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Dictionary English-German
Ideal for resilient stacking, cost-effective wiring closet or desktop connectivity,
[] and high-speed network backbonetraffic aggregation.www.enthralaviation.com
Ideal für robustes Stacking, kostengünstige Verteilerraum- oder
[] Desktop-Verbindungen und Datenverkehrsbündelung zum Netzwerk-Backbone.www.enthralaviation.com
High-performance, 24 port Fast Ethernet wire-speed solution which is ideal for resilient
[]stacking, cost-effective wiring closet solutions, desktop connectivity
[] and high-speed network backbonetraffic aggregation.www.enthralaviation.com
Leistungsstarke Lösung mit 24 Fast Ethernet-Ports mit Wire-Speed, ideal für robustes
[]Stacking, kostengünstige Verteilerraumlösungen, Desktop-Verbindungen und
[] Hochgeschwindigkeits-Aggregation zum Netzwerk-Backbone.www.enthralaviation.com
Great for desktop or
[] server connectivitytraffic aggregation,iSCSI storage []and wiring closet connectivity.
Ideal für Desktop-
[] oder Server-Datenverkehrsbündelung, Verteilerraum-Verbindungen []und iSCSI-Speicher
They are designed for small and medium-sized businesses looking for a low-cost Layer
[]2 switch for demanding desktop
[] applications, high-trafficservers, networkaggregation,or uplinks to the []network core.
Sie wurden für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen entwickelt, die einen preiswerten Layer 2 Switch für
[] Desktop-Anwendungen, High-Traffic Server, Netzwerk-Aggregation oder für Uplinks zum []Netzwerk-Core benötigen.
management and
[]air traffic flow management) required to ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft during all phases of operations
und Verkehrsflussregelung), die für die sichere und effiziente Bewegung von Luftfahrzeugen in allen Betriebsphasen erforderlich sind.
From the DSLAM, traffic gets routed to the
[]Broadband Remote
[] Access Server - or BRAS - theaggregationpoint for subscribertrafficbetween the network and service []providers," Bienert says.
The A-series can serve as an access solution located at the
[] customer premises or as anaggregationunitthat gatherstrafficfromdifferent customer networks.www.enthralaviation.com
Die A-Series kann als Access-Lösung vor
[]Ort beim Kunden
[] implementiert oder als Aggregationseinheit eingesetzt werden, um den Datenverkehr verschiedener Netze []des Kunden zusammenzuführen.
Our review of the
[] aforementioned measures as part of theaggregationof the relevant data used to prepare []the consolidated
[]financial statements of the Cooperative Financial Services Network did not reveal any findings that might lead us to conclude that the aforementioned entities have not been fully consolidated, the methods and procedures used to collect and aggregate the data of the consolidated entities are inappropriate, the measures taken based on certain assumptions and simplifications to eliminate intranetwork transactions have been carried out inappropriately, the consolidated financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies presented in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, or that the presentation of the notes to the consolidated financial statements is intransparent or inappropriate.
Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Zusammenführung
[]der Daten zur Erstellung des "Konsolidierten Jahresabschlusses des genossenschaftlichen FinanzVerbundes" sind uns keine Sachverhalte bekannt geworden, die uns zu der Annahme veranlassen, dass die oben aufgeführten Unternehmen nicht vollständig einbezogen werden, die methodische Vorgehensweise und die Verfahren zur Erhebung und Zusammenführung der Daten der einbezogenen Unternehmen nicht angemessen sind, die unter bestimmten Annahmen und Vereinfachungen durchgeführten Maßnahmen zur Eliminierung verbundinterner Transaktionen nicht sachgerecht durchgeführt wurden, der Konsolidierte Jahresabschluss nicht entsprechend den in den Angaben zum Konsolidierten Jahresabschluss dargestellten Rechnungslegungsmethoden aufgestellt wurde und die Angaben zum Konsolidierten Jahresabschluss nicht verständlich oder nicht sachgerecht sind.
The executive board is authorized to establish the further details for issuing and structuring the profit sharing rights and Bonds and the Profit Share Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions for Bonds or, if applicable, with the concurrence of the corporate bodies of the Group Company issuing the Bonds, especially the interest rate, issuing price, term and denomination, subscription or exchange ratio, creation of a duty to convert,
[]determination of an additional cash payment,
[] compensation for oraggregationof remainder amounts, []cash payment instead of delivery
[]of shares, delivery of existing shares instead of issuing new shares, option or conversion price in accordance with the above requirements and the option or conversion period.
Der Vorstand wird ermächtigt, die weiteren Einzelheiten der Ausgabe und Ausstattung der Genussrechte und Schuldverschreibungen sowie die Genussrechts- und Anleihebedingungen festzusetzen bzw. im Einvernehmen mit den Organen des die Schuldverschreibungen begebenden Konzernunternehmens festzulegen, insbesondere Zinssatz, Ausgabekurs, Laufzeit und Stückelung, Bezugs- bzw. Umtauschverhältnis, Begründung einer
[]Wandlungspflicht, Festlegung einer baren
[] Zuzahlung, Ausgleich oder Zusammenlegung von Spitzen, Barzahlung []statt Lieferung von Aktien,
[]Lieferung existierender statt Ausgabe neuer Aktien, Options- bzw. Wandlungspreis gemäß den vorstehenden Vorgaben und Options- bzw. Wandlungszeitraum.
This concerns in particular
[] provisions in respect of Denmark on theaggregationof insurance periods acquired by []workers with the nationality
[]of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the various Member States, the export of certain benefits to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as the granting of family benefits to these workers for their family members legally resident in the same Member State as the worker concerned.
Versicherungszeiten, die mazedonische Arbeitnehmer
[]in den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten zurückgelegt haben, in Bezug auf Dänemark, die Ausfuhr bestimmter Leistungen in die ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien und die Gewährung von Familienleistungen zugunsten mazedonischer Arbeitnehmer für deren Familienangehörige, die im gleichen Mitgliedstaat wie die betreffenden Arbeitnehmer rechtmäßig wohnhaft sind.
Hence, depending on the countries that provide data, there may be different countries used from one aggregate to another and one series to another; b) there may be a lack of coherence in Member States data between the MIGs and total industry that affects the overall coherence of the euro-zone and EU data; c) the
[]euro-zone and EU indices correspond
[] exactly to theaggregationof the countries []respective indices; however, the data
[]published are growth rates of these indices and as such this may create small discrepancies; d) discrepancies may also be introduced by conversions done to create monthly and quarterly data in all presentations.
Deshalb kann sich, je nachdem, welche Mitgliedstaaten Daten geliefert haben, deren Zusammensetzung je nach Aggregat und Datenreihe unterscheiden; b) bei fehlender Kohärenz zwischen MIGs und Gesamtindustrie in den Daten der Mitgliedstaaten wird auch die Kohärenz der Daten von Eurozone und EU beeinträchtigt; c)
[]die Indizes für Eurozone und EU
[] entsprechen exakt der Aggregation der jeweiligen []Länderindizes; es werden jedoch Wachstumsraten
[]dieser Indizes veröffentlicht, bei denen leichte Abweichungen möglich sind; d) Konversionen bei der Erzeugung monatlicher und vierteljährlicher Daten können ebenfalls in allen Darstellungsformen zu Abweichungen führen.
In the foreground are central data
[]acquisition and concentrated, portalbased
[] data analysis onaggregationand single transaction []level, using the most up-to-date
[]techniques applied in the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence environment.
Im Vordergrund steht dabei die zentrale
[]Datenerfassung und konzentrierte, Portal basierte
[] Datenanalyse auf Aggregations- und Einzeltransaktionsebene []mit Hilfe von modernsten
[]Techniken, die im Umfeld Data Warehouse und Business Intelligence eingesetzt werden.
Frequency blending is applied as a method to ensure that
[]monthly, quarterly and annual forecasts
[] produced fulfil timeaggregationconditions, so that []period values for monthly forecasts
[]correspond in aggregate to quarterly forecasts, which in turn correspond to the annual forecast.
Durch das Verfahren der Frequenzmischung wird gewährleistet, dass die erstellten
[]Monats-, Quartals- und
[] Jahres-Prognosen die zeitlichen Aggregations-Bedingungen erfüllen: []bei Stromgrößen addieren sich die
[]Monats-Prognosen zu den entsprechenden Quartals-Prognosen und diese wiederum zu der Jahres-Prognose.
avt was hard hit by the crisis at the beginning of , as customers from the construction and mechanical engineering sector in particular, as well as manufacturing hardly placed any new orders. however, avt was already able to again gradually increase its sales at the end of the first quarter of showed a renewed demand for industrial cameras based on the fireWire interface and an above-average increase in
[]sales in the gige segment (medical
[] technology, industry andtraffictechnology). the []demand for cameras with a gige interface
[]also continued during the crisis and ensured continuous growth of over 20 percent. avt was thus able to further extend its market position compared to its rivals during the crisis and concentrate on new product designs. on the basis of these newly-developed products with attractive price points, avt was able to post significant growth rates again in the first quarter of
die aVt hatte zu Beginn des Jahres stark unter der krise gelitten, da insbesondere die kunden aus dem anlagen- und Maschinenbau sowie der herstellenden industrie kaum neue aufträge platzierten. Bereits zum Jahresende konnte die aVt ihre umsätze aber wieder sukzessive steigern. das erste Quartal zeigte die nun wieder erstarkte nachfrage nach industriellen kameras auf Basis der FireWire-schnittstelle sowie einen überdurchschnittlichen anstieg der
[]umsätze im gige-Bereich (Medizintechnik,
[] industrie und Verkehrstechnik). die nachfrage []nach kameras mit gige-schnittstelle
[]war auch während der krise gegeben und sorgte für ein kontinuierliches Wachstum von über 20 Prozent. dadurch konnte die aVt in der krise ihre Marktposition gegenüber Mitbewerbern weiter ausbauen und sich auf neue Produktdesigns konzentrieren. auf Basis dieser neu entwickelten Produkte mit attraktiven Preispunkten konnte die aVt im ersten Quartal wieder signifikante zuwachsraten vorweisen.
However, the timetable drawn up by the German authorities does not take account of the fact that some of the temporary equipment needed as a result of the fire, such as vehicles for transporting passengers airside and walkways, could be progressively withdrawn as the reconstruction work progresses, especially with the
[]re-opening of the enlarged Pier A from mid and its positive implications for the airport in
[] terms of space andtraffic-flow.www.enthralaviation.com
Deutschland berücksichtigt jedoch in seinem Zeitplan nicht, daß ein Teil des nach dem Brand benötigten provisorischen Materials, insbesondere Transportfahrzeuge für den Vorfeldbereich und Fluggasttreppen, im Zuge des Fortgangs der Umstrukturierungsarbeiten schrittweise reduziert werden kann, insbesondere mit Wiedereröffnung des vergrößerten
[]Flugsteigs A ab Mitte , die sich auch positiv auf das
[] Platzangebot und den Verkehrsfluß []auf dem Flughafen auswirken wird.
S Series Flex Chassis Switches feature line-rate performance and are optimized for
[]deployment in building or department
[] network cores, or theaggregationand access layers of []enterprise campus networks.
S Series Flex Chassis Switches liefern hohe Leitungsgeschwindigkeiten und sind für den Einsatz in
[]Kernnetzen von Gebäuden oder
[] Abteilungen oder für die Aggregations- und Zugriffsschichten []von Unternehmens- und Campusnetzwerken optimiert.
This requires IT risk probability to be aggregated to business level and business damage potential to be broken down to
[]IT level. planningIT enables this
[] with abstraction andaggregationcapabilities supported []by meaningful visualizations.
Hierzu muss die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Business-Ebene aggregiert und das Schadenpotential auf IT-Ebene
[]heruntergebrochen werden. planningIT unterstützt dies mit
[] Abstraktions- und Aggregations-Capabilities und []diversen Visualisierungen.www.enthralaviation.com
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Last update
As member of the firm s Labour Law practice group, his area of expertise comprises in particular advising national and international clients on all types of labour law issues in connection with the acquisition and sale of enterprises and companies, restructuring projects, outsourcing and insourcing of operational divisions as well as staff reductions.
Furthermore, he focuses on assisting with the restructuring of corporate pension schemes, negotiations of operational regulations for the implementation and utilization of electronic data processing and mobile communication systems, as well as legal representation of clients in employment law proceedings.
Jörn Manhart studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Bochum and was admitted to the German Bar in .
www.bblaw.deAls Mitglied der Praxisgruppe Arbeitsrecht umfasst sein Tätigkeitsbereich insbesondere die Beratung nationaler und internationaler Mandanten im Zusammenhang mit arbeitsrechtlichen Fragestellungen beim Erwerb und der Veräußerung von Unternehmen und Betrieben, bei Umstrukturierungen, dem Out- und Insourcing von Geschäftsbereichen und beim Personalabbau.
Weitere Schwerpunkte seiner Tätigkeit sind die Beratung bei der Restrukturierung betrieblicher Versorgungswerke, die Verhandlung von betrieblichen Regelungen zur Einführung und Nutzung von EDV- und mobilen Kommunikationssystemen sowie die arbeitsgerichtliche Vertretung von Mandanten. Herr Manhart studierte Rechtswissenschaften an den Universitäten Marburg und Bochum.
Er wurde im Jahr zur Anwaltschaft in Deutschland zugelassen.
www.bblaw.deNorway has gone Norwegian when comes to the country’s reaction towards drivers who violate the low speed limits.
The speed limits are among Europe’s lowest, while the reactions are certainly Europe’s toughest. Motor roads with two lanes (Class A) may have a max speed of km/h. The rest have a max speed of 90km/h or km/h.
The common speed limits outside urban areas are 60, 70 or 80 km/h.
Index : % of European mean value
Important numbers : | ||||||||
Limit km/h | 30 | 50 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 90 | ||
Fine +21km/h | € | € | € | € | € | € | € | € |
Fine +41km/h | € | € | € | |||||
LICENSE(1 | 56 | 76 | ||||||
JAIL(2 | 76 | 96 | ||||||
1) 3 months 3 years 2) unconditional, minimum 18 days |
The controls are everywhere, they are done by both radar, laser, and civilian cars (lots of). The civilian cars are next to impossible to spot: They never sport double rear-view mirrors as in other European countries.
Radar-jammers, laser-jammers and detectors are, of course, strictly forbidden.
Norway is the only European country who regularly condemns its citizens to prison sentences for speeds that seem perfectly natural for citizens of other European countries.
km/h on a motor road under perfect conditions is enough to land you in jail for at least 18 days unconditionally.
And remember that any license witdrawal is not subject to any court order as in most other places. The police may even take your license on the spot (you have to leave your car by the road) for 14 days if they only suspect that you have committed a crime that might lead to license withdrawal.
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Limit | Corrected |
30 km/h | 33 km/h |
50 km/h | 53 km/h |
80 km/h | 83 km/h |
km/h | km/h |
km/h | km/h |
To the right are the rules for fixed speed cameras.
On roads with a speed limit up to km/h, the drivers can be fined when they drive more than 3 km/h over the limit. On roads with speed limits of km/h or more, the margin of error is 3%.
If you are lucky, police may apply a tolerance of 5–10 km/h, and up to 20–25 km/h on motorways but only when driving conditions are favourable.The good news is that you will find no speed cameras where the speed limit is above 80 km/h.
For other types of measurement other rules apply. If you get measured by a following police car you will only get a safety margin of 20 meters. Which is very low and breaks with any accepted rule of safe measurements. I once tried to have a serious dialogue with the Norwegian authorities about this. In vain …
Thanks to Ørjan Torheim in Bergens Tidende for more info on this (in Norwegian, ).
Fixed speed cameras in Norway will always photograph you from the front. It goes without saying that many Norwegian motorcyclists take advantage of this…
Of special interest to motorcyclists is the sign “Overtaking forbidden” (or crossing a double line): Although the sign shows two cars, don’t be fooled. Cars may not overtake cars, cars may overtake motorcycles, motorcycles may not overtake cars. There sureley must be purely historical reasons for this and it is many years ago that the then Western German traffic authorities tried to change this rule. The rest of Europe, however, did not agree..
Of course, we all know that this is an incredibly stupid rule. In Norway, the rule is strictly enforced and will leave with a fine of NOK (€) and no license for between 9 and 12 months.
If you drive on a road which is not explicitly marked with right of way, you must always stop for traffic which arrives from your right. This rule is strictly enforced and applies even if you are driving on a major road and the traffic from your right is on a minor road.
This rule, although based on the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic in , is unknown to many foreigners. It is not implemented in the UK and Spain where all intersections are marked with give way and stop signs.
Wikipedia has more on this.
Why is this rule strictly enforced in Norway?
German Wikipedia has the history of this rule:
It originated with the Vikings and their ships and how the rudder was placed because the Vikings, then as now, are mostly right-handed …
Year | City | Country |
15 km/h | 35 km/h | |
25 km/h | 35 km/h | |
35 km/h | 60 km/h | |
40 km/h | 70 km/h | |
50 km/h | 80 km/h |
Source: Wikipedia Fartsgrenser i Norge (in Norwegian)
Norway differs from most other countries due to the fact that Norway already in set a maximum speed limit and then, gradually, increased the limits. Other countries started with unlimited speed and later set limits and then gradually lowered them from the seventies and onwards. Here are the common speed limits in Norway from until today.
Welcome to Norway, the winner of the Burger Prize!
Norway in Detail : | ||||
€1 = NOK | Violation | Fine (NOK) | Fine (Euro) | Points |
+ km/h | 89 | 0 | ||
60 km/h and lower | + km/h | 2 | 0 | |
+ km/h | 3 | 2 | ||
+ km/h | 5 | 3 | ||
+ km/h | 8 | 3 | ||
LICENSE | + 26 km/h and more | Heavy fine | ||
Community work(2 highest number for limit 60 | + 42 km/h + 50 km/h | Minimum 30 hours | ||
JAIL highest number for limit 60 | + 46 km/h + 55km/h | Minimum 18 days | ||
+ km/h | 89 | 0 | ||
70 km/h and higher | + km/h | 2 | 0 | |
+ km/h | 3 | 0 | ||
+ km/h | 4 | 2 | ||
+ km/h | 6 | 3 | ||
+ km/h | 8 | 3 | ||
+ km/h | 10 | 3 | ||
90 km/h and higher | + km/h | 10 | 3 | |
LICENSE(1 highest number = Motorway Class A | + 36 km/h and more + 41 km/h and more | Heavy fine | ||
Community work(2 highest number for limit + | + 50 km/h + 55 km/h | Minimum 30 hours | ||
JAIL highest number for limit + | + 55 km/h +65 km/h | Minimum 18 days | ||
1) the lowest number is for “motorway” Class B (single lanes, no crossing traffic), the highest for motorway Class A (double lanes) 2) In it became practice to sentence the guilty to community work when the speed just surpassed the old limits. This means that you serve anything between 30 and hours in unpaid work that is deemed good for society. Official source: Lovdata: Forskrift om forenklet forelegg i vegtrafikksaker. (Norwegian only) For the official rules on license withdrawals, see Lovdata: Forskrift om tap av retten til å føre motorvogn (Norwegian only). Values in Euro are approximate. |
Points / Prikker:
In Norway you start with zero points and lose your license for six months when you have accumulated eight points in the last three years. When you get your license back you start with 0 points.
In addition to the speeding offences above, these offences will reward you with three points:
- Driving on a red light
- Dangerous overtaking
- Jumping a ‘give way’ or ‘stop’ sign, not giving way for traffic from your right, not stopping for pedestrians crossing/or trying to cross a pedestrian crossing
- Crossing a solid or double-solid line
- Driving with a too small distance to the vehicle in front of you
- Driving with a trimmed motorcycle or moped
- Failure to secure passengers under the age of 15
The official rules on Norwegian points (Norwegian only).
New, however, was my experience in : I found that Norwegian traffic police have for more than thirty years, despite warnings, used a method of speed measurement that has made thousands of innocent drivers lose their license and put some of them to jail or pay a too high fine.
Read more on this in my blog.