Wild Witches Short Game Guide

Wild Witches Short Game Guide

Though I may feel that a short game of cribbage might help my constitution. Don't you think it might?' The afternoon passed quickly for Eliza. It's a short enough diversion, so why not take care of it? Your foes here will be Hounds of the Wild Hunt (levels two and four), which are easily smote. If you're new to the Witcher games, an overview of basic game When first starting out in Wild Hunt, players may feel a bit lost within. Wild Witches Short Game Guide

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone main quest walkthrough

Geralt has reason to dislike Olgierd von Everlec, but there's more to Mr Luck Slots Machine O'Dimm than meets the eye. What will you do?

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This page, part of our The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt guide and walkthrough and The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone guide and walkthrough, takes you right through the main story quest of the first DLC, Hearts of Stone.

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone begins when Geralt reads the notice board at the Seven Cats Inn near Novigrad. The adventure that follows is lengthy, convoluted, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and completely stand-alone. It's also pretty tough, with nastier enemies than most you will have encountered in your career, and some quick and hard choices to be made.

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But the rewards - and the story - are worth it. Our walkthrough won't go into exhaustive detail on ever location and random encounter (you're a grown-up and can follow a waypoint) but will take you through from woe to go, noting likely side quest points, highlighting the best loot, and never missing an opportunity to play Gwent.

One top tip is to get the Ofieri runecrafter quest done before you start the main story, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, assuming you have the 5, gold needed to kick it off; his gear will be very useful in the battles ahead. Additionally, if you pick up the quest From Ofier's Distant Shores from the nearby merchant before you start you'll find you collect many of the needed items as you progress. Let's get going.

Evil’s Soft First Touches

You begin this quest by visiting the Von Everec estate after reading the board at Wild Witches Short Game Guide Seven Cats Inn. You’re sent to Oxenfurt to dispatch a monster in the sewers.

Save before entering this dungeon, as you may find yourself outclassed by the enemies you meet and realise you need to level before tackling the expansion. You’ll encounter Shani in here; be sure to choose positive dialogue options if you want to romance her later. There's little else of note in the dungeon - lots of trash loot, a linear path, and then the boss fight.

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How to beat the Toad boss fight

Potions, consumables like Golden Oriole and abilities that strengthen you against poison are helpful here, but make sure you’ve also got Bachelorette Party Slots Machine of health consumables on hand. Cursed Oil helps and the Toad does not like Northern Wind bombs.

Igni works fairly well against the Toad, especially if you have the burning chance variant equipped, as it’ll do damage while you get out of its way. Otherwise, Thunderbolt’s never a bad idea.

Be conservative; hit once or twice and roll far away. The Toad has multiple ground pound attacks which can stagger you, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Try to keep to one side or behind Wild Witches Short Game Guide – it’s not easy, the way it jumps around – to avoid its poison spits and tongue attacks.

After the fight, you awaken on a ship. You’ll encounter a limited time decision in the dialogue with the guards. There don’t seem to be any consequences to this choice but the correct option is the third one.

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How to beat the Olfieri mage

You’ll face a tough battle when you make landfall. The best tactic is to keep your distance and pick off the easy enemies first, then get the guy with the Winners Paradise Slots Machine, using Aard to stagger him quickly, before going for the mage. You need to stay very mobile to avoid the magic constantly spammed throughout the fight, so keep rolling.

Meet with Gaunter at the indicated location at midnight – meditate if necessary – and then return to the Von Everec estate to advance the story. There are now two possible quests to pursue. Both of them kick off in Oxenfurt where you’ll want to be next, but only one ends there, so I recommend kicking off Dead Man’s Party first by visiting Shani.

Dead Man’s Party

This is a fun mission. After talking with Shani in Oxenfurt, meet her at the crypt (remembering to be nice to her if you want to initiate a romantic encounter later). Apply spectre oil to your silver sword before descending. Search the crypt thoroughly for some nice loot - mostly coins - before equipping the Censer and filling the room with incense smoke. When you activate the fount in the round central chamber you’ll have to battle half a dozen ghosts at once.

Converse with the remaining ghost for a while Wild Witches Short Game Guide you’ll find you’re off to a party. Your conversation choices here may affect your chances with Shani, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, so try to balance letting her know your feelings while remaining respectful.

After talking to the happy couple you can engage in various merrymaking activities. You can play cards, fetch a boot out of a lake (use Witcher senses and collect everyone’s shoes, if you like), herd some pigs into a pen (for best results don’t use Signs here), fetch back a fire eater who has gotten lost in the Wild Witches Short Game Guide, juggle for the crowd’s entertainment, attempt to woo a woman, drink with two different groups, dance with Shani, optionally dance again and finally flirt with two different women. You also need to speak with Gaunter. Watch the capping ceremony to end this part of the mission.

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How to romance Shani

If you’d like to complete Shani’s romance mission, A Midnight Clear, be sure to say that you can stay a little longer after the wedding ends. Pretty easy to complete if you’ve been pleasant and respectful so far; just look for a rowan tree in one of the three search zones and bring her some of its blossom as a gift, instead of a drink. Be honest about your intentions to lover her and leave her, and you won’t find her uninterested.

Whether you romance Shani or not, report back to Olgierd in Oxenfurt. Be sure to challenge him to Gwent while he’s here, if that’s your thing, then head onto his second mission.

Open Sesame

This mission includes some very valuable loot and keen story material. Bring a couple of thousand gold with you for best results.

Start by visiting the Borsodi auction house; a bit of chatter at the door and an old friend will arrive to help you gain entry.

Inside you can optionally choose to speak to three of Vivaldi’s friends; it’s really worth doing so. Save before you approach each one. The Countess will sell you Viper School diagrams as well as some alchemy recipes; be sure to buy them all as they’re very reasonably priced. Afterwards, go onto the balcony and search for her earring for some worthwhile extra dialogue that Wild Witches Short Game Guide inspire her to help you out later.

The newly rich gentleman will challenge you to Gwent, offering a pretty decent cash prize. Offer to share your take with Vivaldi if you like. When you speak with the art snob, tell him you know a bit about art and then choose the portrait of the merchant; he’ll give you a hot tip for the auction. You can share Safari Spirit Slots Machine with Vivaldi or capitalise on it yourself.

In the auction, you can bid or not as you choose and depending on your finances. If you didn’t speak with the Countess you’ll find yourself stuck with a useless item. Unfortunately, you don’t get what you came for no matter how you approach the dialogue afterwards, but you’re soon approached with an interesting offer.

Before you meet the stranger at the herbalist’s hut, pick up the Without a Trace secondary quest from a notice board; the quest giver is at your next destination so you can save a bit of time.

The stranger will task you with assembling a crew for a heist, as well as reducing guard numbers, so you have three quests to complete.

Open Sesame: Safecracker

You can choose which of the two potential members you want in your crew for this one. I went with the lockpick located within an easy walk of the Herbalist’s hut. You have several options as to how to convince his guards to let him go; be prepared for a fight if you can’t pay up, use Axii, or win at Gwent. Gwent is, of course, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, the VG approved method, and will quickly and easily resolve this quest.

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Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering

Again, you can choose which of the two potential members you want in your crew. I went with Eveline. To convince her, you only need to agree to appear in her show; it’s a simple matter of shooting five apples held by one of her colleagues. The foot is the trickiest one, but it’s not a difficult challenge. Be sure to visit the merchant in the camp before you leave; he sells Gwent cards and will reward you with one of the new cards if you beat him at a match.

Open Sesame: Witcher Seasonings

This quest is pretty easy; open your Alchemy menu and scroll down to the Quest section at the bottom to craft the necessary potion. The ingredients are commonly available but go back to the herbalist’s hut if you’re missing something.

Head to Oxenfurt. Approach each of the three search zones in turn, and use Witcher senses to spot two red audio markers. Approach, still using Witcher senses, and listen. The third set of guards reveal the location of the chef you’re after. Go there during daylight hours.

If you have Axii at a high enough level equipped you can convince the cook to help you for free; otherwise, you’ll need a wad of cash. With that done, it’s time to complete the heist.

Open Sesame (continued)

Meet back at the herbalist’s hut. In the ensuing conversation, you can choose to head straight to the heist immediately or make your own way there; it doesn’t matter much but gives you a chance to save before you start the operation.

Once inside the tower, make a save file – there are lots of important choices ahead. Use Witcher senses to spot an important store note in the first room, then descend the stairs. When you head down the second flight you’ll encounter a fight; there doesn’t seem to be any way to avoid this or to prevent the alarm being triggered.

You now have to make Onsker Cup spilleautomat gratis demo choices in rapid succession. Agree to help the stranger by negotiating with the guards for best results. You can get through this encounter without having another tiresome fight by first asking the guards to leave, then asking for a wagon. When asked what kind, say anything will do. This will prevent the guards from rushing in to attack, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and please the stranger. Whatever happens, one of your team members will leave.

The remaining three continue downwards. As you pass through the storage rooms use Witcher senses and look carefully for notes on desks; you can learn some interesting stuff down here. Save again when the vault door opens; you’ll drop into a pit and have to fight some spiders.

Inside the first room of the vault, avoid the door and circle around collecting all the treasure – your purse will be a lot heavier after this night’s work, and there are plenty of items that can be broken down for crafting materials like gem dust. You may want to save again before proceeding to the next room.

When you finally enter the heart of the vault you’ll have multiple dialogue choices to make. You get what you need no matter what you do, but one important note is that if you want to get out of here with the stranger alive it’s best not to hesitate by saying you want to stay out of the two men’s affairs.

After the fight, you’ll have to deal with whichever of the two men is alive, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. If it’s the stranger, you’ll have to negotiate for your prize, and if it Wild Witches Short Game Guide goes wrong, you’ll have to kill him to get it. Choose the calmest, polite dialogue options to get out of there with him alive.

Before you take the ladder down to the secret tunnel out of the vault, search every treasure and loot box. There’s some very valuable stuff in here, and Wild Witches Short Game Guide importantly, one of the Viper diagrams.

Once you make it outside, return to Olgierd to end the quest. If you’ve done both of his first two tasks, you’ll be able to ask him extra questions and see an additional scene where he gives you the third task.

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Scenes from a Marriage

Head back to the Von Everec estate and Wild Witches Short Game Guide ready for battle. After chatting with the man outside, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, enter and search all the indicated zones to be prompted to check the back yard, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Before doing so, approach the front door and Wild Witches Short Game Guide for the missing thief. Follow the blood trail around the manor until Wild Witches Short Game Guide encounter a cutscene.

When you move a little further into the yard you’ll trigger a boss fight.

How to beat the Caretaker boss fight

Quen is some help here, but most other signs are useless. Relict Oil is a major aid, as ever you can always fall back on Thunderbolt.

This guy’s big and slow but has a painful weakness – his back. Roll or dodge to the side and behind him, so you can avoid his short attack combo. Be wary of the way his swings curl around his body, as you might not be out of range after a single dodge.

When his weapon is glowing, roll further away; his final attack in the combo will cast an area of effect which will stun you, causing you to miss your real opening. As soon as you see it glow on the ground, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, roll back in and behind him – the effect vanishes instantly and the Caretaker will pause momentarily to gather his strength, allowing you to score multiple critical hits on his back. Roll away as soon as he twitches, as the same area of effect stun triggers when he raises his weapon again.

Once you get his health about a third of the way down he’ll start summoning minions. These shades go down quickly but spawn in huge numbers. I found it best to unlock the camera and keep an eye on the Caretaker to avoid his attacks as I ran around hitting the adds; they die so easily and attack so slowly you don’t even need to look at them. Then, when the Caretaker did his combo, I rolled in and wailed on his back again just as I had during the earlier phase of the fight. It only took a few rounds.

When the battle is over, don’t rush into the manor. There’s a treasure chest nearby you should plunder, and if you search the grounds you’ll find a hairbrush you’ll need later.

The path inside the manor is always linear. There’re plenty of loot containers but most of them are just junk. Head into the parlour for a little scene with a wraith of some kind. Be sure to loot the treasure chest in here, which has some good stuff, and grab the sketch journal from the table before proceeding.

The ceiling caves in as you enter the central hall but you won’t be hit unless you sprint in. There’s not much in the dining room so take the stairs up, walking to avoid an attack at the very top. Enter the study and go out the door to the balcony, circling around to the next room. Prepare for a fight before exiting; you’ll meet the wraith in the gallery.

How to beat the Wraith from the Painting boss fight

This can be tough if you’re under-levelled. Apply Spectre Oil, obviously. Unlike most wraiths, this one isn’t wary of running right into your Yrden traps, but be aware that this is a real sword fight; signs and Fairie Nights Slots Machine aren’t the answer.

The trick here is parrying and waiting Wild Witches Short Game Guide an opening; don’t just hack away or the wraith will return the favour, and it has more health than you. You must bide your time and attack precisely when it leaves you an opening.

There are paintings on either side of the gallery and the wraith will frequently leech extra life out of them; as soon as you see the green glow, quickly untether the camera and run over to slash the indicated painting to put a stop to that bullshit.


Once the wraith is down you have a clear run at the bedchamber. Before approaching the figure on the bed, pick up the portrait on the far side of the room, and collect any loot you want. Once you examine the body, you’ll be taken outside.

You want the search zone near the easel; examine it to trigger the next scene. During the ceremony you must choose something to say and place one of the items you’ve collected. I chose to mention Iris’s art and place her sketchbook, which seemed to work out well.

In the mysterious new world you’ll be transported to, watch out for arachnomorph spectre enemies, as Mystical Sun Slots Machine as patches of buzzing light that drain your health fast. Approach the central fountain and search around for a cup on the ground; place it in Iris’s hand to continue.

You’ll then battle multiple arachnomorph spectres include a giant one; this is easy to beat if you back it up against a hedge, though, as its speed is its greatest asset.

Once the path is clear, head inside the manor and follow the linear path through the rooms. In the dining room you must light several candles and the fire to trigger the scene, after which you’ll fight a human-shaped spectre. In the bedroom, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, find the bloody towel and place it by the washbowl. In the studio, take the bowl of fruit and the goblet, and arrange them on the table in this order from left to right: grapes, goblet, apple.

There are half a dozen human-shaped spectres in the gallery. Once they’re down, continue to the study. You need to pick up some candles and chalk, then examine the pentagram on the floor. Save your game, then place the candles on the circle outside the pentagram to continue.

When you are trapped in the fire, run to the painting in the corner and examine it to escape; look for the blue-ish stream of particles to guide you to its location in the room. You’ll then face a new hazard. As soon as you have control, run towards the manor and slightly right; instead of going up the stairs to the door, look for the open hatch to the cellars.

Safe inside, move onto another frozen tableau. Pick up the mug and the contract; the mug goes with Olgierd and the contract with Iris’s father. Moving on to Bally Gaming Slots dining room, find the small bowl, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, the large bowl and the food platter; it should be obvious which belongs to the cat, the dog and the Caretaker.

Now save your game. In the final room, examine the letters on the table to begin a tough fight.

Hot to beat Iris Von Everec’s Worst Nightmare boss fight

This is not easy. The trick is to make sure there’s only ever one baddie attacking you at once. Immediately roll away from the active creature and once you’re at a safe distance, take one of the passive bodies down with a few heavy hits. Repeat until there’s only one left, at which point it’s safe to close the gap and start duelling. When you see black smoke as the enemy's spirit passes into a new body, wail on the new one; it will take a few seconds to start attacking, and with luck you'll have it dead before it fully wakes.

Be wary of these enemies; they hit very, very hard and can take out almost pm casino whole health bar in one solid swing. When battling the active creatures, as opposed to the passive ones, use fast strikes, not heavy blows.

Do not allow multiple bodies to come to life simultaneously if you can help it. If you don’t have the strength to take the dummies down in a few hits even when using Thunderbolt, use Quen liberally and try to duel your way through it. Good luck!

Once the fight is over only dialogue remains of this quest. I don’t think it matters what you say, but I said Olgierd is not happy, and asked for the rose. Once you have that in hand, it’s time to end Olgierd and O'Dimm's contract.

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Whatsoever A Man Soeth

Back in Oxenfurt, enter the inn to trigger a lengthy scene. Wild Witches Short Game Guide this is over you have a new destination, but first, go visit Shani if you want to know a bit more about what you’re getting into.

If you do decide you want some extra context, which I recommend, follow Shani to the academy. Once she goes inside, leave via the bridge gate, dive into the river, and swim to sure. Follow the walls around to meet her, battling a few Drowners on the way.

How to enter Master Shakelock's house

Inside the academy, you'll have to fight four witch hunters, including one with a crossbow, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Once they're down, knock on master Shakelock's door. He won't answer, so turn around and look directly behind you for a ladder. Climb it, follow the path around to a second ladder, and finally jump off the roof to the next balcony. Use Aard to shatter the door and gain entry.

Shakelock is on the ground floor. You can obtain the key to the front door from him when your conversation ends. The best way out of the academy is back across the courtyard you entered by and straight through the watchtower on the walls; there's a treasure chest in here you should grab.

Now we're off to the final confrontation. The nearest signposts are Beken and Toderas. Your waypoint will lead you into a dark cave; you may want to use Cat or a torch to get through this. Ignore your HorsePS when it freaks out and insists you leave the way you came; just keep climbing higher into the cave, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, jumping the gap when necessary, to emerge on a cliff outside. Save before you step out into the light if you want a backup.

O'Dimm and Olgierd will face off; you can and maybe should opt to intervene and try to save the troubled man. In any case, you'll be transported into a nightmare land where you must hunt down the demon who has you trapped.

How to find Master Mirror

The riddle isn't too tricky and, well, the answer's in the mission prompt - it's a mirror. Still, getting there isn't easy, as there's a strict time limit.

To start with, don't stop for anything. Don't stop for loot; don't stop to ave anyone; don't investigate anything; don't even fight monsters. Just keep sprinting.

Your goal is the house with the red windows which is visible from almost everywhere on the map, but the winding, switchbacking paths and various pits don't make it easy to get to. Your best bet is to use the mini-map to find paths, and reorient yourself when you reach a junction. You may fail a few times if you're not to hot on in-game geography, but you'll soon come to recognise the shape of things.

Once you reach the house, make sure you have full health, then sprint in the front door and down the long corridor down the stairs. You can't avoid the fall but try to roll to minimise damage. Approach the nearby mirror so it shatters, then forget about running around looking at the others. Instead, pass the first tempting set of stairs and climb into Thai Princess Slots Machine fountain in the centre of the map.

Use Witcher senses to highlight points of interest. Examine the floor and Geralt will remark that there was water here, once. Now examine the back wall for him to comment that he can hear water on the other side. Use Aard to break the wall, and - well, spoilers.

Well done, Witcher! You've successfully completed the main quest of Hearts of Stone. There's heaps of other content out there, though, so why not return to our The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone guide?

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

video game

video game

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[a] is an action role-playing game developed by Polish developer CD Projekt Red, and first published in It is the sequel to the game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and the third and final main game in The Witcher video game series, played in an open world with a third-person perspective. The games are based on The Witcher series of fantasy novels written by Andrzej Sapkowski.

The game takes place in a fictional fantasy world based on Slavic mythology. Players control Geralt of Rivia, a monster slayer for hire known as a Witcher, and search for his adopted daughter, who is on the run from the otherworldly Wild Hunt. Players battle the game's many dangers with weapons and magic, interact with non-player characters, and complete quests to acquire experience points and gold, which are used to increase Geralt's abilities and purchase equipment. The game's story has three possible endings, determined by the player's choices at key points in the narrative.

Development began in and lasted for three and a half years. Central and Northern European cultures formed the basis of the game's world. REDengine 3 enabled the developer to create a complex story without compromising the game's open world, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. The music was primarily composed by Marcin Przybyłowicz and performed by the Brandenburg State Orchestra.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in Maywith a Nintendo Switch version released in Octoberand PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions planned for release in The game received critical acclaim, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, with praise for its gameplay, narrative, world design, combat, and visuals, although it received minor criticism due to technical issues. It received numerous game of the year awards and has been cited as one of the best video games ever made. Two expansions were also released to critical acclaim: Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. A Game of the Year edition was released in Augustwith the base game, expansions and all downloadable content. The game shipped over 30 million copies, making it one of the best selling video games of all time.


Gameplay screenshot of Geralt using the Igni sign against an enemy

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an action role-playing game with a third-person perspective. Players control Geralt of Rivia, a monster Fortune Race Slots Machine known as a Witcher.[1] Geralt walks, runs, rolls and dodges, and (for the first time in the series) jumps, climbs and swims.[2][3] He has a variety of weapons, including bombs, a crossbow and two swords (one steel and one silver).[4] The steel sword is used primarily to kill humans while the silver sword is more effective against creatures and monsters.[5] Players can draw out, switch and sheathe their swords at will. There are two modes of melee attack; light attacks are fast but weak, and heavy attacks are slow but strong.[6] Players can block and counter enemy attacks with their swords.[4] Swords have limited endurance and require regular repair.[7] In addition to physical attacks, Geralt has five magical signs at his disposal: Aard, Axii, Igni, Yrden and Quen.[8] Aard prompts Geralt to unleash a telekinetic blast, Axii confuses enemies, Igni burns them, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, Yrden slows them down and Quen offers players a temporary, protective shield.[9] The signs use stamina, and cannot be used indefinitely.[10] Players can use mutagens to increase Geralt's magic power. Geralt loses health when attacked by enemies, although wearing armour can help reduce health loss. Health is restored with meditation or consumables, such as food and potions.[4] Players occasionally control Ciri, Geralt's adoptive daughter who can teleport short distances.[11]

The game has responsive, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and dynamic environments. The day-night cycle influences some monsters; a werewolf becomes powerful during the night of a full moon.[12] Players can learn about their enemies and prepare for combat by reading the in-game bestiary.[13] When they kill an enemy, they can loot its corpse for valuables.[13] Geralt's witcher sense enables players to find objects of interest, including items that can be collected or scavenged.[14] Items are stored in the inventory, which can be expanded by purchasing upgrades.[13] Players can sell items to vendors[15] or use them to craft potions and bombs.[16][17] They can visit blacksmiths to craft new weapons and armorers to craft new armour with what they have gathered.[18] The price of an item and the cost of crafting it depend on a region's local economy.[3] Players earn experience points by completing missions.[3] When a player earns enough experience, Geralt's level increases and the player Wild Witches Short Game Guide ability points.[19] These points may be used on four skill trees: combat, signs, alchemy and general. Combat upgrades enhance Geralt's attacks and unlock new fighting techniques; signs upgrades enable him to use magic more efficiently, and alchemy upgrades improve crafting abilities, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. General upgrades have a variety of functions, from raising Geralt's vitality to increasing crossbow damage.[10]

The game focuses on narrative, and has a dialogue tree which allows players to choose how to respond to non-player characters. Geralt must make decisions which change the state of the world and lead to 36 possible endings, affecting the lives of in-game characters.[20] He can have a romantic relationship with some of the game's female characters by completing certain quests.[21] In addition to the main quests, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, books offer more information on the game's world.[13] Players can begin side quests after visiting a town's noticeboard.[13] These side missions include Witcher Contracts (elaborate missions requiring players to hunt monsters)[22] and Treasure Hunt quests, which reward players with top-tier weapons or armour.[13] The game's open world is divided into several regions. Geralt can explore each region on foot or by transportation, such as a boat. Roach, his horse, may be summoned at will.[23] Players can kill enemies with their sword while riding Roach,[24] but an enemy presence may frighten the horse and unseat Geralt.[13] Points of interest may be Magic Castle Slots Machine on the map, and players receive experience points after completing mini-missions in these regions.[25] Players can discover Places of Power for additional ability points.[26] Other activities include horse racing, boxing and card playing;[27][28] the card-playing mechanic was later expanded into a standalone game.[29]



The game is set in the Continent, a fictional fantasy world based on Slavonic mythology.[30][31][32] It is surrounded by parallel dimensions and extra-dimensional worlds. Humans, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, elves, dwarves, monsters and other creatures co-exist on the Continent, but non-humans are often persecuted for their differences. The Continent is caught up in a war between the empire of Nilfgaard[33]—led by Emperor Emhyr var Emreis (Charles Dance),[34] who invaded the Northern Kingdoms[33]—and Redania, ruled by King Radovid V.[35] Several locations appear, including the free city of Novigrad,[36] the Redanian city of Oxenfurt, the no man's land of Velen, the city of Vizima (former capital of the recently conquered Temeria), the Skellige islands (home to several Norse-Gaels Viking clans) and the witcher stronghold of Kaer Morhen.[35][37]

The main character is the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia (Doug Cockle),[38] a monster hunter trained since childhood in combat, tracking, alchemy and magic, and made stronger, faster and resistant to toxins by mutagens. He is aided by his lover, the powerful sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg (Denise Gough),[38] his former love interest Triss Merigold (Jaimi Barbakoff),[38] the bard Dandelion (John Schwab), the Wild Witches Short Game Guide warrior Zoltan Chivay (Alexander Morton),[39][33] and Geralt's Witcher mentor Vesemir (William Roberts).[39][35] Geralt is spurred into action by the reappearance of his and Yennefer's adopted daughter, Ciri (Jo Wyatt).[39] Ciri is a Source, born with innate (and potentially vast) magical abilities; after the apparent death of her parents, Ho Yeah Monkey Slots Machine was trained as a witcher while Yennefer taught her magic.[33] Ciri disappeared years before to escape the Wild Hunt, a group of spectral warriors led by the King of the Wild Hunt: the elf Eredin, from a parallel dimension.[35]


See also: Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine

The game begins with Geralt and his mentor Vesemir riding to the town of White Orchard after receiving a letter from Geralt's long-lost lover Yennefer, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. After defeating a gryphon for the local Nilfgaardian garrison commander, Geralt accompanies Yennefer to the city of Vizima, where they meet with Emperor Emhyr. Emhyr orders Geralt to find Ciri, who is Emhyr's biological daughter and Geralt's adopted daughter. Because Ciri is a Child of the Elder Blood, the last heir to an ancient Elven bloodline that grants her the power to manipulate time and space, she is being relentlessly stalked by the enigmatic Wild Hunt. Geralt learns of three places Ciri was recently seen: the war-ravaged swamp province of Velen, the free city-state of Novigrad, and the Skellige Isles.

In Velen, Geralt tracks Ciri to the fortress of the Bloody Baron, a warlord who recently took over the province. The Baron Wild Witches Short Game Guide that Geralt find his missing wife and daughter in exchange for information about Ciri. Geralt learns that the Baron drove his own family away with his drunken rages; while his daughter fled to Oxenfurt, his wife Anna became a servant of the Crones, three malicious witches that Wild Witches Short Game Guide over Velen. He also discovers that Ciri was briefly captured by the Crones, but escaped to the Baron's stronghold Wild Witches Short Game Guide continuing on to Novigrad.

At Novigrad, Geralt reunites with his former love Triss Merigold, who has gone underground to escape persecution by the Church of the Eternal Fire. He learns that Ciri and his old friend Dandelion ran afoul of Novigrad's powerful crime bosses while seeking to break a curse related to a mysterious phylactery. With the help of Triss and several old acquaintances, Geralt rescues Dandelion, who tells him that Ciri teleported to Skellige to escape pursuit by guards.

Geralt sails to Skellige and reunites with Yennefer, who is investigating a magical explosion near where Ciri was last seen. They discover that Ciri visited the island of Lofoten, but when the Wild Hunt attacked again, fled in a boat with an unidentified elf. When the boat returned to shore, its Wild Witches Short Game Guide occupant was Uma, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, a deformed creature Geralt previously saw living with the Wild Witches Short Game Guide Baron. Deducing that Uma was the victim of the curse Ciri tried to lift in Novigrad, Geralt picks up Uma in Velen and takes him to the nearly abandoned witcher school at Kaer Morhen. Working with Yennefer and his fellow witchers, Geralt breaks the curse and restores Uma's true identity: Avallac'h, Ciri's teacher and the strange elf often seen with her on her travels. Avallac'h tells Geralt that he placed Ciri in an enchanted sleep on the Isle of Mists to keep her temporarily safe Wild Witches Short Game Guide the Wild Hunt.

Geralt finds Ciri on the Isle of Mists, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and learns from her that Eredin, the leader of the Wild Hunt, wants her Elder Blood powers to save his homeworld from a catastrophe known as the White Frost. They return to Kaer Morhen and fortify it against the inevitable arrival of the Hunt, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. In the battle that ensues, Vesemir is killed, causing Ciri to unleash her uncontrolled power and temporarily send the Hunt into retreat.

Realizing that the Hunt will never stop, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, Ciri and Geralt decide to fight Eredin at a time and place of their choosing. While Triss and Yennefer reform the Lodge of Sorceresses to aid in the fight, Geralt recovers the Sunstone, an artifact that can communicate between worlds. Using the Sunstone, Avallac'h lures Eredin to Skellige, where Geralt defeats him in combat. As he dies, Eredin tells Geralt that Avallac'h has betrayed him, and plans to use Ciri's power for his own ends.

As the White Frost begins to encroach on the Continent, Geralt and Yennefer pursue Avallac'h, only to find Ciri alive and well. She tells Geralt that Avallac'h is not a traitor, and has only ever intended to fight the White Frost. Thinking back on her relationship with Geralt, Ciri finds the strength to stop the cataclysm; if Geralt patronized and protected her throughout the game, she dies in the attempt, but if he guided her to mature and make her own choices, she survives.

The player's choices can lead to several different endings. If Ciri survives after defeating the White Frost and Geralt previously took her to meet her father, she will become the Empress of Nilfgaard. If Ciri survives but didn't go to meet the emperor, Geralt helps her fake her death, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and she becomes a witcher. If Ciri is killed in her confrontation with the White Frost, the story ends with Geralt retrieving her medallion from the last remaining Crone. The player's choices also determine whether Geralt ends up in a romantic relationship with Yennefer, Triss, or neither, and how much of the North is ultimately conquered by Nilfgaard.


Although the game was planned to begin production inCD Projekt Red's preoccupation with Rise of the White Wolf pushed it back to [40] The company developed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with a self-funded budget of US$81 million[b] over three-and-a-half years. The project began with employees, eventually growing to over in-house staff. 1, people were involved in the production globally. While the game is based on Andrzej Sapkowski's novels, it is not an official continuation of them and Sapkowski's involvement with the game was limited to the creation of its in-game map.[44][45] The game was localised in 15 languages, with a total of Basic Instinct Slots Machine actors.[46][47][48] The game was scripted concurrently in Polish and English to alleviate difficulty in localisation.[49] According to Side (the company which handled voice casting and recording), the ,word script had speaking roles. The voices were recorded from late to early [50] CD Projekt Red wanted the game to be free of any digital rights management (DRM) due to the developer's unsuccessful control of piracy with its predecessor, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, whose DRM also made it run slowly.[51]

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was created with the REDengine 3, CD Projekt Red's proprietary game engine designed for nonlinear role-playing video games set in open world environments,[52] aided by the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles and prepared for use in October The first play-through indicated to the developers that the open world, despite its content and generation around the quests, seemed empty. As a solution, they added points of interest, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. The game had 5, bugs that December, which (with a launch date of February ) necessitated its postponement.[40][53] Like the previous two Witcher games, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, players are given a complex story with multiple choices and consequences. Unlike other game engines, REDengine 3 permits a complex storyline without sacrificing virtual world design.[54] The user interface was made more intuitive with grid-based Wild Witches Short Game Guide. The camera system was improved to use long shots for battles with multiple enemies and close-ups for more-intimate confrontations.[55] More animations were used for combat sequences than in The Witcher 2, with each lasting less than one second for quick succession.[56] Game director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz and senior game designer Damien Monnier cited Dark Souls and Demon's Souls as influences on Wild Hunt's combat system,[57][58] and level designer Miles Tost and senior environment Wild Witches Short Game Guide Jonas Mattsson cited The Legend of Zelda series and Red Dead Redemption as influencing the game's level designs and environments.[59]

Months before its release date, the game's economy, crafting, and inventory systems were incomplete and apparently unable to meet the deadline. Senior gameplay designer Matthew Steinke thought of a remedy and drew up a system context diagram. To allocate prices, Steinke wrote a formula based on rate of damage, defence, or healing. Polynomial least squares were used to determine its efficacy, and it was found to eliminate bugs from the system and reduce loading times.[60] Each character was given a unique personality to contrast the fetch-quest system typically used in video games. It was decided early that the writing would be witty, with metaphors and implied meanings. Dialogue was limited to 15 lines, with occasional exceptions, to retain content originality. Player options were written as morally ambiguous, reflecting real life and Andrzej Sapkowski's original Witcher series. Alcoholism, abuse and sexuality, depicted as normal parts of the medieval world, were incorporated into the story for authenticity.[40][53][49] Areas of the open world were based on Poland, Amsterdam, and Scandinavia.[49] Objects were modelled by hand.[53]

Storylines such as Yennefer imprisoning Geralt on an island and Geralt's covert recruitment to the Wild Hunt were discarded to make the game smaller and avoid splitting it into two parts. The card game Gwent was preceded by other mini-game proposals, including a drinking game, knife Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and ice skating.[40] A re-enactment of the Wild Witches Short Game Guide of Grunwald was recorded for the sounds of battle, marching, blacksmithing, and the firing of arrows. Recording the knights' voices for post-processing, the speakers wore helmets for an authentic sound. Marcin Przybyłowicz was the game's music director and composer, with additional music contributed by Polish folk band Percival. According to Przybyłowicz, working with Percival was a challenge; he expected an academic approach before learning that most of the group were not formally trained, and much of the music was improvised. Multi-instrumentalist Robert Wild Witches Short Game Guide of the folk band Żywiołak recorded lute, Renaissance fiddle, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, bowed gusle, and hurdy-gurdy sections. The score was performed in Frankfurt an der Oder by the Brandenburg State Orchestra, conducted by Bernd Ruf.[61]


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was announced inthen to be released for PC, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One the following year.[62][63][64] The release date was later delayed from the third quarter of to February [65] After missing its planned release date of 24 February,[66][67] CD Projekt Red confirmed in April that the game was released to manufacturing.[68]The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was released worldwide on 19 May [66] Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz and President Bronisław Komorowski visited CD Projekt Red to celebrate the launch.[40] It was distributed to retailers by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in North America and Bandai Namco in Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.[69][70] In addition to the standard edition, players can also purchase the Collector's Edition, which includes the base game and items such as an artbook, a statue of Geralt fighting against a griffin, and a Witcher medallion.[71] At E3a port for the Nintendo Switch, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition, was announced.[72] It was developed in cooperation with Saber Interactive,[73] and was released on 15 October [74] The port features slight graphical downgrades to compensate for the Switch's less powerful hardware, but is otherwise identical to existing versions.[75]

CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwiński listed three pillars Wild Witches Short Game Guide he considered integral to marketing: game quality, a "gamer-centric value proposition", Wild Witches Short Game Guide communication with fans. To achieve the second, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was marketed as "Skyrim in a Game of Thrones sauce".[76] The third explained in detail the visual downgrade from earlier promotional footage to the finished product, which Iwiński thought effective.[76] The logo was re-designed to make it less obvious that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was a sequel; the number three suggested a claw mark or mask to an audience unfamiliar with the series, while fans would recognise it as the mark of the Wild Hunt.[77]

Downloadable content and expansions[edit]

The developer studied Witcher forums and websites such as Reddit to predict what players generally desired from downloadable content (DLC). A collection of 16 free DLC was released, as announced before release by the developers. They Wild Witches Short Game Guide cosmetic and additional gameplay content and the New Game Plus mode.[51][78] CD Projekt Red announced two expansion packs: Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. Hearts of Stone was released on 13 October ,[79] and Blood and Wine on 31 May [80]Hearts of Stone follows Geralt as he contacts a mysterious entity known as the Man of Glass and an immortal man, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, Olgierd von Everec. The expansion was critically acclaimed, rated a 9/10 by IGN and GameSpot.[81][82] The second expansion pack, Blood and Wine, follows Geralt as he travels to Toussaint (a Nilfgaardian duchy untouched by war) to track down a mysterious beast which is terrorizing the region. It was also critically acclaimed, winning the Best Wild Witches Short Game Guide category at The Game Awards [83] A Game of the Year edition, with the base game, both expansions and all DLC, was released on 30 August [84]


The publisher announced a re-release of the game planned for the ninth generation of video game consoles — the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. The game will be available as a free upgrade to existing owners on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, or to purchase separately. It is expected to include faster loading times, ray tracing, and all previously released downloadable content.[85] Invideo game news site Kotaku reported that the game would include a mod produced by fans; Halk Hogan, creator of a mod that improves the game's textures, announced that the developer had entered talks to include The Witcher 3 HD Reworked in the release. CD Projekt Red confirmed to Kotaku that they had entered talks with mod creators, prompting discussion about why the company, which earned $mil insought out community assistance.[86] The release was scheduled to be released in the second half Arctic Treasure Slots Machine ,[87] but was delayed and now expected to release during the second quarter of [88] The game is being developed by Saber Interactive, the developers responsible for the game's Nintendo Switch port.[89] The company confirmed the re-release would feature downloadable content based on the TV series adaptation. The company's lead quest designer stated that players "might be able to wear Geralt's armor inspired by the Netflix series".[90]



The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received "universal acclaim" for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions, and "generally favorable reviews" for the Switch version, according to review aggregator Metacritic.[91][92][93][94]

Critics agreed that it was an ambitious action role-playing game which was grand in scale,[][][95] but marred by technical difficulties[][99] and a lack of innovation.[]GameSpot and Eurogamer gave the game their highest rating.[98][]The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been considered one of the greatest video games of all time.[][][][][][][][] The game world received widespread praise from critics. Kimberly Wallace of Game Informer called it "immersive", and was impressed by its attention to detail.[96]Destructoid's Chris Carter praised its size, which he found enormous and would take players hours to explore.[95] Jonathon Leack, writing for Game Revolution, praised the game's effective use of its large world. Leack wrote that Wild Witches Short Game Guide region had quests and activities for players to try, although he thought that much was filler which extended its length.[97] Tom Senior of GamesRadar praised the open world's variety, describing it as an "exciting realization of the Ronin fantasy".[99]GameTrailers' Daniel Bloodworth praised the game for encouraging exploration; many quests would only become available to players after they met non-playable characters in different parts of the world.[] Vince Ingenito of IGN and Shaun Prescott of PC Gamer were impressed by the game's scenery and its day-night cycle,[] with Ingenito saying that it highlighted the game world's authenticity.[]

Its narrative received critical acclaim. Carter praised the cast of characters, which he called unique and interesting. He considered the narrative more involving, with players witnessing key events and making consequential choices.[95] Wallace praised the game's dialogue and its side-quests; each was similar to a short story, and player decisions in the quests would influence the state of the world. She liked the main quest, which added more character to Geralt, and said that the romance options were a significant improvement over its predecessors, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. However, she was disappointed with the quality of the game's endings.[96] Kevin Van Ord of GameSpot echoed Wallace, noting that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's story had more characterisation for Geralt than the previous games. He welcomed the change, since it gave players emotional connections to the in-game characters.[98] Senior enjoyed the side-quests, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, calling them "a compilation of dark fantasy short stories" which overshadowed the main quests.[99] Ingenito was disappointed with the main story, saying that there was too much padding and too many dull quests.[]PC Gamer's Shaun Prescott agreed, saying that the narrative would have felt rote if the side content was not engaging.[] Van Ord, Wallace and Brett Phipps of www.enthralaviation.com praised the voice acting,[][98] with Wallace calling it the series' best.[96] Arthur Gies from Polygon criticized that some of the female characters are overly sexualized and that there are no people of color in the main game.[]

The game's combat had a generally-positive reception. Bloodworth found Geralt more mobile and agile with the new climbing and swimming mechanic.[] Carter said that it was significantly streamlined and its predecessors' strategic elements removed, but appreciated its action.[95] Wallace wrote that with a simplified alchemy system, a decent user interface and diverse difficulty settings the combat was more accessible, although she disliked the disruptive weapon-degradation system and unrefined crossbow shooting mechanic.[96] Leack thought the system lacked complexity and criticised its lack of polish, caused by the unreliable lock-on system, camera issues and excessively-long combat animation.[97] Senior noted that some gameplay mechanics, King of the Aztecs Slots Machine as rolling and dodging, were inconsistent and made the system feel unfair.[99] Ingenito praised the combat, describing its fluidity as a significant improvement over its predecessors.[]

Other gameplay aspects received mixed reviews. Van Ord praised the King Kong Cash Slot Machine customisation and upgrade system (which offered players a sense of progression), Wild Witches Short Game Guide, since it hardened as the story unfolded.[98] Ingenito called its upgrade system deep and flexible, since players have considerable freedom when customising Geralt's skills.[] Leack disliked the upgrade system, calling it "unexciting".[97] Carter was disappointed with the Witcher Senses, finding it repetitive,[95] but Senior considered them superior to objective markers—the norm for role-playing games.[99] Prescott disliked the user interface for its clumsiness and tedium.[] Senior found the Gwent card game an addictive minigame.[99]

The game was criticised for its technical issues. Carter called its climbing animations stiff, noting that some gameplay bugs would hinder player progress.[95] According to Wallace, the game's load times were too long.[96] Leack noted that the game Wild Witches Short Game Guide a graphic downgrade, and the actual game did not look as good as the demonstration.[97] Senior, Phipps and Ingenito noted frame rate issues;[99] although Ingenito thought it did not impact the gameplay,[] Phipps called it a persistent problem which overshadowed many of the game's achievements.[]


Before its release, over million people pre-ordered the game.[]The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt debuted atop the UK software sales chart in its first week, when it earned &#;percent more than predecessor The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. It was the best-selling video game of the year in the UK, breaking the record held Wild Witches Short Game Guide Battlefield Hardline.[] It debuted atop the Japanese video-game sales charts, selling 67, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, copies in its first week.[] Four million copies of the game were sold in its first two weeks of release.[]

By Juneoverplayers had activated the game through GOG Galaxy.[][] The game sold over six million copies in the next six weeks,[48] and the studio made a profit of $&#;million in the first half of [] In MarchWild Witches Short Game Guide, CD Projekt Red reported that the game had shipped nearly 10 million copies worldwide.[] By the end ofthe series as a whole had sold over 33 million.[][] By Junethat number had risen to over 40 million, with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt accounting for over half of that figure.[]

Following the release of the first season of Netflix' television series The Witcher in DecemberThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had a % increase in sales that month compared to December [] By DecemberThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had sold over 28 million copies worldwide.[][] And by April it had sold over 30 million copies, while the series as a whole had sold over 50 million.[]


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt received pre-release awards at E3 in and It was voted the best role-playing game at the IGN Best of E3 Awards in and [][] It won IGN's E3 People's Choice Award in andGameSpot's E3 People's Choice Award in ,[][] and the Most Wanted Award at the 31st and 32nd Golden Joystick Awards.[][] It was the Most Anticipated Game at the Game Awards in Las Vegas.[] It received game of the year awards and was the most awarded game of all time untilwhen it was overtaken by The Last of Us Part II.[] By Augustit had received over awards.[] OnGamesradar listed it as the top game of the generation.[]

Its accolades are from several Wild Witches Short Game Guide, including the Golden Joystick Awards,[]The Game Awards,[]D.I.C.E. Awards,[] Game Developers Choice Awards,[]SXSW Gaming Awards[] and the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers (NAVGTR) awards.[]The Witcher 3 was recognized as game of the year by IGN,[] GameSpot,[] Game Informer[] and other gaming publications.[][][] The game received a Golden Joystick Award for Best Wild Witches Short Game Guide, Best Visual Design and Best Gaming Moment,[] and the Game Awards for Best Role-Playing Game and Studio of the Year for CD Projekt Red.[] It won Outstanding Achievement in Game Design, Outstanding Technical Achievement and Outstanding Achievement in Story at the D.I.C.E. Awards,[] and won the Game of the Year and Best Technology awards at the 16th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards.[]


  1. ^Polish: Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon
  2. ^Reports conflict on the exact figure. The total was estimated at $67–81 million, with $– million for production and an additional $25–35 million for marketing.[41][42][43]


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  56. ^Purchese, Robert (28 November ). "The Witcher 3: What is a next-gen RPG?". Eurogamer. Archived from the original on 11 June
  57. ^Jones, Gary (30 March ). "Witcher 3: Why Dark Souls has proved a big influence, new details on + hours gameplay". Daily Express. Archived from the original on 11 June
  58. ^Pena, Danny (27 April ). "Episode # – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Interview with CD Projekt Red". Gamertag Radio. Archived from the original on 11 June
  59. ^Walton, Mark (4 August ). "How The Witcher 3's economy was saved by polynomial least squares". Ars Technica. Archived from the original on 4 August Reel Attraction Slots Machine, Eddie (30 August ). "How The Witcher 3's Amazing Music and Sound Effects Were Made". GameSpot. Archived from the original on 1 January Retrieved 20 September
  60. ^Biessener, Adam (4 February ). "March Cover Revealed: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt". Game Informer, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Archived from the original on 15 April
  61. ^Kato, Matthew (21 February ). "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Confirmed For PlayStation 4". Game Informer. Archived from the original on 25 October
  62. ^Langshaw, Mark (10 June ). "'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' confirmed for Xbox One - E3 ". Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 22 September
  63. ^"Release Date of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – An Open Letter". CD Projekt Red. 11 March Archived from the original on 23 January
  64. ^ abKarmali, Luke (8 December ). "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt release date delayed again". IGN. Archived from the original Wild Witches Short Game Guide 29 March
  65. ^McWhertor, Michael (5 June ). "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt coming Feb. 24, in standard and collector's editions", Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Polygon. Archived from the original on 20 January
  66. ^Kato, Matthew (16 April ). "The Witcher 3: Wild Witches Short Game Guide Hunt Has Gone Gold". Game Informer. Archived from the original on 16 April
  67. ^"NAMCO BANDAI to promote The Witcher 3 in Australia and New Zealand". CD Projekt. 16 January Archived from the original on 11 June
  68. ^"NAMCO BANDAI to distribute The Witcher 3 in Western Europe". CD Projekt, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Wild Witches Short Game Guide October Archived from the original on 11 June
  69. ^Struan, John (6 June ). "Here's The $ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition". Kotaku. Archived from the original on 1 January Retrieved 11 November
  70. ^Makuch, Eddie (11 June ). "E3 The Witcher 3 Is Coming To Nintendo Switch". GameSpot. Archived from the original on 11 June Retrieved 11 June
  71. ^"Cyberpunk preview and interview – Wild Witches Short Game Guide just love my work!'". Metro. 17 June Archived from the original on 17 June Retrieved 17 June
  72. ^Torbet, Georgina (20 August ). "'The Witcher 3' comes to the Switch on October 15th". Engadget. Archived from the original on 26 August Retrieved 21 August
  73. ^Davies, Paul (19 August ), Wild Witches Short Game Guide. "Hands On: We've Played Witcher 3 On Nintendo Switch, And It's A Work Of Magic". Nintendo Life. Archived from the original on 2 October
  74. ^ abLeone, Snow Mania Slots Machine (18 March ). "The Witcher 3 developer on talking to fans: 'The worst thing is silence'". Polygon. Archived from the original on 18 March
  75. ^Crawley, Dan (29 May ). "Don't see the '3' in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's logo? There's a good reason for that". GamesBeat. Archived from the original on 20 September
  76. ^"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Wild Witches Short Game Guide DLC Announcement – www.enthralaviation.com". www.enthralaviation.com. CD Projekt. 6 November Archived from the original on 8 November
  77. ^Krupa, Daniel (7 April ). "2 "Massive" Expansions Announced for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt". IGN. Archived from the original on 7 April
Источник: [www.enthralaviation.com]

The Witcher 3 - Hunting a Witch, Midcopse, Blackbough, eavesdropping, witch's hut, Keira

This page covers Hunting a Witch, Midcopse, Blackbough, eavesdropping, witch's hut, Keira. If you're looking for more assistance, our Witcher 3 walkthrough can help.

In order to find the witch, you need to make your way to the village of Midcopse. Climb the cellar ladder and leave the hut, mounting your horse once you're outside. Make sure that the Hunting a Witch quest is selected, then begin your journey through the woods to the south-west, following the objective marker on your mini-map. Note the small cluster of buildings on your map between Heatherton and your destination. This is Blackbough and you can find a blacksmith and a shopkeeper here if you're in need of provisions.

Hunting a Witch

Once you reach the bustling village of Midcopse, take some time to explore. The armourer has an interesting selection of goods, including two cryptic maps, a range of master and common crafting components, some diagrams, magic items and some pretty decent armour. The nearby merchant, meanwhile, can offer up new Gwent Cards, Horse Blinders to reduce your steed's Fear level, a Saddlebag to increase your maximum inventory weight, plus other treats.

Finish shopping and start exploring the village. Once you've located Diamond Dragon slot free demo game woman sweeping the path outside the blue hut, engage her in conversation.

Talk 5 Knights Slots Machine the peasant who visits the witch often

When you're ready, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, walk around to the right side of the blue hut and speak to the peasant leaning against the fence (note that you can also pop inside the hut and do some looting first if you so choose). To get more information from him, you can either cross his palm with gold or attempt to influence his mind, provided that you have the necessary cash or skills. If you don't have either, don't worry - there's an alternative means to secure the information you need.

Eavesdrop on Wild Witches Short Game Guide gossiping ladies

Keep your distance from the gossiping ladies, so they don't see you eavesdropping

Look for the long building to Million Cents slot gratis demo spel south of the village by the road and locate the two woman gossiping in the yard. Hang back and wait for the conversation to end. When it's over, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, you should have all the information you need to locate the witch - and it didn't cost you a thing!

:: Pokémon Sword and Shield walkthrough and guide

Find the pond by the village

Follow the objective marker until you reach the pond on the outskirts of the village. Once your objective changes to read 'Find the lone boulder', follow the new marker to your next destination. Continue onwards until you reach the witch's hut (or, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, alternatively, switch back to the 'Talk to the peasant who visits the witch Child of Wealth Slots Machine quest marker - the peasant in question is now standing by the witch's abode). However you reach your goal, a short cut-scene will play on your arrival.

Our Witcher 3 walkthrough and guide can help you with the main story, including the Wandering in the Dark and Family Matters missions, and eventually, one of several Witcher 3 endings. There's plenty of side content, too, including Witcher 3 Contracts, White Orchard quests, Velen quests, Novigrad quests and Skellige Isles quests. Elsewhere, learn about the best Witcher 3 builds, the best Witcher 3 mods, how to make money in Witcher 3, find Places of Power locations, and learn how to do Witcher 3 crafting and Witcher 3 Alchemy And when you're done with all those - we can help you through expansions with our Hearts of Stone walkthrough and Blood and Wine walkthrough.

Find the witch's hut

Talk to the witch in the hut

As soon as you're ready, enter the hut to learn that the witch has disappeared.

Search the hut using your Witcher Senses

There's plenty to investigate inside the building, so activate your Witcher Senses and start looking around. Of particular note are the Recipe for Black Eyeliner sitting on the stool near the bed, the Letter to Alexander next to the trapdoor, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, and the trapdoor itself. Open the latter and head down to secure some more loot, including the Albedo and Hanged Man's Venom manuscript pages. When you're done in the cellar, climb back up to the main floor and examine the skull on the nearby shelf, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Once the portal opens, head on through.

Find the witch

On the other side of the portal, follow the small dirt path forward and begin climbing the spiralling stone steps. Once you locate Keira the witch, work your way through the various conversation options to learn more about the elven stranger and Ciri.

- Our walkthrough continues with a step-by-step guide to completing The Witcher 3 - Wandering in the Dark.

- For the rest of our Witcher 3 walkthrough, head back to the index page of this article.

Источник: [www.enthralaviation.com]

Nine Witches: Family Disruption Trophy Guide

Part 4

-enter House 5, go outside, exit the Town
-go to the Market and talk to Schmidt
-exit the area and go to the Church, enter the Church, ask all questions, investigate and interact with the Seated Nun
-switch K, use AP, investigate and interact with the 2 Stains, Bell, and Painting
-switch to A, try to exit the Door near the Altar
-exit the Church, exit the area

-go to the Town, to the Brewery, talk to Margit Ness, talk to Olav, exit the building
-go to House 2 (Store), ring the Service Bell, talk to him, exit the building
-use the Key on House 1, go inside, pick up the Blackberries, exit
-go to the Church, enter the Church, switch to K, use AP, enter the Door near the Altar to get to the Bell Tower
-investigate Marcel, Wire, and the Skeleton, talk to Soul, ask all questions
-switch to A, go through the Door to the Bell Tower, Hot Roulette Wolf Run Slots Machine Marcel, Wire, and Skeleton, exit Wild Witches Short Game Guide the Stairs, exit the Church, exit the area

-go to Cabin 1, talk to the Old Man (Anton) to the far right
-go to the left of his cabin and pickup Corn Kernels
-Investigate all the Remains
-talk to the old Man, tell him, “that 5 Chickens died, not 9”
-go to Cabin 2, spread the Corn Kernels once, move slightly away from them, when the Hen 1 puts its head down, from behind interact with the Hen 1 to catch it
-return to Cabin 1, go to the Hen House, use the Hen 1 on it to put it inside the Hen House
-pick up more Corn Kernels and exit the area

-go to the Forest and spread the Corn Kernels once and then catch Hen 2, return it to the Hen House at Cabin 1, pick up more Corn Kernels
-return to the Forest, go left to the second area, now go to the middle left area to walk to the next area
-spread Corn Wild Witches Short Game Guide once and catch Hen 3, return it to the Hen House at Cabin 1, pick up more Corn Kernels
-go to the area where Hen 3 was, go left to the next area and spread Corn Kernels once, catch Hen 4
-kill the Dead Creatures, go back to Cabin Ancient Idols Slots Machine to return Hen 4 to the Hen House
-go into the Cabin, talk to Anton

-go to the Forest, try to pick up the Three-Testicled Salmon, follow the Cat (earn Scared to the Bones Trophy)
-follow the Cat to the Hidden Trail and enter it
-stop at the Death Sign, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, switch to K, use AP, investigate the Skeletons, Lever, Plastic Bag, and Hanging Plants in this area, switch to A
-move slightly to pickup the Three Testicled Salmon, exit the Forest area

-go to the Town, go to the Brewery, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, talk to Olav, talk to Herbert and ask ,” for a cold beer, bartender.”, pick up the Beer, exit the Brewery
-go to the Store, ring the Service Bell, ask for, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, “Steel Wire Cutters (Pliers)” &#; costs 29 Coins, ask for, “we need to buy a Shovel” &#; costs 60 Coins
-exit the Store, exit the Town, go to Cabin 1
-go inside the Cabin and pick up the Purple Book
-go to the Town, inside the Brewery, and deposit the Purple Book in the Flammenbuch, earn 45 Coins
-go to the Store, ring the Service Bell, buy the Pliers to cut the Steel Wire
-go to the Church, inside the Church, to the Bell Tower, use the Pliers on the Wire and release the Skeleton, exit Wild Witches Short Game Guide Bell Tower, pick up the 5 Bones and the Bone Bits
-exit Elf and Safety Slots Machine Church, deposit the 5 Bones in the Pit outside the Church (Left leg, Thorax(chest), Right Arm, Right Leg, Left arm.)
-go to Cabin 1 and receive the Healing Ointment from Anton
-go to the Church, to the Bell Tower, use the Healing Ointment on Marcel, go downstairs
-kill the Guard and the Dead Creatures
-talk to Olav and Margit Ness
-pick up the Coins on the table indian casinos in michigan you have 44 Coins)

-go to the Farm
-switch to K, use AP, go inside the House
-investigate the Gas Can, Trousers, Bed, German Officer, Polar Bear, switch to A
-investigate the Hay Cart, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, interact with it, obtain a Needle, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, exit the Farm
-go to the Town, enter House 5 and get the Permit for the Festival, go to the Wardrobe and pick up the Compass, exit the house
-exit the Town, go to Eastern Bridge
-give the Permit to the German Officer
-talk to the next German Guard
-earn Part 4 Trophy

Источник: [www.enthralaviation.com]

New to The Wild Darkness game? Let&#;s have a look at our The Wild Darkness walkthrough guide packed with tips, cheats & strategies

The Wild Darkness Walkthrough Guide

The Wild Darkness Walkthrough Guide, Tips, Cheats & Strategy: &#; 

Published by PoPeyed, The Wild Darkness is a mobile survival game where you pick a character and explore a large map full of hidden dungeons, bosses, enemies, and resources. The game challenges you to survive for as many days as you can. Everything about the game is great except the information it gives to the beginner is quite short with little to no use, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. This The Wild Darkness walkthrough guide aims to help beginner getting started in the game and survive for a long time! We have also added a bunch of The Wild Darkness tips, cheats & strategies that you would love to read! So, let&#;s not waste any time and get straight to the walkthrough guide: &#; 

The Wild Darkness Walkthrough Guide

Getting Started In The Wild Darkness Game

(1) The first thing that we recommend to do is save the account progress to the cloud &#; if you uninstall the game, you will lose the progress. On the main menu screen of the game, tap Settings, and choose to save cloud; use the Google Play Games account or create a player account.

(2) The second thing that we would like to share is about the character; not all the characters are unlocked at the very beginning; all of them have unqiue stats and strengths. The first character is the adventurer, the free one. You can unlock the next one; Warrior, with x star gems. Use this The Wild Darkness coupon code to get free x star gems. 

(3) You can equip totems to the character and increase the base stats. Totems are available in multiple grades; normal, rare, epic, and legendary. You can get them from the remains(shop) or when the character dies in the game, you can open its remain with the keys(you get free keys daily). 

(4) You can earn free star gems by opening the character remains, using the coupon codes, by completing the achievements. 

(5) Login daily and you will get x1 revival ankh at certain days. This is one of the precious items in the game that can revive the main character when it falls dead!

Walkthrough To &#;The Beginnings&#; In The Wild Darkness

(Walkthrough 1: Light Tablet)

The Wild Darkness Walkthrough Guide

(1) Right after you spawn on the map, start gathering these resources; food, branches, and fint. With these materials, you can craft a stone knife, stone axe, and a stone pickaxe. Craft x2 stone knives as soon as possible and equip Wild Witches Short Game Guide the main weapon in both hands; right and left. Tap the bag button in the top-right corner -> tap the stone knife -> choose the main weapon slots in the lower-left corner. You can equip gathering tools or torch to the secondary weapon slots. 

(2) Your starting location in The Wild Darkness game is Forest Entrance It has three main spots; Strange Forest-1, Desolate Meadow-1, and Suspicious Dungeon Entrance. Tap on the map button in the lower-left corner -> this will open the map; if it&#;s mostly black &#; then it Wild Witches Short Game Guide that you have not explored it much. As you explore, the black fog disappears from the map. 

So the first thing that we would like to suggest in this walkthrough part is to explore and discover all Slot of Money Slots Machine three locations; Suspicious Dungeon, Desolate Meadow, and Strange Forest 

To make your way to Strange Forest-1, you will need to break the boulder; craft a stone pickaxe. To make your way to Desolate Meadow-1, you will need to remove crumbled stones using a shovel. But, before that, visit the Suspicious Dungeon. 

(3) Once you have knives equipped and some resources in the bag; bandages, food, etc., enter the Suspicious Dungeon. You can easily beat those enemies there &#; defeat them and get the key to the next floors. It has two floors; explore complete and you will find the way to the boss location through floor 2. 

(4) Defeat the boss in Suspicious Dungeon and you will get Mana Mote. Explore further in that location and you will find another dungeon room; there would be an item called: Light Tablet there, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Pick it up and go back to the forest entrance 

(5) While in the forest entrance-1, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, find the Rune of Light. Repair it using the light tablet that you found in Suspicious Dungeon. Once it&#;s repaired, you will get blueprints and access to new facilities such as; workbench, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, armor Deuces Wild Poker 4 Hand Slots Machine, weapon bench, apprentices&#; desk, etc. Also, a basket, arrows; wooden and stone, goblin&#;s boots. 

(6) Build a workbench to craft items such as rope and stones. Build a basket to manage inventory; you may want to place the useful stuff safe in the basket. Upgrade the workbench; you will need machinery, branches, and rock. Once it&#;s level 2, you can craft a shovel and remove crumbled stones that block your way to Desolate Meadow 

So that would be in this The Wild Darkness walkthrough to The Beginning. We will post more walkthroughs later. 

Tips For Survival In The Wild Darkness

Make sure to have enough resources in the backpack to craft essential tools because they can break once their durability reaches 0, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. You can use the workbench to repair the tools.

Have a torch in Million Cents slot gratis demo spel night as shadow monsters get an advantage in the battles during the night. 

Build a campfire and use it to restore the main character&#;s health. 

Explore and find water, food. Use campfire to cook food; tap the torch crafting option in the lower-left corner -> fire/camping -> campfire -> place it -> tap it -> choose to cook or sleep. 

Don&#;t get into a fight if you are low on HP. Always watch your stats at the top. 

Keep exploring and you will find lots of hidden and secret items; could be clothes, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, items, magical items, resources, and more. 

Leveling the main character: at the bottom, see that green gauge? When it fills completely, you level up. Gain EXP by gathering the items, slaying down the enemies. 

Getting Totems And Blueprints In The Wild Darkness

In The Wild Darkness game, you can get totems and blueprints from the remains. Go to the main screen of the game. Tap &#;open remains&#. There are three that Wild Witches Short Game Guide can open; old collapsed remains can be opened by watching a video ad. For the rest two, you can use star gems. 

Duplicate totems can be used in enhancing/upgrading. Go to the character menu -> my totems -> there you can enhance the totems. 

Login Daily To Earn Free Items

Every day you log in to the game, you get free stuff; star gems, and revival ankh. Use star gems to open quality remains and get better tier blueprints and totems. 

Also, see &#; The Wild Darkness Coupon Code

So that&#;s all in this post on The Wild Darkness walkthrough, guide, tips, cheats, and strategies for beginners. More walkthroughs and info will be added later. 

Do you love playing mobile games? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel &#; Gaming Soul for new mobile game videos. For More Updates, Game News, Game Guides, New Game Releases, And ALERTS &#; Like Us On Facebook &#; Gaming Soul, Follow Us On Twitter &#; Gaming Soul. Check Out &#; Best mobile games. Do you have any suggestions? Submit Here

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Categories Game GuidesИсточник: [www.enthralaviation.com]

A guide to the new fairy companion in Black Desert Online.


Getting Started

Fairy Queen Wild Witches Short Game Guide start the Fairy companion quest Feng Kuang Ma Jiang Slots Machine will need Celtic Football Club Slots Machine be level 52 and take the quest Fairy Queen Theiah from your Black Spirit (suggestions tab). Make sure you have completed [Boss] Witch-Hunting as well.


This quest will take you to the Kamasylvia temple in Mediah. You will want to make sure you have 2x Cooking Honey in your inventory when you go visit her as it make the next step of the quest much easier. Cooking Honey can be obtained from the Alejandro Farm node right by Heidel.

Sweet Honey, a Source of Power

Hand the 2x Cooking Honey to her and then pick up the next quest. She will, give you 1x Sweet Honey Jar.

Into the Sweet Honey Jar

For this you just need to go to the quest location and interact with the Unstable Crevice.


Laila’s Scattered Petals

This part will be the worst quest for getting the fairy as this quest is fairly tedious. You will need Laila’s Petals and there are two ways to get Wild Witches Short Game Guide. First method is to get it via Wild Witches Short Game Guide which has a very low chance. Alternatively, you can make it via alchemy by making the Special Honey Jar first.

Alchemy Pathway

This step is currently a bit bugged as people are unable to find Unstable Crevices in the wild. You are better off doing the grinding/gathering/fishing method.

To make Special Honey Jar via alchemy you will need to the following ingredients (make sure you are on the quest as well)

  • 2x Top-Quality Cooking Honey
  • 5x Fruit of Abundance
  • 1x Essence of Liquor
  • 2x Purified Water


Getting Top-Quality Cooking Honey is the most time consuming part. You will need to rent a Matchlock from the node manager at Balenos Forest. This costs 2 contrib points, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Then you need to go into the nearby Balenos Forest and shoot Wild Beehives, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. You will loot Wild Beehive from them and then grind via processing to make either Cooking Honey, High-Quality Cooking Honey or Top-Quality Cooking Honey. Top-Quality is a rare processing product and it is probably about 3% chance to get it so prepared to spend quite a bit of time shooting beehives. If the matchlock run out of charges just return to node manager to return it and get another one.


Fruit of Abundance can be obtained from gathering/farming sunflowers, strawberry, grape and onion. If you have been farming sunflowers you should have a ton of these. Otherwise try your luck gathering from sunflowers in Northern Wheat Plantation or grapes from Olvia.

Essence of Liquor is made from 1x Fruit, 1x Flour, and 1x Leavening Agent via cooking.

Purified Water is obtained by gathering river water with bottles purchased from material vendors and then filtering it.

Unstable Crevices: You are not able to use the Unstable Crevice from the previous quest so you will need to find one in the wild. However, so far no one has been able to locate one yet so this pathway cannot be completed. Finding a Crevice and interact with it will allow you to place the Special Honey Jar in the Crevice and get the Laila’s Petal.

Grinding/Fishing/Gathering Pathway

Much like other Wild Witches Short Game Guide items, anything you gather/kill/fish can drop it. The drop chance is fairly low and it may take you several hours to get it. However, it will let you skip the Unstable Crevices step.


Once you have the petal, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, return to Theiah

Mysterious Companion

This is the final quest in the series. It is a simple quest that give you a Sealed Fairy Wings as a result. This is a RNG Box that can give you one of many wings of different tiers.

Luckily if you did not get a Fairy of a good tier you can have a go at the daily recurring quest.


Managing Your Fairy

Once you have the fairy in your inventory, you can right click it and a window will pop up to register the fairy. Once the fairy is registered, it will have a special interface on the top left corner you can click to activate Fairy information, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. You will need to click the Summon button at the bottom right to take it out.


Fairy Tiers and Skills

Fairy comes in 4 tiers just like pets. Each tier controls how many levels the fairy can reach and how many skills it can Wild Witches Short Game Guide. Fairy will learn a new random skill every 10 levels. All fairy will come with default +1 luck.

  • Faint – Tier 1 – 10 levels (1 skill)
  • Glimmering – Tier 2 – 20 Levels (2 skills)
  • Brilliant – Tier 3 – 30 Levels (3 skills)
  • Radiant – Tier 4 – Wild Witches Short Game Guide levels (4 skills)

The skills it gains also range in levels from 1 to 5 that is determined randomly. Higher tier fairy will have a chance to get higher level skills with only tier 4 fairy able to get level 4+ skills.

  • The skill Fairy’s Tear does not recover a shattered crystal or trade goods or items that have had Enhancement degraded upon death. This skill cannot be used during Node/Conquest wars.



To increase your Fairy’s levels, you can feed it armor and weapons of green quality and above. The items cannot be enhanced. Click the Growth button and then click on the items in your inventory you would like to www.enthralaviation.com you receive a fairy of undesirable tier, Wild Witches Short Game Guide, it may not be a good idea to waste items to grow it.


Different items give different amount of growth XP.

  • Blazing Nouver/Kutum (special drops from new Drieghan area) &#; k
  • Dandelion/Kutum/Kzarka/Nouver/Boss Armor – k
  • Ultimate Awakening Weapons (yellow) –13k
  • Lemoria armor – k
  • Liverto/Blue Awakening Weapons – 3k
  • Ultimate armor/weapoons – k (with Rocaba/Rosar > Grunil/Yuria > Steel Taritas etc)
  • Black Spirit’s Claw – k
  • Blue/green armor/weapons (with Rocaba/Rosar > Grunil/Yuria > Steel Taritas etc)

If you want to go Cashing Rainbows Slots Machine P2W route, it is possible to purchase Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine from the Pearl Shop for pearls each or 11 for Pearls. These give similar XP to the Ultimate Awakening Weapons (yellow).



It is possible to Rebirth (reset all of fairy’s skill and levels to 1). However the Fairy must be at least level To Rebirth the Fairy you will need Fairy Queen’s Power, a pearl item which is not available on NA/EU Pearl shop yet.


Once your Fairy reach max level, it will have one chance for upgrade. However this is not yet in NA/EU. The upgrade chance is a percentage that can be affected by the amount of materials you place in it up to a maximum of %. Upgrading takes either Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine from the Pearl Shop (4% per wine) or Sweet Honey Wine crafted by cooking ( for % chance)

Sweet Honey Wine

  • 2x Top-Quality Cooking Honey
  • 4x Full-bodied Exotic Wine
  • 10x Sugar
  • 2x Fruits

If the upgrade fails, you can Rebirth it and relevel the fairy to try again.

Daily Quest

If you are not happy with the Fairy tier or Mystic Charm Dice Slots Machine skills you received. You can delete the Fairy and get another one via a daily quest, Wild Witches Short Game Guide. The daily quest is given by Theiah at the Kamasylvia Temple in Mediah. It will require Wild Witches Short Game Guide to get two Laila’s Petals.


To get another fairy, you must first release your current one. You will get a number of Fairy Powders proportional to your Fairy’s tier and level at time of the release.


Источник: [www.enthralaviation.com]


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