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Resident Evil Village - Recensione
Con Resident Evil Village, Capcom consegna ai posteri il perfetto erede sia di Resident Evil 7, sia dell'ormai classico Resident Evil 4, creando un figlio mostruoso (in senso positivo) che ha anche tanto di nuovo da dire oltre a portare con sé gli elementi migliori dei due capitoli sopracitati. Alterna fasi di esplorazione ed enigmi a combattimenti action in cui conta la strategia e il saper usare le risorse per poter restare vivi, proprio come un survival horror vorrebbe. Ma non mancano le situazioni di puro terrore, dove non solo i jumpscare ma anche l'atmosfera fa un gran lavoro per far pentire il giocatore di ogni passo compiuto. Tra stretti corridoi e ampie costruzioni, tra boschi, laghi e zone industriali, il mondo di Resident Evil Village è grande, ampio, ricco di zone segrete e misteri da scoprire, con diverse sezioni non lineari che permettono diversi approcci all'avventura. Anche se qualche sporcatura non manca, il motore di gioco dona scorci così belli e dettagliati che è facile perdonare alcune sbavature figlie del suo essere un prodotto cross-gen. Non mancheranno le sorprese sia legate all'attuale trama imbastita a partire dal settimo capitolo, che a quelli storici, andando anche a smuovere le fondamenta della serie. Se non siete fra quelli che dopo la scomparsa degli zombi dalla saga hanno abbandonato Resident Evil, non avete motivo per non andare subito a visitare il Villaggio.
Источник: []Dictionary Italian-English
La lettera dal signor Allen chiarisce che i calcoli di JCB sono stati effettuati sulla base delle vendite reali realizzate da tutti i distributori del Regno Unito nel e che i []margini dei distributori sono stati [] aumentati nei calcoli«in line withthe Dealer Parts []and Service Committee recommendations» [](conformemente alle raccomandazioni del comitato dei concessionari per i pezzi di ricambio e lassistenza). | The letter from Mr Allen makes clear that JCBs calculations were made on the basis of actual sales by all United Kingdom distributors in and that []distributor margins were uplifted in [] the calculations in line with the Dealer Parts []and Service Committee recommendations. |
Nella caratterizzazione de I Simpson non esiste un cane parlante (Bryan) come ne I Griffin, un alieno domestico (Roger) come in American Dad o un bambino che muore in ogni []episodio (Kenny) per poi resuscitare [] nel successivo comein SouthPark(per citare solo []i cartoons più famosi, di cui i simpson sono stati un prototipo). | The characterization of The Simpsons does not exist a talking dog (Bryan) as they Family Guy, an alien pet (Roger) as in American Dad or a child who dies in []every episode (Kenny) and then [] revive in the next, as in South Park (for mention only []the most famous cartoons, of which []The Simpsons was a prototype). |
La posizione finanziaria netta è migliorata di 6, milioni di Euro rispetto al 31 dicembre ; tale variazione è determinata dall’effetto netto di flussi di cassa operativi negativi (derivanti principalmente da investimenti in asset, che hanno assorbito cassa per 6,7 milioni di Euro) e di flussi di cassa straordinari positivi connessi alle operazioni non ricorrenti: aumento del capitale sociale di Siap, con l’ingresso di Friulia Spa (finanziaria della regione Friulia Venezia Giulia) che ha apportato capitale per 3 milioni di Euro; cessione della controllata Stm Srl al socio di minoranza, che ha generato []cassa per 5,7 milioni [] di Euro; cessione delle partecipazioniin SouthAmerica Gears Sa a Carraro Drive Tech Spa []e in Mini Gears Shanghai []a Elettronica Santerno Spa per 5,7 milioni di Euro. | The net financial position improved by million euro compared with 31 December ; this change was determined by the net effect of negative operating cash flows (deriving mainly from investments in assets,which used cash of million euro) and positive extraordinary cash flows associated with non-recurring operations: Siap share capital increase, with entry of Friulia Spa (finance company of the Friulia Venezia Giulia region) which contributed capital of 3 million euro; sale of the subsidiary Stm Srl to the minority shareholder, which provided cash of []million euro; sales of the [] equity investments in South America Gears Sa to Carraro Drive Tech Spa and in Mini Gears []Shanghai to Elettronica []Santerno Spa for million euro. |
Regardless of this,in line withCommission practice, [] a measure in any event constitutes aid and not a general measure, []if the body managing the infrastructure is pursuing an economic activity, as this may provide a potential advantage to the beneficiary (16 ) in relation to competing operators. | Regardless of this, in line with Commission practice, [] a measure in any event constitutes aid and not a general measure, []if the body managing the infrastructure is pursuing an economic activity, as this may provide a potential advantage to the beneficiary (16 ) in relation to competing operators. |
When approving projects, the following points shall be taken into [] consideration: to bein line withthe aims of the State []development plans to use as much []as possible the local resources available for the national economy to contribute to increasing the gross national product and employment opportunities to lead to increasing exports and rationalizing imports to use up-to-date machines and technologies which, are suitable for the national economy needs. that the fixed assets which would be invested in the project, including machines, tools, equipment, apparatus, means of transport (non-tourist) and all other production means definitively imported to be used exclusively in the project, shall not be less than ten million Syrian Pounds. | When approving projects, the following points shall be taken into [] consideration: a) to be in line with the aims of the State []development plans b) to use as much []as possible the local resources available for the national economy c) to contribute to increasing the gross national product and employment opportunities d) to lead to increasing exports and rationalizing imports e) to use up-to-date machines and technologies which, are suitable for the national economy needs. f) that the fixed assets which would be invested in the project, including machines, tools, equipment, apparatus, means of transport (non-tourist) and all other production means definitively imported to be used exclusively in the project, shall not be less than ten million Syrian Pounds. |
In questa prospettiva, è utile tenere conto dellallarme lanciato di recente dal Vertice delle organizzazioni contadine delle cinque regioni africane, organizzato a Roma []dalla Coldiretti, [] riguardo alla forte crescita degli acquisti di terre agricole,in Africaeinaltri paesi in via di sviluppo, da parte di paesi quali []la Corea del Sud, la []Cina, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, lArabia Saudita e il Giappone, effettuati per garantirsi lapprovvigionamento alimentare e le risorse per la produzione di biocarburanti (3). La cooperazione sulla sicurezza alimentare potrebbe essere usata anche per avviare un dialogo su altri temi rilevanti, quali il rispetto degli Obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio, la tutela dei gruppi più vulnerabili e la protezione della salute. | From this point of view, it is worth bearing in mind the alert recently issued by the summit of farmers’ []organisations of the [] five regions of Africa, held in Rome by Coldiretti, concerning the upsurge in purchases of farmland in Africa and other developing []countries, made by []countries such as South Korea, China, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Japan with a view to ensuring their own food supplies and resources for biofuels production (3). Cooperation on food security could also be used to launch a dialogue on other important issues, such as meeting the Millennium Development Goals, protecting the most vulnerable groups, and health protection. |
La nostra decisione di investire nella Cobra Service Network e’ il risultato di un approfondito esame di opportunità internazionali e rappresenta il passo ideale nella nostra strategia per entrare nel mercato globale delle soluzioni di sicurezza in ambito automotive; con questo investimento []strategico, Tracker combinerà la sua [] competenza operativainSudAfricaelaricchezza di []relazioni in America con l’esclusivo []portfolio di soluzioni di sicurezza di Cobra, sostenuto dalle principali case auto giapponesi, coreane e europee” – ha dichiarato Alan Hutcheson, Amministratore Delegato di Tracker – “Inoltre, si presenta l’opportunità di produrre dispositivi telematici in aftermarket attraverso l’infrastruttura produttiva di Cobra e di esportare altri prodotti Cobra nel mercato sud africano. | Our decision to invest in Cobra Service Network results from an extensive review of opportunities in the international arena and represents the ideal step in our strategy to enter the global vehicle security & safety solution marketplace; with this strategic investment Tracker []will leverage its [] operational expertise in South Africa and wealth of relationship []in the Americas with Cobra’s uniquesafety and security solutions portfolio endorsed by major Japanese, Korean and European car manufacturers” – said Alan Hutcheson, CEO of Tracker – “In addition, there are opportunities to manufacture aftermarket telematic devices through the Cobra manufacturing infrastructure and to bring other products that Cobra manufactures to the South African market”. |
This goal is being achieved through a number of actions performed by Member States which have been
[]financed by the Community since
[] , and consequentlyin line withthe objectives established []under Council Regulation n°
[]/ on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP11 .
This goal is being achieved through a number of actions performed by Member States which have been
[]financed by the Community since
[] , and consequently in line with the objectivesestablished []under Council Regulation n°
[]/ on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP11 .
(55) As the Commission has set out in the three Communications adopted in the context of the current financial crisis (30 ), aid measures granted to
[]banks in the context of the ongoing financial crisis
[] should be assessedin line withthe principles of []the rescue and restructuring aid Guidelines, while
[]taking into consideration the particular features of the systemic crisis in the financial markets (31).
(55) As the Commission has set out in the three Communications adopted in the context of the current financial crisis (30
[]), aid measures granted to banks in the context of the ongoing financial crisis
[] should be assessed in line with the principles of the []rescue and restructuring
[]aid Guidelines, while taking into consideration the particular features of the systemic crisis in the financial markets (31).
Per gestire al meglio le conseguenze dovute al forte calo della domanda di acciaio nel mondo, si è agito rapidamente sulle spese correnti e sui costi di struttura in Europa, sia per il plant making che per lo steel making, mentre per il plant making si è andati avanti a
[]consolidare in parallelo le attività di
[] progettazione e produzionein SouthEastAsia (S.E.A.), []con l’obiettivo di migliorarne la competitività
[]ed essere più presenti sul mercato asiatico (Cindia) in espansione.
It was felt that the best way to deal with the repercussions caused by the sharp drop in steel demand worldwide was to quickly cut back on current expenditures and fixed costs in Europe, both for the plantmaking and steelmaking divisions, while for plantmaking we
[]simultaneously consolidated our design and
[] production activities in South East Asia, forthe purpose []of becoming more competitive and
[]increasing our presence on the growing Asian market (Chindia).
China’s role21 in
[] the Pacific region is growingin line withits increasing economic weight []in the world.
China’s role21 in the Pacific
[] region is growing in line with its increasing economic weight in the
On a broader point of view, guided by the reactions to the Commission’s White paper on European Governance21 , while bearing in mind the recommendations of the intergovernmental “Mandelkern Group”22 , the Commission proposed in June a comprehensive Action Plan for ‘simplifying and improving
[]the regulatory environment’
[] This Action Plan wasin line withthe aim set out at the []Gothenburg European Council that
[]“policy-makers must identify likely spill-over – good and bad – onto other policy areas and take them into account.
On a broader point of view, guided by the reactions to the Commission’s White paper on European Governance21 , while bearing in mind the recommendations of the intergovernmental “Mandelkern Group”22 , the Commission proposed in June a comprehensive Action Plan for ‘simplifying and improving
[]the regulatory environment’
[] This Action Plan was in line with the aim set out at the []Gothenburg European Council that
[]“policy-makers must identify likely spill-over – good and bad – onto other policy areas and take them into account.
Il peggioramento rispetto al precedente esercizio è determinato per 22 milioni di Euro da flussi di cassa negativi provenienti dalla gestione operativa corrente (in prevalenza dalla variazione del capitale circolante netto, per effetto dei maggiori volumi), per 10 milioni di Euro da investimenti in asset e per 9 milioni da flussi di cassa negativi derivanti da operazioni
[]straordinarie, quali l’acquisizione
[] della partecipazionein SouthAmerica Gears Sa, poi []fusa in Carraro Argentina Sa e lo
[]scorporo della società Carraro Deutschland dalla Business Unit.
The worsening compared to the previous year was determined by 22 million euro of negative cash flows from current operations (mainly from the change in net working capital, as a result of higher volumes), by 10 million euro of investments in assets and by 9 million euro of negative cash flows from extraordinary
[]operations, such as the acquisition of
[] the equity interest in South America Gears Sa, which []was then merged into Carraro Argentina
[]Sa and the spin-off of the company Carraro Deutschland from the Business Unit.
Considerando che la vendita di diamanti
[] alimenta vari conflittiin Africa, inparticolareinSierra Leone e Angola; che sarà praticamente impossibile applicare l’embargo che l’ONU, su proposta del Regno Unito (1), prevede di decretare sui diamanti provenienti dalle zone controllate dai ribelli in Sierra Leone; che i gioiellieri di Londra sono ben disposti ad acquistare diamanti provenienti dalla Sierra Leone (2 ); e che la maggior parte dei diamanti di contrabbando finiscono ad Anversa (3 ), può il Consiglio indicare cosa sta facendo per contribuire a risolvere la situazione in generale e, in particolare, per impedire il commercio di diamanti estratti nelle zone controllate dai ribelli e precisare la strategia complessiva dell’UE intesa ad evitare il finanziamento illegale dei conflittiin Africa?
Già fornitore, da
[] alcuni anni, della AyrLineHydraulics nello Zimbabwe, HypressAfricadiventa ora anche []il fornitore della
[]filiale situata a Tete (Mozambico) dove la Ayr Line si è istallata da alcuni mesi per fornire la miniera di carbone recentemente scoperta nella cittadina sembra indicare dunque che Ayr Lyne diventerà, con il supporto di Hypress, il principale fornitore di componenti idraulici della regione.
years, supporting them first in Zimbabwe
[]and now in their Tete branch (Mozambique) although looking “out of Africa” from where the company has been supplying for some months now the massive coal mine recently discovered there.
to reduce the value of fixed assets by NOK million, and to allocate this reduction
[]to machinery, the value of this item was reduced from NOK million to NOK million (1 ).
to reduce the value of fixed assets by NOK million, and to allocate this reduction
[]to machinery, the value of this item was reduced from NOK million to NOK million (1 ).
Dopo anni di scarsa considerazione politica e di errate scelte, la questione urbana ha oggi acquisito centralità e considerazione nell’agenda di numerosi governi africani che hanno cominciato a realizzare l’importanza del potenziale di
[]sviluppo degli agglomerati urbani e ad affrontare quelle che sono considerate le 6 sfide
[] dello sviluppo urbanoin
Following years of lack of political interest and poor choices, the urban question today has become a central and important issue on the agendas of many African countries who have begun to realize the importance of the
[]potential of developing urban agglomerates and taking on what are considered to be the 6 urban
[] development challenges in
A fronte di queste esigenze demografiche e occupazionali, i flussi necessitano, naturalmente, di una regolamentazione adeguata e si sbaglie rebbe a non considerarne la necessità, a non insistere sull’integrazione di una presenza che comunque andrà aumentando e a ritenere determinanti le sole norme di contrasto, necessarie ma dall’efficacia limitata, dai costi
[]eccessivi e soggette a imprevisti, come si
[] è constatatoinoccasione degli eventi del NordAfricanel primo
As a consequence of these demographic and occupational necessities, the flows naturally require adequate regulations and it would be wrong to consider these as not required, not insisting on the integration of a presence that is bound to increase in any case, considering determinant only the opposition regulations, which although necessary have limited effects, are
[]expensive and subject to unexpected events, as was
[] observed during the events of North Africa in the first semester
Perfino in Germania una quota significativa di medici emigra in Scandinavia, in Svizzera o negli USA per sfuggire al sovraffaticamento derivante dalla combinazione doppi turni/salari bassi Allo stesso modo, mentre in Uganda c’è un solo primario in tutto il distretto di Kitgum (con una popolazione attorno
[]alle persone), circa
[] medici ugandesi lavoranoinSudAfrica.63 Negli ultimi anni []paesi come l’Olanda e la Gran Bretagna
[]hanno cercato di risolvere le loro (relative) carenze di personale assumendo medici e infermiere provenienti dai paesi in via di sviluppo In ambito sanitario la mancanza di coordinamento tra il settore privato e quello pubblico può avere serie ricadute sulla forza lavoro locale, provocando lo spostamento del personale da un’area all’altra.
For example, even in Germany, significant numbers of doctors are migrating to Scandinavia, Switzerland or the US to escape burn-out from working double shifts on low pay Meanwhile in Uganda, while there is only one senior doctor in the whole of the Kitgum district (with a population of around ,
[]people), around Ugandan
[] doctors are working in South Africa In recent years, countries []like the Netherlands and
[]the UK have sought to solve their (relative) staff shortages by actively recruiting doctors and nurses from the developing world Furthermore, lack of coordination between public and private health initiatives can have a serious impact on local workforces, pulling them away from one area of work to another.
Lattenzione accordata ai
[] trasporti nella strategia regionale èinlinea con la strategia comuneafrica-Ue17intesa a incrementare linterconnettività []attraverso gli
[]investimenti e migliorando le infrastrutture lungo i corridoi di trasporto transafricani, in modo da sostenere lo sviluppo tramite la crescita economica e gli scambi commerciali. si tratta di sostenere la definizione e lattuazione di politiche di trasporto regionali che diano priorità allarmonizzazione delle politiche nazionali in materia (ad esempio: standardizzazione del carico assiale massimo ammissibile per i veicoli pesanti) e alla semplificazione del transito lungo i corridoi regionali (ad esempio: posti di frontiera costruiti e gestiti in comune, eliminazione dei controlli illeciti).
the focus on transport in the
[] regional strategy is in line with the Joint africa–Eu strategy17 which stated that africa and the Eu would aim []at increasing interconnectivity
[]by investing in and improving infrastructure along the trans-african road transport corridors in order to support development through growth and trade. the objective is to support the definition and implementation of regional transport policies, with priority being given to the harmonisation of national transpor t policies (e.g. standardisation of maximum axle load for heavy goods vehicles) and transport facilitation along regional corridors (e.g. jointly built and managed border posts, elimination of illicit controls).
rescue measures granted to Parex (see decision of 24 November (26 )), which
[]are to be maintained during the restructuring phase, the Commission agrees with the position of Latvia that the State measures provided and to be provided to Parex in the context of its restructuring in the form of State guarantee, liquidity measures and capital injection constitute State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC.
rescue measures granted to Parex (see decision of 24 November (26 )), which
[]are to be maintained during the restructuring phase, the Commission agrees with the position of Latvia that the State measures provided and to be provided to Parex in the context of its restructuring in the form of State guarantee, liquidity measures and capital injection constitute State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC.
Cesena, 20 settembre – Il Gruppo TREVI ha acquisito la più grande commessa della sua storia: il Genio Militare delle Forze Armate Americane (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
[]ha infatti assegnato alla
[] controllata americana TREVIICOSSouthun contratto per lavori []di riparazione e di prevenzione per
[]danni da terremoti nella Diga di Tuttle Creek nei pressi di Kansas City - Missouri.
Cesena, 20th September – The TREVI Group has acquired the most considerable project in its history: the U.S. Army Corps of
[]Engineers has awarded the American
[] controlled company TREVIICOS South with a contract for the []execution of repair and prevention
[]works relevant to earthquake damages in the Tuttle Creek Dam, Kansas City, Missouri.
Infine, in sono state incluse le attività di
[]Fueps, relative alla realizzazione,
[] gestione e sviluppo di servizi di gaming on-line, inparticolare relative ai casual
Lastly, the operations of Fueps relating to the
[]creation, management
[] and development of online gaming services, particularly casual games, are also now []part of
Nell’ambito multilaterale l’organizzazione
[]regionale di
[] integrazione economica«SouthAfrican Development Community (SADC)» rappresenta una colonna portante della cooperazione con il Sudafrica,inparticolare nel []quadro della cooperazione
[]regionale allo sviluppo della direzione dello sviluppo e della cooperazione (DSC).
At the multilateral level the regional
[] economic organisation “South African Development Community (SADC)” is a central element of cooperation with South Africa, in particular with regard []to the Swiss Agency
[]for Development and Cooperation (SDC) regional development cooperation.
A transition year and implementation of a new strategy allying premium games, Atari VCS, Blockchain/NFTs and Licensing
Press release - Paris, France - August 16, -07pm - During its meeting on August 16, , Atari SA’s Board of Directors reviewed the preliminary financial estimates for the year ended March 31, and authorized its disclosure. The audit procedures for the consolidated accounts are in the process of being finalized, however they still require certain verifications by the statutory auditors, notably regarding the transactions in digital assets, NFTs and tokens. Furthermore, in the context of the evolution of the current strategy, the budget for / is under review. The finalization of this budget may impact the fair value attributed to R&D costs for free-to-play mobile games capitalized on the balance sheet, depending on the continued exploitation, discontinuation or sale of these games. All these options are currently being examined. Under these conditions, the annual financial report will be published during the month of September , once the work of the statutory auditors is completed, following the verification of the management report and its notes and the conclusion of all the required diligence measures.
With the appointment of Wade Rosen as CEO in April , the Group has undertaken an in-depth review of the business. As a result, the Company will implement a new strategy focused on the development of premium games and cash flow generation. This strategic evolution has prompted the Group to increase selectivity for its projects, halt investments in certain free-to-play games while exploring their divestment, and to wind down Atari’s operations in Africa. These decisions resulted in the recognition of significant write-downs that had a material impact on the results for the financial year ended March 31,
Wade J. Rosen, CEO and largest shareholder of the Atari Group declared:“The decrease in financial results for the fiscalyear ended in March are due to a combination of factors including the reduction in licensing revenue due to Covid, the increase in user acquisition costs for free-to-play titles, the pursuit of projects which did not turn out to be profitable and the lack of successful new games. In this context, the Group has decided to implement some important strategic changes: a shift from free-to-play mobile games to premium games, investments focused on redeveloping existing Atari IP, the establishment of a blockchain division to capitalize on the opportunities arising in NFTs and blockchain gaming as well as the pursuit of licensing partners that are more closely in alignment with the brand ethos. By pursuing this new strategic direction, we’re going back to our roots: making great games with the core Atari IP, with the Atari VCS, Blockchain and Licensing divisions complementing that strategy by expanding the Atari ecosystem, whose main goal is to bring fun and innovation to the gaming community.”
IFRS in €M | Variation | ||
Revenue | % | ||
Cost of goods sold | () | () | |
GROSS MARGIN in % of revenue | % | % | % |
Research and development expenses | () | () | |
Marketing and selling expenses | () | () | |
General and administrative expenses | () | () | |
Other operating income (expenses) | () | ||
Other income (expenses) | () | ||
Cost of debt | () | () | |
Other financial income (expenses) | () | () | |
Income tax | () | () | |
Group Share | () | ||
Minority interests | () | () |
As of March 31, , Atari is reporting consolidated revenue of €m, compared with €m the previous year. The decrease (% at current exchange rates and % at constant exchange rates) is related to the drop in licensing revenue, down almost 45%, which has been significantly affected by Covid and to a lesser degree to the slowdown in the video game division; faced with rising user acquisition costs the decision was taken to optimize marketing spend, thus improving the profitability of the video games division. These trends overshadow the ramp up of the first deliveries of the Atari VCS since December and the start of the blockchain activities, which account for nearly 12% of revenue for the period. The activities related to NFTs and the Atari Token started during this year and generated €m of revenue.
The evolution of the gross margin from % in the previous year to % of revenue takes into account the first deliveries of the Atari VCS, a business line with a lower margin than the other businesses of the Group.
Research and development expenses are significantly lower due to lower amortization of capitalized R&D costs from previous years but also due to lower levels of investments in the development of new games.
Marketing expenses decreased significantly as a result of the focus on profitability in the video games business through reduced and more targeted user acquisition campaigns.
The increase in general and administrative expenses is related to legal fees for successful litigation outcomes of copyright infringement proceedings for an amount of €m, and a €m non-cash expense resulting from the allocation of Atari Tokens granted to certain members of the Group.
As a result of these elements, the current operating income amounts to a loss of €m€, of which -€m are related to the African casino operations whose wind down has been decided, compared to an operating profit of €m for the previous year.
Other operating income and expenses amount to -€m and reflect the impact of write-downs recorded as a result of the strategic review conducted by the Group.
The cost of debt is not material as the Group is debt free and corresponds mainly to the IFRS 16 restatements of the financing component of leases.
Other financial income and expenses primarily concern adjustments in the value of non-current financial assets and the administration fees of the company’s securities.
Subject to the finalization of the budget regarding the fair value of R&D costs for games capitalized on the balance sheet, consolidated net income (Group share) for the year amounts to -€m, compared with €m in the previous year.
The detailed balance sheet, prepared in accordance with IFRS, is included as an appendix.
Consolidated shareholders’ equity amounted to €m at March 31, compared to €m at March 31, , strengthened mainly by the capital increase of €m conducted in December and by the exercise of stock options by certain employees during the year.
Total fixed assets amounted to € million, of which € million was attributable to capitalized R&D costs for games and € million to long-term receivables. In the context of the evolution of the current strategy, the budget for / is under review. The finalization of this budget may impact the fair value attributed to R&D costs for games capitalized on the balance sheet, depending on the continued exploitation, discontinuation or sale of these games. All these options are currently being examined.
As at March 31, , the Group’s net cash position was €m. As a reminder, on April 1, , the Group proceeded with the redemption of the last OCEANE bonds in circulation for €m (OCEANE ).
The strategy of the Atari Group of a broad entertainment offer will be supported by its four primary business units with strong synergies:
The video games division is already executing against an initiative to broaden its portfolio, which includes publishing premium games for the VCS, PC and console, republishing classic IP, and focusing on the most profitable and high-potential free-to-play games in its portfolio. It has recently announced the launch of a new version of the classic game Food Fight in early and has greenlit a number of additional new titles for release over the next 12 months. The first new games will launch in September of this year.
As it prepares to celebrate 50 years since it launched the video game industry, Atari is committed to fully leverage the more than titles in its IP catalog. Classic games first published in the 70s, 80s and 90s will be optimized and republished on PC, PlayStation, Switch, Xbox and the new Atari VCS.
The flagship mobile title, Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch (available on iOS, Android and Facebook Cloud) celebrated its four-year anniversary in March and is still gaining loyal players from around the world. Player engagement is even on the rise with the introduction of new, ’always-on’ seasonal events and new attractions based on classic Atari games.
Two new free-to-play games are slated for full release in Q4 of this calendar year, including a new Rollercoaster Tycoon franchise entry, RollercoasterTycoon Idle, and the RPG title Mob Empire.
The Atari VCS began shipping to original backers at the end of for the pre-orders made through the Indiegogo platform. Direct preorder sales began shipping in Q1 of The retail and commercial launch started in June with outlets including GameStop, Best Buy and Micro Center in the USA, along with JB Hi-Fi and other distributors in Australia and New Zealand. The team is focused on additional Atari VCS deliveries in anticipation of the holiday season, while evaluating opportunities to add additional retail markets in
In the coming months, Atari will continue to build out the content offerings and capabilities of the VCS including:
- Food Fight – Recently-announced reimagining of the arcade & classic, coming first to Atari VCS in with exclusive features.
- Additional indie publishers and developers bringing innovative and original games to the platform, including Graffiti Games, Akupara, and others.
- More Atari franchise ports, such as Tempest , Rollercoaster Tycoon and others.
- Native retro emulation, starting with titles from the Atari and DOS PC games.
- Atari VCS Homebrew Initiative, offering creator and community sharing tools for amateur game makers.
- Cloud game streaming with direct access to popular services like Stadia, GeForce Now, Luna and Xbox
- Enhanced productivity with direct access to Google’s G-Suite of Gmail, Sheets, Slides and other apps.
- Streamlined access to PC Mode, with easy-to-use USB thumb drive accessories.
The Atari Group has successfully launched new business lines in the recent years and intends to pursue such initiatives. The Atari arcade gaming machines launched under license by Arcade 1 Up / Tastemakers, LLC prove to be a continuing success. The Atari Group has recently extended the scope of that partnership, adding new games, new models and even home casual slot machines. As a result, the licensing agreement has been extended until Another area of strong focus for the Atari Group is the development of skill-based games, with existing deals with Gametaco and G3 Esports, LLC. Finally, the Atari Group is ramping up its efforts for the development of very specific products to commemorate its upcoming 50th anniversary in June
The Atari Group continues to vigorously defend its trademark and intellectual property rights. A number of important cases are currently ongoing, with over $m of cash settlements collected by the Atari Group in the last 3 years, net of legal fees.
This new division was created as of April 1, to regroup all activities related to blockchain applications for games and digital goods developed by Atari or third parties. Atari Blockchain is focused on building out this ecosystem, notably by furthering the adoption and use cases of the Atari Token.
The strong growth and rise in popularity of NFTs and blockchain based games and online worlds validate Atari’s positioning in this new ecosystem. Atari has established early mover positions through strong partnerships with leading players including Animoca Brands, Sandbox, Decentraland and Zed Run. To date, sales of Atari NFTs conducted through licensing partners have grossed over $1m.
In the coming months, Atari will continue to strengthen its commitment to offer NFTs with the launch of a dedicated NFT marketplace for curated video game related NFT drops. Atari’s objective is to onboard the large community of Atari fans and video gaming enthusiasts onto the world of true digital ownership enabled by blockchain technology, with NFTs becoming a gateway to unlocking a wider range of games and experiences.
The Annual Shareholders Meeting will be convened at the time of publication of the Universal Registration Document, including the management report, the annual financial report and the corporate governance report.
The realization of the plans, and their operational budget and financing plan remain inherently uncertain, and the non-realization of these assumptions may impact their value.
About Atari:
Atari, comprised of Atari SA and its subsidiaries, is a global interactive entertainment and multiplatform licensing group. The true innovator of the video game, founded in , Atari owns and/or manages a portfolio of more than games and franchises, including globally known brands such as Asteroids®, Centipede®, Missile Command® and Pong®. From this important portfolio of intellectual properties, Atari delivers attractive online games for smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices. Atari also develops and distributes interactive entertainment for Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo game consoles. Atari also leverages its brand and franchises with licensing agreements through other media, derivative products and publishing. For more information: www.enthralaviation.comand Atari shares are listed in France on Euronext Paris (Compartment C, ISIN Code FR, Ticker ATA), in Sweden on Nasdaq First North Growth Market as Swedish Depositary Receipts (ISIN Code SE, Ticker ATA SDB) and are eligible for the Nasdaq International program in the United States (OTC - Ticker PONGF).
Atari - Philippe Mularski, CFO Calyptus - Marie Calleux
Tel +33 1 83 64 61 57 - Tel + 33 1 53 65 68 68 –
Redeye AB (Certified Adviser)
Tel: +46 8 90 –
This is information that Atari SA. is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on August 16, at 7pm CET.
ASSETS(M€) | ||
Intangible assets | ||
Property. plant and equipment | ||
Right of use assets related to leases | ||
Non-current financial assets | ||
Deferred tax assets | ||
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 35.0 | 38.0 |
Inventories | ||
Trade receivables | ||
Current tax assets | ||
Other current assets | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | ||
Assets held for salee | - | |
CURRENT ASSETS | 9.1 | 5.8 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 44.1 | 43.8 |
Share capital | ||
Share premium | ||
Consolidated reserves | ||
Net income – Group share | () | |
Minority interests | () | () |
Provisions for non-current contingencies and losses | ||
Non-current financial liabilities | - | |
Long term lease liabilities | ||
Deferred tax liabilities | - | - |
Other non-current liabilities | ||
Provisions for current contingencies and losses | - | |
Current financial liabilities | - | |
Current lease liabilities | ||
Trade payables | ||
Current tax liabilitites | - | |
Other current liabilities | ||
A transition year and implementation of a new strategy allying premium games, Atari VCS, Blockchain/NFTs and Licensing
Press release - Paris, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, France - August 16, -07pm - During its meeting Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review August 16,Atari SA’s Board of Directors reviewed the preliminary financial estimates for the year ended March 31, and authorized its disclosure. The audit procedures for the consolidated accounts are in the process of being finalized, however they still require certain verifications by the statutory auditors, notably regarding the Celebrities winning in casinos in digital assets, NFTs and tokens. Furthermore, in the context of the evolution of the current strategy, the budget for / is under review. The finalization of this budget may impact the fair value attributed to R&D costs for free-to-play mobile games capitalized on the balance sheet, depending on the continued exploitation, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, discontinuation or sale of these games. All these options are currently being examined. Under these conditions, the annual financial report will be published during the month of Septemberonce the work of the statutory auditors is completed, following the verification of the management report and its notes and the conclusion of all the required diligence measures.
With the appointment of Wade Rosen as CEO in Aprilthe Group has undertaken an in-depth review of the business. As a result, the Company will implement a new strategy focused on the development of premium games and cash flow generation. This strategic evolution has prompted the Group to increase selectivity for its projects, halt investments in certain free-to-play games while exploring their divestment, and to wind down Atari’s operations in Africa. These decisions resulted in the recognition of significant write-downs that had a material impact on the results for the financial year ended March 31,
Wade J. Rosen, CEO and largest shareholder of the Atari Group declared:“The decrease in financial results for the fiscalyear ended in March are due to a combination of factors including the reduction in licensing revenue due to Covid, the increase in user Last Master Slots Machine costs for free-to-play titles, the pursuit of projects which did not turn out to be profitable and the lack of successful new games. In this context, the Group has decided to implement some important strategic changes: a shift from free-to-play mobile games to premium games, investments focused on redeveloping existing Atari IP, the establishment of a blockchain division to capitalize on the opportunities arising in NFTs and blockchain gaming as well as the pursuit of licensing partners that are more closely in alignment with the brand ethos. By pursuing this new strategic direction, we’re going back to our roots: making great games with the core Atari IP, with the Atari VCS, Blockchain and Licensing divisions complementing that strategy by expanding the Atari ecosystem, whose main goal is to bring fun and innovation to the gaming community.”
IFRS in €M | Variation | ||
Revenue | % | ||
Cost of goods sold | () | () | |
GROSS MARGIN in % of revenue | % | % | % |
Research and development expenses | () | () | |
Marketing and selling expenses | () | () | |
General and administrative expenses | () | () | |
Other operating income (expenses) | () | ||
Other income (expenses) | () | ||
Cost of debt | () | () | |
Other financial income (expenses) | () | () | |
Income tax | () | () | |
Group Share | () | ||
Minority interests | () | () |
As of March 31,Atari is reporting consolidated revenue of €m, compared with €m the previous year. The decrease (% at current exchange rates and % at constant exchange rates) is related to the drop in licensing revenue, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, down almost 45%, which has been significantly affected by Covid and to a lesser degree to the slowdown in the video game division; faced with rising user acquisition costs the decision was taken to optimize marketing spend, thus improving the profitability of the video games division. These trends overshadow the ramp up of the first deliveries of the Atari VCS since December and the start of the blockchain activities, which account for nearly 12% of revenue for the period. The activities related to NFTs and the Atari Token started during this year and generated €m of revenue.
The evolution of the gross margin from % in the previous year to % of revenue takes into account the first deliveries of the Atari VCS, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, a business line with a lower margin than the other businesses of the Group.
Research and development expenses are significantly lower due to lower amortization of capitalized R&D costs from previous years but also due to lower levels of investments in the development of new games.
Marketing expenses decreased significantly as a result of the focus on profitability in the Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review games business through reduced and more targeted user acquisition campaigns.
The increase in general and administrative expenses is related to legal fees for successful litigation outcomes of copyright infringement proceedings for an amount of €m, and a €m non-cash expense resulting from the allocation of Atari Tokens granted to certain members Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review the Group.
As a result of these elements, the current operating income amounts to a loss of €m€, of which -€m are related to the African casino operations whose wind down has been decided, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, compared to an operating profit of €m for the previous year.
Other operating income and expenses amount to -€m and reflect the impact of write-downs recorded as a result of the strategic review conducted by the Group.
The cost of debt is not material as the Group is debt free and corresponds mainly to the IFRS 16 restatements of the financing component of leases.
Other financial income and expenses primarily concern adjustments in the value of non-current financial assets and the administration fees of the company’s securities.
Subject to the finalization of the budget regarding the fair value of R&D costs for games capitalized on the balance sheet, consolidated net income (Group share) for the year amounts to -€m, compared with €m in the previous year.
The detailed balance sheet, prepared in accordance with IFRS, is included as an appendix.
Consolidated shareholders’ equity amounted to €m at March 31, compared to €m at March 31,strengthened mainly by the capital increase of €m conducted in December and by the exercise of stock options by certain employees during the year.
Total fixed assets amounted to € million, of which € million was attributable to capitalized R&D costs for games and € million to long-term receivables. In the context of the evolution of the current strategy, the budget for / is under review, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review. The finalization of this budget may impact the fair value attributed to R&D costs for games capitalized on the balance sheet, depending on the continued exploitation, discontinuation or sale of these games. All these options are currently being examined.
As at March 31,the Group’s net cash position was €m. As a reminder, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review April 1,the Group proceeded with the redemption of the last OCEANE bonds in circulation for €m (OCEANE ).
The strategy of the Atari Group of a broad entertainment offer will be supported by its four primary business units with strong synergies:
The video games division is already executing against an initiative to broaden its portfolio, which includes publishing premium games for the VCS, PC and console, republishing classic IP, and focusing on the most profitable and high-potential free-to-play games in its portfolio. It has recently announced the launch of a new version of the classic game Food Fight in early and has greenlit a number of additional new titles for release over the next 12 months. The first new games will launch in September of this year.
As it prepares to celebrate 50 years since it launched the video game industry, Atari is committed to fully leverage the more than titles in its IP catalog. Classic games first published in the 70s, 80s and 90s will be optimized and republished on PC, PlayStation, Switch, Xbox and the new Atari VCS.
The flagship mobile title, Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch (available on iOS, Android and Facebook Cloud) celebrated its four-year Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review in March and is Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review gaining loyal players from around the world. Player engagement is even on the rise with the introduction of new, ’always-on’ seasonal events and new attractions based on classic Atari games.
Two new free-to-play games are slated for full release in Q4 of this calendar year, including a new Rollercoaster Tycoon franchise entry, RollercoasterTycoon Idle, and the RPG title Mob Empire.
The Atari VCS began shipping to original backers at the end of for the pre-orders made through the Indiegogo platform. Direct preorder sales began shipping in Q1 of The retail and commercial launch started in June with outlets including GameStop, Best Buy and Micro Center in the USA, along with JB Hi-Fi and other distributors in Australia and New Zealand. The team is focused on additional Atari VCS deliveries in anticipation of the holiday season, while evaluating opportunities to add additional retail markets in
In the coming months, Atari will continue to build out the content offerings and capabilities of the VCS including:
- Food Fight – Recently-announced reimagining of the arcade & classic, coming first to Atari VCS in with exclusive features.
- Additional indie publishers and developers bringing innovative and original games to the platform, including Graffiti Games, Akupara, and others.
- More Atari franchise ports, such as Tempest , Rollercoaster Tycoon and others.
- Native retro emulation, starting with titles from the Atari and DOS PC games.
- Atari VCS Homebrew Initiative, offering creator and community sharing tools for amateur game makers.
- Cloud game streaming with direct access to popular services like Stadia, GeForce Now, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, Luna and Xbox
- Enhanced productivity with direct access to Google’s G-Suite of Gmail, Sheets, Slides and other apps.
- Streamlined access to PC Mode, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, with easy-to-use USB thumb drive accessories.
The Atari Group has successfully launched new business lines in the recent years and intends to pursue such initiatives. The Atari arcade gaming machines launched under license by Arcade 1 Up / Tastemakers, LLC prove to be a continuing success. The Atari Group has recently extended the scope of that partnership, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, adding new games, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, new models and even home casual slot machines. As a result, the licensing agreement has been extended until Another area of strong focus for the Atari Group is the development of skill-based games, with existing deals with Gametaco and G3 Esports, LLC. Finally, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, the Atari Group is ramping up its efforts for the development of very specific products to commemorate its upcoming 50th anniversary in June
The Atari Group continues to vigorously defend its trademark and intellectual property rights. A number of important cases are currently ongoing, with over $m of cash settlements collected by the Atari Group in the last 3 years, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, net of legal fees.
This new division was created as of April 1, to regroup all activities related to blockchain applications for games and digital goods developed by Atari or third parties. Atari Blockchain is focused on building out this ecosystem, notably by furthering the adoption and use cases of the Atari Token.
The strong growth and rise in popularity of NFTs and blockchain based games and Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review worlds validate Atari’s positioning in this new ecosystem. Atari has established early mover positions through strong partnerships with leading players including Animoca Brands, Sandbox, Decentraland and Zed Run. To date, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, sales of Atari NFTs conducted through licensing partners have grossed over $1m.
In the coming months, Atari will continue to strengthen its commitment to offer NFTs with the launch of a dedicated NFT marketplace for curated video game related NFT drops. Atari’s objective is to onboard the large community of Atari fans and video gaming enthusiasts onto the world of true digital ownership enabled by blockchain technology, with NFTs becoming a gateway to unlocking a wider range of games and experiences.
The Annual Shareholders Meeting will be convened at the time of publication of the Universal Registration Document, including the management report, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, the annual financial report and the corporate governance report.
The realization of the plans, and their operational budget and financing plan remain inherently uncertain, and the non-realization of these assumptions may impact their value.
About Atari:
Atari, comprised of Atari SA and its subsidiaries, is a global interactive entertainment and multiplatform licensing group. The true innovator of the video game, founded inAtari owns and/or manages a portfolio of more than games and franchises, including globally known brands such as Asteroids®, Centipede®, Missile Command® and Pong®. From this important portfolio of intellectual properties, Atari delivers attractive online games for smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices. Atari also develops and distributes interactive entertainment for Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo game consoles. Atari also leverages its brand and franchises with licensing agreements through other media, derivative products and publishing. For more information: www.enthralaviation.comand Atari shares are listed in France on Euronext Paris (Compartment C, ISIN Code FR, Ticker ATA), in Sweden on Nasdaq First North Growth Market as Swedish Depositary Receipts (ISIN Code SE, Ticker ATA SDB) and are eligible for the Nasdaq International program in the United States (OTC - Ticker PONGF).
Atari - Philippe Mularski, CFO Calyptus - Marie Calleux
Tel +33 1 83 64 61 57 - Tel + 33 1 53 65 68 68 –
Redeye AB (Certified Adviser)
Tel: +46 8 90 –
This is information that Atari SA. is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on August 16, at 7pm CET.
ASSETS(M€) | ||
Intangible assets | ||
Property. plant and equipment | ||
Right of use assets related to leases | ||
Non-current financial assets | ||
Deferred tax assets | ||
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 35.0 | 38.0 |
Inventories | ||
Trade receivables | ||
Current tax assets | ||
Other current assets | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | ||
Assets held for salee | - | |
CURRENT ASSETS | 9.1 | 5.8 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 44.1 | 43.8 |
Share capital | ||
Share premium | ||
Consolidated reserves | ||
Net income – Group share | () | |
Minority interests | () | () |
Provisions for non-current contingencies and losses | ||
Non-current financial liabilities | - | |
Long term lease liabilities | ||
Deferred tax liabilities | - | - |
Other non-current liabilities | ||
Provisions for current contingencies and losses | - | |
Current financial liabilities | - | |
Current lease liabilities | ||
Trade payables | ||
Current tax liabilitites | - | |
Other current liabilities | ||
Resident Evil Village - Recensione
Con Resident Evil Village, Capcom consegna ai posteri il perfetto erede sia di Resident Evil 7, sia dell'ormai classico Resident Evil 4, creando un figlio mostruoso (in senso positivo) che ha anche tanto di nuovo da dire oltre a portare con sé gli elementi migliori dei due capitoli sopracitati. Alterna fasi di esplorazione ed enigmi a combattimenti action in cui conta la strategia e il saper usare le risorse per poter restare vivi, proprio come un survival horror vorrebbe, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review. Ma non mancano le situazioni di puro terrore, dove non solo i jumpscare ma anche l'atmosfera fa un gran lavoro per far pentire il giocatore di ogni passo compiuto. Tra stretti corridoi e ampie costruzioni, tra boschi, laghi e zone industriali, il mondo di Resident Evil Village è grande, ampio, ricco di zone segrete e misteri da scoprire, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, con diverse sezioni non lineari che permettono diversi approcci all'avventura. Anche se qualche sporcatura non manca, il motore di gioco dona scorci così belli e dettagliati che è 7 Sins The Nitty-Gritty perdonare alcune sbavature figlie del suo essere un prodotto cross-gen. Non mancheranno le sorprese sia legate all'attuale trama imbastita a partire dal settimo capitolo, che a quelli storici, andando anche a smuovere le fondamenta della serie. Se non siete fra quelli che dopo la scomparsa degli zombi dalla saga hanno abbandonato Resident Evil, non avete motivo per non andare subito a visitare il Villaggio.
Источник: Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine ReviewDictionary Italian-English
La lettera dal signor Allen chiarisce che i calcoli di JCB sono stati effettuati sulla base delle vendite reali realizzate da tutti i distributori del Regno Unito nel e che i []margini dei distributori sono stati [] aumentati nei calcoli«in line withthe Dealer Parts []and Service Committee recommendations» [](conformemente alle raccomandazioni del comitato dei concessionari per i pezzi di ricambio e lassistenza). | The letter from Mr Allen makes clear that JCBs calculations were made Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review the basis of actual sales by all United Kingdom distributors in and that []distributor margins were uplifted in [] the calculations in line with the Dealer Parts []and Service Committee recommendations. |
Nella caratterizzazione de I Simpson non esiste un cane parlante (Bryan) come ne I Griffin, un alieno domestico (Roger) come in American Dad o un bambino che muore in ogni []episodio (Kenny) per poi resuscitare [] nel successivo comein SouthPark(per citare solo []i cartoons più famosi, di cui i simpson sono stati un prototipo). | The characterization of The Simpsons does not exist a talking dog (Bryan) as they Family Guy, an alien pet (Roger) as in American Dad or a child who dies in []every episode (Kenny) and then [] revive in the next, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, as in South Park (for mention only []the most famous cartoons, of which []The Simpsons was a prototype). |
La posizione finanziaria netta è migliorata di 6, milioni di Euro rispetto al 31 dicembre ; tale variazione è determinata dall’effetto netto di flussi di cassa operativi negativi (derivanti principalmente da investimenti in asset, che hanno assorbito cassa per 6,7 milioni di Euro) Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review di flussi di Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review straordinari positivi connessi alle operazioni Slots Empire Casino Bonuses ricorrenti: aumento del capitale sociale di Siap, con l’ingresso di Friulia Spa (finanziaria della regione Friulia Venezia Giulia) che ha apportato capitale per 3 milioni di Euro; cessione della controllata Stm Srl al socio di minoranza, che ha generato []cassa per 5,7 milioni [] di Euro; cessione delle partecipazioniin SouthAmerica Gears Sa a Carraro Drive Tech Spa []e in Mini Gears Shanghai []a Elettronica Santerno Spa per 5,7 milioni di Euro. | The net financial position improved by million euro compared with 31 December ; this change was determined by the net effect of negative operating cash flows (deriving mainly from investments in assets,which used cash Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review million euro) and positive extraordinary cash flows associated with non-recurring Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review Siap share capital increase, with entry of Friulia Spa (finance company of the Friulia Venezia Giulia region) which contributed capital of 3 million euro; sale of the subsidiary Stm Srl to the minority shareholder, which provided cash of []million euro; sales of the [] equity investments in South America Gears Sa to Carraro Drive Tech Spa and in Mini Gears []Shanghai to Elettronica []Santerno Spa for million euro. |
Regardless of this,in line withCommission practice, [] a measure in any event constitutes aid and not a general measure, []if the body managing the infrastructure is pursuing an economic activity, as this may provide a potential advantage to Candyland Cash Slots Machine beneficiary (16 ) in relation to competing operators. | Regardless of this, in line with Commission practice, [] a measure in any event constitutes aid and not a general measure, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, []if the body managing the infrastructure is pursuing an economic activity, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, as this may provide a potential advantage to the beneficiary (16 ) in relation to competing operators. |
When approving projects, the following points shall be taken into [] consideration: to bein line withthe aims of the State []development plans to use as much []as possible the local resources available for the national economy to contribute to increasing the gross national product and employment opportunities to lead to increasing exports and rationalizing imports to use up-to-date machines and technologies which, are suitable for the national economy needs. that the fixed assets which would be invested in the project, including machines, tools, equipment, apparatus, means of transport (non-tourist) and all other production means definitively imported to be used exclusively in the project, shall not be less than ten million Syrian Pounds. | When approving projects, the following points shall be taken into [] consideration: a) to be in line with the aims of the State []development plans b) to use as much []as possible the local resources available for the national economy c) to contribute to increasing the gross national product and employment opportunities d) to lead to increasing exports and rationalizing imports e) to use up-to-date machines and technologies which, are suitable for the national economy needs. f) that the fixed assets which would be invested in the project, including machines, tools, equipment, apparatus, means of transport (non-tourist) and all other production means definitively imported to be used exclusively in the project, shall not be less than ten million Syrian Pounds. |
In questa prospettiva, è utile tenere conto dellallarme lanciato di recente dal Vertice delle organizzazioni contadine delle cinque regioni africane, organizzato a Roma []dalla Coldiretti, [] riguardo alla forte crescita degli acquisti di terre agricole,in Africaeinaltri paesi in via di sviluppo, da parte di paesi quali []la Corea del Sud, la []Cina, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, lArabia Saudita e il Giappone, effettuati per garantirsi lapprovvigionamento alimentare e le risorse per la produzione di biocarburanti (3). La cooperazione sulla sicurezza alimentare potrebbe essere usata anche per avviare un dialogo su altri temi rilevanti, quali il rispetto degli Obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio, la tutela dei gruppi più vulnerabili e la protezione della salute. | From this point of view, it is worth bearing in mind the alert recently issued by the summit of farmers’ []organisations of the [] five regions of Africa, held in Rome by Coldiretti, concerning the upsurge in purchases of farmland in Africa and other developing []countries, made by []countries such as South Korea, China, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Japan with a view to ensuring their own food supplies and resources for biofuels production (3). Cooperation on food security could also be used to launch a dialogue on other important issues, such as meeting the Millennium Development Goals, protecting the most vulnerable groups, and health protection. |
La nostra decisione di investire nella Cobra Service Network e’ il risultato di un approfondito esame di opportunità internazionali e rappresenta il passo ideale nella nostra strategia per entrare nel mercato globale delle soluzioni di sicurezza in ambito automotive; con questo investimento []strategico, Tracker combinerà la sua [] competenza operativainSudAfricaelaricchezza di []relazioni in America con l’esclusivo []portfolio di soluzioni di sicurezza di Cobra, sostenuto dalle principali case auto giapponesi, coreane e europee” – ha dichiarato Alan Hutcheson, Amministratore Delegato di Tracker – “Inoltre, si presenta l’opportunità di produrre dispositivi telematici in aftermarket attraverso l’infrastruttura produttiva di Cobra e di esportare altri prodotti Cobra nel mercato sud africano. | Our decision to invest in Cobra Service Network results from an extensive review of opportunities in the international arena and represents the ideal step in our strategy to enter the global vehicle security Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review safety solution marketplace; with this strategic investment Tracker []will leverage its [] operational expertise in South Africa and wealth of relationship []in the Americas with Cobra’s uniquesafety and security solutions portfolio endorsed by major Japanese, Korean and European car manufacturers” – said Alan Hutcheson, CEO of Tracker – “In addition, there are opportunities to manufacture aftermarket telematic devices through the Cobra manufacturing infrastructure and to bring other products that Cobra manufactures to the South African market”. |
This goal is being achieved through a number of actions performed by Member States which have been
[]financed by the Community since
[]and consequentlyin line withthe objectives established []under Council Regulation n°
[]/ on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP11 .
This goal is being achieved through a number of actions performed by Member States which have been
[]financed by Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review Community since
[]and consequently in line with the objectivesestablished []under Council Regulation n°
[]/ on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP11 .
(55) As the Commission has set out in the three Communications adopted in the context of the current financial crisis (30 ), aid measures granted to
[]banks in the context of the ongoing financial crisis
[] should be assessedin line withthe principles of []the rescue and restructuring aid Guidelines, while
[]taking into consideration the particular features of the systemic crisis in the financial markets (31).
(55) As the Commission has set out in the three Communications adopted in the context of the current financial crisis (30
[]), aid Magic Forest Slots granted to banks in the context of the ongoing financial crisis
[] should be assessed in line with the principles of the []rescue and restructuring
[]aid Guidelines, while taking into consideration the particular features of the systemic crisis in the financial markets (31).
Per gestire al meglio le conseguenze dovute al forte calo della domanda di acciaio nel mondo, si è agito rapidamente sulle spese correnti e sui costi di struttura in Europa, sia per il plant making che per lo steel making, mentre per il plant making si è andati avanti a
[]consolidare in parallelo le attività di
[] progettazione e produzionein SouthEastAsia (S.E.A.), []con l’obiettivo di migliorarne la competitività
[]ed essere più presenti sul mercato asiatico (Cindia) in espansione.
It was felt that the best way to deal with the repercussions caused by the sharp drop in steel demand worldwide was to quickly cut back on current expenditures and fixed costs in Europe, both for the plantmaking and steelmaking divisions, while for plantmaking we
[]simultaneously consolidated our design and
[] production activities in South East Asia, forthe purpose []of becoming more competitive and
[]increasing our presence on the growing Asian market (Chindia).
China’s role21 in
[] the Pacific region is growingin line withits increasing economic weight []in the world.
China’s role21 in the Pacific
[] region is growing in line with its increasing economic weight in the
On a broader point of view, guided by the reactions to the Commission’s White paper on European Governance21Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, while bearing in mind the recommendations of the intergovernmental “Mandelkern Group”22the Commission proposed in June a comprehensive Action Plan for ‘simplifying and improving
[]the regulatory environment’
[] This Action Plan wasin line withthe aim set out at the []Gothenburg European Council that
[]“policy-makers must identify likely spill-over – good and bad – onto other policy areas and take them into account.
On a broader point of view, guided by the reactions to the Commission’s White paper on European Governance21while bearing in mind the recommendations of the intergovernmental “Mandelkern Group”22the Commission proposed in June a comprehensive Action Plan for ‘simplifying and improving
[]the regulatory environment’
[] This Action Plan was in line with the aim set out at the []Gothenburg European Council that
[]“policy-makers must identify likely spill-over – good and bad – onto other policy areas and take them into account.
Il peggioramento rispetto al precedente esercizio è determinato per 22 milioni di Euro da flussi di cassa negativi provenienti dalla gestione operativa corrente (in prevalenza dalla variazione del capitale circolante netto, per effetto dei maggiori volumi), per 10 milioni di Euro da investimenti in asset e per 9 milioni da flussi di Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review negativi derivanti da operazioni
[]straordinarie, quali l’acquisizione
[] della partecipazionein SouthAmerica Gears Sa, poi []fusa in Carraro Argentina Sa e lo
[]scorporo della società Carraro Deutschland dalla Business Unit.
The worsening compared to the previous year was determined by 22 million euro of negative cash flows from current operations (mainly from the change in net working capital, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, as a result of higher volumes), by 10 million euro of investments in assets and by 9 million euro of negative cash flows from extraordinary
[]operations, such as the acquisition of
[] the equity interest in South America Gears Sa, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, which []was then merged into Carraro Argentina
[]Sa and the spin-off of the company Carraro Deutschland from the Business Unit.
Considerando che la vendita di diamanti
[] alimenta vari conflittiin Africa, inparticolareinSierra Leone e Angola; che sarà praticamente impossibile applicare l’embargo che l’ONU, su proposta del Regno Unito (1), prevede di decretare sui diamanti provenienti dalle zone controllate dai ribelli in Sierra Leone; che i gioiellieri di Londra sono ben disposti ad acquistare diamanti provenienti dalla Sierra Leone (2 ); e che la maggior parte dei diamanti di contrabbando finiscono ad Anversa (3 ), può il Consiglio indicare cosa sta facendo per contribuire a risolvere la situazione in generale e, in particolare, per impedire il commercio di diamanti estratti nelle zone controllate dai ribelli e precisare la strategia complessiva dell’UE intesa ad evitare il finanziamento illegale dei conflittiin Africa?
Già fornitore, da
[] alcuni anni, della AyrLineHydraulics nello Zimbabwe, HypressAfricadiventa ora anche []il fornitore della
[]filiale situata a Tete (Mozambico) dove la Ayr Line si è istallata da alcuni mesi per Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review la miniera di carbone recentemente scoperta nella cittadina sembra indicare dunque che Ayr Lyne diventerà, con il supporto di Hypress, il principale fornitore di componenti idraulici della regione.
years, supporting them first in Zimbabwe
[]and now in their Tete branch (Mozambique) although looking “out of Africa” from where the company has been supplying for some months now the massive coal mine recently discovered there.
to reduce the value of fixed assets by NOK million, and to allocate this reduction
[]to machinery, the value of this item was reduced from NOK million to NOK million (1 ).
to reduce the value of fixed assets by NOK million, and to allocate this reduction
[]to machinery, Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, the value of this item was reduced from NOK million to NOK million (1 ).
Dopo anni di scarsa considerazione politica e di errate scelte, la questione urbana ha oggi acquisito centralità e considerazione nell’agenda di numerosi governi africani che hanno cominciato a realizzare l’importanza del potenziale di
[]sviluppo degli agglomerati urbani e ad affrontare quelle che sono considerate le 6 sfide
[] dello sviluppo urbanoin
Following years of lack of political interest and poor choices, the urban question today has become a central and important issue on the agendas of many African countries who have begun to realize the importance of the
[]potential of developing urban agglomerates and taking on what are considered to be the 6 urban
[] development challenges in
A fronte di queste esigenze demografiche e occupazionali, i flussi necessitano, naturalmente, di una regolamentazione adeguata e si sbaglie rebbe a non considerarne la necessità, a non insistere sull’integrazione di una presenza che comunque Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review aumentando e a ritenere determinanti le sole norme di contrasto, necessarie ma dall’efficacia limitata, dai costi
[]eccessivi e soggette a imprevisti, come si
[] è constatatoinoccasione degli eventi del NordAfricanel Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review
As a consequence of these demographic and occupational necessities, the flows naturally require adequate regulations and it would be wrong to consider these as not required, not insisting on the integration of a presence that is bound to increase in any case, considering determinant only the opposition regulations, which although necessary have limited effects, are
[]expensive and subject to unexpected events, as was
[] observed during the events of North Africa in the first semester
Perfino in Germania una quota significativa di medici emigra in Scandinavia, in Svizzera o negli USA per sfuggire al sovraffaticamento derivante dalla combinazione doppi turni/salari bassi Allo stesso modo, mentre in Uganda c’è un solo primario in tutto il distretto di Kitgum (con una popolazione attorno
[]alle persone), circa
[] medici ugandesi lavoranoinSudAfrica.63 Negli ultimi anni Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review come l’Olanda e la Gran Bretagna []hanno cercato di risolvere le loro (relative) carenze di personale assumendo medici e infermiere provenienti dai paesi in via di sviluppo In ambito sanitario la mancanza di coordinamento tra il settore privato e quello pubblico può avere serie ricadute sulla forza lavoro locale, provocando lo spostamento del personale da un’area all’altra.
For example, even in Germany, significant numbers of doctors are migrating to Scandinavia, Switzerland or the US to escape burn-out from working double shifts on low pay Meanwhile in Uganda, while there is only one senior doctor in the whole of the Kitgum district (with a population of around ,
[]Miniera di Diamanti Slot Machine Review, around Ugandan
[] doctors are working in South Africa In recent years, countries []like the Netherlands and
[]the UK have sought to solve their (relative) staff shortages by actively recruiting doctors and nurses from the developing world Furthermore, lack of coordination between public and private health initiatives can have a serious impact on local workforces, pulling them away from one area of work to another.
Lattenzione accordata ai
[] trasporti nella strategia regionale èinlinea con la strategia comuneafrica-Ue17intesa a incrementare linterconnettività []attraverso gli
[]investimenti e migliorando le infrastrutture lungo i corridoi di trasporto transafricani, in modo da sostenere lo sviluppo tramite la crescita economica e gli scambi commerciali. si tratta di sostenere la definizione e lattuazione di politiche di trasporto regionali che diano priorità allarmonizzazione delle politiche nazionali in materia (ad esempio: standardizzazione del carico assiale massimo ammissibile per i veicoli pesanti) e alla semplificazione del transito lungo i corridoi regionali (ad esempio: posti di frontiera costruiti e gestiti in comune, eliminazione dei controlli illeciti).
the focus on transport in the
[] regional strategy is in line with the Joint africa–Eu strategy17 which stated that africa and the Eu would aim []at increasing interconnectivity
[]by investing in and improving infrastructure along the trans-african road transport corridors in order to support development through growth and trade. the objective is to support the definition and implementation of regional transport policies, with priority being given to the harmonisation of national transpor t policies (e.g. standardisation of maximum axle load for heavy goods vehicles) and transport facilitation along regional corridors (e.g. jointly built and managed border posts, elimination of illicit controls).
rescue measures granted to Parex (see decision of 24 November (26 )), which
[]are to be maintained during the restructuring phase, the Commission agrees with the position of Latvia that the State measures provided and to be provided to Parex in the context of its restructuring in the form of State guarantee, liquidity measures and capital injection constitute State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC.
rescue measures granted to Parex (see decision of 24 November (26 )), which
[]are to be maintained during the restructuring phase, the Commission agrees with the position of Latvia that the State measures provided and to be provided to Parex in the context of its restructuring in the form of State guarantee, liquidity measures and capital injection constitute State aid pursuant to Article 87(1) EC.
Cesena, 20 settembre – Il Gruppo TREVI ha acquisito la più grande commessa della sua storia: il Genio Militare delle Forze Armate Americane (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
[]ha infatti assegnato alla
[] controllata americana TREVIICOSSouthun contratto per lavori []di riparazione e di prevenzione per
[]danni da terremoti nella Diga di Tuttle Creek nei pressi di Kansas City - Missouri.
Cesena, 20th September – The TREVI Group has acquired the most considerable project in its history: the U.S. Army Corps of
[]Engineers has awarded the American
[] controlled company TREVIICOS South with a contract for the []execution of repair and prevention
[]works relevant to earthquake damages in the Tuttle Creek Dam, Kansas City, Missouri.
Infine, in sono state incluse le attività di
[]Fueps, relative alla realizzazione,
[] gestione e sviluppo di servizi di gaming on-line, inparticolare relative ai casual
Lastly, the operations of Fueps relating to the
[]creation, management
[] and development of online gaming services, particularly casual games, are also now []part of
Nell’ambito multilaterale l’organizzazione
[]regionale di
[] integrazione economica«SouthAfrican Development Community (SADC)» rappresenta una colonna portante della cooperazione con il Sudafrica,inparticolare nel []quadro della cooperazione
[]regionale allo sviluppo della direzione dello sviluppo e della cooperazione (DSC).
At the multilateral level the regional
[] economic organisation “South African Development Community (SADC)” is a central element of cooperation with South Africa, in particular with regard []to the Swiss Agency
[]for Development and Cooperation (SDC) regional development cooperation.