipse_NTSC_
- TotalFootball_
- TotalRecall_Files_
- TotalRecall_Image_
- Tots Time
- Touchdown
- Tournament Golf
- TournamentGolf_
- Tower Of Babel
- Tower Of Souls
- Tower Toppler
- TowerOfBabel_
- TowerOfSouls_
- TowerToppler_NTSC_
- Town With No Name (TV)
- TownWithNoName_TV
- Toyota Celica GT Rally
- ToyotaCelicaGTRally_
- Toyottes (Files)
- Toyottes (Image)
- Toyottesa_Files_
- Toyottesa_Image_
- TRacer
- Tracers
- Track Suit Manager
- Tracker
- Trackera_
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- Traders
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- Trained Assassin
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- Transarctica
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- Transarctica_
- Transplant
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- Transworld
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- Transworld_
- Transylvania
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- Trax
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- Treble Champions
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- TrianGO_
- Tricky Quiky Games
- Tricky-Quiky-Games - Die Suche nach den Verschollenen Seiten
- TrickyQuikyGames
- Triple X
- TripleX_
- Trivia Game Show
- Trivia Trove
- Trivial Pursuit
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- Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning
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- Troddlers
- Troddlers_
- Trog
- Trolls
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- Trolls_
- Truckin On II
- Trump Castle
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- Tube Warriors
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- Tubular Worlds
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- TubularWorlds
- TubularWorlds_1MB
- TubularWorlds_KB
- Tunnels of Armageddon
- Turbo
- Turbo Cup
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- Turbo Out Run
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- Turbo Trax (Arcane)
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- TurboCup
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- TurboOutRun_
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- Turrican
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- Turrican 3
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- Turrican II - The Final Fight
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- TV Sports Baseball
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- TVSportsBaseball_
- TVSportsBasketball_
- TVSportsBoxing_
- TVSportsFootball3_
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- Twilight Zone, The
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- Twin Turbos
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- TwinWorld_
- Two of a Kind
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- Twylytea_
- Typhoon
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- TyphoonThompson_NTSC_
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- Ultima4_NTSC_
- Ultima5_
- Ultima6_
- Ultimate Body Blows
- Ultimate Golf
- Ultimate Pinball Quest
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- Ultimate Quiz II, The
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- Ultimate Ride
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- Ultimate Soccer Manager
- Ultimate X Treme Racing
- UltimateBodyBlows
- UltimateGolf_
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- UMS 2 Nations At War
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- Universe
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- Universe 3
- Universe_
- Universe3_NTSC_
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- Unreal_NTSC_
- Unsensible Soccer
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- Untouchables
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- Vector Championship Run
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- Vegas Gambler
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- Venus The Flytrap
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- Vermeer
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- Video Kid
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- Vroom
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- Vyper
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- Wacky Darts
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- Wacus the Detective (ECS & AGA)
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- Walker
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- Wall
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- War
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- Waxworks
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- Way Of The Little Dragon
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- WC Leader Board
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- Web Of Terror
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- Weird Dreams
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- Welltris
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- Window Wizard (Files)
- Window Wizard (Image)
- Windwalker
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- Wings Of Death
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- Winnie The Pooh
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- Winning Post
- Winter Camp
- Winter Challenge
- Winter Games
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- Winter Supersports 92
- WinterCamp_
- WinterChallenge_NTSC_
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- Wonder Dog
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- WorldClassLeaderBoard
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- WWF European Rampage Tour
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- X
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- Xenex
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- Xenon
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- Xenon21_1Disk_
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- Xenon2Demo
- Xenophobe
- Xiphos
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- XP 8
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- Yo Joe
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- Yogi Bear & Friends
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- Yolanda (Files)
- Yolandaa_Files
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- ZOut_v_
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Amiga CD32 - Games
1 - Akira (Europe)
2 - Alfred Chicken (Europe)
3 - Alien Breed - Tower Assault (Europe)
4 - Alien Breed 3D (Europe)
5 - Alien Breed Special Edition & Qwak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Da)
6 - Amiga CD32 Gamer Vol. 2 (Europe)
7 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Spring (Europe)
8 - Amiga CD32 Magazine - Winter (Europe)
9 - Arabian Nights (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
10 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
11 - Arcade Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) (Alt)
12 - Banshee (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
13 - Base Jumpers (Europe)
14 - Battle Chess (Europe)
15 - Battletoads (Europe)
16 - Beavers (Europe)
17 - Beneath a Steel Sky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
18 - Benefactor (Europe)
19 - Black Viper (Europe) (En,De,It)
20 - Brutal Football (Europe)
21 - Bubba 'n' Stix (Europe)
22 - Bubble and Squeak (Europe)
23 - Bump 'n' Burn (Europe)
24 - Cannon Fodder (Europe)
25 - Castles II - Siege & Conquest (Europe)
26 - CD Micro French (Europe)
27 - Chambers of Shaolin (Europe)
28 - Chaos Engine, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
29 - Chaos Engine, The (Spectacular Voyage) (Europe)
30 - Chuck Rock (Europe)
31 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)
32 - Classic Lotus Trilogy, The (Europe)
33 - Communicator (Germany) (En,De)
34 - D-Generation (Europe)
35 - Dangerous Streets (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
36 - Dangerous Streets & Wing Commander (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
37 - Darkseed (Europe)
38 - Deep Core (Europe)
39 - Defender of the Crown II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
40 - Dennis (Europe)
41 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe)
42 - Diggers & Oscar (Europe) (Alt)
43 - Disposable Hero (Europe)
44 - Donk! The Samurai Duck! (Europe)
45 - Dragonstone (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
46 - Emerald Mines (Europe)
47 - Fields of Glory (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
48 - Fire & Ice - The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
49 - Fire Force (Europe)
50 - Flink (Europe)
51 - Fly Harder (Europe)
52 - Frontier - Elite II (Europe)
53 -
54 - Global Effect (Europe)
55 - Gloom (Europe)
56 - Guardian (Europe)
57 - Gulp! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
58 - Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds (Europe)
59 - HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
60 - Humans (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
61 - Humans 3 - Evolution - Lost in Time (Europe)
62 - Impossible Mission - The Special Edition (Europe)
63 - International Karate + (Europe)
64 - James Pond 2 - Robocod (Europe)
65 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
66 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe) (Kixx)
67 - Jetstrike CD32 (Europe)
68 - John Barnes European Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
69 - Jungle Strike - The Sequel to Desert Strike (Europe)
70 - Karaoke - Julsanger I (Sweden)
71 - Kid Chaos (Europe)
72 - Kingpin - Arcade Sports Bowling (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
73 - Labyrinth of Time, The (Europe)
74 - Lamborghini - American Challenge (Europe)
75 - Last Ninja 3 (Europe)
76 - Liberation - Captive II (Europe)
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78 - Lost Vikings, The (Europe)
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83 - Microcosm (Europe)
84 - Microcosm (Europe) (Spectacular Voyage)
85 - Morph (Europe)
86 - Myth - History in the Making (Europe)
87 - Naughty Ones (Europe)
88 - Nick Faldos Championship Golf (Europe)
89 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe)
90 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
91 - Overkill & Lunar-C (Europe)
92 - PGA European Tour (Europe)
93 - Pierre Le Chef Is Out to Lunch (Europe)
94 - Pinball Fantasies (Europe)
95 - Pinball Illusions (Europe)
96 - Pirates! Gold (Europe) (En,De)
97 - Power Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
98 - Power-Games (Europe) (En,De)
99 - Premiere (Europe)
- Prey - An Alien Encounter (Europe)
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1 - Wrath of The Demon (Europe)
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1 -
2 -
3 - - Dangereusement Votre
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5 - : Tuer n'est pas Jouer
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85 - Alien Syndrome
86 - Aliens
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- Asphalt
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- Commonwealth Games
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- Confuzion
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- Convoy Raider
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- Corsarios
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- Countdown
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- Dallas
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- Glass
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